
  1. How to choose the right school
  2. Rating of the best schools in Chelyabinsk

Ranking of the best schools in Chelyabinsk in 2022

Ranking of the best schools in Chelyabinsk in 2022

The disputes around the formation are gaining a degree close to boiling. No one dares to challenge the dogma that learning is necessary. Another thing …

"We all learned a little

Something and somehow

So education, thank God,

It is not surprising for us to shine ... "

A venerable educational program is given to a child already in kindergarten. Children count, write, know the alphabet, memorize. And then the child goes to school. The best schools in Chelyabinsk will be discussed in this article.

How to choose the right school

The point of choosing the location of the educational institution is losing its relevance. Rhythms of life, technological progress, babysitting services eliminate the problem. The quality of education comes first.

"Unnecessary" disciplines

The idea of ​​knowledge that is practically unnecessary in the future life, its uselessness, excites an increasing number of minds.The hours allotted for the study of the subject are increasing, curricula are changing dramatically, finding a student who has read the entire "War and Peace" is a great success. And why should he read such a weighty work if he is going to become an IT specialist?

Professors are gradually united in the opinion that the student is overloaded with information.

Schools provide children with the necessary skills, literature, mathematics, physics, history - all in one set. At what stage should you start dividing subjects into those that will remain needed in the future and those that are better not to study. Again a dilemma: a one-sidedly developed personality, immersed in the sphere of a single area, is nonsense, an outcast driven into a professional corner.

Golden mean

The way out of the impasse is a comprehensive school with multiple electives, cultural groups and research bases. As soon as a priority occupation appears in a small person, he is immediately given a move. However, this does not relieve him of the responsibility to succeed in other subjects. Perhaps, over time, interests will change, but there will be no “weakened” blocks of education. The main role in the development of talent in a child lies with the parents. It is they who observe his hobbies and direct him in the right direction. Plus, deep assistance with teachers who will help with advice, pay attention to weaknesses, ask somewhere more strictly.

Closer to the future

In modern gymnasiums for the senior classes, the student is already determined with a profession.

There are many opportunities to move in the right direction - competitions, festivals, exhibitions, olympiads, grants.

At the middle school stage, it may be advisable to change schools, where the subjects that the student has prioritized are given more deeply.Before the transfer, it is necessary to communicate with the teachers of the future school, and the school from which the child is taken away.

Errors when choosing

There was a school nearby, they taught English in it from the second grade, it was nearby to walk, the marks were not bad in the diary, there was no teacher in chemistry, and the girl dreamed of becoming a doctor.

Ten years passed like a dream. A girl needs tutors, sleepless nights, nerves of steel to go to medical school. Will she give up her dream or overcome the parapet.

It was possible to simply transfer the child to the school, which is located two stops away.

Psychologists believe that today's children are purposeful and able to think systematically. However, no one took away their big kind hearts. And yet, already at an early stage of development and learning with a child, you can have a dialogue about the future, about the occupation that brings the joy of creativity and the desire to go to new goals. Trite, but - "the road will be mastered by the walking one!"

Rating of the best schools in Chelyabinsk

Gymnasium №96

The municipal autonomous general educational institution of Chelyabinsk has been functioning since 1952.

In the 70-80s, the school was the only one in the city with the teaching of a foreign German language from the 2nd grade. 4 days a week the discipline "German" was in the schedule. Starting from the third grade, the children carried on friendly correspondence with the guys from the GDR. It was interesting and pleasant to receive a parcel with sweets and souvenirs from a distant country by Christmas. Thus, the spoken language was practiced. In the senior classes, students who excelled in the discipline were entrusted with technical translations for Moscow research institutes. Most of the teachers at the school were Russian Germans.

Today, German language training takes place as part of the Deutsches Sprachdiplom program.Holders of diplomas of the "German language 1st degree" get the opportunity to study language in colleges at German Higher Educational Institutions.

  • Robotics

There are groups for teaching robotics. Special latest LEGO sets are provided to help you learn the basics of building.

