
  1. Criteria for choosing eyebrow courses
  2. Rating of quality brow schools in Moscow and Moscow region
  3. Conclusion

Rating of the best brow schools in Moscow for 2022

Rating of the best brow schools in Moscow for 2022

An interesting direction in the beauty industry has recently become the specialty "eyebrowist" - a person who cares for eyebrows. Given the high income of masters and the relatively low threshold for entering the profession, a certificate of internship in this area will not be superfluous.

An attractive appearance will always be important for girls and women, so a master in this field will not lack clients and, as a result, financial difficulties.

In this article, we will tell you how to choose a brow school, an internship in which will bring results and will not require large financial investments, find out what to look for in order not to make mistakes when choosing, and also form a rating of the best studio schools in Moscow and Moscow region, compiled on the basis of reviews of real people.

Criteria for choosing eyebrow courses

Consider the main indicators that need to be assessed before concluding an internship agreement.

  1. Training program. Before you come to the first lesson, you need to decide why you need it. If you want to learn something new for yourself, learn how to correct the appearance of eyebrows for yourself or your friends, you can consider courses with a simple program. Their advantage will be the budget cost and a small number of classes that you need to attend. For those who want to become a professional in their field, it would be advisable to consider professional lessons with an extended program, where you can not only get acquainted with eyebrow care techniques, but also learn about modern trends in the field of beauty, new technologies, etc.
  2. The ratio of practical skills and theoretical lectures. These two criteria are inextricably linked and inseparable from each other. The best option is to find out about their percentage at the stage of concluding a contract, with a clear indication of the number of hours of both. The duration of practical classes should be at least 20% of the theoretical ones. The most effective option is that after each lecture topic, students consolidate their knowledge in practice. If some new topic is not clear to you, do not hesitate to ask the teacher about how to do it in practice, since it is you who will have to work and use the acquired knowledge in a new job.
  3. Lesson cost. You should not choose the cheapest courses by price, because they do not have the necessary material base and props.It is unlikely that professional eyebrow specialists will be present at such lessons, and one should not expect unconventional teaching methods. Most likely, the group will consist of a large number of people, and it will not be possible to obtain high-quality knowledge here. Some organizations are cunning and do not include the price of the model and consumables in the total cost, and these are the main costs in good courses. It is impossible to become an eyebrow specialist without practice on real people, and you still have to spend money on additional classes, and the final price can significantly exceed the initial one. According to the advice and recommendations of experienced masters, it is best to choose courses in the middle price category. In this case, you will be sure that the equipment and supplies will be of a high level, and the teachers will teach you how to interact with the client and achieve the result that he expects. In the capital, the prices for training in the school of eyebrow specialists start from 300-500 rubles per hour, for the entire course - 3,500 rubles or more. When comparing prices, it is important to take into account the difference between astronomical and academic hours (the first is 60 minutes, the second is 45).
  4. The number of people in the group. As previously mentioned, this important parameter affects the quality of a person's assimilation of the material presented. Some schools practice holding group lectures along with individual practical classes. A completely individual form of training is preferable, however, it is rare and expensive. According to research, if the number of students in a group exceeds 8 people, the teacher is physically unable to devote the necessary time to each of them.When choosing courses, we recommend choosing those that practice individual lessons or form small groups.
  5. Teacher. Not many people think about it, but the charisma, experience and personal qualities of the teacher are 50% the components of the successful development of a new profession. It often happens that a professional in his field is a bad teacher, and does not know how to present the material in such a way as to interest students and instill in them a love for the profession. We recommend searching the Internet for reviews of former students of the school in order to assess the level of teaching, as well as the applicability of the techniques that they promise to teach here.
  6. Distance to the location of the courses. This is another important factor, since most students, in addition to the task of learning a new specialty, also have a main job, family, hobbies, and it is not advisable to spend free time on the road. To avoid a situation where you do not want to go to classes because you need to get to them for a long time, we recommend that you pay attention to schools located in your area, ideally within walking distance.
  7. Free trial lesson available. Many metropolitan schools offer this opportunity, which allows you to evaluate the level of teaching, the number of students in the group, and the overall approach to teaching. As a rule, these are institutions that are confident in themselves and do not hesitate to show potential students all their positive aspects.

