
  1. What is shampoo made of and how does it work
  2. How to choose a shampoo and not make mistakes
  3. Features of the selection of shampoos for different types of hair
  4. Rating of high-quality mass-market shampoos
  5. Conclusion
Rating of the best mass market shampoos for 2022

Rating of the best mass market shampoos for 2022

Hair care has long become a familiar routine for women. In order to make them attractive, a large number of cosmetics are sold. In addition to products for normal hair, customers are offered specialized products that can solve problems arising from health disorders, as well as improper handling of curls (dry, thin, brittle).

In order to understand the whole variety of popular models, you need to imagine what shampoos are, how they differ from each other, and also what you should focus on when choosing one or another type.

What is shampoo made of and how does it work

Hair cosmetics is a solution of surfactants (surfactants) on a water basis. Surfactants are used to eliminate impurities that appear on the head - sebum (sebum), dust, dirt and other particles. The principle of action of surfactants is based on the fact that they reduce the surface tension of fat molecules, thereby dissolving them. After the molecules have disintegrated, they no longer "cling" to the skin and are washed off with running water without difficulty.

In addition to components that work with pollution, components are often added to cosmetics to help eliminate problems with strands. These components include: vitamins, oils from natural ingredients, fragrances, keratins, etc.Mineral elements and tar help eliminate dandruff, oils moisturize and nourish hair follicles and strands, vitamins saturate with the necessary components and stimulate further growth. Some types help reduce static electricity, which worries many women in winter.

It must be remembered that the wrong choice of shampoo can not only eliminate problems with curls, but also contribute to the appearance of new ones, such as dandruff, itching, brittleness and dryness, confusion.

How to choose a shampoo and not make mistakes

Common mistakes when choosing cosmetics for the head:

  • Selection regardless of skin type. Everyone knows that there are 4 main types: normal, dry, oily, combination. If this is not taken into account, the result can be disastrous.
  • Wash frequency mismatch. For example, daily use of a product that is not intended for frequent use. Frequent shampooing (with cosmetics intended for this) will not damage the curls, and a rare one, on the contrary, worsens the general condition and can cause seborrhea (increased sebum production, peeling).
  • Incorrect use. Beauticians recommend applying shampoo only to the roots, not distributing the curl over the entire length, otherwise there is a chance of making them brittle and prone to falling out. Shampoo should be applied according to the following scheme: distribute the liquid between the palms, and place it on the roots with massaging movements. Liquid can be distributed along the entire length only in two cases: after an oil-based mask has been previously applied to the curls, or if deep cleansing is required after heavy contamination with chemicals. Such manipulations can be carried out no more than once or twice a week.

The selection by hair type is the easiest to do. On the packaging of most products, it is written what type of strands it is intended for. Hair type and skin type should not be confused - these selection criteria refer to the epidermis. The degree of fat content is associated with the work of the sebaceous glands, and the intensity of their production of sebum. Curls differ from each other in structure (for example, two hairs grow from one bulb in African women, and one in European women), and in condition (split, brittle, normal). Thin hairs cannot be enlarged using shampoos; for this purpose, it is necessary to purchase formulations with a thick consistency, such as balms, oils, masks.

Features of the selection of shampoos for different types of hair

Bold type

It is recommended to select products that have the following characteristics: control seborrhea, suitable for oily curls, to increase volume. Most often, effective cosmetics in this category can only be found in professional lines. When choosing which product to buy, it is recommended to give preference to one that does not contain silicones, as they clog pores and worsen the condition of oily curls. Beauticians also do not recommend choosing sulfate-free options, as they do not clean dirt from sebaceous strands well.

normal type

This epidermis is characterized by moderate production of sebum, the absence of allergic problems (itching, burning, seborrhea). Contamination occurs 3-5 days after washing. All products marked “for normal curls” are suitable, the presence of a moisturizing, nourishing and tonic effect is acceptable. It is not recommended to use oils, as they have a high fat content and contribute to rapid contamination.Sulfate-free products are allowed, as well as those that use non-rigid surfactants.

dry type

Pollution of the head in this case occurs after 6 days or more. The epidermis can be easily damaged, inflamed from mechanical influences. It is recommended to select preparations intended for moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. The drugs used must be sulfate-free.

Specialized Products

For dyed hair, you need to select special cosmetics that differ from the standard. It is best to use products designed for professional use. Before you start coloring curls, it is recommended to find out how much such cosmetics cost, since not every woman can afford to purchase suitable products. The main difference from a standard shampoo is the presence of components that have a conditioning effect - oils, silicones. They accumulate on the hair, providing protection and color retention.

