
  1. Rating of the best schools in Omsk in 2022
  2. How to choose the right school?

Rating of the best schools in Omsk in 2022

Rating of the best schools in Omsk in 2022

Every parent dreams of a successful future for their child. He tries to give him the best - toys, food, clothes, education. Especially the last one. Education is the basis for a secure life in the future. It is important that it be comprehensive and of high quality. Currently, every adult can independently choose the place of education for his child. There are several options for obtaining secondary education - a public or private school, remotely.

Each city has a certain rating of schools (lyceums). There are institutions in which first-graders are enrolled several years before the first bell. The larger the city, the greater the choice. Omsk is no exception. This is a city of a million people, which is located on two rivers - the Irtysh and the Om. It has budgetary, private educational institutions.

Rating of the best schools in Omsk in 2022

Multidisciplinary Educational Center for the Development of Giftedness No. 117
votes 181


It is located in the Sovetsky district, on Andrianova street 4. For communication with the administration, there are phone numbers ☎ +7 381 222-33-70, +7 381 222-33-71. It is on the balance sheet of the city. Education takes place from the first to the eleventh grades. Has the status of a gymnasium.

Omsk State University named after Fyodor Dostoevsky organized here courses that allow you to prepare for admission to a higher educational institution. The teaching staff is scrupulously selected, most of them have the highest and first categories. High school students can study in profile classes. Direction - physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, sociology, economics, humanities. In addition, there are classes that are not included in the curriculum. The school is well equipped - several classrooms with computers, interactive whiteboards, gyms and a playground, a modern dining room, a laboratory, a robotics class, chess, and choreography.

The gymnasium was built in 1962. Since 1994, they began to study in depth literature. Since 2007 it has been given the status of a gymnasium. In 2006, 2009 they were marked by the mayor of the city, the President of the Russian Federation.

Classes start at half past nine in the morning. The initial link is trained within five days, the senior - six days. When studying some disciplines, classes are divided into several groups. Vacations for all schoolchildren - at least a month (excluding the summer period). The school provides paid services (tutoring), for this an agreement is concluded between the parties. The cost of one hour of class is 100 rubles (for 2022).

  • Public sector entity;
  • Spacious classrooms;
  • Excellent teachers;
  • Schoolchildren participate and win prizes at city, regional and other Olympiads;
  • Three computer classes (modern technology);
  • Library with a wide selection of books;
  • Two sports halls with the necessary equipment;
  • Individual approach to each child;
  • Comfortable dining room;
  • Nutrition (use only high-quality products);
  • Senior classes have a narrow specialization;
  • The gymnasium cooperates with the institute, which is beneficial for its students;
  • The school website has up-to-date information about the lesson schedule, homework, current grades;
  • Dancing lessons;
  • Refresher courses;
  • High ranking among city schools;
  • Any child can apply after an interview;
  • Possibility of classes with a tutor (in subjects), conclusion of an agreement for the provision of paid services;
  • Classes for future first graders;
  • The enrollment of children does not depend on the place of residence (registration);
  • Full provision of textbooks;
  • Students can make copies of required materials in the library.
  • It is difficult to get into classes (many applicants);
  • Registration for preschool children's courses takes place in the first days of April, and ends in a few days.

Lyceum No. 64
votes 71

General education institution, lyceum status. Located at the address - Chkalova street, 3. You can ask questions of interest by calling ☎ - 31-64-27, 31-25-41. Parents are welcome on weekdays from 16-00 to 18-00.

It was built back in 1937. In 1964, it was moved to a new building at its current location. Since 1989, an in-depth study of algebra, geometry, and physics has been introduced. Since 1998, the school has been renamed into a lyceum.

The workflow starts at 8 am and ends at 8 pm. First-graders study five days a week, the rest of the classes - six. When studying a foreign language, computer science classes are divided into several groups. Holidays during the academic year at least one month.Recruitment of children in the junior link takes place from February, for those living in the area. For the rest wishing from July. Training is conducted in two shifts. It is possible to provide paid services, for this an agreement is drawn up between the parties. Most often it is preparation for exams (tutoring).

