
  1. Execution rules
  2. jade scrapers
  3. Rose Quartz Scrapers
  4. Other natural stones
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best gouache scrapers for 2022

Rating of the best gouache scrapers for 2022

The ancient technique of gua sha facial massage appeared in China many years ago. The procedure is performed using a special scraper. At the same time, not only the upper layers of the skin are worked out, but also the muscles. Wrinkles are smoothed, tone is restored.

Due to a sedentary lifestyle, posture changes, tissues in the lower part of the face fall. You can correct the situation if you spend a few minutes a day every day for skin care using an ancient technique. Therefore, gua sha has now become especially relevant.

Properly done gua sha massage awakens dormant cells, while accelerating the circulation of blood and lymph. As a rule, after this procedure, the psycho-emotional state improves. Daily rituals can be carried out independently. To do this, you need a scraper, roller, oil.

Execution rules

Massage should not be performed on dry skin. Beforehand, it is necessary to apply an oily texture on a clean surface, on which the scraper glides very softly and gently. You need to remember a small nuance: the oil must be cosmetic. Essential and herbal remedies are not suitable.

The scraper is held almost lying down, sharp corners should be avoided. With unhurried smooth movements they pass along the surface of the face from the bottom up. The procedure starts from the neck area, at the beginning on the left side of the face and goes to the right half. Each movement is completed with a slight pressure on the end point.

You can press easily, if necessary, increase the pressing force to medium. Sometimes there is a fatty layer on the chin and cheeks, then the pressure must be increased. If the face is thin, then it is enough to touch lightly.

Massage is performed in courses of 10 days, then you need to take a break from 3 to 4 months. During the 10-day session, 2 or 3 day breaks are also taken. But there are no strict rules on this matter; for preventive purposes, they practice gua sha 2-3 times a week, or before a solemn event, an important event. The duration of the session is 3-15 minutes. The scraper is carried out along the main massage lines. Each zone should receive 4 to 7 manipulations.

It is contraindicated to perform procedures for people with certain skin diseases, hypersensitive skin, open wounds, pregnant women.During illness, with elevated body temperature, impaired renal function, thrombocytopenia, hemophilia, oncology, self-massage is also prohibited.

Basic rules for using the roller and scraper:

  1. Before the procedure, you need to apply an oily liquid to ensure glide. Suitable massage gel or regular day cream. Experts do not advise the use of pure oils - they often clog pores.
  2. Manipulations are performed along massage lines (from the center of the face to the periphery), you must act confidently and quickly.

The massage technique is quite simple. In any zone, you must not deviate from the above rules - movements must be performed strictly along the massage lines, straightening the nasolabial folds and wrinkles on the forehead. To emphasize the contour of the face, the roller and gouache are drawn from the center of the chin to the ears.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The largest (oval part) of the scraper massages the cheekbones from the bottom up. It is allowed to change the position of smooth and ribbed sides.
  2. The edge of the wavy part is placed at an angle of approximately 45 degrees and is drawn along the area between the eyebrows from the bottom up. This is necessary to smooth out the brow crease. The scraper will help eliminate wrinkles, relieve tension.
  3. The ribbed edge is carried out from the beginning of the eyebrows to the ears, working out the superciliary zone. Next, move on to stroking the forehead.
  4. Turning the manipulator over, the smooth part is brought to the nasolabial fold and they begin to actively smooth it.

Each step takes about one minute.

Difference between scraper and roller

The scraper has small protrusions and depressions for the convenience of working out different areas of the face: the bridge of the nose, the chin area, the wings of the nose. When manipulating with a scraper, wrinkles are smoothed out, swelling is eliminated.

A mesoscooter is a massage device invented by the Chinese many centuries ago. The principle of operation is to stimulate blood supply. Self-massage can be done at any time: at home or at work during your lunch break. The roller allows you to carry out actions in the neck and décolleté area. This leads to stimulation of the movement of blood and lymph, helping to accelerate cell regeneration. The end result is the removal of toxins from the skin. The cosmetic bag should have a set consisting of a scraper and a roller, this expands the possibilities.

It cannot be argued that one tool is better than another - they just can work in pairs and complement each other. The roller kneads the muscles, puffiness, accelerates the lymph, helps the production of collagen and activates tissue regeneration, and the gouache is responsible for the formation of an oval and sculpting.

additional information

When carrying out gouache, cream or oil is used. When choosing a product, they pay attention to the characteristics of the skin and tastes, more often women like coconut, caraway or mint oils, as well as grape seed oil.

To create a tonic effect, massage tools are stored in the refrigerator, for relaxation, stones, on the contrary, are heated. This can be done by holding them under running hot water for a minute.

