
  1. History of cigarettes
  2. Quality indicators
  3. Criterias of choice
  4. Rating of quality cigarettes for 2022
Rating of the best cigarettes for 2022

Rating of the best cigarettes for 2022

🔞Attention! The article is intended for readers over 18 years old!🔞

🚭Remember! Smoking is dangerous to your health!🚭

Smoking is a bad habit, everyone decides for himself whether he needs it or not. If you decide in favor of cigarettes, it is worth considering several factors in order to minimize the harm to health. Among the variety of brands and types of smoking products, it is difficult to find the right product. In the article, we will consider tips on how to choose the right option for the price and characteristics, which are the best manufacturers on the market, as well as what mistakes you can make when choosing.

History of cigarettes

Initially, tobacco was not only smoked, but also sniffed and chewed. It was available to the wealthy, but gradually the middle class also began to use it.

The first cigarettes were released in 1636, they were made from leftovers from the production of cigars. They were called “little cigars”. When production became mass, they began to think about the method of storage. Soft packs were made, on the wrappers of which the brand and quantity were indicated, later a layer of foil appeared. Over the years, the pack has undergone changes, and it came to us already dense, with a reclining top.

In Russia in the 1940s, “hand-rolled rolls” were common, when tobacco was stuffed into newsprint. So the body was affected not only by nicotine, but also by harmful substances used in printing houses. Many planted tobacco themselves, it was especially common in remote villages. Such a product was without chemical additives and various impurities.

The cigarette "boom" occurred in the 90s, when new brands began to arrive from abroad. At that time, a quality cigarette could be exchanged for anything.

Filters began to be made about 100 years ago, the main task was to minimize the ingress of tobacco particles into the mouth. Initially, the filter was paper and was inserted by the smoker himself.

Later, electronic cigarettes, vapes and liquid for cigarettes appeared, however, the popularity of disposable models is growing every year.

Types depending on the presence of the filter:

  • with filter;
  • without a filter.

If a person makes a choice in favor of smoking, it is worth remembering that nicotine addiction occurs even after 2-3 pieces, and getting rid of it is difficult.

Quality indicators

To give a quality assessment, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Quality marks. On the pack, brand marks and excise taxes of the corresponding issue are clearly visible.
  2. Light traction. The cigarette smolders in the allotted amount of time and puffs. With strong traction, it will burn too quickly, with a weak one, you will have to make efforts to tighten it.
  3. Pleasant aftertaste. Ideally, there is no rancid taste in the mouth, as well as unpleasant suffocating smoke after smoking.
  4. Smoker's health. The presence of a cough, shortness of breath, clouding of consciousness, a coma in the throat, a white coating on the tongue indicates a poor-quality composition. The use of such a product is not permitted.
  5. Appearance. There should be no bruising, wet places. The tobacco will be slightly damp, this will ensure combustion and prevent the paper from spilling out.

Criterias of choice

Recommendations on what to look for when buying:

  1. Composition of the product. A pack of cigarettes contains a description of the tobacco mixture, incoming resins and other substances. Cigarette manufacturers may hide some components in the composition, so study the composition carefully. If you suspect the “dishonesty” of the company, it is better to choose another product.
  2. Taste preferences. Not only classic versions, but also various flavorings have become widespread. Some smokers prefer menthol cigarettes, while others prefer citrus or wild berry flavors. To determine the best option, you can try all the types that the market offers and choose the one that suits you.
  3. Where could I buy. Most models can be purchased in specialized stores or regular supermarkets. However, some options are sold only in online stores or directly from manufacturers.The functionality of such products is the same, so when buying, pay attention to how much the brand costs on different resources so as not to overpay for the seller's markup.
  4. Which company is better to buy goods. Heavy smokers have their preferred brands that they use all the time. Beginners are advised to base their choice on personal preferences and feedback from friends. You can try several different brands and choose the right one. It is best to start with the lightest options, with a minimum content of tobacco mixture.

