
  1. What is Scotch Lock
  2. Scope of application
  3. What are the types of scotchlocks
  4. Rating of quality scotch locks
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best scotch locks (ScotchLok) - connectors instead of "twists"

Rating of the best scotch locks (ScotchLok) - connectors instead of twists

Many electricians face the challenge of cutting wires and making new connections. When repairing wiring in a car, household appliances, a cable line in a residential building or in production, the twisting method is most often used, covering the junction with electrical tape. This method makes the junction of the cables a “weak point”, since voltage losses can occur here, and, with mechanical action on the junction of the wiring, the contacts may break or a short circuit may occur.

Since technology does not stand still, in order to bring the broken integrity of the electrical wiring as close as possible to its original state, the so-called scotch locks were developed. In this review, we will consider what ScotchLoks are, how to use them, what to look for in order not to make mistakes when choosing, and also compile a rating of popular models based on reviews from real customers.

What is Scotch Lock

They are clamp-type terminal blocks. In the terminal block, the cable core is securely fixed by clamping. Compared to a solder joint, the use of adhesive tape does not require the use of additional equipment, it is enough to simply insert the cores into the connector and crimp the joints with pliers. This technique saves time and facilitates the work of an electrician. Most connectors have a built-in blade that, when compressed, cuts through the cable insulation and provides direct contact, after which the cables are fixed, with a snug fit to each other. By using this method, the electrician does not need to strip the insulation. Some terminal blocks do not require the use of any tools at all, except for the hands of the master. Docking of cables is carried out in two stages - the introduction of cables and the snapping of the fixing cover.

Such connectors are made of dielectric fire-resistant materials (nylon, propylene), which provide not only insulating properties, but also prevent the penetration of moisture, dirt, dust.Moisture-proof properties are provided due to the use of a hydrophobic gel inside the adhesive tape (repels water and prevents its penetration into the junction of the cores).

Scope of application

Most often, contact connections of this type are used for polymer-coated copper cables. According to electricians, the use of scotch locks is best used for repairing car wiring cores, installing computer networks, telecommunications wires, LED lighting, etc. This is the best option for low voltage networks. So, scotch lock is perfect for a twisted pair telephone or network wire.

Despite the fact that most manufacturers of docking elements claim that their products can be used for wiring high voltage networks (up to 600 volts), experienced electricians do not recommend using such terminal blocks for them, because despite the high quality of the connection, there is still a possibility touch a bare wire, which is fraught with electrical injury.

For use in high voltage electrical networks, it is recommended to use special adhesive tapes that allow wider cross-sections of the cores to pass through. Such products are made of polypropylene and have shown themselves well when used in conditions of exposure to various chemicals. The knife element in models of this type is made of tinned brass, which is not subject to corrosion. Standard pliers can be used to clamp these terminal blocks.

What are the types of scotchlocks

Most often, there are three main types of connectors on sale: through-hole, dead-end and T-shaped.Based on the name of each group, it is easy to get an idea about the appearance and method of connecting cable cores, the functionality of each product. Dead-end and T-shaped models are used in places where a turn at a certain angle is required. T-shaped models also allow you to perform a side outlet from the wire, without breaking the main line.

Based on the number of connected wires, there are models for two, three and four wires. Double terminal blocks are used to connect cables at the break point, triple terminal blocks are used for branching. Four-way connectors are used to parallel the main line.

Another criterion for choosing a connector is the presence of a protective gel. According to the recommendations of experts, regardless of the type of electrical engineering, it is best to use models with a protective gel that provide reliable and long-term operation, as well as protected from moisture and dirt.

According to the type of opening, two types of scotch locks are distinguished - the so-called "suitcase" (open like a suitcase cover) and non-opening (after the wires are inserted, you need to press the cover, as a result of which the insulation will be cut). Contacts in both modifications are made according to the same technology, there are no special differences in the process of use.

For the convenience of electricians, special clips are sold for non-opening adhesive tapes. In appearance, they resemble ordinary pliers without perforations on working surfaces. These clips can be replaced with standard pliers without loss of quality. Some products can be clamped simply with your fingers.

It is most convenient to connect waterproof connectors with gel. Not bare cores are inserted into them. It is enough just to cut the ends evenly, and put them into the open tape.Due to the gel, the wires are securely fixed inside. If adhesive tape without gel is used, the fixation of the cores may be unreliable, in which case it is recommended to further strengthen the connection.

Manufacturers do not recommend using wires with a cross section lower or higher than that declared for a particular model. In the first case, the required level of fixation will not be reached, in the second case, the supporting cores may be damaged, which may cause problems, up to a short circuit. Another feature of this type of terminal blocks is the ban on their use on aluminum wiring. Due to the fact that aluminum has an increased fluidity, the contact at the junction cannot be of high quality, and weakens over time.