Before the procedure, you need to breathe, lightly massage your face and hairline with your fingers. On the neck, under the earlobes, supraclavicular area, make small pressures to prepare the area for lymphatic drainage massage. The oil must be preheated in the palms and applied to the face. This will allow the roller or scraper to move smoothly over the skin.

jade scrapers

Green jade stone is called "kidney stone".It helps in the normalization of pressure, leads to an improvement in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and cerebral circulation. Jade scrapers relieve headaches well, normalize blood pressure, and prevent the skin from becoming flabby. The Chinese believe that jade has a very strong energy, giving people strength, health and longevity.

Dark Jade Set

The set consists of a roller and a heart-shaped gouache scraper, with two rounded protrusions on one side. The stone has good heat capacity (quick heating upon contact with the skin), this allows the muscles and blood vessels of the face to warm up. It is allowed to use a scraper both for the face and for massaging areas of the body where pain is felt, for example, muscle pain (the consequences of training or heavy physical exertion).

Scraper for Guasha massage is made of dark jade. The stone has long been considered valuable due to the fact that it has a powerful healing power for many ailments. The therapeutic effect is based on the high heat capacity of the stone. Stimulation of blood circulation, tissue regeneration, fatigue relief, fight against skin flabbiness are the result of regular use of the scraper. The roller removes puffiness, cosmetologists advise using the device in the morning. Accessories will be an excellent gift for girls who are fond of novelties in the beauty industry. Price - 1790 rubles.

gouache dark jade set
  • good natural heat capacity of the stone;
  • universal (you can massage any part of the body).
  • no.


Emerald jade massager and scraper improves blood and lymph and blood circulation. The roller massager is universal. It can be used on the face, neck and décolleté. The Gua Sha scraper is a tool that helps to embody the technique that the ancient Chinese owned.In the modern version, it looks no worse. Massage with a scraper, located at an angle of 20 to 45 degrees, is carried out on acupuncture points. To achieve positive effects, massage must be performed regularly. The size of the roller is 14.5 x 6 x 3 cm. The size of the Guasha scraper is 8 x 5.5 x 0.5. The compact size allows you to place the devices in a handbag, then the procedures can be carried out at any free time, for example, at lunchtime or while on vacation outside the city. Estimated cost - 690 rubles.

  • good natural heat capacity of the stone.
  • no.


The kit includes a premium dual face roller. Material - natural jade with a marble pattern, metal fasteners, silicone gaskets ensure silent movement of the roller. The Guasha scraper has a V-shape (heart). A large roller is designed to work all over the face, a smaller roller massages the area around the eyes. With gentle movements along the massage lines of the face, the lymphatic pathways are worked out. The procedure is needed to restore the water balance of cells. The outflow of lymph and the movement of blood helps to remove toxins from the body. At the same time, swelling on the face decreases, dark circles under the eyes disappear, the skin begins to shine. She gets a healthy color. Guasha scraper gently relaxes the muscles of the face and neck, due to this, skin tone is maintained, due to lifting, small wrinkles responsible for the functioning of internal organs and systems are reduced. Impact on the acupuncture points of the face, which are responsible for some organs, allows you to influence not only the skin, but also general health.This effect on the body restores vitality. All device stones are special and do not resemble each other due to the unique characteristics of the material. There are natural cavities in the jade cavity, they appear during grinding. Structure, weight and color vary. Natural stone products must be handled with care. Cracks may occur if dropped or subjected to rough handling. Before use, it is recommended to wash the instruments with soapy water. For safety reasons, do not use if chipped. The set costs 2480 rubles.

gouache MARBELLA
  • unique design with marble pattern;
  • silent double roller.
  • no.

Foot Jade

The scraper is made of natural jade.
The tool is suitable for performing self-massage at home. Ease of use, efficiency makes it popular. The cost of the goods is 736 rubles.

Guasha Foot Jade
  • beautiful rich color;
  • ease of use and care.
  • no.

Baikal jade from Salt of the Earth

A heart-shaped scraper is used to massage the face and work out the muscles of the whole body. Acupressure on problem areas helps to get rid of cellulite. Baikal jade retains heat, relieves inflammation, relieves fatigue. This tool is very suitable for use after physical exertion or injury. Natural material helps to improve local blood circulation, increase skin elasticity. The price is 1390 rubles.

Gua Sha Baikal Jade from Salt of the Earth
  • good physical characteristics of natural stone;
  • universal (suitable for any part of the body);
  • beautiful decoration.
  • high price.

Rose Quartz Scrapers

Rose quartz minerals attract material well-being, love, good luck.

Krasotkapro, BLOOR, self-massage set #1

The roller in this set is supplemented with the ability to perform vibration, which further stimulates blood circulation in the skin cells.

The material is 100% rose quartz, the gouache scraper is made in the shape of a heart. All this is conveniently placed in a special bag. The roller is needed to improve blood circulation and stimulate the movement of lymph. As a result, the acceleration of cell regeneration, the removal of toxins from the skin. The scraper effectively improves the contours of the face, tightens the chin and cheekbones, evens out fine wrinkles, eliminates swelling that appears in the morning. The whole set is stylishly packaged, looks aesthetically pleasing and can be a wonderful gift.