Shampoos do not affect the epidermis from falling out as such - they only clean it so that subsequent cosmetics can perform the required function. This is due to the fact that to obtain the effect, the composition is required to be on the skin for several hours or more.

Cosmetics for deep cleaning are not suitable for daily use, as they dry out the epidermis, and are used only if you use silicone-containing products or perform certain procedures (peeling, Botox, keratin straightening).

Rating of high-quality mass-market shampoos

Budget (up to 150 rubles)

Natura Siberica Sea buckthorn Deep cleansing and care

By far, this is the most popular product of the entire line of hair cleansers from this brand.Its main purpose is for normal and oily hair, however, the product can also be used to cleanse extended hair.

This composition has a complex effect on the scalp and directly on the hair. It cleanses and refreshes, stimulates the growth of new hair, strengthens the bulbs.

The composition is more than pleasing, among the components are sea buckthorn and argan oils, arctic raspberry and hawthorn, wild peppermint and Kuril tea.

Cost: from 140 rubles.

Natura Siberica Sea buckthorn Deep cleansing and care
  • Natural composition;
  • Comprehensive effect on hair;
  • Does not contain sulfates, parabens, mineral oils.
  • The consistency is watery, as a result of this, a quick consumption.

Schauma Cotton Freshness

This composition is designed to cleanse hair prone to oiliness. Of the entire line of brands, the cotton-based product has earned the highest rating from users. You can use the tool on a daily basis. The main effect, in addition to cleansing, is moisturizing.

In addition to cotton, the composition contains castor oil, aloe vera and rose extract.

Cost: 140 rubles.

Schauma Cotton Freshness
  • Silicone free;
  • Can be applied every day;
  • Washes hair very well.
  • There are no significant ones.

Pure line Expert Ultramoisturizing

If the strands are brittle, thinner or damaged from daily styling or weathering, and the ends are split, then this shampoo from the Expert series is what you need. The composition contains hyaluronic acid, proteins, aloe extract.

With regular use, hair becomes more elastic, brittleness disappears, they are moisturized from the inside, shine.

Price - 100 rubles.

Pure line Expert Ultramoisturizing
  • The composition does not contain parabens and sulfates;
  • Thick consistency;
  • Economical to spend.
  • Even taking into account natural ingredients, the composition still will not please organic connoisseurs.

Burdock folk recipes

The product in question is the most inexpensive in price on Yandex Market. The budget price is due to the fact that the goods are manufactured in Russia. The manufacturing company PHYTOCosmetic claims that its products are 100% natural and do not contain artificial components. The volume of the bottle is 270 ml, with economical use it will last for a month or more. Since the herbal shampoo is designed for dry skin, you do not need to wash your hair daily.

Active ingredients - burdock and cedar oil. They fill the damage in the structure of the hair, and contribute to the alignment, smoothing of the protruding elements, thereby facilitating combing. The minerals and vitamins contained in the oils help strengthen the roots and also stimulate the growth of new follicles. The composition contains natural soap nuts, which provide quick removal of contaminants and do not damage the strands.

The method of using the phytoshampoo is standard - apply to wet curls, massage and rinse with running water. Buyers note an intense pleasant berry aroma that disappears after the hair dries. The consistency of the phytoshampoo is liquid, translucent in color with a burgundy tint. Easy to apply and spread. According to buyers, a clear restoring effect after the first application should not be expected. Cleansing is gentle, so the product is not suitable for washing off oily masks. After application, the hair is shiny and easy to comb.

Unlike other similar products, the product is organic-based and does not contain SLS, parabens or sulfates. The average price of a product is 20 rubles.

shampoo Folk recipes burdock
  • mild cleansing;
  • natural composition;
  • budget cost;
  • There is a stimulation of hair growth.
  • subtle effect.

Grandmother Agafia's recipes Moroshkovy moisturizing and restoring

The review continues with the products of another Russian brand, which, despite the budget price, has a large number of positive reviews. The tool is intended for brittle, damaged, as well as combination hair. The manufacturer claims that the cosmetics are made on the basis of natural cloudberry juice - a berry that grows in harsh northern conditions. It has the ability to accumulate useful substances, and give them to curls when used. According to popular belief, cloudberries contain a large number of components that contribute to the rejuvenation of the body, it even has the unspoken name "rejuvenating berry".

