
  1. Scope of application
  2. Ranking of the best grinding wheels for 2022
  3. Instead of an epilogue

Ranking of the best grinding wheels for 2022

Ranking of the best grinding wheels for 2022

Angle grinder is considered a very popular tool and is widely used for construction and finishing or repair work. Due to the fact that it has the ability to replace various equipment (discs), this tool is indispensable for grinding stone, metal, and wooden surfaces.

Scope of application

Grinding of objects with a solid base is impossible without the use of special interchangeable wheels, of which there are a huge variety on the modern market.They can vary in size, texture and shape. Thanks to them, it is possible to quickly polish a blank for furniture production, restore some antique objects, sand the walls in a wooden house, make a rough processing on a log, and remove excess paints and varnishes from different surfaces. Among other things, grinding discs are fully used for the restoration of wooden flooring and for processing natural parquet boards, as well as in the production of lining, floorboards, window and door frames and frames for them. Wheels are often used for cleaning, roughing and polishing various products, to eliminate corrosive stains from concrete and metal objects, as well as for a more precise fit in joints that use the tongue-and-groove system and for other products that require tight adhesion of structural elements. .

Existing varieties

Grinding discs can be classified according to some features that define specializations for specific samples. Thus, it is possible to distinguish three categories of equipment under consideration:

  1. Universal samples - able to work on any surface;
  2. Wheels used for polishing / grinding wooden objects;
  3. Blades for processing metal, natural stone or concrete.

The first type can include 4 types of grinding discs that can successfully process any surface:

  • Peeling disc - adapted to remove layers of old dried paint or varnish on various surfaces. Visually, it looks like a circle covered with metal bristles.The bristles themselves are made of elastic and durable wire, which is particularly resistant to deformation and which can effectively and quickly remove the old coating. The bristles are located relative to the plane of the circle, and their stiffness and length may vary, because everything will depend on the specialization and size of the specimen.
  • A twisted cutter (aka a cord brush) is a special wire nozzle used for cases where rough grinding and smoothing the first stage is required. This variety is considered complete and universal, with its help it is possible to remove paintwork from hardwood wooden objects, as well as to eliminate corrosive manifestations on concrete or metal.
  • End disc - it is used to trim the ends of parts when making diagonal cuts. The technology of their work is somewhat reminiscent of file processing.
  • Velcro discs are used to work on concrete, metal and stone surfaces and are a set of five discs fixed on a working base with an adhesive backing. The main disk, in its shape, is a bit like a plate, on which an adhesive composition is applied - Velcro. This is where the installation of removable disks is carried out. Samples can be produced in diameters of 125 millimeters or more. They have different levels of fragmentation (grain size), which greatly facilitates the selection of the required wheel and allows you to buy it for the desired processing material. The set traditionally includes felt, polishing and grinding samples. The presence in one set of samples different in structure and scope of use will allow you to polish / grind almost any surface to a shine.

The second group of disks has an extremely narrow specialization. Such models have a petal shape with an emery base and are used for processing wood surfaces. With a petal disk it is possible to carry out primary and final grinding and polishing of wood products. By itself, such a disk looks like a flat snap with trapezoid-shaped petals located on it, made of sandpaper. The petals overlap each other and look very similar to fish scales. Due to this structure, this tool is characterized by high wear resistance, so one wheel is enough to grind ten square meters of wood surface.

IMPORTANT! Flap discs can be produced with a variable level of grit, so that sanding wood species of different structure and hardness can be easily and quickly. Samples are produced in a wide variety of types of sizes in diameters of 115-230 millimeters.

The third group of discs for angle grinders is represented by samples that are directly used to work on ultra-hard bases. These include granite and marble, metal and concrete, natural stone. This group is quite numerous and is made up of a huge number of models. And the three most popular include the following:

  • Wheel "Double segment" - used for rough grinding of natural stone, concrete or brick. This equipment qualitatively removes various defects on the base, and can also cut thickenings on the concrete screed;
  • Sample "Dolphin" - is designed for a more accurate impact on the working base than the nozzle described above, and the grinding performed by it will be of a much more delicate nature.The product itself is characterized by low weight, increased productivity and extended service life;
  • Grinding disc "Square" - used for surface treatment by a rough method, unlike the previous equipment, in cases where it is required to apply a polymer coating to the surface. The sanded surface gets some roughness and increases its adhesion properties with other materials.

