
  1. A bit of history
  2. Quantitative composition
  3. Raw materials
  4. Variety of coffee and coffee service
  5. Criterias of choice
  6. Rating of the best services for 2022

Rating of the best services for 2022

Rating of the best services for 2022

At all times, from antiquity to the present, treating guests with tea or coffee is considered hospitality in any family. In some countries, entire ceremonies and special sets of dishes are dedicated to this ritual. They will be discussed later in the article.

A bit of history

First, single, and then mass production of unique tea sets originates in China. After the spread of this "charm" to Europe, they became attributes of luxury and wealth. Then the list of devices included in the set was much larger and consisted of:

  • cups
  • saucer;
  • bowls for sugar;
  • vases for jam;
  • plates for baking or lemon;
  • tray for spoons and others.

Over time, the composition has changed, and its classic form has acquired a slightly smaller volume.

Quantitative composition

Depending on the number of invited guests or family members, tea or coffee sets are also purchased. According to their quantitative composition, these sets have a standard package, as a rule, for 6 or 12 people. Each of them includes:

  • 6 or 12 cups;
  • appropriate number of saucers;
  • sugar bowl;
  • milkman;
  • teapot.

For a homely, cozy tea party with the family, sets for 6 people are perfect. They are also applicable in small organizations or offices where the number of employees is limited to a small number.

On the contrary, for large groups spending their break with a cup of fragrant hot tea, coffee and friendly conversation, a service for 12 or more people with a set of all necessary additional components is preferable.

In addition to the listed options for tea sets, many manufacturers produce original paired sets intended for newlyweds or married couples.

They include two cups with a saucer-tray on which you can place breakfast.


By volume, tea cups are 200 or 250 ml. Their forms are also varied and are presented in the form of bowls with a flat bottom or with subsequent installation on small legs.The wide upper edge of the cups suggests a quick cooling of a hot drink, and beautiful, graceful handles represent one of the fragments of the decoration.


Saucers are small plates, the diameter of which in most cases does not exceed 15 cm. Initially, the British began to use them as coasters for tea cups. Since, according to tradition, when drinking tea, the representatives of England held a cup of tea over their knees, in order to avoid drops of hot drink on clothes or a tablecloth, there was always a saucer in their free hand. Their shape is also different:

  • with a flat bottom;
  • with a recess.

You can pour tea into plates with a recess and drink it directly from them. In some countries of the world, tea drinking occurs in this way.


In a teapot of various configurations and volumes up to 1 liter, the tea mixture is brewed. For convenience of use of this device the removable cover is provided.


This attribute is provided for serving milk or cream to the tea ceremony. It harmoniously fits into the overall look of the service. Its volume in most cases is 300 ml. To prevent liquid from spilling while adding it to tea or coffee, the upper part of the milk jug is equipped with a convenient groove.

sugar bowl

This device is a small container, similar in volume to a milk jug, but unlike it, it has two original handles located on both sides. The sugar bowl is designed for both granulated sugar and compressed into pieces.

Raw materials

For the manufacture of tea and coffee sets, both traditional materials are used in the form of porcelain, faience, ceramics and metal, as well as from younger ones - glass ceramics, glass, etc.


This material differs from all others in its nobility and sophistication. For many centuries, the formula for its production has not changed.

The highest quality and uniqueness is bone china, which contains bone meal. Its difference from other types of porcelain is the dazzling whiteness of the service devices. It is also the most expensive of all.

Porcelain refers to one of the types of ceramics, in the production of which kaolin, quartz and feldspar take part. As a result, a thin product with a smooth surface is formed, which at the same time has good strength and decent resistance to high temperatures.

Interesting! Due to the presence of quartz in the composition of porcelain, thin sections of devices can transmit a certain amount of light. So, for example, by installing the device opposite the light source and placing an object between them, then through a thin section of the dish you can see its outlines. Also, products made of natural porcelain are characterized by a quiet pleasant ringing when lightly struck with a teaspoon.