  • English language

The teaching methodology along with study guides are sourced from the University of Oxford. At the end of the course, children are awarded certificates from the London Academy of Languages. Examinations are accepted in written and oral formats.

  • mental math

Children over 6 years old are invited to undergo an exciting training in logic, mathematical operations in an entertaining way. Small groups of 6 people will provide deep learning and attentive attention to each student.

  • Department for preschoolers

The term of study provides for a five-year full-time program. The priority is the creative development of the child, his health, accustoming to discipline and independence, a sense of responsibility and the first steps of learning.

  • schoolchildren become participants in scientific and practical conferences for pupils and students;
  • self-management days are held;
  • visits to the school by directors of universities from Germany;
  • among students - winners of literary competitions in German;
  • practiced school exchange with German cities;
  • participation in international language games;
  • in the summer, a health camp operates on the territory of the school for the day;
  • educational trips to the UK;
  • skype and face-to-face communication with English teachers are practiced;
  • the site has an online reception;
  • participation in the All-Russian chemical dictation.
  • no.

Contact Information:

Chelyabinsk, 454047,

st. Mira 46.

☎ 8-351-721-22-55

Lyceum №11

The general educational budgetary municipal institution dates back to 1938, the first steps of education were polytechnic education. After the reform of school institutions in the sixties, the institution switched to a 10-year study program.

After certification in 2002, in the status of a lyceum, the school switched to training with the following faculties:

  1. social economy;
  2. philology;
  3. natural sciences;
  4. physical and mathematical.

The lyceum also has several laboratories - psychological, pedagogical, valeological, ecological.

The school can be proud of the education information service center, the health center, which operates according to the standards of a children's medical institution.

The gymnasium consists of three European-style buildings united in a complex, which housed not only the above-mentioned laboratories and centers, but also a demonstration school canteen, a sports complex and labor workshops. It is worth noting separately the aesthetic building, which houses creative groups, their activities are coordinated by the artistic aesthetic center "Inspiration".

The social and educational life of the school is directly connected with the research institutes of the Ministry of Education of the country, the Russian Academy of Education. The educational process is not complete without regular visits to cultural centers - museums, exhibition halls, theaters, with which friendly relations have been established over the years.

  • the teaching staff is famous for 45 candidates of sciences, ten professors, twelve honored teachers of the Russian Federation;
  • the degree of skill of almost all members of the teaching staff is confirmed by the highest qualification category;
  • the opportunity to conduct research in collaboration with a mentor;
  • participation of students in international scientific conferences;
  • students participate in international events, olympiads and become winners;
  • after graduation, lyceum graduates enter universities around the world, among which Germany, the USA, as well as the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg are most often found;
  • participation of schoolchildren in subject Olympiads, with prizes, diplomas, gold (in the mathematical Olympiad) and silver (in the international all-China Olympiad);
  • a large selection of leisure programs;
  • the presence of pupils-stipendiaries of the City Administration for high achievements in the Olympiad and scientific movement, the development of culture;
  • in 2022, the school received the status of "Basic School at the Russian Academy of Sciences";
  • the school's research center has eight patents for inventions;
  • the school has its own anthem;
  • interesting information site with excellent navigation;
  • rich photo gallery on the site.
  • lack of boarding school and hostel.

Contact Information

Russia, Chelyabinsk,

Timiryazev street, house 6.

☎ 8-351-263-33-82

Gymnasium №48

The budget educational municipal institution named after Nikolai Ostrovsky was founded in 1930.

The school is included in the TOP-200 best schools in Russia.

Today, more than 1,000 schoolchildren receive full-time education at the school.

The school is on bilingual education, with a deep and intensive immersion in the French language, including non-linguistic subjects - classes in the history, literature, country studies of France.

The program provides for bilingual extracurricular activities:

  1. development of virtual and direct contacts with native speakers;
  2. scientific and creative projects in French;
  3. city ​​and regional events dedicated to the adaptation of the French language in the modern community.

