
  1. School Selection Criteria
  2. The best schools in Yekaterinburg
Ranking of the best schools in Yekaterinburg in 2022

Ranking of the best schools in Yekaterinburg in 2022

Going to school is the child's first step into adulthood. It is important that the learning process evokes joy in the child and a desire to reach for new knowledge and heights. Lessons should not cause negative emotions, otherwise you will not be able to become a successful and purposeful person in the future. A harmonious learning process contributes to a better assimilation of new material and internal growth. Therefore, the choice of an educational institution should be approached carefully. We will talk about the features of choosing an educational institution and the best schools in Yekaterinburg below.

School Selection Criteria

Now, in order to send a child to first grade, parents need to do a lot of things. Therefore, when choosing a school, many are limited either by positive reviews from good friends or by the convenient location of the educational institution. And someone, maybe, goes to a certain school because of the teacher.All these criteria are relatively correct, but we should not forget about the deeper parameters of choice.

First of all, when choosing a school, parents need to understand what they want from the school, what values ​​are taken into account. For someone, the atmosphere of learning or creative direction, learning languages, freedom of development, etc. may be important.

Having chosen values, you should choose schools that have these criteria. After that, you can go on a "tour" of the selected objects, talk with teachers and parents, look at the students and the internal environment. After passing this stage, most likely, your list will be reduced by at least half.

In addition, attention should be paid to the number of children in the class. Many classes are overloaded with children, this will not give the teacher the opportunity to pay attention to each student. Also, not all children attended kindergarten, and it will not be comfortable for them to immediately get into a large stream. This can cause difficulties in adaptation and interfere with the learning process.

Pay attention to the load that will be given at school and the health of your child. Overload can adversely affect the emotional and physical condition of the child.

The best schools in Yekaterinburg

Grammar school № 13

Gymnasium No. 13 is one of the first educational institutions in the city of Yekaterinburg. It opened in December 1921. Since 1954, it has become the first educational institution where in-depth study of the English language is conducted.

The gymnasium was in the top 500 schools in 2013 and 2014, and entered the top 200 in 2015 and 2016.

Today, more than 1000 people study at the school. There are three levels of education: primary, basic and secondary.

The gymnasium has a humanitarian direction. There is an in-depth study of the English language.There are items in English. For example, American literature, reading and translation techniques, business English. From the 8th grade, a second additional language is taken into study. It can be French or German. Much attention is also paid to the Russian language, literature and history.

There is specialized training. You can choose a humanitarian, economic, scientific and aesthetic or polytechnical profile.

In addition, there are additional clubs and sections. The child can try himself in theatrical art, chess school, video studio or vocal group. The theater studio is presented in Russian and English.

If desired, the child can be given to paid courses that take place in the gymnasium. It can be ballroom dancing, computer courses or preschool training.

The school building has its own library, canteen, sports hall. The school has a sports ground.

Contact Information:

st. Karl Marx, 33. ☎ Tel. (343) 254-25-37.

  • In-depth study of the English language;
  • Learning an additional language;
  • There are additional free sections;
  • Positive feedback from parents of students.
  • Training is conducted in one shift;
  • Paid preschool education.

Lyceum № 110 im. OK. Grishina

Lyceum №110 was founded in 1951. In 2017, the Lyceum became the Laureate of the Silver Owl national award in the field of education.

Training takes place in five profiles. Natural science specialization includes biology and chemistry as core subjects. There are also classes with a mathematical bias, humanitarian, information technology and economics. Educational programs have three degrees of study.

In addition, there are additional sections and clubs.A student can be a member of several clubs at the same time, and if desired, leave them at any time. There are sports, dance, tourist, biological, art sections. Some additional sections may require a medical certificate from the student.

Meals in the dining room are carried out according to a strict schedule for each class, which allows you to avoid large queues and crowds.

Lyceum №110 has a bilingual department. French and English are studied.

There are paid programs. Each age group has its own specific program. Courses include both additional classes in a specific subject, and classes outside the curriculum.

Training takes place in two shifts. The number of students is 1200 people.

Contact Information:

st. Bazhova 124. ☎ Tel. (343) 350-25-84.

  • Learning two languages;
  • There are 5 learning profiles;
  • Large selection of additional sections;
  • Constant updating of the curriculum;
  • There are 46 laboratory rooms, a gymnasium, a reading room.
  • Crowded classes.

Gymnasium No. 9

Gymnasium No. 9 was founded in 1934 and from the very beginning is famous for the knowledge that students receive. Since 1993, it has been part of the UNESCO Associated Schools, and in 2011 it was one of the 10 strongest schools in Russia. The goal of the gymnasium is to create a creative, intellectual personality that will be capable of further growth and self-development.

Since 2011, the admission of first-graders to the gymnasium has ceased. It was decided that school No. 69 would become the basis for admission. Therefore, admission of students is carried out from the 5th grade. Admission is based on the results of testing, which takes place in May.

There is also an additional admission in the eighth grade.You can get here according to the results of tests that take place in April of each year. Recruitment under this program is more limited. Children are selected for in-depth study of certain subjects.

The gymnasium has three profiles of study: humanitarian, technical and scientific. Language training is conducted in three directions: English, French and German.

There are additional sections for ballroom dancing, a theater studio, a vocal and choir club, and sports sections. Classes in the vocal section are divided into three age groups. Sports sections include athletics, basketball, football, volleyball.

The number of students is 900 people. Training is conducted in one shift and has a six-day academic week.

Contact Information:

st. Lenina 33. ☎ Tel. (343) 371-81-32

  • Included in the list of the best schools in Russia;
  • Gives excellent education;
  • There are three learning profiles;
  • Learning three languages ​​to choose from;
  • Included in the UNESCO Schools;
  • Lots of extra sections.
  • Rigid selection based on test results;
  • There are no primary classes.

