Rating of the best depth gauges for 2022

Rating of the best depth gauges for 2022

During construction or refurbishment, greater linear accuracy is often required with perfect marking of internal and external parameters. A depth gauge helps to ensure it. Its variations can be found in auto repair shops, turning shops, building artels or other areas of production. How to choose and order it online for private use and not only, we will consider in the above review.

What are the mechanisms and what are they

This tool is the basis of a well-crafted frame with double-sided support and markings, as well as a small rod with a measuring surface, which is equipped with a microscale or vernier. The numbers located on the rod itself are slightly pressed into the body of the device, which allows the markings not to be wiped when the rod is regularly shifted. The vernier ruler has a locking mechanism with a screw for fastening.

As a rule, such dotted lines correspond to 0.5 mm with markings equal to 10 to 20 or 50 mm. Although the measurement accuracy will depend on the type of device, all of them should be able to adjust the auxiliary scale. In its structure, the technique resembles a caliper, but differs from it in the absence of sponges. It is customary to distinguish the following types:

  • SHG - mechanical. They are the most popular types of depth gauges. The calculation is made in accordance with the vernier.
  • ShGK - with a circular scale of indicators. Such a device is very convenient to use, as the results can be seen immediately.
  • ShGC - have an electronic calculation system. Its main advantage is in the built-in digital mechanism, which makes it possible to carry out the measurement with greater accuracy.

The use of these devices opens up the possibility of taking faster and clearer readings of the conformity of parts of various machines and units. They can be found both in private workshops and in larger industries, including engineering.

What to look out for

To find a tool at a decent price and at the same time not make mistakes when choosing, you should consider the following.

  1. The main condition is the indispensable compliance with all the criteria of the current GOST standard.
  2. The design features of the mechanism must be able to adjust the vernier.
  3. The moving part must not move under its own weight when the tool is in a vertical position.
  4. The device is required to have a special clamp for the frame fixing the latter in the range of the measurement.
  5. The upper part of the rod itself (according to GOST) must be made of a denser alloy.

Description of the advantages and disadvantages of an electronic caliper

These options, as well as simpler analogues, are a bar with a frame, but differ from them in the absence of an additional vernier scale, it is replaced by a microelectronic unit. It consists of an LCD display with a device control system located at the edges of the outer surface. Electronic appliances are considered professional and are mainly used to automate activities.

In turn, it is of the following types.

  1. SHGTSV - a digital device with a transverse protrusion on the bar scale, which performs the most complex measurements.
  2. ShGTsPV - has a longitudinal hook and is more often used when working with holes no deeper than 5 mm.
  3. SHGTSDV - this species has two transverse protrusions at once.

The element is recharged from an independent power source or from a conventional network. For the latter option, a power supply must be included with it. Also, the popularity of the model provides a constructive opportunity to exchange measurement data with a PC, while all indicators are calculated with an absolute value, up to inches and millimeters.In addition to the above, the functionality of this device includes:

  • fixing the final calculations;
  • intermediate work with a constant;
  • analogy of the obtained results with the required indicators;
  • perform arithmetic operations;
  • they can easily be reduced to zero.

Usually, all parameters are indicated on the packaging or in related documents. Depth gauges of the same class SHG carry out the calculation using a vernier scale and can be with or without a hook. Which has the form of a pointed or rectangular overhead tip, or one-piece with a rod.

Permissible deviations of the depth gauge

Like most similar systems, they have such shortcomings as measurement errors. However, this is also taken into account by GOST, which prescribes a number of standards for such misses. The marginal error should not be more than 0.5 0.15 mm, according to their verification by parallel-flat end blocks of length. The standard surface with a scale should not exceed 0.004 mm. And the movable frame of the devices of the SHG or SHGK series is 0.006 and for the SHGTs - 0.005 mm. If the edge of the measuring surface is larger than 0.2 mm, even small blockages are possible.

Operation features

The main purpose of the mentioned models is to measure the depth of the necessary parts by inserting the end part into the recess.


The working surface of the device must be in close contact with the measured part; most often, such depth gauges are made of calcined metal that has undergone careful processing. For example; The scale rod and the vernier are coated with a matt chrome substance that prevents glare. The tool is actively used in those situations that require the most accurate measurements, and the use of other devices is impossible due to the peculiarity of the shape.To verify the accuracy of the readings of the device, it is recommended to take 3-4 measurements at once and compare the data obtained. In the case when the discrepancy greatly exceeds the possible parameters, most likely, an inaccuracy was made during the measurement or the device is faulty. To adjust the readings of the depth gauge in accordance with GOST, the following requirements will help:

  • before calibrating the instrument, it must be cleaned of dirt deposits with a detergent;
  • make sure there is no visible damage;
  • make sure that the frame can be moved without effort;
  • find out if the measurements obtained are consistent with accepted standards. This rule refers to the allowable error in the length of the stick out.

Such shortcomings can be identified with the help of a second caliper, the accuracy of which you have already seen. And since mechanical instruments have a maximum error of a fraction of a millimeter, it is recommended to use digital technology for their greater reliability.

Tips for where to buy

This device is easy to find in almost any online store, section everything for repair. But the acquisition of professional measuring instruments for manufacturing enterprises or laboratories is best done in the following ways.

  1. Contact the manufacturer directly, which is not always easy, especially if it is a foreign brand.
  2. Through official representatives of the brand, which is much more convenient, since in most cases they have their own warehouse. And the necessary goods will be delivered on time, regardless of how much the selected model will cost. Also, most companies officially represent several of the best manufacturers at the same time, and you can buy everything you need right away on one site. What will also depend on the average purchase price.