There is a canteen for meals. It can accommodate up to 90 people at the same time. There are breaks for meals. For breakfast, it lasts ten minutes, a hot tomorrow - twenty minutes, a full meal - about thirty minutes.

The teaching staff is strong. There are seven honored teachers of Russia in the team, some with the highest and first category. There is a psychologist on staff who is ready to provide the necessary assistance to students. Whether it's problems with academic performance, in relationships with classmates. There are 81 employees in total.

The lyceum has its own website, which contains the necessary information. Information about teachers, students, schedule of calls and classes are indicated. You can see the available awards, lists of winners of competitions, olympiads. Photo of premises, educational process.

  • Public sector entity;
  • Completed teaching staff;
  • Spacious classrooms;
  • Large dining room;
  • Availability of hot meals;
  • Enough time to eat;
  • Gym with new equipment;
  • Computer classes, Internet access;
  • Interactive whiteboards, projectors;
  • Training in two shifts;
  • Reception of parents daily;
  • Preparation of preschoolers;
  • Provision of paid services (tutors);
  • The senior link has a narrow direction - physics, mathematics, sociology, economics;
  • In addition to the main program, the presence of circles;
  • Website with necessary information for parents;
  • Individual approach to each child;
  • Laboratory;
  • The work of a psychologist with children.
  • Admission occurs only depending on the place of registration;
  • Fully staffed classes have 33 students;
  • An interview is required for admission.

Gymnasium No. 19
votes 56

The budget organization (state) is located on Taube Street, 15. All questions will be answered by phone ☎ 20-11-92. Reception of visitors takes place from Monday to Thursday, from 9-00 to 17-00.

Training is conducted in two shifts (from 8-30 to 18-20). Primary grades go to school five days a week, senior grades six. Changes last from ten to twenty minutes.

The school has existed since 1876. Initially, only boys could study there. The emphasis was on the humanities. In certain periods, many celebrities (writers, artists, musicians) studied here. After that, girls were allowed to study. Since 1990 it has been given the status of a gymnasium. In addition to the main subjects, they teach choreography, and more. The whole history is kept within the walls of the institution.

Highly qualified teachers with extensive experience work. They have awards and certificates. Almost all have the highest or first category. Teachers prepare children for participation in the Olympiads. Many of them take prizes not only in Omsk, but also in the region, throughout Russia.

The gymnasium is equipped according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education. There are computer classes, a sports ground, gyms, a canteen, a library. Textbooks are provided to all students free of charge. Only fresh products are used for food. Delivery is carried out by a company that has won a city tender for the academic year.

In addition to the basic subjects, there are classes for the additional development of children. You can attend dances, chess, robotics, and more. Learn foreign languages ​​- English, German, French. Special attention is paid to sports.The school management believes that children should develop comprehensively. Within the walls of the school, the TRP standards are annually passed.

Reception of first-graders takes place at the place of registration. Only from July it is possible to enroll children from other districts. One hundred people are recruited. Most classes are filled in April. Senior classes have a narrow specialization - mathematics, humanities, sociology. They accept, regardless of the place of residence. The main thing is to endure a little testing.

Separately, it is worth noting the presence of a social pedagogue in the staff. He helps children get used to school, join the team. Interviews are held with parents and children. Thanks to her work, it turns out to avoid many conflicts.

  • Gymnasium status;
  • Modern computers, Internet access;
  • The work of a social educator;
  • Large profile of the senior classes;
  • Work in two shifts;
  • Consultations of parents either by phone or in person;
  • Access mode;
  • Learning several foreign languages;
  • Courses for preschoolers;
  • Availability of the website of the gymnasium on the Internet with the necessary information;
  • Passing sports standards annually;
  • Comprehensive development of children;
  • Additional mugs;
  • Participation in Olympiads (all levels);
  • Provision of textbooks for all students.
  • It is difficult to get into the gymnasium;
  • It is necessary to pass an entrance test;
  • Reception only at the place of registration.

