We can say with confidence that the pace of modern human life is quite fast and fussy. Sometimes it’s impossible to be in time always and everywhere, work, home, everyday routine. And if there is an opportunity and desire to please yourself and your loved ones with dishes from restaurants and cafes, order goods to your doorstep, then courier services in the city of Krasnoyarsk will help you with this.
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Courier services are not only convenient, but also fast. It allows you to place an order with just one click on the site, or through a phone call, without leaving your apartment or office.
Let's talk about the pros and cons of this service:
So, the pros are as follows:
The organization provides services for the delivery of goods to both private customers and legal entities (enterprises). Guarantees the fulfillment of obligations on time, in integrity and safety. Polite service staff will provide advice and answer all questions.
Located at:
Krasnoyarsk, st. Vesny, 1
☎+7 391 288-85-55
To order: pelican-k.ru
Opening hours: daily from 9.00 to 22.00 hours.
In social networks: in contact
The company will timely and efficiently deliver ready-made hot and second courses, pizza, salads, sushi, rolls, soups and barbecue, as well as bouquets of fresh flowers.
The partners and clients of the Pelican organization are:
About cost:
The company delivers Subito pizza, the cost of the service is 150 rubles. When ordering two or more, delivery is free.
The cost of delivery from restaurants and cafes with an order amount of 1000 to 2000 rubles. - is 190 rubles. If the order amount is from 2000 rubles. and above - the service is provided free of charge.
The company has been on the market for providing services since 2000. Works for the benefit of people, providing a wide range of services for fast and high-quality delivery.The service is constantly working to improve the level of service, introduces new technologies, and effectively uses internal potential and external resources.
The organization has branches not only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in other states. The organization guarantees an affordable and reliable service to its customers. Will deliver goods and cargo for stores and their customers in the city of Krasnoyarsk. The firm cooperates with many foreign firms which are engaged in wholesale and retail trade. The service will deliver goods from Europe, the USA and China.
In addition, you can arrange the service of fast delivery of goods and cargo. This is convenient and customers can arrange delivery on the day of ordering.
Located at:
st. Surikova, 12/6, Krasnoyarsk,
☎+7 391 205-33-72
How to place an order:
The organization is engaged in the delivery of parcels, cargo and correspondence. Delivery is carried out throughout the city and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as to neighboring regions of Russia.
Located at:
Krasnoyarsk, st. Airport terminal, 22/4
☎+7 391 242-06-97
Addresses and contacts of the company's branches:
st. Glinka, 51 "g" ☎+7 (933) 999-06-97
Ave. Krasnoyarsk worker, 160 building 1 room 119 ☎+7 (963) 957-99-97.
st. Kalinina, 73a st.2 ☎+7 (391) 242-06-97
Website: www.krasmolnya.ru
Organization in social networks: VKontakte
Opening hours: daily from 8.00 to 22.00.
If you need to urgently and efficiently deliver valuable documents and things, parcels and cargo, feel free to contact the company. Orders are accepted daily, delivery is possible at a certain time and is carried out not only on the territory of Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, but also around the world.
Located at:
Krasnoyarsk, st. Red Army, 15
☎+7 391 204-02-49
The company provides services for the delivery of goods and mail, is engaged in air cargo transportation. An adequate pricing policy and a responsible approach to fulfilling our obligations attracts more clients and customers every day.
Located at:
Krasnoyarsk, st. TV, 4 "g".
☎+7 391 290-02-96
Opening hours: daily from 09:00 to 19:00.
Days off: Saturday, Sunday.
The Boxberry service has been providing services for the delivery of goods, goods and correspondence for quite a long time. Branches successfully work in many regions of Russia, the city of Krasnoyarsk is no exception. Services are provided to residents of Russia comfortably, promptly, and most importantly at an affordable cost.The main goal of the service is to reduce the worries of people about the delivery of their parcels and letters, simplifying as much as possible both the sending process and the receiving process.
Every day, the number of Boxberry branches in the city is increasing, today there are 13 branches in Krasnoyarsk. New branches are opened at the following addresses:
Krasnoyarsk, st. Lenina, 26;
st. Vesny, 11 and st. Academician Karensky, 56 a.
Company values:
A friendly and professional team works to achieve common goals and implement various interesting ideas. Relations with partners are open and transparent. The company appreciates feedback and is grateful for objective criticism from customers. The organization provides a stable and high quality of its services, strictly fulfills its obligations, satisfying the wishes of customers. The Boxberry service is open to constructive suggestions and ideas to help the organization grow and develop.
Located at:
Krasnoyarsk, st. B.Z. Shumyatsky, 2 a
Opening hours: daily from 10.00 to 20.00 hours.
Days off - Saturday, Sunday.
The company has been providing modern services for the transportation of goods and cargo for many years, both in Russia and around the world.
Located at:
Krasnoyarsk, st. TV, 4.
