
  1. What are schools
  2. Top Public Schools
  3. Top Private Schools
  4. How to choose the best school for your child?

Rating of the best schools in St. Petersburg in 2022

Rating of the best schools in St. Petersburg in 2022

When it comes time to think about the future school for their child, many parents face a difficult choice of which educational institution is best suited.

In St. Petersburg, the level of quality of educational institutions is one of the highest in the country. The city has public and private educational institutions, as well as gymnasiums, lyceums and schools with in-depth study of the subject. The choice is simply huge, so the final decision depends on what exactly the parents of the child want for him - general erudition or brilliant knowledge and skills in a particular area.

Since the range of the best educational institutions in the northern capital is colossal in scale, it is quite difficult to study each institution. Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to consider on what basis schools differ and what type they belong to.

What are schools

It is customary to distinguish the following types of educational institutions:

  1. Comprehensive school. Usually this is the nearest school to the place of residence, in which the child is simply obliged to take. This type of school complies with state norms and standards.
  2. School with in-depth study of the subject. Often such a subject is foreign languages, physics, mathematics, information technology, there are also schools with in-depth study of economics or law, sports, music or creativity. Such a school is suitable for those who have interests, inclinations or talents related to a particular field.
  3. Lyceum school. This type of school exists in cooperation with the university and provides educational services in a single key with the specialties of the university, with a focus on admission. Lyceums teach a wide variety of disciplines, often quite narrowly oriented.
  4. Gymnasium school. This type has a humanitarian profile of education, where the emphasis is on such disciplines as history, literature, foreign languages, as well as optional subjects such as world art culture, logic and others.
  5. Private school. Schools of this type do not have a common standard of education, most often they are mixed types, with their own key direction and set of disciplines.

Top Public Schools

"Academic Gymnasium No. 56"

Official site:

Address: Chkalovskaya metro station, st. Pudozhskaya, d.4b; metro station Petrogradskaya, Kamennoostrovsky pr., 42b

☎Phone: (812) 346-00-87, (812) 346-15-08

Working hours: Mon-Sat from 9:00 to 16:00

Age: 1st to 11th grade

Foreign language: English

The largest educational institution of complete general education in the region. The building of the gymnasium is located in the historical center of St. Petersburg, near the transport interchange. Children study in physically and psychologically comfortable conditions, join interesting and vibrant school traditions.

The main direction of study at the gymnasium is social and humanitarian. In addition, training is provided in the following profiles:

  • chemical and biological;
  • socio-economic;
  • philological;
  • physical and mathematical;
  • information-mathematical;
  • natural science.

The gymnasium consists of two departments of pre-school education, and two elementary schools, middle and high schools, and also has its own Center for Further Education, equipped with a modern media library. Here, traditional ways and methods of teaching and advanced information technologies are harmoniously combined with each other.

Modern equipment includes the use of interactive whiteboards, plasma panels, 3D classes and multimedia complexes and other equipment in teaching.

In addition to bright and eventful lessons, holidays, competitions in the gamers' club, as well as numerous festivals, concerts and creative events are held here.

  • cozy atmosphere;
  • responsible teachers;
  • education and discipline;
  • bright school traditions;
  • many interesting circles;
  • quality food.
  • excessive demands on children;
  • school fees.

"Academic Gymnasium Fadeev St. Petersburg State University"

Official website:

Address: Primorskaya metro station, per.Kakhovskogo, d. 9; Peterhof, Old Peterhof, Own pr., 1

☎Phone: (812) 450-65-00; (812) 322-53-12

Hours of Operation: not specified

Age: 8th to 11th grade

The Fadeev Academic Gymnasium of St. Petersburg State University is an educational and scientific center that implements basic and additional programs of general and secondary education. There is a boarding school in the gymnasium, thanks to which children from the Leningrad region and the North-West region, as well as children from other cities, can study here.

Teachers of the gymnasium named after Fadeev have the highest qualification category. The main areas of study are:

  • Department of Biology;
  • Institute of Geosciences;
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics;
  • Faculty of Physics;
  • Institute of Chemistry;
  • Faculty of Applied Mathematics;
  • institute of history.

Additionally, circles and various sections operate in the gymnasium:

  • theater workshop;
  • cinema club;
  • scientific and technical studio;
  • sport Club;
  • club of intellectual games;
  • chess Club;
  • psychological game "Mafia".
  • simple admission;
  • standard curriculum;
  • high level of security;
  • interesting lessons and extracurricular activities;
  • excellent teachers;
  • enjoyment of learning;
  • nice atmosphere.
  • low level of equipment.