According to their shape, grinding discs are divided into cup or flat. Flats are emery or polishing samples with a fine grit and are used for polishing wood or other soft surfaces. Cup wheels can work on difficult surfaces and will require a powerful angle grinder. If the cup is installed on a weak angle grinder, then the tool motor may not withstand the workload and simply burn out. In addition to polishing hard substrates, cup rigs can achieve high performance in hard-to-reach areas where a flat wheel cannot reach.

Polishing and grinding of metal pipes is carried out in a special way. To do this, use equipment drum (roller) type, which can highly effectively clean the base of the pipe from corrosion or paintwork. In addition, the roller is able to perfectly align the welds, and when changing the sanding tape to felt, you can get a high-quality polishing tool. In addition to felt, other non-abrasive substances can be used for polishing metal, for example, cloth, foam rubber or sponge equipment. Fiber discs will also do an excellent job with welding scale, which will perfectly remove residual oxidation, as well as sharpening from abrasive wheels.The latter have a thickness of 5 millimeters or more, have a special recess on the inside, and in addition to trimming the seam from welding, they can be used to sharpen cutting tools.

Questions about choosing the right grinding wheel

Before purchasing the right grinding wheel for an angle grinder, the following points should be carefully considered:

  • It is mandatory to check the conformity of the diameter of the disk in relation to the attachment of the grinder. For these purposes, it is preferable to write down the technical parameters of the tool itself in advance and compare them with the wheel data when buying.
  • When selecting the maximum indicator of the required diameter, it is worth considering the power of the electric motor of the tool. The more powerful the engine, the more dimensional disk it is able to withstand in operation. Models with low power are not able to work with full-size circles, so the disc can simply get stuck in the working material, and the engine will overheat.
  • As you know, grinding discs are divided into groups - with a narrow specialization and universal. Often the buyer makes the mistake of choosing a universal sample, the acquisition of which may seem the most profitable. Unfortunately, universality is not suitable for every case. It has been established by practice that it is better to purchase your own wheel for each specific material, which significantly increases the processing efficiency, while at the same time saving the engine from overheating and expected overload. Universal models should be used only for rough and rough machining, and for finishing it is preferable to purchase a specialized sample.
  • It is also necessary to pay attention to the packing thickness. The long term of use of a disk will directly depend on its thickness.
  • The level of grit on abrasive models is also an important criterion. The greater the graininess, the more smooth the processed base will be.
  • When choosing a sticky disc, it is worth considering choosing a perforated sample. Such a circle will not overheat at high speeds and is capable of igniting.

Application features

Before you start working with a grinder, you should make sure that the wheel is properly fixed and tight. When the tool is connected to the mains, the sound of the motor should sound balanced, there should be no extraneous noise and vibration. Otherwise, you must quickly turn off the device and repeat the setting of the circle. When polishing or grinding, it is worth monitoring the condition of the disc, and if any defects are present, you need to immediately interrupt the workflow. This circumstance is due to the increased speed of circular rotation, which can reach 13,000 rpm for some devices. A disc fracture at such speeds risks turning into a work injury.

When using sandpaper circles in your work, you need to monitor the level of its erasure, otherwise the base disk risks being damaged. To avoid such circumstances, it is necessary to use circles with increased thickness. When processing angle grinders of any surfaces, it is necessary to use individual protective equipment. These include work clothes with long sleeves, a gauze bandage or respirator, canvas gloves, and special goggles. It will not be superfluous to equip the workplace with a chip and dust collection unit, for example, a construction vacuum cleaner.Among other things, when processing a concrete structure, as well as when removing scales welded from the surface of metal bases, the user should not be present in the area of ​​splinters.

IMPORTANT! When polishing or grinding, it is worth using special grinding pastes or soluble substances that contain abrasive fragments.