Rating of inexpensive high-quality devices, according to buyers


Digital version of the measuring tool with a high degree of accuracy. The device is equipped with an electronic display, which makes it easier to read the received data, and multi-colored buttons on the panel allow you to quickly, but seamlessly navigate the controls.

depth gauge DHG-001
  • Can work in a lying or standing position;
  • able to convert millimeters to inches;
  • the presence of a wing screw;
  • easy to install.
  • Lots of plastic parts;
  • no thickness gauge.
device typedigital
maximum measurement value80mm
value of division0.05
unpacked weight0.16g
price2 800


The simplest of its kind, consisting of a frame with a vernier made of hard metal alloy with a matt chrome finish that prevents glare. The surface can be represented as a flat bevel or a cylindrical bar.

depth gauge GRIFF
  • With thickness accounting function;
  • quality case;
  • it is made both with a hook, and without;
  • good performance;
  • convenient to use.
  • Not found.
device typemechanical
maximum measurement value80mm
value of division0, 05
unpacked weight0.38g


The device is focused on high-precision determination of depths, although it reads parameters by vernier. The main component is a reamer rod, a locking screw and a micro scale. The main functions are performed by a stamped marking leg and a rod section.With a movable frame that goes down to the bottom of the gap for maximum measurement accuracy. The part itself is fixed with a locking screw.

depth gauge SHAN
  • Made from high strength steel;
  • in the presence of a convenient plastic or wooden case;
  • there is a device for precise feeding;
  • chrome-plated, thanks to which the tool does not glare;
  • lies nicely in the hand.
  • Price;
  • digital reads better.
device typeSHG
maximum measurement value250mm
value of division0, 05
unpacked weight60g
price5 630

Popular and available models


The tool from a foreign manufacturer SHG 500mm 0.01 MIK 61483 looks similar to its counterparts, but has a digital indicator that displays the received data. An electronic device equipped with a thickness gauge is actively used to accurately measure the depth of holes in construction, plumbing or in auto repair shops.

depth gauge Micron
  • Made from hardened steel;
  • durable;
  • there is a button block;
  • matte surface creates greater clarity when taking readings;
  • optimal for professional use;
  • storage case included;
  • Available in the online store.
  • Price.
device typeSHGC
maximum measurement value500mm
value of division0, 05
unpacked weight0.59g

SHG- 250 0.05 KRIN

This mechanism from a domestic manufacturer takes measurements using a vernier scale and a rod end with a flat surface. Each detail has a special covering creating convenience during the work.All manipulations are carried out using a measuring rod, which can be fixed with a locking screw.

depth gauge ShG-250 0.05 KRIN
  • The main material for manufacturing is tool steel;
  • Comes with case or pouch for storage
  • availability of supporting documents.
  • There are inaccuracies;
  • high price.
device typemechanical
maximum measurement value250mm
value of division0, 05
unpacked weight0.31g

Caliber 101317

The device has found application in measuring professional parts. Its basis is a frame with a bar having a division scale. The device is protected from glare with a special chrome coating. The moving parts are equipped with a locking screw for fixing the vernier with an anti-corrosion coating, providing the tool with the longest tool life.

depth gauge Calibron 101317
  • clear indicators;
  • there are accompanying documents;
  • suitable for home workshop;
  • there is a detailed instruction.
  • Not found.
device typevernier
maximum measurement value500mm
value of division0, 05
unpacked weight347g

Rating of the best tools up to 30,000 rubles

CHIZ (Chelyabinsk Tool Plant)

The ShG-500 0.01 mechanism is the optimal solution for recognizing the depth of grooves, recesses or protrusions. It is no coincidence that the device is considered the best in its series, it not only meets the requirements of GOST, but with a minimum error, it is often used even in laboratories.

depth gauge CHIZ (Chelyabinsk Tool Plant)
  • The presence of a movable frame;
  • there is a locking screw for secure fixation;
  • matte chrome finish;
  • steel body;
  • comfortable for the hand;
  • the presence of a thickness gauge;
  • there is a storage case.
  • Cheap pleasure.
device typevernier
maximum measurement value500mm
value of division0.01
unpacked weight300g


The mechanisms of this brand managed to win the hearts of consumers with their new product for 2022 - an electronic caliper with a hook SHGTS 0.300-0.01 (241-330).

depth gauge CNIC
  • Complies with all selection criteria according to GOST.
  • Metric system;
  • user-friendly interface;
  • good quality;
  • serves for a long time.
  • Switched manually;
  • a little expensive.
device typedigital
maximum measurement value300mm
value of division0.01
unpacked weight0.38g


Model 571-202-10 with ABSOLUTE ensures accurate readings. All measuring parts of this device have a hardened and polished surface.

depth gauge MITUTOYO
  • The device is compact;
  • reliable;
  • keeps charging for a long time;
  • convenient LCD display;
  • can go to absolute zero.
  • Only the metric system.
device typeelectronic
maximum measurement value200mm
value of division9mm
unpacked weight227g


Digital devices from the German manufacturer "Hoffmann GmbH Qualitatswerkzeuge" measures using a rod and nonius with a matte, chrome-plated finish.

depth gauge Garant
  • Can determine the depth of even the finest grinding;
  • universal;
  • detailed instructions included;
  • there is a cover.
  • No hook.
device typeelectronic
maximum measurement value300 mm
value of division0.01
unpacked weightno more than 30 g

As a result of this review, it should be said that in 2022 it makes sense to pay attention to the price of the product. Since, giving preference to budget analogues from 2000 rubles, there is a high probability of obtaining unreliable readings. According to consumer reviews, the most popular among the people were devices of the SHG class with vernier. But a specialized measuring tool will already be of the ShGC type and will be more common in the professional field. But it's up to you to decide which company's offer is better.

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