Rating of quality scotch locks

Since there are three different types of terminal blocks, for convenience, we will divide the models under consideration into three categories: feed-through, dead-end, T-shaped.

Pass-Through Models

As previously mentioned, feed-through models are terminal blocks in which, when connecting wires, a perpendicular branch is not required, the wire is joined from two opposite ends. Despite the convenience of using such connectors, they are not often bought.

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This Russian-made connector is used for a pair of cores, suitable for paralleling. The terminal block is used for wires with a core diameter of 0.9 to 1.3 mm. Permissible insulation thickness - up to 4.4 mm. According to buyers, such an adhesive tape is recommended for copper cables, or steel, but covered with copper. The product is made of plastic, which has increased characteristics of resistance to ultraviolet radiation.Inside the connector is a hydrophobic gel that prevents the penetration of water and other liquids into the junction of the cores. The manufacturer claims that the junction will perform its functions for at least the service life of cable and wire products (40 years or more). For crimping tape, it is recommended to use a special crimp or pliers, since it is difficult to do it manually. The average price of a product is 151 rubles per unit.

  • suitable for parallel connections;
  • the cores are connected without bending, which prevents the occurrence of creases;
  • long service life.
  • high unit cost.

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The product of one of the best Russian manufacturers 3M is well known in the field of selling electrical goods. This mortise-type model is used for power cables up to 600 V. It can be used for copper wiring with one or two cores. Cleaning is not required during installation, the contact point is completely isolated. The U-shaped knife is tin-plated, thanks to which it easily cuts any insulation and does not corrode for a long time. The popularity of this model is also due to the use of non-combustible material by the manufacturer. The manufacturer allows the use of cables with a cross section of 1.5 to 2.5 sq. mm. Installation is carried out by crimping using special pliers or pliers. The weight of a unit does not exceed 2 grams, the average price is 35 rubles.

  • budget price;
  • you can buy not only in a stationary, but also order online in an online store according to a photo and description;
  • can be used for both automotive wiring and backbone networks.
  • not suitable for cable and wire products with a large cross section.

3M Heat Shrink Connector
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A feature of this model is a different installation method - for this it is necessary to insert the wires into the holes (after cleaning them), then heat the heat-shrinkable cut (for example, with a lighter), after which it fits snugly against the insulation and fixes it. Suitable for conductors with a cross section of 0.5 - 1.5 square meters. mm. Inside the capsule there is a hydrophobic composition, which not only prevents the penetration of moisture inside (100% tightness is declared), but also additionally fixes the electrical wiring.

The manufacturer guarantees the reliability of the connection throughout the life of the wiring (up to 40 years). Of the advantages of the product, electricians note a transparent case that allows you to visually assess the depth and location of the wiring inside. The heat shrink ratio is 1:3. The product is made of a material with increased resistance to abrasion and chemicals. The clamp can be used at temperatures from -55°C to +105°C. The average price for 1 unit is 45 rubles.

3M Heat Shrink Connector
  • there is a hydrophobic gel;
  • secure wiring;
  • long service life.
  • high price;
  • insulation needs to be cleaned.

HJKT8 2044B
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This is one of the most inexpensive Chinese-made terminal blocks. It is used for quick connection of wires with a cross section from 1.1 to 1.8 sq. mm. The core diameter is 1.2-1.5 mm, the insulation diameter is 2.3-3.3 mm. Clamps are supplied in a pack of 10 pcs. To connect the cables, insert them into the clamp and press firmly on it. Like previous models, terminal blocks are convenient to use for paralleling wires. Many stores offer differentiated discounts when buying large quantities of terminal blocks. The average unit price is 22 rubles.

HJKT8 2044B
  • connectors are inexpensive;
  • suitable for thin wiring in vehicles;
  • you can place an order on AliExpress, significantly saving money;
  • at the junction of the cores, bends are not formed, which is an advantage when repairing wiring in a car, according to drivers.
  • since these products are made in China, their quality leaves much to be desired.

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Another representative of Chinese connectors. It is a clamp with the ability to connect two parallel wires. The capsule is made of silicone, the jumper button is made of PVC plastic compound. All materials have increased thermal and fire resistance. Scotchlock is designed for joining electrical wiring with a diameter of 0.4 to 0.9 mm. The compact dimensions allow the connection to be made discreetly and securely. The product is supplied in a package of 100 pieces, with a total weight of 75 grams. The average cost of a set is 570 rubles.

  • economic price;
  • compact dimensions;
  • there is a hydrophobic gel;
  • quality manufacturing materials.
  • the product is difficult to find in free sale, most often it is ordered on AliExpress.

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Another interesting model from China. It differs from competitors in its square shape, as well as the ability to connect only 2 wires. As in other clamps of this type, when you press the capsule cover, the wire is cut to the core, after which a reliable contact is established.

