Unfortunately, not all of our fellow citizens are lucky, and they live in a quiet and peaceful place, not being distracted during their holidays by the regular sharp sounds that come from the street. Even outside the city limits, it happens that "we can only dream of peace." The fact is that most suburban cottage settlements are located along popular highways or railways. Naturally, the operation of the latter is accompanied by a constant hum against which loud and annoying (especially at night) sounds periodically appear. The industry has found a way to create an oasis of silence around the site. The rating of the best noise barriers for 2022 will help you decide on the choice of the design that is suitable in each case.
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Noise screens provide reliable protection against acoustic pollution, protect from noise sources that exceed environmental standards.
In order to provide protection from noise, the screen must have a large height. This allows it to scatter and/or reflect sound waves. The noise screens that differ from each other can reduce the noise level by 8-24 decibels.
In addition, in addition to their intended purpose, noise barriers protect the garden and the house from many other products that occur during the operation of roads. This is about:
The ability of these structures to protect the visual center of homeowners living on nearby roads and railway tracks from the harmful effects of the headlights of passing cars and trains is also important.
Noise-protective structures can be made from materials that differ in quality and cost. However, they all share two characteristics that are similar to each other, being:
If necessary, these properties of noise barriers allow them to successfully withstand fires, holding back fire from penetrating the property.
Few people know that innovative noise barriers manufactured by European manufacturers can be equipped with two more functions that are almost unique for structures of this kind:
Acoustic protection screens are noise-suppressing material mounted in a special frame. Conventionally, all designs can be divided into several variations. Separation is carried out according to several parameters:
Considering the type of protection against noise exposure, the structures are divided into:
At the heart of sound-absorbing structures are panels of a strictly defined thickness, the purpose of which is not only direct absorption, but also further dispersion of sound waves. Panels of this type are most often made multilayer. Visually, they resemble a sandwich, composed of materials differing in texture and characteristics.
Here it is important to pay attention to the fact that manufacturers use basalt wool as the main sound-absorbing layer. This material is distinguished by the fact that, in addition to high sound-proofing properties, it has excellent refractory abilities.Thus, the installed panel, if necessary, will be able to protect the territory from a natural disaster - a fire.
For the manufacture of sound-reflecting panels, smooth or corrugated sheets are used. The surface of the panels must reflect the air waves, directing them back to their original point of origin. So the design is:
Manufacturers make such panels from various materials. You can purchase a design from:
True, wood panels are used quite rarely, since they do not differ in either durability or a high level of fire safety.
As for the combined panels, they combine all the properties and characteristics of the previous two types. Thus, one part of the sound waves entering the structure is absorbed and scattered, and the second part is reflected in the direction of the point of origin.
Classification according to the degree of opacity of noise protection structures implies the presence of four groups:
A transparent soundproof panel is made of plexiglass. Its main feature is to provide the best possible visibility to all road users. It looks attractive and is able to visually fit into the architecture of any settlement or private household.
Slightly less degree of transparency in tinted structures.Nevertheless, they are able to qualitatively protect the organs of vision of residents living behind the fence from the headlights of passing cars. The disadvantage of installing structures of this kind is the fact that they somewhat impede the movement of cars on the freeway.
In terms of safety for drivers, opaque structures are in last place. They obstruct the view and can provoke a traffic accident. In addition, the limited space created by them in itself has a subconscious negative impact on the human psyche. Because of this, such noise barriers are practically not used in residential sectors. They are recommended to be installed to protect the territories of factories and manufacturing enterprises and transformer booths.
As for opaque noise protection structures with transparent elements built into them, today they are the most preferable. The creation of various design options for the design depends entirely on the wishes of the customer, since transparent elements can be of any size and shape.
Such flexibility in creating combinations helps to create a preliminary sketch of the noise barrier, which subsequently visually matches any architectural and design solution of the protected area. In addition, these screens are often produced by a combined method. That is, they successfully reflect acoustic attacks and at the same time also absorb the rest of the sound waves.
At the request of the customer, the manufacturer can produce a structure of any size. However, screens that are not 5 meters wide are considered the most preferred.As for the height, here the restrictions say about eight meters.
If these recommended indicators are exceeded in the manufacture, the structures will have a shorter service life. Such changes occur due to the fact that the basis of the screen will have a large load. The sail tension of the screen also increases significantly.
As for companies producing noise barriers, here you should pay attention to the following organizations:
For many years, the company has maintained a reputation as a reliable manufacturer. Vast experience in working with noise protection structures and the use of high-quality innovative equipment in the production helps to produce highly effective screens for fencing both public and private properties.
The main characteristics of structures manufactured by Dorbarrier include:
In addition to these positive characteristics, buyers are also attracted by the fact that the company's products are manufactured in full compliance with the requirements of state laws.Production processes are developed taking into account the technical conditions and meteorological features of the region.
The Russian manufacturer of noise barriers produces products of a wide variety of shapes and configurations. The masters of the company achieve this result thanks to modern equipment and high quality materials. Of course, production processes are carried out in accordance with the requirements of technological standards. To date, the company supplies the market with two options for noise barriers:
The improved technical characteristics of the structures guarantee their long and highly efficient operation one hundred percent. Screens are ideal for installation as barriers on construction sites and along motorways.
For more than 15 years, the company has been manufacturing noise-protective structures. To date, this is the only Russian enterprise that manufactures panels in an industrial continuous way.
The designs provided to the Russian market differ in types and configurations. Especially popular among customers are noise-protective three-layer structures made of rolled metal.
The quality and reliability of each offered panel is guaranteed.
HTMC's eight years of experience with noise barriers allows it to provide customers with designs with various technical and quality characteristics. The company's engineers are also engaged in their own copyright developments. Some of the innovative designs have already been patented and went on sale, waiting for their buyer. Already today, the effectiveness of the noise barriers developed by HTMC has been verified by customers.
Innovative technologies and modern equipment (including special equipment) allow the company's employees to install ordered noise barriers even at sites with difficult terrain located on rough terrain.
The huge productivity of the company (more than 900 m2 of noise protection panels roll off the conveyors per day) allows us to guarantee the timely delivery of finished products even to large companies engaged in construction on a huge scale. The same applies to the fencing of large sections of highways.
Designers of the company pay special attention to the high aesthetics of their products. As a result, the racks of noise barriers are installed inside the structures, which, accordingly, does not affect their external attractiveness.
The company's products are able to turn an industrial and human-aggressive zone into a beautiful, friendly and, most importantly, a quiet oasis. As for the relationship with the architectural design of the zone, it is easily achieved thanks to the technological support and the talent of the employees.
In the assortment of this manufacturer there are a large number of variations and types of noise protection panels. They are manufactured using innovative equipment from materials that provide the best acoustic protection. In addition to the direct production of panels, the company is engaged in their installation and after-sales service. Before placing an order for manufacturing, you can use the services of a designer and order the design of an acoustic barrier.
By choosing soundproof screens manufactured by Prompanel, the buyer gets a durable and efficient construction.
Summing up, we can say with confidence that the installation of noise barriers is the only way to effectively protect against noise from highways or railways.
An additional advantage of the installation of such structures is a wide range of models that differ in appearance and configuration.
As for the pricing policy, companies offer noise screens at an affordable cost. Therefore, both private and public homeowners with different levels of financial solvency can afford to install panels to protect against noise attacks from roads with mass traffic and railways.