Rating of quality brow schools in Moscow and Moscow region

Professional International School of Lashmakers and Eyebrows LASHWOOD

Address: Moscow, 3rd passage of Maryina Roshcha, 40, building 1

☎ +7 (930) 995-43-01

Highly qualified teachers of the LASHWOOD Professional Beauty School provide students with only useful and necessary information according to the international level training program. This approach allows future eyebrow artists to get the maximum benefit, since in the learning process a lot of attention is paid to practice with working out on models, which takes place in each lesson. In LASHWOOD, future masters will put their hand correctly from the first lesson

The school has established itself as a leader in the field of training eyebrows, lash makers and permanent makeup masters. There are programs for eyebrows for any level of training, both from scratch and for advanced training:

  • "Master Browist" - a basic program from scratch;
  • "Lamination and Long-term styling of eyebrows";
  • "Improving the skills of an eyebrow specialist";
  • "In-depth coloring of the eyebrow."

I would like to note that the school provides convenient comprehensive courses that include several lessons at once, for passing at a discount. So, for example, "Master Browist + Eyebrow Lamination", as well as 3 or all 4 programs presented.

Popular among Eyebrows are Permanent Makeup courses, which are also presented in Lashwood for different levels of training.

Particularly effective are multidisciplinary programs that are presented exclusively at LASHWOOD, which provide an opportunity to receive comprehensive and discounted training in 3 areas: eyelash extensions, eyebrow shaping, lamination of eyebrows and eyelashes:

  • "VIP MASTER Lashmaker-Brovist-Lamimaker";

After these trainings, Multidisciplinary Masters are very much appreciated by employers, as employees become generalists in the beauty industry.

  • Highly qualified teachers;
  • Maximum practice and working out on models at each lesson;
  • There are courses for beginners and advanced training;
  • After training, international certificates are issued;
  • Flexible learning schedule;
  • For the duration of the training, the school provides tools and materials free of charge;
  • The school has a large base of employers;
  • High ranking in Yandex and Google.
  • No.

Two Kay

Address: Moscow, st. 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 22.

Phone: ☎ +7 (999) 095-00-17.

Official website on the Internet:

The school was founded and operates according to the author's technology of Ekaterina Nevidomskaya. Groups of students do not exceed 3 people, the teaching methodology is focused on an individual program for each student. When submitting material, all new trends in the beauty industry at the moment are taken into account. The school offers three main courses: architecture + lamination, separately lamination and architecture.

On the course, in addition to the standard information on eyebrow care techniques, you can learn a lot of useful information - marketing techniques to attract new customers, the location of outlets and stores where you can buy consumables at a reduced price.

Teaching is conducted by the founder of the school herself, which has more than 300 graduated masters who work successfully and earn money.

The internship course is 25 astronomical hours, or two full days. During this time, students receive all the knowledge they need to start working on their own. At the end of the course, a certificate is issued, which will be an additional advantage when applying for a new job. All theoretical lectures are held together with practice on models. Each student works with 6 models.

The school has a convenient website where you can find the contacts of the organization, read the reviews of graduates, learn about the author's methods and teaching features.

The program consists of three blocks:

  • Correction and the basics of working with dye. This block will tell you how to properly prepare and keep the workplace clean, as well as what types of faces and types of eyebrows are, how to shape and color eyebrows. Students will learn about popular dye models, application techniques, and drying features. The block ends with the development of the acquired skills on models.
  • Application of henna. Proper customer service. This block starts on the second day in the morning and lasts a full day. The emphasis in teaching is on developing practical skills, hand positioning, and studying the characteristics of various types of hair. Information is also given on the psychological types of clients, and the features of working with each of them. Here they will teach how to get out of conflict situations, create client bases, etc. A separate topic is the features of creating and developing an Instagram account, as well as ways to attract customers through this social network.
  • The third block takes place immediately after the second, and includes the basics and methods of long-term eyebrow styling, unique author's techniques. It discusses the main cosmetics used for the procedure, and tells where they can be bought inexpensively. The internship ends with a demonstration of the main techniques by the master and the development of acquired skills on models.