Inside the capsule is a hydrophobic substance that prevents the penetration of moisture to the junction. The adhesive tape itself is made of plastic with increased resistance to acids and solvents. The clamp is recommended to be used for wiring with a section thickness of 0.4 to 0.7 sq. mm.Operating temperature of operation from -40 to +85 °C. Unit weight is 0.66 gr., Cost - 12 rubles.

  • budget price;
  • Scotch tape with a function of increased resistance to chemicals can be used in a car, as it is not afraid of contact with technical fluids.
  • the clamp does not allow branching of the connections.

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This connector has several features: firstly, it is designed to connect two lines of electrical wiring, and secondly, it is equipped with a lock that allows connection and disconnection at the junction as needed. The key is designed in such a way as to exclude the possibility of docking with the wrong polarity. As with other clamps under consideration, there is no need to strip the insulation for installation, docking takes place quickly and without the use of additional equipment (with the exception of pliers or other similar tool). Rated current - 10 A, mains voltage - 300 V, wire section - 18-24 AWG, diameter - 0.5-1.0 mm. Overall dimensions of scotch lock — 22*9*5mm. According to electricians, despite the fact that the manufacturer allows a mains voltage of up to 300 V, the clamp is best used for auto wiring and the junction of LED strips and modules. The average price of goods is 42 rubles per unit.

  • it is possible to open the circuit with a lock;
  • wide range of application;
  • low price for a product of this level.
  • difficult to find on sale;
  • there is no hydrophobic composition inside the capsule.

Dead End Models

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This is one of the most popular dead end models. A feature of products of this type is the ability to connect only two ends of one wire at a time, which eliminates parallel docking.Also, such connectors form a branch on the wiring, which is not always convenient. The modification in question is suitable not only for auto wiring, but can also be used in household wiring, for tapping into the main electrical networks. The terminal block is suitable for all types of copper cables, including flexible and rigid, solid and stranded. The clamp does not require stripping the insulation and soldering the wires. Inside it is a hydrophobic gel that prevents the penetration of water and other liquids into the product, increasing the durability of the product. Like other adhesive tapes from this manufacturer, model 314 is made of polypropylene, which has an increased resistance to burning and melting at high temperatures. The maximum cross section of the wiring is 1.5 sq. mm. Unit weight - 4 grams, average price - 85 rubles.

  • there is a hydrophobic gel that prevents the penetration of moisture into the capsule;
  • ease of installation - the capsule snaps into place with little effort;
  • tinned contact provides piercing and secure fixation at the junction;
  • can be used both for repairing wiring in a car, and for household electrical networks;
  • made from non-combustible materials;
  • reliable assembly;
  • low price for this type of clamps.
  • when connecting the capsule, a bend is formed, which can lead to damage to the wiring in places where it is subjected to mechanical stress.

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In appearance, the scotchlock under consideration is similar to the previous model, differing from it only in color and the round shape of the capsule. Inside the silicone capsule is a gel filler, which not only prevents the penetration of moisture inside, but also contributes to a tighter fit of the contacts to each other.The connector is designed for thin wiring - clamping cross section from 0.4 to 0.7 sq. mm, terminal diameter - 1.52 mm. It is possible to use the product in bad weather conditions - operating temperature from -40 to +80 °С. Buyers note the good quality of scotchlocks, despite how much they cost - 9 rubles per unit. Product weight - 0.43 gr.

scotchlock HJKT1
  • budget price;
  • wide operating temperature range;
  • there is a hydrophobic filler.
  • not suitable for high voltage wiring.

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The product in appearance resembles the main competitors of Russian and Chinese production. The principle of operation and the method of installation are completely identical to analogues. Of the features, one can distinguish the type - AWG and the thickness of the cable section - up to 1.5 sq. mm. The pressed button is red, the case is transparent, made of polyvinyl chloride, resistant to elevated temperatures. The weight of one unit is 0.2 grams. The cost is 20 rubles.

scotchlock 7UR
  • strong and durable material of manufacture.
  • high price.

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This model is designed for branching wiring, it has one inlet and two outlets. Permissible core diameter - 0.4-0.9 mm. Inside the capsule is a hydrophobic filler that prevents contact of the wiring with moisture. Crimping of the mechanism is carried out using a clamp or pliers. The average cost of a package (100 pieces) is 700 rubles.

scotchlock UR2
  • convenient to use for branching wires;
  • there is a hydrophobic gel;
  • low unit cost.
  • not detected.

Netlan EC-SL-UY2-YL-100
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The model under consideration is a kit used for branching telephone and network two-wire wires. Supplied in a pack of 100 pcs. The mortise knife is double, which ensures a tight connection of the cores. Inside each connector is a hydrophobic gel that fixes the wires and prevents them from contact with the environment. Scotch lock is made of plastic, it has no additional resistance to chemicals and mechanical damage. The unit weight is 0.6 g, the cost of packaging is 215 rubles.