Like the previous product, the composition contains a large number of natural ingredients. Among them are cloudberry juice, soap root extract, lingonberry oil. No sulfates or parabens. Like other similar cosmetics based on natural ingredients, the liquid does not foam well, but it copes with the task of cleansing the strands without any complaints. After the first use, you can already notice the effect: easy combing, smoothing and shine of the curl. Customers also note a pronounced antistatic effect. The smell is pronounced light, more reminiscent of a perfume composition than a natural aroma. The consistency of the product is thick, light yellow in color, foaminess is small.Cosmetics wash away impurities quickly, while leaving impurities, including oils and fats, with it.

As with other sulfate-free shampoos, in order to achieve the greatest effect, it is recommended to keep it on the head for at least 2 minutes, giving it the opportunity to "work". The average price of a product is 60 rubles.

shampoo Recipes grandmother Agafya Moroshkovy moisturizing and recovery
  • pronounced restoration and strengthening;
  • large volume;
  • low consumption and a large volume of the bottle allow you to stretch the product for a long time;
  • low price.
  • some customers complain about the dryness of the strands, as well as the appearance of dandruff.

Middle price category

GARNIER Fructis Banana Superfood

This is a nourishing shampoo designed for very dry hair. Its effect is provided by coconut oil in the composition, as well as the presence of salicylic acid, vitamins E and C. The name of the product is also not accidental, banana juice is present among the ingredients.

Describing this product, it is impossible not to note the packaging. The lid is very convenient, allows you to accurately dose the product, while maintaining tightness between uses.

Cost: 200 rubles.

GARNIER Fructis Banana Superfood
  • Very gentle smell;
  • No sulfates and parabens;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • The effect of softness after application.
  • no.

TRESemme Full Length with Peptides

Shampoo can be used daily for different hair types. The composition is aimed at nourishing curls from the inside, activating hair growth. Works great for split ends, thin and damaged strands.

Among the active ingredients are proteins, peptides.

Cost: 240 rubles.

TRESemme Full Length with Peptides
  • Activates hair growth;
  • No parabens among the ingredients;
  • Nice smell.
  • sulfates in the composition.

Dove Nourishing Secrets Detox

The composition of this product is enriched with the extract of Japanese matcha tea, a strong antioxidant, attractive for its cleansing properties and a high content of useful trace elements. The second significant component is rice milk, its task is to provide care. The active substance here is glycerin.

The shampoo works well on different types of hair, moisturizing and nourishing them.

Cost: 185 rubles.

Dove Nourishing Secrets Detox
  • Nice smell;
  • Hair is soft after application;
  • Free of parabens;
  • Doesn't dry out the skin.
  • Contains sulfates.

Syoss Salonplex for chemically and mechanically damaged hair

It should be noted right away that at a price similar to other products of this group, here the consumer receives a larger volume - 500 ml. Professional technologies work on those hairs that have been subjected to chemical or mechanical stress, as a result of which they have been damaged. Regular washing with this tool will help not only restore already destroyed and damaged bonds inside the hair, but also form a kind of film on top, and the upcoming dyeing, curling and other negative factors will no longer have a very detrimental effect on the strands.

After application, the hair is nourished from the inside, becomes more elastic, the color is restored, dullness disappears.

The active ingredients of the composition are keratin and B vitamins. The composition also contains castor oil. There are no parabens.

Cost: from 210 rubles.

Syoss Salonplex for chemically and mechanically damaged hair
  • Large volume;
  • No parabens in the composition;
  • Suitable for everyday use.
  • Sulfates among the ingredients.

Pantene Merging with nature Strengthening and shine of hair

The products of one of the world's best manufacturers have been used by many for many years, some since childhood. The product is sold in a large bottle with a capacity of 400 ml. The packaging contains information about the composition, purpose, and method of application of cosmetics. The white bottle stands out on the shelves among similar products. The manufacturer took care of the environment, and produced packaging, 45% consisting of natural materials. Unfortunately, the composition of the product is not so natural - it contains sulfates, chlorides, silicones and other chemicals.

The consistency is gel-like, transparent color. The aroma is pleasant, with floral fragrances. Economical consumption - due to high foaminess. The detergent composition can be used for all skin types, a good effect is manifested on brittle and damaged hair. The manufacturer claims that the product nourishes, strengthens, adds shine and promotes easy combing of the curl. In order to achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to use the entire line of cosmetics - balm, rinse, and other care products.

Customers note the softening of the curl, the absence of irritation, dryness and dandruff. An antistatic effect has also been noticed. Among the reviews there is an opinion that cosmetics can cause allergic reactions (itching, redness, inflammation). The average price of a product is 250 rubles.