"Anichkov Lyceum"

Official site:

Address: Nevsky prospect, 39, Vladimirskaya metro station, Gostiny Dvor, Dostoevskaya

☎Phone: (812) 314-95-55

Opening hours: Thu-Sat from 18:20 to 20:00

Age: 8th to 11th grade

Foreign language: English

Anichkov Lyceum is an educational institution with a natural-science profile of education for children interested in scientific activities. The history of the lyceum began in 1989, when a school was opened in the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers, implementing the academic model of education - general education, natural sciences, without specialization. After the afternoon lessons, the activities of circles began, where research and scientific classes were held. Later, in the 90s. additional classes were opened in the lyceum:

  • biological;
  • with in-depth study of mathematics and computer science;
  • humanitarian class;
  • design class.

Today Anichkov Lyceum is engaged in in-depth training of its students in natural science subjects and disciplines. Admission is based on the results of entrance examinations. Every year, the lyceum hosts a scientific conference for 11th graders, where students present their work in such areas as history, mathematics, physics, sociology, cultural studies and philology. The best works are subsequently published.

  • good security;
  • beautiful location of the building;
  • quality academic education;
  • talented teachers;
  • the presence of a gym and a swimming pool;
  • soulful atmosphere.
  • not detected.

"Natural Science Lyceum of SPbPU"

Official site:

Address: Engels Ave., 23, metro Ploshchad Muzhestva, Pionerskaya, Udelnaya

☎Phone: (812) 550-02-70, (812) 550-02-69

Hours of Operation: not specified

Age: 10 to 11 grades

Foreign language: English

The lyceum is a structural subdivision of the Polytechnic University and provides educational services for secondary general education. At the sessions that end each semester, students take exams and tests in all major disciplines. Education is carried out according to the program of the 10th and 11th grade.The main direction is the physical-mathematical and information-mathematical profile. Foreign languages ​​are optionally studied at additional courses at SPbSPU: French, German, Spanish and others, at the student's choice.

The training program is aimed not only at providing quality educational services for a high level of student preparation. It takes into account the peculiarities of the thinking of each student, his individual characteristics, perception and creative abilities.

Particular attention is paid to ensuring that education keeps pace with the times, according to the current level of development of science, technology, culture and art.

The lyceum practices a historical-structural approach, which makes it possible to track the development of knowledge over epochs and centuries, track the relationship between individual sciences, learn to see the world as a whole and united, and not receive fragmented knowledge divided into objects. Here they are interested in the harmonious development of each student as an individual, the ultimate goal is the formation of a highly intellectual elite.

  • professionalism of teachers;
  • discipline;
  • a large selection of electives;
  • comfortable stay;
  • meaningful lessons.
  • strict requirements.

"Presidential Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239"

Official site:

Address: st. Kirochnaya, d. 8, Chernyshevskaya metro station

☎Phone: (812) 272-96-68

Working hours: Mon-Sat from 8:00 to 20:00 (except holidays)

Age: 5th to 11th grade

Foreign language: English

The educational activity of Lyceum No. 239 has a high level of quality in accordance with state and international standards. The Mathematical Society of the USA lyceum is recognized as one of the ten best schools in the Commonwealth of Independent States.The training program includes all generally accepted disciplines, while the main direction is the physical and mathematical profile. On the basis of the Lyceum there are numerous circles and sections:

  • PC repair and assembly;
  • maths;
  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • sports and local history tourism;
  • journalism;
  • acting skills;
  • flute;
  • painting on wood;
  • art studio;
  • water tourism;
  • rafting;
  • robotics.

All the time that the school has existed, its students have consistently demonstrated high results at city and international olympiads, dedicated not only to the main profile subjects, but also to additional ones. These are chemistry, biology, history, Russian language and literature, English. More than sixty graduates of the Lyceum became winners of the International and more than two hundred and fifty students won the All-Union and All-Russian Olympiads. For several years, the lyceum has won the competition of educational institutions.

  • good traditions;
  • positive atmosphere;
  • rich summer camp program;
  • a wide range of extracurricular activities.
  • strict discipline;
  • difficult to get to.

Top Private Schools

Baltika College

Official site:

Address: st. Mayakovsky, 37v, Chernyshevskaya metro station

☎Phone: (812) 579-91-09; (812) 999-41-42

Working hours: weekdays from 8:30 to 19:00

Age: 1st to 11th grade

Foreign language: English, German

A modern private school that fully complies with today's standards. The training program of the school "Baltika College" includes education according to the state standard and additional education. To enter the school, you must pass an interview.

Much attention is paid here to the upbringing of the child, interaction with his parents so that the educational process moves in a single, harmonious direction, taking into account the individuality of the child. Another distinguishing feature is a high level of responsibility for each student, for example, in case of his being late or absent, the school administration contacts his parents. Children, in turn, learn responsibility, discipline, independence and diligence as the main components of success.