Enrollment in grade 1 is carried out only for children belonging to the school at the place of residence. The gymnasium works according to state standards of education.

  • bilingual education;
  • in the 5th and 10th grades individual selection is carried out;
  • there is a museum of the history of the school with a rich exhibition exposition;
  • the website publishes an electronic school newspaper;
  • the district department of the City Administration provides a one-time payment of benefits for a child from low-income and large families;
  • there is a school library in the gymnasium, with a total fund approaching 30,000 marks - these are methodological manuals, art books, a large selection of reference books and encyclopedias, almost 10,000 textbooks, as well as periodicals.
  • regular contests with coveted prizes - smartphones with built-in thematic applications;
  • interesting news block on the site.

  • missing.

Contact Information

Russia, 454007, Chelyabinsk,

Prospekt Lenina, building 13 - the first building,

Gorkogo street, house 11 - the second building;,

☎ First building: 8-351-225-48-96

☎ Second building 8-351-225-30-36

Gymnasium №1

The school is one of the oldest, it was founded in 1861. It was a school for girls in three classes and had the status of the second category. Since 1905, the institution became known as the Chelyabinsk Women's Gymnasium, designed for eight classes.

The training was conducted in the following subjects:

  • singing;
  • French or German;
  • geometry;
  • literature;
  • the law of God;
  • algebra;
  • needlework;
  • calligraphy;
  • pedagogy;
  • drawing;
  • stories;
  • physics;
  • Russian language;
  • geography.

On the eve of 1915, the gymnasium had almost 640 schoolgirls. Having passed through the status of a factory nine-year plan, since 1935 the institution has had the title of an exemplary complete secondary school. In 2007, the school was given the status of the First Gymnasium.

  • long-term traditions;
  • unique teaching staff;
  • the atmosphere of trust and intellect reigns in the school;
  • every third graduate sends his child to the first gymnasium - this is how dynasties grow;
  • the site contains pages of teachers;
  • in the gymnasium, students publish the printed edition “Shkolnaya Pravda”, which is part of the school self-government;
  • the unique project “Kommunarsky Gatherings”, which brings together generations of graduates and high school students for 3 days, exchanges experience, contributes to the volunteer movement, creative days and comprehensive trainings are provided;
  • competitions are regularly held at the municipal, regional and all-Russian levels, both children and teachers participate;
  • preventive social and health work is carried out at the school;
  • a competent information site with the published Charter of the gymnasium.

  • competition 5 people per place.

Contact Information:

Russia. 454091, Chelyabinsk,

Krasnaya street 59.

☎ 8-351-263-15-71.

Gymnasium №26

The municipal educational institution in the status of autonomy is considered one of the best in the region.

The gymnasium council conducts work on networking, repair and technical reforms, and olympiads. A report on the work of the trade union organization is also presented on the website.

The active life of the students of the gymnasium bears fruit in the prize-winning places of city and regional competitions; victories at the olympiads.

  • the pupils of the gymnasium publish the school newspaper "Filin";
  • there is a museum of virtual exhibits;
  • participation in large-scale city events;
  • there is a library, the fund of which exceeds 23,000 items, in addition to standard sections of literature, here you can get CDs included in the package of individual publications;
  • benefits are provided for food for children from certain categories of families, as well as for medical reasons;
  • in summer there is a stationary day camp;
  • much attention is paid to the institution of psychological assistance to the student - adaptation to classes, relationships with classmates, examination emotional overload, age-related characteristics of psychological reactions;
  • the school is undergoing constant modernization according to the announced plan, including equipment for Internet bandwidth in computer labs, sanitary equipment in the toilet rooms, updating visual aids, sports equipment, poster laboratory glassware, as well as equipment in the dining room and kitchen.


  • untimely updating of information on the site.

Contact Information:

Russia, Chelyabinsk,

Pionerskaya street 10-A.

☎ 8-351-741-87-12.

The principle from simple to complex is preserved at all times. High school must be passed as one of the milestones of life. Teaching can be exciting and joyful, it all depends on the approach.

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