Cough syrups are often used to suppress the cough reflex or, if necessary, stimulate the expectoration of mucus. They are of several types, differing in active ingredients - mucolytic, antitussive, expectorant and combined. The syrup is selected taking into account various factors, including the age of the patient, the form of the disease, how productive the cough is. Many syrups contain components that can affect other symptoms of the disease - sore throat, swelling of the mucous membranes.
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With the help of a cough, the body gives signals that something is not right with it. There can be many reasons for its appearance: accumulation of secretory fluid, reaction to dust particles or pathogens. According to experts, the reflex is caused by the following reasons:
Its origin may be:
Cough is not a disease, but a symptom of a disease of the respiratory system. Depending on the general condition of the patient, intensity, sputum staining and other reactions of the body, the doctor tries to establish the most accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.
Can a cough go away on its own? According to experts, it is not worth experimenting on yourself. For example, the cough of a long-term smoker or drinker can be considered chronic, such a reflex cannot be cured without giving up bad habits. An attack that is caused by severe stress is relieved by taking sedatives.But when a person has a neglected inflammation of the bronchopulmonary system, which is caused by bacteria or viruses, an untimely visit to a doctor can lead to severe complications. Or if you do not pay attention to the bronchial or asthmatic reflex, it quickly becomes chronic, making breathing very difficult.
The rating includes the best cough syrups for adults and children, and each of the presented funds is considered the best in various parameters: safety, speed, effectiveness, etc.
Means intended for the treatment of dry cough. The main component is butamirate, which directly affects the cough department of the nervous system, reduces stimulating impulses, and effectively removes the inhibitory effect. It has expectorant, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilating properties. Available in the form of syrup, tablets, tinctures.
Produced by a Hungarian pharmaceutical company. Its basis is prenoxdiazine, which has analgesic properties, which reduces the sensitivity of blood vessels and helps relieve bronchospasm. It is prescribed in case of dry unproductive cough.It affects the improvement of blood circulation, reduces the load on the heart muscles, which greatly facilitates the patient's sleep at night and gives him the opportunity to fully relax.
The product contains a complex of plant components that act with a strong dry cough. With its help, breathing is normalized by softening the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. The composition contains only natural ingredients - peppermint oil, lemon balm leaves, sage, chamomile flower extract, mallow, creeping thyme herb, ecinacea root, vitamin C.
The unique composition of Tusstop gently affects the mucous membranes, so there are no restrictions on its use. There is no risk of developing allergies, even in case of long-term use. The syrup has a pleasant natural mint flavor. The daily norm is 30 ml, they are divided into three doses with meals. Treatment usually lasts 2 weeks.
Domestic syrup that has a mucolytic effect. Promotes additional production, liquefaction and removal of sputum from the respiratory tract. Ambroxol is prescribed for complex therapy of bronchitis, cold complications.It has an antibacterial effect, makes dry cough productive.
ACC Long - a drug manufactured in Germany, belongs to the group of mucolytics. The main component is acetylcysteine, it is necessary for effective liquefaction of sputum, thereby facilitating its exit from the body. ACC Long is available in sachets in the form of a powder and in a soluble tablet form (syrup). In soluble form, it has a rapid therapeutic effect on the body. The finished solution has a pleasant taste and is easy to use. Its average price in pharmacies is 349 rubles.
Produced by a French pharmaceutical company. Stodal has a wide spectrum of action. Suitable for the treatment of various types of cough. And it also interacts with such factors: it lowers the temperature, relieves the inflammatory process, removes swelling of the larynx, and has an analgesic effect.
A drug of domestic production, with a wide range of effects. Treats cough, reduces inflammation and has anti-bronchoconstrictor effects. It works to relieve spasms of the bronchi, anesthetizes, and there is also an anti-allergic property. It is used to treat diseases such as bronchitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis.
Mukaltin in the form of a syrup effectively treats various diseases associated with the respiratory tract. The doctor prescribes it in the presence of diseases such as bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis. The medicine is made from plant components, due to the herbal composition, the medicine gently envelops the entire mucous surface, by doing so it softens and relieves irritation and at the same time protects the mucous membrane from drying out. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, removes phlegm, regenerates body cells.
The medicine is produced by the Bulgarian pharmacological company. Gives a combined effect, and this is different. Its properties include such effects as antitussive and bronchodilator. The constituent components contribute to the expansion of the bronchi, relieves swelling and facilitates breathing, it can relieve spasms and reduce swelling of the larynx.The doctor prescribes it for diseases of the respiratory tract, which occur with a dry cough and difficulty breathing.
Produced by a Russian pharmaceutical company. According to numerous reviews, the medicine is distinguished by the following property: expectorant, anti-inflammatory. Effectively helps in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia. The drug contains components such as ambroxol, thermopolis extract and glycerate, together they create a combined effect in the treatment. Thus, high and positive results can be achieved. Available in tablet form and as a syrup.
An inexpensive drug in the form of a syrup. It consists of their natural components, the main of which is marshmallow root extract. There is one contraindication - it is individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the main component, but as statistics show, such a reaction occurs quite rarely. Due to its natural herbal composition, the course of treatment can increase significantly when compared with other drugs.
Recommended by German pharmacists. The basis includes ambroxol, which accelerates the process of removing sputum from the bronchi and lungs. Assign for the treatment of respiratory organs. The composition refers to the group of expectorant mucolytic drugs. Significantly reduce the use of antibiotics.
Made in Germany. Effectively treats chronic respiratory diseases. It has secretolytic, antitussive, antibacterial properties. Children are prescribed sweet syrup. It fully relieves discomfort, promotes liquefaction of sputum, release of breath. Soon the patient's condition improves significantly.
Made in India. It is popular due to the successful combination of three components: bromhexine, guaifenesin, salbutamol. This tool is highly effective in the treatment of the respiratory tract. In most cases, specialists prescribe ascoril to patients with diseases such as pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, bronchitis.Also, the medicine helps patients with bronchial asthma and tuberculosis. During the reception, bronchospasm decreases, swelling in the larynx, breathing is facilitated, sputum is easily removed.
The tool is made in Switzerland. It is allowed for children from two months (in the form of drops). The base includes butamirate. The effectiveness of the drug in eliminating dry cough. The medicine instantly relieves irritation, improves the process of sputum waste, improves breathing. Experts prescribe for pharyngitis, whooping cough, influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis.
Linkas is a universal expectorant, which consists of a herbal complex. Consists of expectorant, mucolytic and bronchodilator properties. Allowed for children from 6 months. The medicine instantly removes the inflammatory process, the suffocating dry reflex turns into a wet one. Accelerates the treatment of respiratory tract with sputum difficult to separate.
It is intended for the treatment of the respiratory tract of the upper and lower sections. Produced in Slovenia.The drug is completely of plant origin, therefore it contains only useful components. Here the predominance in mucolytic and anti-inflammatory action.
The drug is manufactured in Germany. Direct purpose - treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. For a minimum period of time, Gedelix relieves irritation, reduces the inflammatory process, heals wounds of the mucosa. The syrup consists of herbal ingredients. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties.
Produced in Germany. As part of the medicine, ivy, thyme, so the drug in the complex eliminates dry cough. In the future, the inflammatory process subsides, the secretory function of the glands decreases, and sputum liquefies. Prescribed for expectorant effect.
For quick and effective treatment, you should contact a specialist so that he chooses the right remedy.