
  1. Which laxative drug is better to choose
  2. Ranking of the best laxatives for 2022
Ranking of the best laxatives for 2022

Ranking of the best laxatives for 2022

Choosing a laxative drug is not as easy as it seems. The ubiquitous advertising promises to quickly get rid of the problem in just one application, but it is important to take into account many factors in order not to harm your health and not cause addiction to the drug. Next, we will consider different types of laxatives and their action, so that each reader can choose exactly the drug that suits him.

Which laxative drug is better to choose

In case of gastrointestinal poisoning, rare constipation in people of different ages, specialists recommend osmotic preparations for use. They retain water in the intestines and thereby increase the osmotic pressure, which contributes to the rapid movement of feces out. These medications work for 1-2 hours after being taken, but may cause loose stools or nausea.

If constipation is constant with age-related atonic changes in the intestines or due to prolonged use of medications, then plant fibers, diphenyl, anthraglycosides will help - all those drugs that help soften the feces in the intestines and bring it out. When taking such drugs, a course of treatment is necessary and relief comes after 7-8 hours - you can take it at night.

With such a painful problem as hemorrhoids, it is absolutely impossible to use fast-acting drugs for constipation, as this will only increase pain and cause tissue ruptures with bleeding. In this case, it is better to use medicines based on plant fibers or prebiotics.

Women who are pregnant at any time should not use antraglycoside or osmotic laxatives. Therefore, it is better to use products with lactulose, which will not harm either the mother or the child and at the same time restore timely bowel movements very well.

Ranking of the best laxatives for 2022

The best laxatives that act on the receptors of the intestinal mucosa

Agents containing anthraglycosides and diphenols act on the intestinal receptor apparatus and can cause defecation 7-8 hours after ingestion.

These drugs do not interfere with the absorption of nutrients and vitamins in the intestines, so they can be used repeatedly for chronic constipation. The main disadvantage of taking such drugs is the appearance of gas formation in the intestines and addiction.

Dulcolax, Boehringer Ingelheim International GNBH (Germany)

Tablets in the shell "Dulcolax" from a German manufacturer contain 5 mg of the active ingredient bisacodyl and various technical components. This drug is often prescribed for hypotension of the colon and prolonged constipation, as well as for instrumental examination of the intestine or preparation for surgery, including children from 4 years of age.

The safe daily dose is 1-2 tablets for children over 10 years of age and adults.

Since the drug contains a small amount of beeswax and castor bean seed oil (castor oil), with continuous use, negative phenomena such as loose stools, intestinal cramps or dizziness are possible.

Dulcolax, Boehringer Ingelheim International GNB
  • non-aggressive, mild impact;
  • achieving results within 6-8 hours after administration;
  • can be taken in courses;
  • recommended for children over 4 years old;
  • contraindications are rare;
  • very democratic price.
  • cannot be used during pregnancy;
  • may cause habituation.

It is best to take Dulcolax just before bed to get the desired effect in the morning.


A very effective laxative preparation, in the form of film-coated tablets, made from senna. Approved for use by children over 2 years of age and adults. The drug enhances the movement of feces 6-12 hours after the first dose. Children 2 to 12 years of age may take 1 tablet once or twice daily. Adults 1 to 4 tablets in one or two doses for severe constipation.

If you exceed the indicated dosage of the drug, it can cause vomiting, allergies, cramps in the intestines and stomach.

It is also not recommended to use Senocot in pregnant women, because it can cause miscarriage and uterine bleeding.

People with cardiovascular disease should take this laxative with caution and only after consulting their doctor.

  • natural composition based on senna;
  • can be taken in courses for a long time;
  • subject to the dose indicated in the instructions, minimal side effects;
  • long-term action;
  • recommended for children from 2 years old.
  • should not be used by pregnant women.

Senokot is one of the most natural laxatives with mild action recommended for chronic constipation.

Gerbion Laksana, KRKA d.d. (Slovenia)

Herbion Laxana is a natural laxative in the form of tablets containing the active ingredient - 33.5 mg of senna. The effect of the drug gives a result already 8 hours after the initial application.

It is best to take 1-2 tablets before going to bed. The drug can be taken in courses for no more than two weeks. If constipation persists, it is best to consult a doctor.

This drug can be taken by children over 12 years of age, but possible negative side effects in the form of possible addiction should be taken into account.