Primary work on metal bases is performed with circles with a small abrasive, and fine polishing is carried out with a felt or cloth nozzle. Regarding the grain size and its class, to eliminate paint layers or rough processing of poorly planed surfaces, coarse-grain equipment is used (marked from 40 to 60 units). For the purpose of removing the surface layer from aged wood substrates or for adjusting joints and edges, as well as for sanding cut lines, sanding equipment with a grit value of 60 to 80 units is ideal. And when performing fine grinding, as well as when preparing the base for applying paint, you should use fine-grained nozzles with an index of 100 to 120 units.

Ranking of the best grinding wheels for 2022

The best velcro circles

2nd place: "Hammer 214-012"
votes 0

The samples included in the kit have a solid fabric base. It is characterized by wear resistance and elasticity, is slightly subject to stretching and, in addition, has a water-repellent impregnation. The grain size of the disc is set to 400 units, the production diameter is 125 millimeters. Synthetic resin is used as a binding substance, which is responsible for highly efficient heat dissipation.The abrasive itself is made of aluminum oxide, the fragments of which are capable of self-sharpening during operation and are not afraid of imminent destruction. The recommended retail price is 400 rubles.

grinding wheel Hammer 214-012
  • Increased strength;
  • Moisture protective properties;
  • Increased working resource.
  • Rough handling.

1st place: "Wolverine 435150"
votes 0

The sample has a semi-open coating and quality components that provide increased productivity. Circles of this brand are generally characterized by easy processing of various bases. Blanks and other products can be made from various materials - from wood to metal. The diameter of the circles is 125 millimeters with a grain size of 150 units. The set comes with five pieces with reinforced nozzles made of a special fabric. Quick fastening is carried out with Velcro fasteners. The recommended retail price is 500 rubles.

grinding wheel Wolverine 435150
  • Extended working resource;
  • Adequate cost;
  • Simple and easy installation.
  • Prone to overheating.

The best bolt-on circles

2nd place: "3M 57018"
votes 0

These discs have increased elasticity and flexibility. Their three-dimensional design is unique, which eliminates the risk of clogging and deformation of the nozzle under intense loads. The diameter of the nozzle is 100 millimeters with a thickness of 13. The model is not subject to rapid overheating, which is an advantage during long-term operation. Rolock is responsible for easy removal and installation. The recommended retail price is 1200 rubles.

grinding wheel 3M 57018
  • Easy fixation;
  • Flexible material;
  • Rapid cooling.
  • Inflated price tag.

1st place: "Stayer 36228-150-6.0"
votes 0

This model is made using the technology of reinforcement in several layers using fiberglass meshes. This circumstance provides increased strength, resistance to wear and creases, as well as service life. The diameter along the outer contour is 150 millimeters with a thickness of 1.6. The main production material is aluminum oxide. The model is adapted for use at a speed of 10,200 rpm. The recommended retail price is 1110 rubles.

grinding wheel Stayer 36228-150-6.0
  • Increased thickness;
  • high-quality processing;
  • Reinforced structure.
  • Difficult fixation.

The best petal circles

2nd place: "Russian Master RM90337"
votes 1

The base of this sample is made of reinforced fiberglass and is characterized by wear resistance. Proper arrangement of the petals is necessary for a clean and accurate processing. Disc diameter - 125 millimeters. The role of the abrasive substance is played by zirconium oxide grains. Weakly wears out and is not afraid of overheating. The maximum allowable number of revolutions per minute is 13,300. The recommended cost is 150 rubles.

grinding wheel Russian Master RM90337
  • Rapid cooling;
  • base strength;
  • budget cost.
  • Complexity of integration.

1st place: "Metabo 626462000"
votes 0

This sample is characterized by some roundness of the plates. For this reason, it has a high processing speed, can be used for surface grinding or for delicate cleaning of seams on corner joints. The diameter is 125 millimeters with a grain size of 40 units.The use of zirconium corundum ensures the preservation of efficiency over a long period of time. Operating vibration level is minimal. The established cost is 560 rubles.

grinding wheel Metabo 626462000
  • Does not give out extraneous vibrations;
  • Delicacy of processing;
  • Abrasive durability.
  • Weak base.

Instead of an epilogue

Based on the analysis of the market of modern grinding wheels, it can be argued that there is simply no shortage on it. Choosing the right option is not difficult. The range may vary both in price and functionality. There is no particular proliferation of fakes.


