
  1. Need for education
  2. School profiles
  3. Ranking of the best schools in Kazan for 2022
  4. Conclusion

Review of the best schools in Kazan for 2022

Review of the best schools in Kazan for 2022

When the time comes to send your child to school, then the search for the best institution for the development, training and education of the younger generation begins. In order for the school years to pass with benefit, and the child remembers them not as “hellish” days, you need to choose the best institution, and this rating will help you choose the right option with the right profile among the best schools in Kazan.

Need for education

Obtaining a secondary education is very important for the formation of a child's personality and laying the foundation for further success and realization.It is at school age that the child begins to understand which subject he is more attracted to and which one he is indifferent to, here the task of parents and teachers is to give an impetus in the right direction so that the student develops in the chosen direction, because this can serve him in choosing a future profession.

But it is also important that the student receives general knowledge in all subjects in order to have an idea of ​​​​everything that surrounds us, do not feel oppressed and be able to understand any situation. After all, it is necessary at school to make it clear to students that no one needs to memorize material or memorize some dates just like that, everyone has a computer or smartphone at hand and in a minute the answer will be received, but the ability to analyze and create something original will always be in demand.

During the period of computerization, most professions related to physical activity are a thing of the past. Machines do this for a person, but they don’t get tired, they don’t ask for food, wages, insurance and the rest, therefore, where it is possible to replace a person with a machine, this will be done, and our children may encounter a problem when, without knowledge of work, they simply cannot will exist.

More than once in childhood, parents said that if you don’t want to study, you’ll go to work for someone we didn’t want at all and was considered not prestigious. Maybe with the generation of adults in 2022, such an opportunity was still observed, but children born today may, after 20 years, after graduating, find that no one needs the physical labor of an “ignoramus”, who knows nothing and simply has two hands.

Or also a person who knows how to remember a sufficiently large amount of information, he can memorize numbers, poems or even texts remarkably at school, but he cannot put them into practice at all.Then the skill of simply “memorizing” information after graduation will not help him, because a computer can also remember information much more and faster.

Therefore, today it is necessary to teach a child to create and be able to analyze, use new technologies, make decisions, make choices, set goals and plans.

School profiles

Many schools are beginning to choose a specific profile that prevails in the study of one direction by students in more depth. The most frequent profile subjects are:

  • Physics;
  • Chemistry;
  • Biology;
  • Maths;
  • Economy;
  • Foreign languages;
  • Informatics.

Therefore, the following directions in education are formed, usually the distribution begins from the senior classes, but sometimes after the elementary school:

  • physical and mathematical;
  • biological (or chemical-biological);
  • technological (informatics and new technologies);
  • economic;
  • bias towards the study of several foreign languages.

There are other divisions according to profiles - schools with physical education, schools with an aesthetic inclination, natural sciences, as well as a mixture of different directions. To provide his students with a more in-depth study of certain subjects that he will need in his future choice of profession.

After elementary school, parents usually notice their child's craving for certain subjects, his inclinations and talents, and then the search for the best institution in a certain profile begins.

It is very important that the student wants to go to the chosen school, otherwise this place will be hard labor for him and he will not receive progress in studying. You should not insist on a change of organization if the child categorically refuses to go to the school "that mother chose" because he has friends in the old school and he likes everything.

Such a sharp and categorically tuned translation may not be useful at all, but only get conflicts, and failure learns. Try to talk with your child about the future profession, and how the new school can help, and you can meet with friends after class. Or then let the child go to additional classes after school with selected courses and in-depth study of the necessary subject.

Why do we need a division system

The creation of a state program for the self-determination of schoolchildren and the choice of a profile in the upper grades made it possible to improve the results of passing the final exams, because students in the last grades study in more detail the subject that they will take for admission to higher educational institutions. The success rates for the USE and the state final certification have increased in recent years, in contrast to previous ones.

More often, students began to choose a profession for admission in accordance with the chosen profile at school, which makes it possible to talk about a more conscious approach to choosing a professional career in high school and determining their future profession.

Ranking of the best schools in Kazan for 2022

Thanks to the compilation of the All-Russian rating of hundreds of the best schools for the preparation of graduates, we can safely recommend the following Kazan schools as the best in our country and in Kazan.

Lyceum № 131
votes 132

Addressst. Butlerova, house 54.
Telephone +7(843)-236-75-20; +7(843)-236-11-23
Number of students690
Number of teachers56
Director Khabibullina Alfiya Bligvardovna
Year of foundation1961

This educational institution is subordinate to the Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan and is specialized in in-depth study of mathematics and physics. The language of instruction at school is Russian. The main tasks set in the education and training of students for this organization:

  • providing their pupils with a complete secondary education;
  • development of intellectual abilities and creativity;
  • help students learn the importance and culture of the heritage of their country, instill love and patriotism from school;
  • achievement by schoolchildren of a high level of knowledge, morality and positive personal qualities;
  • to make aware of the value of the surrounding world, nature and society;
  • provide additional specialized training and help in choosing a profession and prepare for admission to higher educational institutions in a given direction.
  • the best in profile orientation;
  • professional teaching staff;
  • the presence of everything necessary in the classroom for a better mastering of the material;
  • modern approach to learning;
  • the presence of awards and merit from the school and teachers before the Republic, as well as the Russian Federation.
  • if you need to learn other subjects in more depth, except for those specified in the school profile, you will either need to hire a tutor, or study on your own, or choose another school.