Individual work with everyone is facilitated by a small composition of classes, no more than 11 people in each. For high school students, preparation programs for the Unified State Examination are being developed, in which special attention is paid to subjects corresponding to the profile of the university chosen by the student.

Large officials, representatives of the creative environment, politicians and other people who have a great influence on the formation of the state, economy, culture and other spheres of life take part in communicating with the guys. In the process of communication, they share interesting and useful information, passing on a piece of experience to the children, motivating them by their own example.

It is worth mentioning separately the teaching staff of the school, which is represented by specialists with high qualifications and vast experience, who have awards and titles, and who have publications in their disciplines.

In addition to standard general education subjects, the following disciplines are taught here:

  • history of philosophy;
  • philosophy;
  • world art culture according to the author's program;
  • dancing;
  • etiquette.
  • professionalism of teachers;
  • good preparation for the exam;
  • quality food;
  • high level of security;
  • cozy atmosphere;
  • individual approach to everyone.
  • weak discipline.

"British private school ILA ASPECT"

Official site:

Address: Griboyedov Canal Embankment, 5

☎Phone: (812) 456-23-23

Working hours: Mon-Fri from 9:00 to 21:00

Age: 1st to 11th grade

Foreign language: English

"ILA ASPECT" is a large educational holding, and the British School "Aspect" is a division of the company, a private school where you can get a brilliant English education. It also prepares for exams held at the University of Cambridge.

The school is a combination of public and private educational institution, which harmoniously combines the Russian standards of academic education and the features of the educational system of the traditional British school.

Training is carried out according to the CLIL program (Content and Language Integrated Leaning - Subject-Language Integrated Learning), which shows itself to be one of the most effective by combining the study of English and other disciplines.

Experienced and highly qualified teachers work with the children, professional teachers from the USA and Great Britain are engaged in teaching English. In addition, the Aspect school has developed a rich, interesting cultural program, trips to the UK are organized.

Upon graduation, graduates receive two documents - the State Certificate of Secondary Education and the Cambridge Certificate, designed to confirm knowledge of the English language. Fluency in English allows graduates to continue their studies at any prestigious university in the world.

  • interesting activities;
  • the price corresponds to the quality of services;
  • experienced qualified teachers;
  • good security.
  • not detected.


Official website:

Address: Tramway pr., 20, Leninsky Prospekt metro station

☎Phone: (812) 376–12–81

Hours of Operation: not specified

Age: 7th to 11th grade

Foreign language: English

General educational institution, which is one of the strongest in St. Petersburg. The curriculum is constantly updated and improved in accordance with modern realities, the level of development of sciences and the requirements for private schools.

There are four areas of study:

  • economics and business;
  • humanities and law;
  • management and psychology;
  • informatics and IT.

On the basis of the school "Vzmakh" there are also additional circles and sections:

  • newspaper;
  • theatre;
  • cinema club;
  • English club;
  • brain ring;
  • frisbee.

For each specialty, theoretical and practical training is conducted. Every year, for a month, students undergo internships in real companies and organizations. For many years, students of the Vzmakh school have been winning city competitions in economics, history, literature and other disciplines.

Curricula are drawn up in the interaction of teachers with students, since the school implements the experience of self-government, students create school laws, so "Swipe" is a kind of "school state". Thanks to managerial experience, the guys develop leadership qualities in themselves, the presence of which gives high chances for success in their future professional activities and society.

The purpose of the private school "Vash" is not only the competent presentation of knowledge, but also the education of an educated, energetic, creative personality in a child. Such qualities as self-confidence, enterprise, the ability to work and rest, openness to the world, inner freedom and courage develop.

  • good material and technical base;
  • approach to children;
  • nice atmosphere;
  • cultural activities after school.
  • low level of education.


Official website:

Address: Muchnoy lane, 5, Spasskaya metro station

☎Phone: (812) 310-38-27

Hours of Operation: not specified

Age: 1st to 11th grade

Foreign language: English, German, French, Japanese and Chinese

Gymnasium "Sterkh" is engaged in training according to the St. Petersburg educational standard, these are general educational subjects aimed at the comprehensive development of the individual. From the second grade, English classes begin, if desired, you can choose an additional foreign language. The class size is small - from 5 to 10 people in the class, due to which an individual approach to each student is carried out.

The task of teachers is not only to present the material, but also to consolidate it, therefore, each student is interviewed in the lessons, even if he did not prepare for the lesson or did not memorize or understand the material well enough. As a result of such a survey, a repetition of the topic is carried out so that the educational material is correctly understood and assimilated by all the children. This method teaches you not to be afraid of your weaknesses, and also eliminates the need for additional classes or contacting tutors. Therefore, the loads are limited, and children learn not only to work, but also to relax.