The average price of the course is 23,000 rubles. Promotions and discounts are periodically held, and the price can be reduced up to 26% from the usual one.

  • a small number of people in the group provides almost individual teaching;
  • there are 6 models for learning practical skills (such a number is rare in eyebrow schools);
  • classrooms are located in the center of Moscow, so you do not have to think about how to get to the place;
  • after the end of the program, graduates are added to the general chat, where you can get help on any issue;
  • The program includes a block to help graduates with employment, which deals with the features of finding clients or employers.
  • high price.

filin school

Address: Moscow, st. Marksistskaya, house 20/1,
3rd floor.

Phone: ☎+7 (499) 686-19-60.

Official website on the Internet:

This is one of the certified Moscow schools that teach the profession of a browist, which has a license to provide services and an accreditation certificate. The diploma given to graduates of the courses has a high weight among employers.

As in the first school, the internship covers only two days. The first day consists of three blocks. At the first stage, the theory of eyebrow architecture is studied, the features of choosing the right color, the application of artificial dyes and henna. In the second block, the main types of staining and correction are demonstrated on the model, the materials used by the master for work are studied. The third stage involves putting the acquired knowledge into practice, after which students learn how to clean and sterilize work tools. To develop the acquired skills, an individual model is assigned to each student.

The second day begins with the study of the theory of lamination, extension and Botox of the eyebrows.Here, cosmetics for lamination from the best manufacturers are studied and the advantages and disadvantages of each product are described. They also talk about the basics of working with hairs that “do not want” to fit, an analysis of common mistakes when working with eyebrows is made. After that, practical classes are held on setting hands, working out all the acquired skills on the model. The teacher points out mistakes and tells how to avoid them in the future. The cost of working models, as well as consumables, is included in the price of classes.

At the end of the internship, all students pass a test, and if they receive a positive result, they receive a certificate. The average price depending on the chosen direction (BROW MASTER, BROW STYLIST, BROW EXPERT) ranges from 4,100 to 8,400 for early bookings for May. If a person does not have the opportunity to pay the cost of classes at a time, you can get a loan for a period of 3 to 6 months. For non-resident students, it will be interesting to provide free accommodation for the period of internship.

  • inexpensive price;
  • express internship (only 2 days);
  • conduct training from scratch;
  • content program;
  • graduates are given directions for employment in beauty salons, including network ones;
  • have a license and accreditation to work in the field of teaching the basics of eyebrows;
  • it is possible to pay for classes with a loan;
  • out-of-towners are provided with free accommodation.
  • a large number of people in the group.

B.B. Brow

Address: Moscow, st. Sadovaya-Spasskaya, 20/2.

Phone: ☎ +7 (963) 668 67 85.

Official website on the Internet:

Eyebrow architecture course.Coloristics” is conducted by its founder Alesya Zaikina herself. Here you can learn a new profession from scratch, without having any skills. The training is carried out over two days, and includes the following areas: architecture (modeling, using paste to create a symmetrical shape), coloring (method of working with artificial dyes, henna, mixing and selecting them for a specific person), correction (using tweezers , threads, wax), practicing skills on models.

In a pandemic, it is possible to do an internship remotely, you can order a course online on the company's website. The program presents all the top techniques that are taught offline, with the exception of working with models. All consumables are included in the cost of classes, at the end of the course, the novice master will know how much this or that consumable costs, what they are and their functionality, thanks to which he will be able to independently decide on the purchase of the necessary goods for work.

Graduates of the school receive a certificate that gives an advantage when applying for a job in beauty salons. Small groups provide better assimilation of knowledge and practical skills. At the end of the classes, several hours are devoted to the psychology of clients, the peculiarities of working with them. There are also photos of the work of students of the school, an overview of the curriculum with a description of each block. The price of classes in a group is 10,000 rubles, individual teaching - 15,000, the basics of long-term styling and lamination - 4,000 rubles.