Herbion Laksana, KRKA d.d.
  • natural eco-friendly composition;
  • very delicate effect;
  • well suited for course treatment;
  • in recommended doses almost no harmful effects;
  • low cost.
  • may be addictive if taken for a very long time;
  • should not be used by pregnant women.

Attention! Herbion Laksana categorically cannot be used after abdominal operations, complete or partial intestinal obstruction, various diseases of the stomach in the acute stage for pregnant women. When using, strictly follow the exact dosage to avoid such negative phenomena as: stomach pain, loose stools, allergies and possible dehydration.

Best osmotic laxatives

The principle of action of osmotic laxatives is based on the attraction of water from cells with the help of a salt derivative. With this effect, the volume of what is in the intestine increases, its walls are stimulated to contract, the masses become softer and come out freely.
With the help of such funds, a quick effect is achieved, but they should not be taken for a long time. Otherwise, the salt balance will be disturbed, which can lead to the fact that the body will be dehydrated.

Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory "Lavakol"

With the help of granules used to prepare a solution containing macrogol and salts, they increase the osmotic pressure in the intestine. Granules also give the effect of peristalsis.

The drug should be taken by adults if there is irregular constipation. Dosage: 2 sachets per day.After 1-3 hours after administration, a laxative effect occurs, the duration of which can reach up to 2 days. The remedy is not recommended for minors if there is dehydration or a stomach ulcer, heart failure or intestinal obstruction.

The drug prescribed by the doctor is used for a maximum of 1 month. It is not recommended to use it on its own for more than 2 days. Do not use the drug when the patient is pregnant or breastfeeding.

Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory "Lavakol"
  • taking the drug once, side effects can be avoided;
  • quick achievement of the effect;
  • suitable for use before surgery or for X-ray examination.

Cost: 200 rubles.

  • clinical data on the safety of the substance in the formulation are scarce.

A large dose close to the maximum may be prescribed by a specialist when preparing a patient for surgery or examination, when it is necessary that the intestines be as empty as possible. It is optimal to take the remedy in 1-2 sachets, which is with infrequent constipation.

Valenta Pharm Exportal

An agent with an osmotic laxative effect is recommended for use if there are constipation, liver encephalopathy, and dysbacteriosis. Form of application - powders containing 500 g of lactitol monohydrate.

In the intestinal environment, an organic acid is obtained from the agent by transformation. With its help, the feces soften, they become larger and move away easily. The tool has not only a laxative effect. It is a stimulant in which acidophilus bacteria multiply, during which the intestinal microflora is normalized.

The drug can be taken by adults and children aged 1 year and older. The minimum dose per day is 5 g, the maximum can be taken 20 g of the substance. If the dosage is exceeded, the patient will experience diarrhea, dizziness and dehydration. Compared to other drugs, Exportal does not act immediately, but after 12-24 hours.

Valenta Pharm Exportal
  • the drug is given to children from 1 year;
  • it is prescribed before surgery or examination;
  • can be used in episodes;
  • effective remedy.
  • does not work immediately.

The drug is prescribed to eliminate constipation that occurs irregularly in a child, an adult in violation of the intestinal microflora.

The best laxatives with vegetable fibers

As part of these funds, a whole plant bouquet, consisting of cereals, fruits, plants containing fiber. They form fecal masses and ensure normal peristalsis in the intestines. These drugs do not cause danger when taken continuously in case of chronic constipation, they have a detox effect, are responsible for the normalization of microflora, preventing the appearance of stones that form in the gallbladder area.

PharmaMed Phytomucil Norm

For the manufacture of powder, crushed plum and psyllium seeds are used. These plants are rich in dietary fiber, which normalizes intestinal motility. In the body, it becomes a gel, softening the secretions, which are then painlessly removed from the body.

The drug is prescribed for children whose age has reached 3 years. It can be taken by pregnant women and the elderly, patients who are overweight, dysbacteriosis, obesity, hemorrhoids or chronic constipation.

The drug is taken on an ongoing basis, the dose is from 1 to 4 teaspoons, which are washed down with a glass of liquid before meals or at the end of it. Natural ingredients eliminate side effects. But you should not take the remedy if there is intestinal obstruction or acute inflammation or a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

PharmaMed Phytomucil Norm
  • prescribed in the complex treatment of obesity;
  • contains safe natural ingredients;
  • regular intake is possible;
  • contraindications are minimal;
  • has a mild laxative effect;
  • normalizes the intestinal microflora.
  • no immediate effect.