Rating of quality cigarettes for 2022

The rating includes popular models that have proven themselves in the domestic market

The best inexpensive models

Budget options costing up to 200 rubles per pack.


A popular brand in the domestic market, it has won the hearts of smokers of different lengths. In the production, only high-quality raw materials are used, all components also comply with international standards. The pack is quite dense, does not allow moisture and air to pass through. Easily smoked, have a rich tobacco aroma, the filter carries out deep processing, while maintaining the smell and taste. Average price: 125 rubles.

  • recognizable pack design;
  • tissue paper and filter are made from high quality raw materials;
  • high degree of tobacco filling.
  • small tobacco debris is often found inside.


Over the years, the company has analyzed various combinations until it came up with its own balanced taste. The composition complies with all international standards for the content of harmful substances. They produce only a model with a filter. Cost: 169 rubles.

  • recognizable pack;
  • classic taste;
  • optimal price.
  • no sweet filters.


L&M offers cheap cigarettes with optimal quality and balance of nicotine and tar. The brand has both a classic series, represented by 4 types, and a novelty with a menthol capsule. Average cost: 105 rubles.

  • use a double acetate filter;
  • original taste qualities;
  • minimalist pack design.
  • padding is not tight.


The company has its own production in Russia, located in St. Petersburg. This allows you to reduce the cost of production while improving consumer qualities. The range of flavors and aromas will impress even the pickiest smoker. The lines are constantly updated, while the quality remains unchanged. Cost: 110 rubles.

  • a wide selection of different types;
  • optimal price-quality ratio;
  • unusual pack design.
  • not identified.

Peter I

Domestic manufacturer of models of the middle price category. It produces several lines with different contents of nicotine and tar. There is a separate type for women, it contains tar - 6 mg, nicotine - 0.5 mg. Made from a blend of Burley and Virginia tobacco. The bag is cut into large pieces. Cost: 100 rubles.

  • domestic product;
  • filter mouthpiece;
  • pack design minimalism.
  • not identified.


German quality at an affordable price. We have developed our own filter system that retains the highest possible content of harmful substances, while not reducing the taste of tobacco. They release the “Silver 25” line, in which there are 25 pieces, instead of the standard 20 pieces. Any line can be ordered online in an online store or on the manufacturer's website. You can also read customer reviews and review the product there. Cost: 195 rubles.

  • use innovative filters;
  • traditional taste of tobacco blend;
  • minimalism in the appearance of the package.
  • hard to find in retail.


Glamor, according to buyers, is the best female model, with light, unobtrusive aromas and a balanced taste. Elegant, lightweight, beautiful packaging will fit even in a small handbag, will add femininity to any look. Cost: 150 rubles.

  • lightweight version in original packaging;
  • long aftertaste;
  • optimal price.
  • not identified.


The popularity of the models is due to the original aroma and long aftertaste. Strong enough, not suitable for all smokers. The packaging is recognizable, with a traced camel. It has a soft structure, not convenient for storage. Average price: 100 rubles.

  • peculiar taste and aroma of the mixture;
  • famous brand;
  • There are options with flavored capsules.
  • uncomfortable, soft pack.

Cooper International

Elegant menthol flavored cigarettes or standard classic cigarettes. You can choose according to your taste. Despite the low cost, the product is of excellent quality, with a classic aftertaste. The pack is miniature, smaller than the standard options. Simple design, standard filter and tissue paper, tobacco grade is not indicated on the pack. Cost: 85 rubles.

  • made in Greece;
  • rich tobacco blend;
  • the nicotine content is only 0.5 ml.
  • not identified.


Over its long history, the company has changed not only the packaging design, but also the composition of the mixture, the filtration system and the size of the cigarette itself. Now the focus is on the "compact" format, new items are produced in this format.Various flavors are available, both with and without a button (berries and menthol, peach, melon, banana, lime with lemon). Cost: 150 rubles.

  • smoke without bitterness, dryness and causticity;
  • a wide selection of different lines;
  • quality filter.
  • a large amount of surrogate sheet.