Lyceum No. 92
votes 51

Lyceum No. 92 is located in the city of Omsk on Angarskaya street, 7a. This is a government institution. All questions will be answered by phone ☎: 46‒75‒95, 44‒27‒27, 46‒75‒87. The lyceum has many awards, both city and all-Russian. Every year the number of students increases.

The guide is aimed at ensuring that parents take an active part in the lives of their children.Therefore, we are ready to listen to wishes, try to bring them to life. In the lyceum it is necessary to wear a uniform with an emblem. Teachers also follow a certain dress code. More than eighty percent of teachers have the highest, first category of accreditation. Some have the status of an honored teacher of Russia. Many of them participate in competitions to test professionalism and win prizes. Thanks to such qualifications of teachers and the level of training, almost 90% of graduates enter higher education institutions the first time.

In addition to studying the basic subjects, the emphasis is on the education of the patriotic spirit, creativity, fantasy, spiritual knowledge, and artistic opportunities. Every effort is made to inculcate the right views.

After classes, children can visit additional circles. Classes in them are aimed at the comprehensive development of students. These are dancing, singing, drawing, oratory, military training, and much more. Children themselves organize holiday concerts, write numbers, scripts. In addition, intellectual competitions and entertainment programs are held.

The management is trying to improve the conditions for schoolchildren. This year the following events took place:

  1. The library has been replenished;
  2. Updated equipment in the dining room;
  3. Added several training classes;
  4. Improved medical facilities;
  5. Installed plastic windows;
  6. Current repairs have been carried out.

Separately, it is worth noting the security within the walls of the lyceum. A group of active parents has been created to help control the behavior of schoolchildren on the roads. In addition, there is a pass mode. If necessary, you can find out the exact time of arrival / departure of the child.The lyceum has a security guard that monitors the observance of order. Students are regularly interviewed about their behavior in various life situations.

Initially, it was a simple school, where they gave in-depth knowledge of mathematics and physics. Since 2008, the title of lyceum has been awarded. In addition to these subjects, studying several foreign languages ​​is a must. One of them is English, the second is chosen independently.

Training is carried out only in full-time form. All plans, lists of subjects are on the Lyceum page. There you can also see the schedule of lessons and calls, lists of teachers, awards (lyceum, students, teachers). They work on several programs - general education, school of Russia, 2100, promising primary. In total, about 1300 people receive knowledge within the walls of the building. High school students themselves choose the focus of their classes - chemistry, physics, biology, sociology, economics, and the humanities. The lyceum works in two shifts. After general classes, the children go to circles. There is no need to go anywhere, which is convenient for elementary grades.

  • Work in two shifts; parent patrol;
  • Creative development of children;
  • Huge selection of extracurricular activities;
  • Narrow profile of choice for senior classes;
  • Teachers with a high level of training;
  • A large number of awards, both from the lyceum and from its students;
  • Updated library;
  • Large dining room;
  • Several training programs;
  • A small number of children in classes (from 25 to 30);
  • Active participation of parents in the life of the Lyceum;
  • Organization of holidays, concerts by schoolchildren;
  • Two gyms with the latest equipment;
  • Website on the Internet with the necessary data;
  • Accreditation until 2026;
  • Psychologist on staff;
  • Preparatory courses for future first-graders.
  • Do not accept children who do not belong to the lyceum according to registration;
  • An interview is required for admission.

There are private schools for children of all ages. The number of children is much less than in the state. The rooms are much smaller. But not everyone is accredited. Therefore, when entering such a school, there is a risk with further education (higher educational institutions). The certificate of such schools is not accepted in universities.

How to choose the right school?

It is necessary to take care of the place of study of the child in advance. Primary classes provide the basis for further studies. If the school in the district does not suit you, then you can try to get into another one. It is important to submit an application in a timely manner at the place of registration of the child, so that there is a guaranteed place. At the desired school, you will have to write an application at the beginning of summer, if there are places, the child will be accepted. It is worth getting acquainted with the school curriculum, additional circles, which languages ​​are taught. What is the equipment, repair, library, teachers. All of these elements are part of a good education.