The remedy is suitable for everyone, as it is considered a safe addition to the diet and normalizes intestinal functions.

Evalar "Fibralax"

The product contains psyllium seeds. The dosage form is powder. Intermittent constipation can be treated in children, the elderly, and pregnant women.

Reception of the powder agent, packaged in individual packages, is carried out by 1 powder. The maximum number of receptions is 3 during the day. To cure symptomatic constipation, the remedy is taken for 2 days. Chronic constipation is treated within 4 weeks.

It is not recommended to take the drug if you have diabetes mellitus or allergic reactions to active substances. When taking the drug, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Evalar "Fibralax"
  • lasting effect;
  • reception can be carried out episodes and on an ongoing basis;
  • in the composition - plant components;
  • there are no side effects;
  • removal of feces without pain;
  • minimum contraindications.
  • the achievement of the effect is not immediately, but after 16-24 hours.

The tool painlessly removes feces with hemorrhoids or anal fissure.

Defi Healthcare Intestinorm

The product contains vegetable dietary fibers, which have a detoxifying effect and a mild laxative effect. The powder contains crushed plantain. The tool is suitable for the treatment of chronic constipation, allergies and pruritus, obesity.

The release form of the product is sachets, which provide a one-time intake. The powder is dissolved in 200 ml of liquid and drunk before or after meals, washed down with water. Such receptions during the day should be carried out 2-3.

The minimum age for receiving funds is 14 years. Can be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women. The tool not only stimulates peristalsis, it has antidiarrheal and anti-inflammatory effects.

The drug is a safe dietary supplement that has no side effects, but the drug should be avoided if there is intestinal obstruction or type 2 diabetes.

Defi Healthcare Intestinorm
  • there is no habituation;
  • as part of a component of plant origin;
  • contraindications are minimal;
  • prolonged action;
  • has a mild effect with relief.
  • no immediate effect.

The drug is used in the treatment of constipation in those patients who, for a number of reasons, cannot use synthetic agents.

Rating of the best emollient laxatives

These drugs improve peristalsis, help soften and remove feces, and reduce gas formation.

The main components of such drugs are glycerin and plant oils.They are used as needed, relieve discomfort with rare (not chronic) constipation.

Recommended in the postpartum period, patients who have had a heart attack or seriously ill (lying) patients.

Drugs can not be taken constantly, since the components in the composition slow down the absorption of nutrients, increase the risk of developing oncology of the gastrointestinal tract.


Rectal suppositories from the Russian pharmaceutical company MosPharma. Thanks to the glycerol in the composition, it softens the stool and simultaneously irritates the walls and stimulates intestinal motility. Acts quickly and effectively (after about 20 minutes).

The drug is indicated for use in all types of constipation, once as needed. The maximum period of use according to the indications of the attending physician is 7 days. Dosage - 1 suppository per day (if necessary, increase the dosage to 2).

Glycelax can not be used for hemorrhoids in the acute stage, tumors and inflammation of the rectum. And also during pregnancy, since stimulation of the uterus is possible.

  • quick effect;
  • predictable result over time;
  • has no side effects;
  • acceptable price.
  • no prolonged effect;
  • many contraindications.

Glycelax quickly and safely relieves unpleasant symptoms with occasional use. Regular use can lead to addiction, disruption of the natural process of defecation.

Candles Castor

Castor and cocoa butter are usually included in the composition of medicines intended for quick relief from poisoning, constipation. It is also used as a cleanser before medical diagnostic procedures.

Candles Castor from the pharmaceutical company "Materia Bio Profi Center" have an analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effect. The effect of the application occurs within half an hour.

Single dosage: 1-2 suppositories. Duration of application - no more than 3 days. The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, patients with chronic constipation, peptic ulcer, abdominal pain of unknown nature. And also with inflammation in the abdominal cavity, intestinal and uterine bleeding.

Candles Castor (10pcs)
  • quick help;
  • efficiency;
  • antispasmodic effect.
  • cannot be used permanently.

Castor suppositories are a drug that additionally has antimicrobial properties. It is used as an alternative to osmotic preparations in the preparation of the intestine for diagnostics and surgical interventions.

Laxatives with lactulose

Preparations with lactulose in the composition do not have a fast action, while normalizing bowel function. Influence the change in the flora of the colon, increase the number of lactobacilli. They do not irritate mucous membranes, do not interfere with the absorption of nutrients and are not addictive.