The best premium models

TOP cigarettes costing from 200 rubles per pack.


The company has been on the market since 1847, during which time it has become the world leader in the production of products for smokers. Tests are constantly being conducted that help minimize the harm caused to the body by nicotine. The production uses premium raw materials, which makes the taste of tobacco softer. The carbon filter traps many harmful substances, but not all smokers appreciated it, it seems to some that the taste of tobacco becomes faded. They also produce cigarettes with a button (Reserve P-Line Mix with wild berries and menthol flavor, Tropic Voyage with 2 buttons, purple-blue with berry and menthol flavor, orange-green with fruit flavor). Average price: 280 rubles / pack.

  • famous brand;
  • a wide range of flavors;
  • the pack is not deformed, retains its shape.
  • not identified.


The firm began operations in 1952, initially installing an asbestos filter, but then switched to a safer, carbon-based option. A wide range with different amounts of nicotine and tar, the presence of various flavoring additives allows smokers to choose the most suitable option for themselves. Average price: 200 rubles / pack.

  • 15 different types;
  • flavored capsule options;
  • stylish pack design.
  • does not release long models.


Dunhill has a long history of producing quality products. The taste and richness of tobacco remain unchanged. The company makes sure that the goods reach the consumer in their original form. We created a package that is as tight as possible, does not allow moisture and air to pass inside. Appearance looks presentable, not deformed during operation. Price: 240 rubles.

  • sealed packaging;
  • high quality raw materials;
  • rich taste.
  • no flavoring agents.


Well-known brand of models for women with fine filter, exquisite tastes. Each lady will be able to choose the appropriate option, there are menthol cigarettes, classic, super light, fragrant. The fortress is also different. Elegance is present not only in the form itself, but also displayed on the pack, it is thin, with discreet beautiful patterns, compares favorably with competitors. Price: 200 rubles.

  • elegant pack design;
  • soft taste;
  • the best option for price and quality for women.
  • not identified.


Swiss brand, on the market since 1924. One of the most recognizable in the whole world. Initially, only female versions were created, but gradually men's cigarettes with a more brutal pack design and a high nicotine content entered the market. High quality tobacco is used in production. Average price: 209 rubles.

  • famous brand;
  • high consumer characteristics;
  • apply a double layer of filtration.
  • only 2 types.


The company cares about consumers, has specially developed separate lines for men and women, and also depending on the length of smoking.This allows you to reduce the harm of cigarettes on the body. There are options with a capsule with filtered water, after softening the filter becomes wet, the taste of tobacco is better felt. Cost: 203 rubles.

  • a wide range of;
  • consumer orientation;
  • balanced composition of cigarettes.
  • not identified.

Captain Black

Premium quality disposable cigarettes. For production, the best grades of tobacco and impurities are used, providing a balanced taste and smell. Lines are available for different preferences, from the beginner smoker with a light filter to the professional. According to buyers, this version of cigarettes is relevant for business meetings and special occasions, it gives importance and elegance. Price: 250 rubles.

  • use taste filters;
  • the company produces the best cigarillos;
  • different options for the saturation of the tobacco mixture.
  • do not release models with a capsule.

Sioux Original Red

Unusual packaging design distinguishes the model from competitors. Rough coating of the front of the pack, pleasant to the touch, the sides are made in the usual glossy manner. There is a dense tobacco smell, no extraneous “notes” appear in the aftertaste. There are also no fragrances. You will not find this option on the shelves of ordinary stores, but you can order it via the Internet. Price: 200 rubles.

  • produced without chemical additives;
  • rough coating of the pack;
  • rich tobacco bouquet.
  • only available in king size formats.

The article examined what types of cigarettes are, which option is better to buy under different conditions. We also analyzed the history of cigarettes, what nicotine is, and how it affects the body

The material is for informational purposes only. Remember! Smoking causes irreparable harm to the body. Even 1-2 cigarettes are highly addictive.

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