Shampoo Pantene Merging with nature Strengthening and shine of hair
  • foams well;
  • fast and complete cleansing;
  • facilitates combing;
  • pleasant light aroma;
  • economical consumption.
  • contains artificial ingredients.

Head & Shoulders Supreme Hydration

The Supreme line of the manufacturer appeared recently, and since then has won the trust of customers due to the visible result. The product is intended for dry skin, which is clear from its name. It not only moisturizes the epidermis, but also protects against dandruff. The volume of the bottle is 300 ml. Since the product foams well, its consumption is economical, the jar will last for several months with daily use. Shelf life - 3 years, an open bottle is recommended to be used within 12 months. The shampoo is made in France.

A bottle of a non-standard form, white. Flip-top lid, opens and closes a little tight. There is a recess for the finger, so the manicure will not be damaged. Customers note that due to opaque plastic it is impossible to track in advance when the product is coming to an end.

The composition of the product is not the most optimal, argan oil can be isolated from natural ingredients. It reduces the fluffiness of the strands at high humidity, fills the microcracks in the hairs, stimulates the growth of the curl, saturates the epidermis with moisture and prevents overdrying. Most of the other components are of artificial origin (preservatives, silicones, antiseptic, surfactants, flavors). The consistency of the shampoo is creamy, white. The aroma is pleasant. When applied, a persistent foam is formed that lasts a long time. According to buyers, it is recommended to apply a balm after using the shampoo, since combing the strands (especially long ones) can be difficult.

According to some reviews, sometimes after the first application, itching of the skin may be felt, however, over time, it gets used, and the itching disappears.The curls become obedient, and it does not take much effort to give them the necessary shape. The average price of a product is 310 rubles.

Shampoo Head & Shoulders Supreme Moisturizing
  • facilitates combing;
  • pleasant unobtrusive aroma;
  • economical consumption;
  • large foaming;
  • stabilizes the pH balance;
  • easy to find for sale.
  • according to some reviews, in winter the hair is electrified;
  • a large number of artificial components in the composition;
  • sometimes causes itching sensation after the first applications.

ESTEL Otium Aqua

The product is aimed at brittle and damaged hair, suitable for all skin types. Contains no sulfates. Active ingredients - betaine, proteins, amino acids, peptides, antioxidants. Cosmetics are sold in bottles of 250, 450 and 750 ml. The latter is more economical.

Customers note a pronounced fruity aroma - apricot, peach, cherry. There are notes of jasmine, rose, and other flowers. Most of the ingredients are natural. There are also synthetic ones, almost all of them are aimed at smoothing and reducing electrification. The consistency is gel-like, not thick. Color - transparent with a yellow tint. Due to the absence of sulfates, the product does not foam much. Some customers do not like this, but this disadvantage is associated with naturalness, and you have to put up with it. After the first application, the curls become obedient, soft, dryness disappears. The regenerating shampoo activates the cells of the epidermis and restores the hair structure. The strands are saturated with moisture, and cease to be electrified.

Due to the absence of sulfates, the shampoo can be used after Botox, keratin straightening, lamination. Its use helps to prolong the effect for a longer time.Not recommended for oily skin, as the sulfate-free formula does not wash off sebum well, forcing you to wash your hair more often than usual. The average price of the goods is 420 rubles.

shampoo ESTEL Otium Aqua
  • natural ingredients;
  • there are no sulfates in the composition, so it can be used after skin care procedures on the head;
  • pleasant fruity aroma;
  • a large number of positive reviews.
  • not suitable for oily skin;
  • does not foam well, which is why one wash requires a larger amount compared to standard cosmetics.


KEEN Keratin Daily care

The product with thermal protection is sold in large bottles and is intended for daily care. A large volume is most often purchased by beauty salons, as well as by women seeking to save money. The German professional line has won the trust of customers due to the high quality of the components included in the composition, as well as the visible result from the application. Since the brand's products are focused on beauty salons, they are sold in large volumes (bottles of 5, 10 liters). For those who want to get salon care at home, 250 ml bottles are also available.

The product design is simple, no frills, like all salon cosmetics. Shampoo designed for sensitive scalp. The active ingredients are fruit sugar obtained from cassia (a plant in India) and keratin. They envelop the hair along its entire length and protect it from the negative effects of the environment (dirt, sunlight, temperature fluctuations). The consistency is creamy, white. Easy to apply and spread over the entire length. Foaming is small, which is due to the absence of sulfates in the composition. The aroma is mild, unobtrusive, quickly disappears.

Buyers note good cleansing, no dryness, and the fact that the use of the product does not affect the frequency of shampooing. Since the manufacturer added ingredients for hair growth to the recipe, the constant use of cosmetics helps to increase the strands. The average price of a bottle is 5,000 ml. is 6400 rubles.

