Many people want to bring their body to perfection. But this is not always possible: a busy work schedule or fatigue after a working day do not allow you to visit gyms as often as you would like. Therefore, sometimes it is worth considering the appearance of a simulator at home. This will allow you to play sports at any convenient and free time.
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Strength training equipment is divided into several types: using its own weight, built-in and free weight.
They are also universal: suitable for both men and women. The difference will be only in the number of exercises performed or in the additional load.
Consider the differences between them in more detail, as well as which devices belong to which type.
When working on such types of equipment, the load is carried out due to its own weight. Although outwardly these structures look quite simple, when exercising, almost all muscle groups work on them.
In addition to building muscle and burning calories, exercising on these models helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
These types of equipment are perfect for both beginners in the sports field and experienced users. When changing the position of the body on the structure or maintaining balance in the body, completely different muscle groups work, so such seemingly ordinary simulators can be safely called multifunctional.
Consider what sports equipment belongs to this group and what functions it performs.
Simulators of this type are equipped with special weights that move along the guides while working on it. To increase or decrease the weight of the load, just move the latch on the device.
Such sports equipment is completely safe to use due to its setup and design. The main purpose is to work out individual muscle groups.
Built-in weight machines include the following designs.
Structures that are used for free weights include barbells, dumbbells, plates, and discs.
Free weight training is designed to build muscle mass.In addition to muscles, ligaments and joints work in such exercises, since their work is needed to maintain balance and coordinate movement. It also burns more calories with this workout.
But these types of sports equipment have some disadvantages. Firstly, they are considered traumatic, therefore, work should be started after familiarization with safety precautions. Secondly, it is undesirable for users who have spinal injuries or joint problems to engage in free weights and it is better to choose the right machine to work out the right muscles.
Before purchasing a home exercise machine, there are some criteria to consider.
You should choose among models that are suitable in size to the space allocated for them. In this case, it is better to take a model designed for more weight than the user's weight at the time of purchase.
Depending on the experience already available, it is worth paying attention to the trajectory of movement. Some options that fix trajectories are more suitable for inexperienced users, since the percentage of injury is minimal on them. Sports equipment that does not restrict movement during exercise are more recommended for more professional use - more muscle groups are developed on them.
The next important criterion when buying is the functionality of the model. Since it is purchased for home use, it should provide the opportunity to perform the maximum number of exercises on it for different muscle groups.
Security is another important factor. Particular attention should be paid to protective covers on cables and loads.If they are not sufficiently protected, then there is a risk of items of clothing falling into them or bodily injury.
Loads must be securely fixed with high-quality fittings. You can verify the safe and high-quality assembly during a personal inspection of the equipment. If the purchase is made via the Internet, then you should first read the reviews on this model.
In addition to assembly, the material of manufacture must also be of high quality. The frame must be made of steel, and the cross section of the supports determines how stable the model will be. Therefore, you should not choose a multifunctional model at a budget price - it is likely that the savings come from the quality of the material. Such a selection mistake can cost the user health.
Pillows on home power equipment should be durable and tightly covered with leather, the inner filling material is porous rubber. Handles on equipment must be covered with embossed non-slip material.
These are the main criteria that you should pay attention to before purchasing. In addition to the above, it is worth familiarizing yourself with certificates confirming the quality of products, whether it is possible to purchase the necessary spare parts, and also learn about popular manufacturers of home strength training equipment.
Specialized stores selling various sports equipment are not in every city. If there is such a place of sale, a huge plus is that you can look at the equipment, touch the quality of its materials and assembly, and also check how convenient it will be to work on it.
In the absence of such a store, the best option is to buy a simulator through an online store.On the site you can find a detailed description of all the characteristics of the selected model, how much it costs, find out the terms of delivery, watch video reviews in work, and also study the reviews of other buyers.
If the buyer has not yet decided on the choice of a specific sports product, he can get acquainted with the information about what other popular models are, compare them by price, see the latest in this area, or take into account the opinion of buyers who have purchased the product.
After the choice in the home power simulator is made, you can place an order online, and wait for delivery in the near future. The kit must include a manual with step-by-step instructions for installing equipment at home.
Professional strength training equipment cost, of course, not a small amount of money. If you wish, you can make some types of sports equipment yourself. Firstly, it comes out much cheaper in cost, as they are invented from improvised means. Secondly, if you have a small room, you can make such dimensions of equipment that will fit perfectly into a given space.