Netlan EC-SL-UY2-YL-100
  • profitable price;
  • suitable for thin wiring;
  • you can connect several contacts with different diameters.
  • The plastic is not of the highest quality.

3M Scotchlok O/V+ 1.0-5.0 mm2
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This cap-type adhesive tape is used for joining cables with wires. The product is not a mortise connector, but a twisted type. The principle of operation is that inside the capsule there is a spring that enhances the contact of the cores. Since the spring is not in a static state, it can change the compression force, as a result of which it is possible to connect wires of different sizes. Inside the capsule there is a plastic skirt that hides the exposed ends of the wiring. The product can be used in the electrical network up to 600 V. Polypropylene and thermoplastic elastomer are used for insulation. The materials used also have increased fire resistance and resistance to high temperatures (up to 105 °C). Permissible cross-section of wires - 0.3-3.3 sq. mm. The package contains 6 caps, the cost of the kit is 320 rubles.

3M Scotchlok O/V+ 1.0-5.0 mm2
  • can be used on high voltage wiring;
  • can be used for junction of cable and wire;
  • installation does not require the use of additional equipment;
  • high quality wear and fire resistant materials.
  • high price.

DORI scotch lock isolated (K3)
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Another representative of dead-end scotch locks, which implies branching of the wiring (there are 3 inlets). The connector is made of transparent plastic, the push button is also made of plastic, red. The maximum cross section of the core is 0.9 square meters. mm. Clamps are used in low-voltage lines, such as computer networks, telephone connections, connecting low-voltage lamps, LEDs, etc. Products are sold in a package of 25 pieces, with a total cost of 130 rubles. There is no hydrophobic filler inside, which explains the low cost of the goods.

DORI scotch lock isolated (K3)
  • profitable price;
  • Suitable for branch wiring.
  • can only be used for electrical wiring with a small cross section;
  • materials are not of the highest quality.

Rexant 07-5402
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Another representative of Chinese clamps. It is used for cables with a core diameter of 0.4-0.9 mm. Great for restoring the integrity of electrical wiring in the car. According to the advice of buyers, this tape lock is convenient to use in confined spaces, since its small size allows you to discreetly hide the connection. Thanks to a well-thought-out design and a high degree of insulation, the possibility of oxidation of the electrical wiring is excluded. The product is supplied in a transparent blister of 10 pieces, on the reverse side there is a step-by-step instruction for using the clips. The average price of a package is 90 rubles.

Rexant 07-5402
  • the small size of the products allows you to connect the electrical wiring imperceptibly;
  • low cost;
  • since the product is sold in transparent packaging, this allows the buyer to evaluate its quality before choosing which company's scotch lock is better to buy;
  • since the model is popular, buyers have no difficulty in where to buy the required quantity.
  • there is no filler with the function of water repellency and insulation.


Such connectors are used, most often, for branching electrical wiring. Most of them have two inlets that are in line, and one outlet that is perpendicular to them.

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This splitter is used for fine-stranded wiring with a cross section of 0.5 - 0.75 square meters. mm. Simplicity of design, lack of hydrophobic filler and low-cost materials determine the inexpensive cost of the product. Depending on the number of products purchased, the price may vary from 5 to 15 rubles per 1 piece. The splitter is made in China, so many experienced electricians recommend buying clamps directly through the AliExpress site, which will save a lot when buying a large number of them.

KW-6 splitter
  • the most preferred option for quickly diverting the cable from the main line;
  • favorable cost;
  • When ordering through AliExpress, you can save a lot.
  • cheap materials;
  • poor-quality assembly of some products (periodically there is a marriage).

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This rarely seen modification allows double parallel connections to be branched off. Can be used for electrical wiring 0.5-1.0 with a rated current of 10 A. For the convenience of the master, a diagram is drawn on the connector cover that allows you to dock correctly. As in the case of the previous model, the price of the goods depends on the quantity purchased, and ranges from 93 to 130 rubles per unit.

LSD-T2 scotchlock
  • it is possible to branch two parallel cables;
  • quality build and material.
  • rarely found on sale;
  • high price.


Due to the fact that adhesive tape is a novelty in the field of electrical installation, many electricians do not know what it is and complicate their lives by making poor-quality electrical wiring connections using twisting, or spending a lot of time soldering wires. Our article will allow you to evaluate this wonderful invention, understand the types and features of each model, and understand which connector is better to buy in each case.

Despite the low popularity of such connectors, if desired, you can find any model for sale, if not in a stationary, then in an online store or on the AliExpress electronic platform. When choosing, we recommend paying attention not to the cost of a particular connector, but to the quality of the assembly and the material of its manufacture, since electrical wiring is an area that should not be saved when repairing, since the consequences of an error can be very expensive, both in material and moral aspect. We hope that our article will help you make the right choice!