IT Lyceum KFU
votes 66

Address Kazan, Universiade Village, house 32
Telephone +8(843)221-34-82
Number of students600
Number of teachers51 teachers and 24 educators
Director Samerkhanov Timerbulat Rashidovich
Year of foundation2012

This institution was built on the initiative of the President of the Republic and accepted the first students in 2012, but despite the short period of operation, it managed to win the commitment of students and their parents, and also take 66th place out of the 100 best schools in the entire Russian Federation, which indicates a high level formation of this organization.

A professional team of teachers will allow you to master the program and pass the final exams with high marks, the main thing is to have the desire and try to use all the information received, then entering the university will not be so frightening.

Education in this institution begins with the sixth grade. To enter the lyceum, it is necessary to pass the selection in three stages:

  • online testing;
  • tests in the Russian language, logic, mathematics and specialized subjects;
  • oral exam.

After passing all stages on a competitive basis, the best students with the highest scores are enrolled.

This lyceum is part of the structure of the Kazan Federal University and is special and unique not only on the territory of the republic or the entire federation, but even in the world.

The educational organization is faced with the task of preparing the “elite”, developing its intellectuals in the field of IT technologies for the future of the whole country.

  • specialized training in the field of modern technologies;
  • innovative approach to teaching;
  • the latest equipment in schools;
  • highly qualified teachers with many awards and titles;
  • The lyceum is a division of KFU, which will allow you to prepare for admission to this university after completing your studies.
  • complex system of admission;
  • education begins only from the 6th grade;
  • location.

Lyceum them. N.I. Lobachevsky KFU
votes 75

AddressKazan, st. Rakhmatullina, 2/18
Telephone +(843)292-07-70
Number of students600
Number of teachers52
Director Skobeltsyna Elena Germanovna
Year of foundation2013

This lyceum was created on the basis of KFU as a comprehensive boarding school.And the main task was set - to identify, select and give comprehensive creative development to their wards, as well as to show the ability to precise and natural objects.

The purpose of this institution is to identify gifted and capable children, their further development and education. The emphasis is on personality and self-development, to let the child realize and make the right choice of his future.

Admission is possible for basic general education, for a period of 4 years, these are grades 6-9. Or senior classes at the level of general secondary education, these are grades 10 and 11.

  • a special trip to study;
  • development in the child of personal qualities and self-awareness;
  • assistance in choosing a future profession;
  • equipping with all the necessary equipment for better assimilation of the material;
  • professional team of teachers;
  • the best indicators of passing the USE and the state final certification among lyceum students in comparison with the average indicators of schools in the region.
  • training starts from the 6th grade or 10th;
  • entrance exams are required.

School No. 18
votes 67

Address Kazan, st. Mushtari d. 6
Telephone +7(843)-236-95-84
Number of students955
Number of teachers68
Director Badrieva Rina Rinadovna
Year of foundation1959

This municipal educational institution with a general education profile and in-depth study of the English language is located in the old beautiful building of the former diocesan women's school, commissioned in 1890. Despite the respectful age of the building, it looks majestic and is equipped with everything necessary for the good upbringing and education of its students.

After completing basic secondary education (grade 9), students can choose the following areas:

  • philological - in-depth study of the English language, and in addition, the Chinese language is studied;
  • information technology;
  • economic and social.

Long-standing traditions in the life of the school include instilling a sense of compassion in students, the school actively helps the children's department of the 18th city hospital, a nursing home, an infectious children's hospital No. 5, a shelter for homeless animals and the Kazan zoological and botanical garden.

A professional team of teachers instills in students a love of learning and a desire to learn new things, which will allow the child to begin to be interested in something more in-depth. And knowledge of foreign languages ​​will not hurt in any profession, just for general development and life.

  • training is possible from grades 1-11;
  • professional teachers with awards and titles from the state will help in mastering knowledge and instill a love of learning;
  • in addition to general educational activities, the school tries to teach students to be kind and help those in need;
  • studying English in more depth;
  • availability of teaching Chinese;
  • there are long-term traditions that diversify school life.
  • a small choice of directions after the 9th grade.

Gymnasium №7
votes 101

AddressKazan, st. Adoratskogo, d. 25a
Phones +7(843)-521-66-48; +7(843)-556-35-56;
Number of students941
Number of teachers80
Director Knysh Tatiana Nikolaevna
Year of foundation1981

This educational institution is located in the Novo-Savinsky district of the city of Kazan and is the center of competence in the republic for e-learning. It bears the name of the Hero of Russia A.V. Kozin.

The school was among the winners of the "Best School of Russia" competition, and also has grants from the President of the Russian Federation in 2006 and 2008. She has been collaborating with the magazine since 2014 and is an official partner of the Russian Educational Bulletin. The school also has many other well-deserved titles, awards and partners outside the country, allowing the Tatar diaspora abroad to attend the Online School.

The school has the following areas of study:

  • socio-economic;
  • physical and mathematical;
  • social and humanitarian;
  • information technology.
  • training is conducted from the first grade to graduation;
  • the school has repeatedly received awards from the president and awards of all-Russian significance for its contribution to education;
  • professional staff will allow students to get a better education;
  • development of personal qualities and self-determination of students;
  • providing everything necessary for training;
  • equipping classes with special equipment (Pushkin Museum, Einstein Laboratory and much more help students in mastering science and getting a quality education).
  • not found.


Kazan is one of the cities with a population of one million, so the number of educational institutions is quite well developed, which allows you to choose a specific profile before entering.

Only sometimes such a choice can be confusing and confusing, the best thing is to look at the rating of the nearest schools with your home, go and talk with the teachers in person, see the atmosphere of the institution in order to understand where your child will spend quite a significant part of his life.

It is important to take care of the quality of education even in school years, so that during admission to the university there are no problems, worries and disappointments, and the child can get what he wants.