The disadvantages of such an independent invention include long time costs. It is almost impossible to complete such work in a few days, so many lose their passion for this undertaking.
If the desire to make a power simulator yourself has appeared, then first you need to decide on the model. On the Internet you can find a sufficient number of drawings of various options.
You can independently make dumbbells, a horizontal bar, a barbell, bars, a punching bag and even a bench for a bench press.Dimensions for the selected simulator can be taken from the characteristics of store models.
One of the most popular and easy to perform is a three-leg bench press with a stand for a barbell. For its manufacture, you will need steel square pipes measuring 50x50x4. The length of all segments will be different. To connect the pipes together, you will need nuts, washers and M6 screws. To install the bench, you will need to purchase a board and cut it to your size. For convenience, you can put porous rubber on it and tightly fit it with material.
The height of the equipment is made for a specific user. To do this, measure the distance from the heel to the bend on the knees.
The board is installed on the pipe using special fasteners, all cuts on the pipes are covered with a lid. Rod holders are installed on the upper sections of the pipe. The parts are connected to each other using an electric welding machine.
All materials for home-made sports equipment can be purchased at hardware stores and metal-rolling bases. Having studied the drawings in detail, you can also make a roller trainer and other, simpler devices for playing sports at home.
Let's review the most famous brands that are engaged in the production of sports equipment.
We reviewed the best sports equipment companies in terms of popularity and high quality. To understand which company is better to buy, you need to decide what qualities should prevail in the equipment for a particular user. But these manufacturers have already won the trust of those who use their products.
Consider the most popular models of power equipment that work on the basis of built-in weight.
Load-block type of loading, the stack (block plate) weighs 65 kg and is protected by an additional casing. The exercises that can be performed on this equipment include: traction of the lower and upper block, working out the pectoral muscles and shoulder girdle, leg extension. For the convenience of the user, the seat can be adjusted to the desired height. The maximum allowable load is 135 kg, while the weight of the simulator itself is 163 kg. The price is about 70,000 rubles.
This model differs from the rest in the presence of a stack of 100 kg. The Y-shaped frame design allows the machine to be as stable as possible, so there is no need for floor mounts. It is considered a fairly compact model. Such a simulator allows you to perform exercises for different muscle groups: for upper, lower and horizontal traction, butterfly, as well as many exercises for training legs, chest and shoulder girdle.The Desk of the Cattle is regulated on the necessary height necessary for the user. The weight of the equipment itself is 154 kg. At the same time, the maximum allowable load is up to 125 kg. The price varies within 70,000 rubles.
On such a weight-block model, you can perform exercises to train the muscles of the chest, abdomen, as well as for the legs and arms - pushing and bending. The block plate weighs 45 kg and the equipment 139 kg. The maximum load, maintained by the simulator, reaches 120 kg. There are 10 plates installed on the device. Its price is about 20,000-21,000 rubles.
Let's review the models of simulators with free weights, which are the most popular among users.
This multifunctional model allows you to perform chest presses, upper and lower rows, and leg extension exercises. Additionally installed bars. If necessary, you can adjust the height and height of the seat. Block load, working area is designed for one user. The weight of the model is 110 kg and the stack is 45 kg. The maximum allowable load is up to 120 kg. The price is about 40,000 rubles.
This type of simulator is suitable for training on the shoulder girdle and back muscles, as well as traction of the upper and lower blocks. For user comfort, the seat and rollers are height adjustable.The steel frame has a diameter of 1.5 cm. The disc load is installed, the seat for the disc is 26 mm. The maximum load for which the model is designed is no more than 100 kg. One work area. Sports equipment weighs only 43 kg, the average price is about 18,000 rubles.
This model has a block load type, the weight of the stack is 45 kg. Allows you to perform the following exercises: leg raise, upper and lower pull, chest press, butterfly. For smooth exercise, the rollers are equipped with special bearings. The model itself weighs 86 kg, and the maximum load that it can withstand is 120 kg. Price category within 30,000 rubles.
The choice of sports equipment for the home must be taken responsibly. After all, a low-quality simulator or its improper use can lead to injuries. Moreover, such a product is purchased for long-term use. Savings on quality or insufficient study of characteristics as a result can make such a purchase completely pointless.