  • a lot of interesting material, professional secrets (they will tell you which company’s cosmetics is better to buy, the main characteristics of the products included in the TOP bought by eyebrow masters);
  • one of the best wax modeling schools in Moscow;
  • convenient schedule of classes - from 11:00 to 18:00;
  • all students are offered an online video lesson on long-term styling as a gift;
  • inexpensive price.
  • do not study many novelties in the field of the beauty industry.

Novel (Beauty kay)

Address: Moscow, st. Aviamotornaya, 12.

Phone: ☎ +7 (495) 740 30 59.

Official website on the Internet:

The Academy of Beauty specializes not only in training, but also produces its own products for the care of eyebrows and eyelashes.

Training is carried out in several areas:

  • The author's program of Diana Ladneva - the program includes 4 days of classes, and consists of 20% theory and 80% practice. Each student is provided with a workbook, study guide and work materials free of charge. The teacher has more than 14 years of experience with eyebrows, winner of many awards. The cost of the program is 26,500 rubles.
  • Eyebrow architecture. The program takes 2 days, groups of no more than 4 people are recruited. We study the basic techniques for adjusting the shape of eyebrows, the basics of coloring, difficulties with coloring, pricing methods, methods for finding new customers, etc. The acquired skills are developed on three models. A feature of the course is the opportunity to consult with the teacher even after graduation. The cost of the program is 14,000 rubles.
  • Eyebrow training. The duration of the program is 1 day.In the theoretical part, the types of correction, coloring and restoration of eyebrows are studied, in the practical lesson they work out the setting of the hand, correction using tweezers, thread, wax, the method of straightening hairs, dyeing with paint and henna. The group is made up of 2-4 people. A guarantee is provided for training - if within 30 minutes a person realizes that the direction is not suitable for him, he will be refunded the full cost (9,900 rubles).
  • Microblading. The program is suitable for those who want to learn how to create eyebrows from scratch using tattooing. Because the technology is complex and requires a lot of knowledge, the training takes four full days. Here they study not only tattoo techniques, but also offer basic knowledge on the correct selection of anesthetics, the choice of needles, study contraindications for the procedure, hygiene and sanitary maintenance of the workplace and tools. Skills are fixed by working on the model. Upon completion of training, a certificate is issued. The cost of the program is 73,400 rubles.

Some lessons can be bought and viewed online, but this option does not allow you to practice on the model.

  • a large number of courses to choose from;
  • according to graduates, this is one of the best schools in the Moscow region in terms of the content of the program;
  • in the company's online store you can order most of the consumables used in the work.
  • the high cost of some courses.

Art banda

Address: Moscow, Schelkovskoe highway, 21A.

Phone: ☎+7 (499) 966 02 06.

The Brow master course is suitable for both beginners and experienced masters. Classes are held at a convenient time (from 12:00 to 19:00) and last two days.

All consumables are provided free of charge for students. The program is designed in such a way as to provide information not only directly about the process of working with eyebrows, but also about the organization of the workplace, methods of processing tools, tips for working with clients, ways to correct defects of other masters, etc.

At each lesson, students practice on models under the supervision of a teacher. Graduates receive a diploma, discounts on cosmetics sold. The best graduates are employed in well-known salons. Teachers support their students, help build a portfolio, and find the first clients.

  • support for teachers at all stages of training and after it;
  • convenient learning mode;
  • assistance of teachers in finding new clients and creating a portfolio.
  • a small amount of information about the latest trends in eyebrows.

Lash&Brow Design Academy

Address: Moscow, 22nd km of the Kyiv highway, Moskovsky, 4, building 1, office. 806A.

Phone: ☎ +7 (495) 240 55 95.

Official website on the Internet:

This is one of the largest networks of brow schools in Russia, with 15 branches around the world. The training program is officially patented and recognized by international experts.