☎+7 391 290-02-96
☎ 8 800 250 46 42 — free call within Russia
Fax: (391) 290-04-92
Website: http://www.garantpost.ru
List of company services:
About cost:
In the city: from 360 to 400 rubles;
By region: from 520 to 560 rubles;
For many years the company has been engaged in courier delivery of goods and correspondence across the territory of the Russian Federation, the Customs Union and abroad. This service is a leader in the implementation of modern technologies and delivery services.
A universal approach to work, the availability of various modes of transport allow us to develop separate delivery routes, achieve high delivery speeds and meet customer needs.
The network of the company's own offices is quite wide, which allows employees to control the movement of goods, cargo and correspondence at all stages of its journey.
Location of the organization:
Krasnoyarsk, st.Molokova, 16 office 350
☎+7(391) 223-02-01, 278-35-69
Opening hours: Monday - Friday from 9.00 to 18.00, Saturday from 9.00 to 16.00. Day off - Sunday
The company specializes in express delivery in the city, Krasnoyarsk Territory, and other cities of the Russian Federation.
The service provides comprehensive services for online stores.
Located at:
Krasnoyarsk, Mira Ave., 30 office 313, 3rd floor.
☎ +7 391 214-43-80
Official site: vesexpress.ru
The company provides postal services, courier service. Engaged in express delivery of documents, sending letters.
Location of the organization:
Krasnoyarsk, st. Molokova, 10, office 4
☎+7 (391) 253-63-53
Working hours: from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 19.00 hours, days off - Saturday, Sunday.
The TNT Express organization is engaged in: international freight transportation, air cargo transportation, express delivery and mail.
Parcels and documents will be delivered by TNT Express employees quickly, and most importantly, at the lowest price!
Location of the organization:
Krasnoyarsk, st. Spring, 25
☎ +7 (391) 219-01-11 ☎+7 (391) 241-38-22
Website: www.tnt.ru
Opening hours: daily from 9.00 to 18.00. Days off - Saturday, Sunday.
The organization has established itself as the most affordable service in terms of prices and conditions, which will promptly bring hot dishes to the doorstep of your home or office. This is a great opportunity to taste delicious dishes without leaving home. On the company's website it is simple and easy to place an order, you can also use a phone call to order.
Location of the organization:
Krasnoyarsk, st. Baturina, 15
☎+7 391 209-08-08
Website: rozmarin-24.ru
VK page: https://vk.com/rozmarin24
Opening hours: daily from 10.00 to 24.00 hours.
The time for placing an order is from 11.00 to 22.00 hours.
You can order ready-made hot dishes, salads, soups, rolls and sushi.
The principles of the company are speed and availability. A polite courier will promptly bring delicious dishes from restaurants and cafes, the goods are provided in a safe and convenient package. Hot and warm dishes are transported in special thermal bags, the dishes will retain their original taste and aroma. Service partners are popular restaurants and cafes in the city of Krasnoyarsk, including the New York, Big Yorker, Bangkok, Boho cafe-bar.
Prices for the provision of services are affordable, in addition, a system of discounts and various interesting offers has been developed.
Service couriers will bring hot dishes and salads, burgers, rolls and sushi.
Location of the organization:
Krasnoyarsk, st. Uritskogo, 94, Theater Square.
☎ +7 (391) 219-01-01
Working hours: from Sunday to Thursday from 10.00 to 23.30, from Friday to Saturday from 10.00 to 01.30.
You can leave your feedback and wishes: E-mail:
The organization has been operating in the catering industry since 2005. The network includes 26 canteens, a friendly and close-knit team works for the benefit of people, the total number of which is more than 500 people. Since 2015, the company began to provide services for the delivery of ready-made meals from the network of canteens “Elephant Eat”.
The company clearly follows its motto, which sounds like this: "Quick, tasty, home-style", will save you from the worries associated with cooking, you just need to place an order, and the company's courier will do the rest.
Location of the organization:
Krasnoyarsk, 9 May st., 20, room 36
☎+7 (391) 234-7-200, ☎270-5-507,☎+7 (902) 919-60-90
The organization is engaged in the delivery of ready-made meals from city restaurants, flowers and bouquets, confectionery products, other products, and also provides other courier services.
Krasnoyarsk, st. Alekseeva, 115
☎ 219-28-88
working hours: around the clock.
website — vsemdostavka.ru
Every day there are more and more companies and organizations that are engaged in logistics services and transportation of goods and cargo.Do not lag behind and delivery services of goods and products from shops and catering establishments. A person quickly gets used to comfort, and for a separate group of buyers, it is the delivery service that inclines to buy goods from a given company, manufacturer or store. Often people are not even afraid of additional expenses, in exchange for fuss with documents and delivery. This, of course, is convenient, and when a person looks for the necessary organization that provides this range of services, he certainly analyzes experience in this area and positive reviews.
We hope that the material in the article will help you quickly select the necessary service and place an order without fear!