In addition to visiting familiar subjects, the guys are engaged in circles and sections in many interesting areas:

  • manual labor;
  • history of St. Petersburg;
  • mnemonics;
  • memory development;
  • development of thinking, logic and analysis;
  • Petersburg etiquette;
  • music and singing;
  • art;
  • World Art.

Extra-curricular activities include educational excursions and trips, holding a computer drawing competition, and sports competitions.

The children are at school all day, from 9:00 to 17:00, three meals a day from high-quality organic products are organized for them. An extended stay is provided, when homework is carried out in the gymnasium, under the supervision of a teacher.

Upon graduation, graduates receive a state-recognized certificate, and additionally - a certificate from the International Oxford Educational Network.

  • attentive attitude towards children;
  • quality food;
  • high level of knowledge;
  • friendly atmosphere.
  • not found.


Address: emb. Fontanka River, 55; Liteiny pr., 64/78, metro station Vladimirskaya, Mayakovskaya, Nevsky prospect, Gostiny Dvor

☎Phone: (812) 571-83-57

Working hours: from 09:30 to 18:00

Age: 1st to 11th grade

Foreign language: English, French, German

The school "Unison" successfully provides training according to the general educational standard - from preschool to preparation for entrance exams to the university, as well as additional, optional education. Here they try to reveal in the child his creative abilities, develop skills in subjects of interest to him, help determine the future profession.

The main areas of study are:

  • humanitarian profile;
  • natural science;
  • Computer techologies;
  • cultural studies;
  • theatrical skills;
  • jurisprudence;
  • foreign languages.

Optionally, study:

  • foundations of philosophy;
  • logics;
  • psychology;
  • cinema and theater;
  • fundamentals of marketing and advertising management.

On the basis of the school there are also circles and sections:

  • business and management;
  • film school;
  • driving school;
  • theatre studio;
  • folklore;
  • ISO.

Much attention is paid to the sports education of children, the school conducts classes in the following sports:

  • water polo;
  • physiotherapy;
  • table tennis;
  • swimming;
  • diving.

Classes are small, the atmosphere is cozy, friendly. All school premises are equipped according to modern standards. The level of safety is high, high-quality, healthy and tasty food is organized.

Parents take part in the upbringing and education of children, helping to build an optimal educational process, taking into account the characteristics of each student.

The location of the school makes it easy to interact with the city's Palace of Youth Creativity, the Educational and Recreational Complex, as well as any of the St. Petersburg museums, libraries, architectural and historical monuments.

  • home furnishings;
  • friendly atmosphere;
  • mutual understanding with the administration and teachers;
  • individual approach;
  • clean, refurbished premises;
  • quality food.
  • poor location of the building.

How to choose the best school for your child?

It is easiest to choose the best educational institution according to several important criteria:

  1. Type of school. General education, lyceum, gymnasium or other other school. The choice depends on the child's abilities, what he has inclinations, interests, talents. Based on his individual characteristics, one or another type of school is selected.
  2. Location. How easy it will be to get to the institution depends on this factor: it is important for younger children that the school is close to home, older children are able to go to a more distant school. The main convenience and safety of the road, the availability of transport.
  3. Cost of education.Public institutions are free, but fees for the needs of the school and class are not excluded. The cost of private schooling is often high, and the level of facilities and quality of food is much higher than in a regular school. At the same time, the cost of education, no matter how high it is, does not mean a high level of educational services. An ordinary, public school can lose to a private institution in terms of its equipment, but at the same time provide a quality education.
  4. Load. The number of daily lessons and activities should be such that the child has time to relax and comfortably do homework. It is also worth clarifying the duration of the holidays and their number. A reduced number of school days can mean an increased workload and an increased number of daily classes.
  5. Food. Most educational institutions have their own kitchen. It is important that this is a really full-fledged kitchen and dining room for children, and not a buffet with fast food. It is also worth checking the quality of the food.
  6. Atmosphere. It is necessary to focus on what feelings the child has from the school, whether the too strict, ascetic environment repels him, or, on the contrary, too bright and colorful space can distract him from classes.
  7. Safety. And this is not only school security, but also ways to control visits to children, responsibility for their safety during breaks. It is very good if the school administration provides an SMS notification to parents about the lateness of the child, about when he entered the school or left it.

The best way to get to know the school is to visit it in person with your child.Meet the director, teachers, ask all your questions, communicate with the parents of other children. And of course, carefully consider the opinion of the child himself - after all, it is he who will have to spend most of the time in this building, communicate with teachers and other children. And such a difficult task as studying should be as comfortable, interesting and effective as possible.

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