The company organizes 4 eyebrow training courses:

  • BASE Eyebrow Architecture - intensive lasts two days and is suitable not only for beginners, but also professionals will be able to learn a lot of new things from it. After each theoretical block, skills are tested on models. At the end of the program, information support is provided in the general chat for a month. Graduates receive an international certificate.The cost of the course is 19,500 rubles.
  • Advanced Eyebrow Architecture. The course is designed for masters who already work in eyebrows, but want to develop further. In this block, the emphasis is on practice, working with complex cases - defects of previous masters, eliminating facial asymmetry with the help of eyebrow correction. The technique of staining is also studied, the basics of psychology are taught, methods for overcoming conflict situations, revealing the true wishes of clients (in cases where they cannot formulate what they want). The price of the program is 17,800 rubles.
  • Shape&Color BrowXenna. This is one of the budgetary forms of education, the program includes studying the basics of eyebrow architecture and makeup, as well as their coloring with the help of henna. The cost of training includes mastering the theoretical foundations, practicing skills on one model, analyzing errors and eliminating them. The price of the course is 11,500 rubles.
  • Shape&Color Oxygen O Also an inexpensive course, includes a base on brow architecture and the basics of smart coloring using O2 dye. The price of the course is 11,500 rubles.

There are also small-scale classes, such as tridding (hair removal with a thread, the cost for 2 hours is 3,200 rubles), toning and coloring of male eyebrows (cost 5,000 rubles, duration 5 hours).

  • a large selection of lessons for any budget;
  • upon completion of training, a certificate of the established form is issued;
  • Classes are held every day, you can choose a convenient schedule.
  • during the pandemic, classes are not held, there are not even online webinars.

Nikk Mole

Address: Moscow, st. Arbat, d.6/2.

Phone: ☎ +7 (910) 460 48 88.

Official website on the Internet:

The program combines the basic foundations of eyebrows and the author's technique of the creator of the makeup school, Mila Klimenko. As in other schools, classes combine theoretical foundations and practical testing of what has been learned on models that are provided free of charge.

The school is one of the most popular in Moscow, has a large number of positive reviews. Before the start of training, each student is given an individual set of consumables and tools. The training program includes three areas: correction (modeling, shaping with tweezers and wax), coloring (color selection according to the type of face, features of working with branded paint and henna), eyebrow makeup (day and evening, client recommendations for care).

Training is also conducted online. The organization's website has a large number of video tutorials that you can buy and download for home viewing. After purchasing the course, all students receive certificates, as well as a 15% discount for a period of one month on branded products (after a month, the discount is reduced to 10%, but remains forever). Also, all graduates are entitled to lifelong online support, which is expressed in access to a private chat in Telegram, where you can ask any question and get a quick answer. You can buy an online webinar without leaving your home, for this you need to follow a few consecutive simple steps (payment instructions are available on the company's website). All lessons are recorded in high quality video, you can view them from any device and anywhere in the world.

The company's website is designed in such a way that it is intuitively clear to the user where to look for the required information.There is a feedback form, consultants respond within a few minutes. You can also contact the company's specialists by e-mail or by phone.

  • a large number of practical exercises (up to 95%);
  • almost all teachers have international certificates and are winners of beauty contests;
  • classes are held in small groups, which contributes to a better assimilation of the material;
  • convenient location and transport accessibility;
  • the best graduates undergo an internship in well-known Moscow salons with the possibility of further employment;
  • a separate block highlights the creation of one's own portfolio, the main approaches to finding the first clients and developing a base of regular customers are taught;
  • the training program is built on the latest changes in the beauty industry;
  • there is an opportunity to undergo advanced training in Europe;
  • a large selection of inexpensive online webinars.
  • not detected.


When choosing a school to learn a new profession, many do not think that a bright and attractive picture from the site, coupled with promising statements, does not guarantee the successful development of new skills and further employment, but may turn out to be a waste of money and time.

An important role is played by the professionalism of the teacher, his ability to present knowledge so that it is available to every student. An important role is played by the number of practical exercises, in which you can not only work out the position of the hand, but also understand what is not working, and learn how to avoid such mistakes in the future.

We recommend evaluating schools not by the design of the site or beautiful photos posted on the main page, but by the reviews of graduates who have studied there.You need to look for such reviews not on the school website, but in independent sources that are not interested in advertising.

We hope that our article will help you make the right choice!

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