Suitable for pregnant women, because they do not increase the tone of the uterus.


Combined drug from JSC Otispharm. The main active ingredients are lactulose and simethicone. It normalizes the intestinal microflora, has a mild laxative effect, does not cause increased gas formation, unlike analogues.

Available in the form of a suspension, suitable for pregnant and lactating women, children. Patients with diabetes should consult with their doctor before taking. You can not use the drug for nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen of unclear theology.

Dosage for children - no more than 5 ml per day, adults - up to 45 ml. The duration of admission depends on the symptoms, age and is selected individually.

Prolonged excess of the recommended dosage can lead to dizziness, diarrhea, allergic reactions.

  • efficient and affordable;
  • can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • no addiction;
  • normalization of the intestines;
  • does not cause flatulence.
  • course reception is necessary for achievement of effect.

Dinolac is a drug that is indicated for chronic constipation, to alleviate the condition after surgical interventions.

Lactulose Forte

The combined complex with natural herbs in the composition of Evalar is available in the form of a sachet with a suspension for single use. It is recommended for increased gas formation, chronic constipation in adults and children from 3 years. Dosage - 1-2 sachets per day. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

Ingredients: lactulose, lactitol, fennel and chamomile extracts. The combination of medicinal herbs and lactulose provides anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, carminative action. Helps soften feces, improves peristalsis, does not violate the natural intestinal microflora.

The effect of the application usually occurs on the 2nd day and persists after discontinuation of the drug.

Lactulose Forte
  • combined, safe composition;
  • complex, therapeutic effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • long-term action;
  • easy-to-receive format;
  • suitable for children.
  • not suitable for rapid relief of symptoms.

Lactulose Forte is a prebiotic that has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, with an additional laxative effect.Suitable as an additional tool in the complex treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as for preventive purposes.

The best drugs for the treatment of constipation in children

Increased gas formation, colic and constipation are common symptoms that cause pain and discomfort to babies.

The choice of laxatives for infants and children under 3 years of age must be approached responsibly. Drugs should not provoke addiction, the consequence of which is lazy bowel syndrome.

Self-medication for frequent or chronic constipation in babies is dangerous and requires a visit to a doctor. And the following drugs will help to quickly relieve pain in case of episodic problems with the intestines.

Johnson&Johnson Microlax

Microclysters for children from Johnson & Johnson are indicated for use in children from the first days of life. Quickly and effectively relieve pain associated with constipation.

The drug is available in the form of a solution, used rectally. Ingredients: sorbitol, sodium citrate, sodium lauryl sulfoacetate.

The active substances stimulate the flow of fluid into the intestines, which helps soften the stool and, as a result, painless discharge 10-15 minutes after the procedure.

Microlax is a quick help to the baby. Has no contraindications and side effects. It is not recommended to use the drug for more than 2 days without consulting a doctor.

  • rapid relief of symptoms;
  • suitable for babies from the first days of life;
  • has no side effects;
  • provides quick and painless bowel movements.
  • should not be used regularly without medical advice.

Microlax is suitable as an emergency aid for babies. Gives a quick positive effect, relieving pain and colic.

Syrup Pomogusha

Sweet syrup from the Russian manufacturer Yug LLC has a mild laxative effect, does not contain alcohol and GMOs. Additionally enriched with vitamins. The drug is intended for children from 3 years. Ingredients: lactulose, vegetable raw materials (fruits of anise, cumin, strawberry leaves), as well as an infusion of cherries and apples.

The syrup regulates the motor functions of the intestine, reduces gas formation, and contributes to the normalization of the intestinal microflora. It also improves digestion and has a mild laxative effect.

The syrup is taken in a course - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for 2 weeks. The effect appears on the 3rd day after the start of administration. A safe product that combines lactose, herbal ingredients and vitamins has no contraindications, except for allergies to the components included in the composition.

Syrup for children "Help" Laxative
  • complex action;
  • natural composition;
  • pleasant taste;
  • reasonable price (about 100 rubles);
  • therapeutic effect that persists after cancellation;
  • additional source of vitamins.
  • 2 packs are needed for the course;
  • does not give a quick effect.

Pomogusha syrup is recommended for the treatment of chronic constipation in children from 3 to 6 years old, which are caused by a violation of the intestinal microflora.

We have described working and popular drugs, but in any case, we recommend that you choose a medicine after consulting a doctor.

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