Dimensions of devices: scraper - 80 * 50 * 6 mm, roller - 155 * 55 * 30 mm. The stone comes from a deposit located in South Africa. The roller consists of quartz, aluminum, zinc alloy.

Under the BLOOR brand, they produce devices made from natural stones for self-massage. Regular use of accessories improves the oval of the face, smoothes wrinkles. Ancient Chinese techniques help relieve puffiness and relax muscles. BLOOR products contain only natural ingredients, they do not contain chemical and toxic substances. The cost of the set is 3490 rubles.

guasha Krasotkapro, BLOOR, set for self-massage №1
  • there is an additional vibration of the roller for better stimulation;
  • beautiful design (very good for a gift).
  • high price.

Ayoume Massager Guasha Rose Quartz

The rose quartz massager allows you to carry out the gouache procedure at home.Lymphatic drainage massage contributes to the timely removal of toxic substances, while swelling and dark circles under the eyes disappear, and a healthy glow returns to the skin. Due to the lifting effect, wrinkles are reduced or completely disappear. This happens naturally. It is not recommended to use the massager after recent injections or injuries. Description: 100% rose quartz may have black or brown inclusions. This confirms the naturalness of the stone. The scraper must be handled with care: it may break if dropped. Before use, accessories should be washed for hygiene reasons. Dimensions: 80x50x7 mm. The price is 840 rubles.

Guasha Ayoume Massager Guasha Rose Quartz
  • natural natural material;
  • soft color;
  • inexpensive.
  • fragile.

Goldapple, article: 15481000030

The rose quartz roller is essential for facial massage: it improves skin microcirculation and has a tightening effect. Regular use relieves swelling, gives the skin elasticity. Additional use of moisturizers or serum accelerates their absorption. The Hungarian-made product is suitable for all skin types and will help slow down skin aging. The price of the device is 2990 rubles.

gouache Goldapple, article: 15481000030
  • made of natural natural stone;
  • beautiful appearance.
  • expensive.

Other natural stones

The Chinese believe that the best instruments are made from black buffalo horn. Stones such as jade, agate, rose quartz, obsidian, aventurine are also popular. This opinion was held in ancient times, because these crystals have healing and magical properties.If the roller and scraper are used as massage tools, then the material does not really matter.

Honey Belle

A beautiful roller can be used 2-3 times a week for preventive purposes or before an important event. It removes swelling on the face and relaxes the muscles. A larger roller is needed for the forehead, cheeks and neck, in the areas of the eyes and on the wings of the nose a small roller is needed. The material of the product is black obsidian. The price of the product is 2745 rubles. There is a similar roller made of amethyst at a price of 3400 rubles. Jade and roller rollers are slightly cheaper.

Gouache Honey Belle
  • made of natural stone with excellent characteristics;
  • universal.
  • high price.

Amber massager

The novelty of the season: the Gua Sha scraper, made of natural Baltic amber, will always find a place in a woman's cosmetic bag. Self-massage eliminates congestion, accelerates lymph, rejuvenates the skin. The oval of the face improves, mimic wrinkles are smoothed out. This is akin to beauty injections, but the advantage is that this method of facial treatment is safer. Smooth amber in structure similar to sea pebbles, polished with water, smooth edges created by nature, they are ideal for sculpting the contour of the face. In addition, amber has antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties, it is an excellent fighter against swelling and inflammation on the skin. With the help of Guasha, the relief is smoothed, the complexion improves, the tone is evened out, the pores are narrowed. Real amber is always warm, it is lighter than jade or quartz, it glows under the action of ultraviolet radiation, a barely noticeable smell of needles comes from the object. The manufacturer is Amberprofi.Together with devices, natural cosmetics are produced, which are based on succinic acid, natural oils. The complex use of all means allows you to transform the skin beyond recognition, restores natural radiance. The estimated price of the scraper is 2745 rubles.

gua sha amber massager
  • with antibacterial characteristics;
  • hypoallergenic
  • very beautiful.
  • high price.


The Guasha technique (in translation: "gua" - to scrape, "sha" - a disease, toxins) is based on the principles of ancient Chinese medicine, which is world famous. Self-massage with scrapers and rollers is a powerful anti-aging agent, for young skin it is an excellent prevention. This pleasant type of relaxing massage does not bring pain. The result of the procedure is improved tone, excellent health, good mood. Properly performed regular gua sha relieves headaches, improves posture, removes swelling, and relieves stress.

We can talk for a long time about the benefits of massage. It works wonders: only 2-3 sessions a week, the duration of which is no more than 10 minutes, can transform tired skin, even if it is very neglected and has not seen care. Nutrients, serums, creams are better absorbed with the help of scrapers invented by the Chinese.

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