KEEN Keratin Daily care shampoo
  • the line is one of the most inexpensive among professional ones;
  • does not weigh down curls, makes them obedient and soft;
  • a large number of positive customer reviews;
  • does not contain sulfates and parabens.
  • rarely found on the open market.

ORIBE Gold Lust Repair&Restore

The product belongs to the premium category, has won several awards in international skin care competitions, and is popular in beauty salons. The manufacturer carefully hides the composition of its products, describing only its functionality. Active ingredients - extracts of lychee, watermelon and edelweiss. The composition also claims argan oil, cypress extract, passion fruit, biotin, niacin, and other substances.

The active ingredients cover the hair with a protective layer, prevent the loss of beneficial trace elements, and prevent discoloration. The shampoo has a moisturizing effect, preventing overdrying, reduces "fluffiness", smoothes the strands. When washing, useful micro and macro elements are absorbed into the epidermis and contribute to the restoration and regeneration of hair follicles. Pineapple enzymes have an exfoliating effect, removing dead skin particles.

The consistency of the shampoo is translucent, liquid. If you look closely, you can see small "dots" of golden color. They are barely noticeable, but give the product an iridescent shade. It also appears on the hair after washing.Cosmetics thoroughly cleanses all impurities, and is washed off without residue. The shampoo foams well, despite the absence of sulfates among the ingredients, which are responsible for this function. Among the reviews of customers, you can find the opinion that due to the lack of parabens, the curls are not contaminated gradually, but at the same time, after a short period of time.

It is recommended to use a balm after washing, otherwise the strands will fluff up and comb badly. Reviews disagree on whether the product is worth the money - some talk about a visible result and an improvement in the condition of the hair, others do not notice any special changes and claim that some “cheaper” products are more effective. The average price of a product is 4,800 rubles.

shampoo ORIBE Gold Lust Repair&Restore
  • pleasant aroma;
  • a large number of natural ingredients;
  • no parabens and sulfates;
  • There is a UV filter.
  • double opinion of buyers about the result;
  • high price.

Whamisa Organic Seeds Oily Sculp

The product of a little-known Korean brand is distinguished by its natural composition, and in case of doubt, which company’s phytoshampoo is better, for its cost it has no equal. The tool contains 27 components, each of which is of natural origin. The product is intended for sensitive scalp, while focusing on the oily type of the epidermis. Cosmetics undergo quality control at all stages of production, have an international certificate - BDIH. The product has not been tested on animals, and also participates in a charity program (helping children).

The main direction of action of cosmetics is nutrition, strengthening and hydration.Unlike products from other brands, the liquid is placed in a transparent plastic tube with a dispenser. This form of release allows you to preserve the consumer properties of the product for a long time - due to the fact that the dispenser prevents bacteria from entering the bottle.

The consistency of the herbal shampoo is liquid, according to some customers, “slippery”, the color is orange. Inside are organic remains of plants. They are large and do not pass through the dispenser. Probably they were added in order to show the naturalness of the product. The aroma is sharp, herbal, it seems “tasteless” to many. Unlike other natural products, the detergent lathers well and is used sparingly. It is recommended to apply conditioner after washing in order to avoid “fluffing” at the ends of the strands. According to the general opinion of customers, the product performs the tasks that are set for it, but it is not worth its money. Of the pleasant additions, it is worth noting the cooling effect (due to the use of menthol), which is pleasant in summer in hot weather. The average price of the goods is 3,300 rubles.

Shampoo ]Whamisa Organic Seeds Oily Sculp
  • all components are natural, most of them are organic;
  • convenient dispenser;
  • a transparent bottle, you can find out in advance that cosmetics are running out;
  • does not cause allergic reactions, can be used for sensitive skin;
  • brand products have passed a large number of checks for compliance with international standards.
  • high price;
  • Many do not like the smell and liquid consistency.


Finding a shampoo for sale in a cosmetics store is not difficult - manufacturers are fighting for buyers, and vying to offer various options. Most of them differ from each other only in a small number of active components, while the basic set is almost always the same. However, among a large number of the same type of products, you can find the “one” that will suit all the features of the scalp and hair, and make the hairstyle attractive.

Many customers, once having chosen the right shampoo, no longer want to experiment and look for something better, while making a mistake. Every year, new technologies are introduced into the production of cosmetics, science makes new discoveries, and each new product improves the overall condition of the hair. We hope that our review will help you understand all the variety of mass-market products, and contribute to the right choice!

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