Lyceum No. 180 "Polyforum"

The lyceum was founded in 1994. Included in the top ten schools in the city of Yekaterinburg. In 2015, it became the winner of the contest "The Best Municipal Institution".

Students are admitted from the first grade. There are three levels of education. Only English is taught. Mathematics, chemistry and physics are subjects of in-depth study. Teaching profiles are divided into three groups: physical and mathematical, economic and natural sciences. During the school year, children will be tested and their progress monitored.

Additional education includes sports sections, musical, choreographic and literary circles.

The school building is equipped with a swimming pool, gym, library and dining room.

The training process is carried out in two shifts. The number of students is more than 1700 people.

In addition, there is a group for preparing admission to the first grade - "School of a successful first grader." Classes are held 2 times a week, 3 lessons per day. There will be no more than 15 children in the group. Classes are held according to the subject principle. Classes are conducted by teachers of the elementary school of the lyceum.

Contact Information:

st. Krestinsky, 43. ☎ Tel. (343) 218-48-58.

  • Included in the top ten schools;
  • The building of the lyceum has a swimming pool;
  • Various extracurricular activities.
  • Only English is studied;
  • Large number of students.

School No. 200

This school is relatively new. It was formed in 2008. But it has already established itself as a worthy educational institution. The educational process is conducted from the first grade. There are three levels of education.

The educational process of the school is divided into six periods. In between, there are six vacations. According to the school program, there is an in-depth study of English and mathematics. In addition, the student can choose subjects that are of interest to him, and engage in their in-depth study during the study period.

There is a wide range of extracurricular activities. Sections are designed for different ages of children. There are sports sections, creative, theater studio, for high school students there is a circle of programming and technical creativity.

The school building has a sports hall, a gymnastics hall, a gym, and there is a sports ground on the school grounds.Many classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards, laboratory equipment, projectors. Two out of three informatics labs are equipped with software for language labs. The reading room is also equipped with computers and free Internet access.

School students take an active part in various social events. The school has a volunteer group "Good Children of the World". Members of the detachment periodically make gifts for the baby house.

The school also has paid educational courses. Here you can find creative, dance programs and preparation for school.

The number of students is about 1000 people.

Contact Information:

st. Krestinsky, 39. ☎ Tel. (343) 218-37-90

  • Good equipment of offices;
  • There is a gym and a gym;
  • Children take part in social actions and are members of a volunteer detachment;
  • Computer science classrooms have Rinel-Lingo kits;
  • There are laptops with Internet access in the reading room.
  • Crowded classes;
  • Only English is studied;
  • An in-depth study of only two subjects.

Specialized Educational and Scientific Center of UrFU

SUSC was established in 1990 as a structural subdivision of the university, which provides in-depth training in the author's programs. Since 2015, it has been among the top ten schools in Russia. According to the results of the last USE, 18 students scored one hundred points.

Training at the SUSC is carried out according to a special author's program developed in accordance with federal standards. Education starts from the 8th grade. But you can do the same in 9th and 10th grade. There are requirements for admission to a certain class.

The SASC has 8 different departments: mathematics, computer science, physics and astronomy, philosophy, foreign languages, chemistry and biology, psychophysical cultures. Grades 10-11 are considered profile, and in grades 8 and 9, preparations are underway for the chosen profile.

Visiting students entering the SUSC should not worry, there is a boarding dormitory that has been functioning since the opening of the school. Various cultural events take place in the hostel. For example, the last call or an evening of acquaintances. There is a poetry club that welcomes all lovers of poetry. Various concerts are also constantly organized, where students can show all their talents.

The number of students is 500 people.

Contact Information:

st. Danila Zvereva, 30. ☎ Tel. (343) 341-06-59.

  • Author's program;
  • Availability of 8 departments;
  • Hostel for out-of-town students;
  • Small number of students
  • Included in the top 10 schools in Russia.
  • Admission only from the 8th grade;
  • Big competition.

Gymnasium No. 99

The school was founded in 1953, since 1965 there has been an in-depth study of the English language. And since 1995, the school has been given the status of a gymnasium.

Basic education is divided into three levels of education. The main profile of the gymnasium is humanitarian. Particular attention is paid to foreign languages. Children begin to learn English from the first grade. Starting from the second grade, an in-depth study of the English language is introduced. In the fifth grade, a second foreign language is added. At the request of students, it can be German or French. An additional language is studied in grade 8. And English is in the program up to grade 11 inclusive.

Additional education includes an American club, a circle for tourism, computer science and a ceramics studio. In addition, there are sports sections. It is also worth noting the presence of the school museum. Ostrovsky N.

At the gymnasium there are paid services. For young children, they include programs to adapt to school, study the world, get to know science, etc. For middle and senior level, the programs provide for solving problems in chemistry and physics, studying computer programs, and additional classes in English.

The school building has a large canteen that can accommodate more than 100 people. There are also 2 gyms, 2 computer science rooms, a woodworking workshop.

Training is conducted in two shifts, the number of students is about 900 people.

Contact Information:

st. Bauman, 17. ☎ Tel. (343) 349-39-23 (33).

  • In-depth study of the English language;
  • Learning an additional foreign language;
  • Large selection of paid training programs;
  • There is preparation for the first class;
  • Spacious dining room.
  • No reading room;
  • Additional languages ​​are studied only for 3 years.

Choosing a school is not an easy task. It must be taken seriously. Having carefully studied all the pros and cons, one should not rush into the choice. Also, do not forget to listen to the opinion of the child. After all, he will have to be at school most of his time.

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