To determine the quality of the material used, namely porcelain, experts recommend carefully considering the color of the service devices. If its color contains a bluish or grayish tint, then the dishes are made from porcelain raw materials with the addition of impurities. Although the color of real porcelain has a bright white tint. Their use significantly reduces both the quality and the cost of the finished product. In this regard, there are negligent suppliers who hide the true level of their products, giving them a high quality mark. Therefore, this factor must be taken into account when choosing high-quality dishes.


The second place in terms of the quality of the composition is occupied by faience.Tea and coffee sets made of this material were especially popular in Soviet times due to the high cost of porcelain sets. Due to the changed structure of the composition, which consisted in its porosity, after a certain period of time, numerous small cracks appear on the walls of the dishes. This contributes to the rapid wear of devices and their increased fragility with minor impacts.

But many manufacturers have found a way to avoid such consequences. They began to add new modified additives to the faience, which improved the structure of the material, making it more durable and monolithic.

glass ceramics

This is one of the young compositions of tea and coffee sets. It combines the strength of ceramics and the practicality of glass, allowing the use of appliances in both microwave ovens and dishwashers.

The appearance of dishes practically does not differ from ceramic ones. It has the same smooth or ribbed surface. The most common colors are white and brown.

Due to the cheapness of the production of glass-ceramic sets, they are the most budget options. Most drinking establishments purchase just such sets.

Variety of coffee and coffee service

Many of the consumers believe that one coffee service in the house is enough to serve different types of coffee to their family members or guests. But experts in this field refute this opinion. They claim that all coffee sets have several directions, but the main ones are two:

  • universal,
  • narrow purpose.

Classic coffee set

It includes a standard list of appliances, similar to tea. Its difference is only in the volume of cups, which is 50-150 ml, their diameter and saucers.This option is great for the following types of coffee:

  • diluted in a coffee pot;
  • brewed in a coffee machine;
  • prepared in an electric coffee maker;
  • produced in a French press.

The capacity of the cups of such a set depends on the preferences of those present, namely on the addition of cream or milk to them, as well as the level of strength of the drink.

Oriental coffee

For drinking coffee in an oriental way, experts recommend using sets, cups in which have a volume not exceeding 60 ml, cylindrical or rounded. In addition to them, the kit includes a Turk, made of brass or copper. In order for this device to harmoniously fit into the overall ensemble of the set, coasters for cups or lids for them are made in the same style.

If the service is made of ceramics, then all appliances are decorated in the same style. Sometimes such services are supplemented with trays or glasses for cold water.

Turkish coffee

Due to the fact that this type of coffee is brewed in a Turk, the presence of a coffee pot in the set is not justified, as is the presence of a sugar bowl in it. After all, it is added to the drink during preparation. Therefore, sets of cups for this type of coffee are mainly presented in quantities from 2 to 12 pieces. There is also no need to include a small tray for sweets in such a service, since there are a lot of them when serving Turkish coffee, and a large tray will not be in harmony with miniature cups.


The set for this type of coffee includes cups, saucers, milk jug, sugar bowl, spoons and plates for dessert. The absence of a coffee pot is due to the fact that espresso is prepared in coffee machines and poured directly into cups. True lovers of this coffee prefer to drink it only from white dishes.

The optimal volume of cups for espresso is from 40 to 60 ml. If it is planned to add water or milk, then it is desirable to increase it to 80 ml.

A distinctive feature of the appearance of espresso cups is a deep bottom, which is necessary for a stable creamy foam. In addition, they should have a thickened body that helps to retain heat.


For this type of coffee, it is recommended to use dishes made of glass-ceramic or ceramic itself.

There are no restrictions on the choice of the shape and configuration of cups and saucers, since modern manufacturers supply a huge number of all kinds of devices for this to consumer markets.

A more or less standard reference for cappuccino cups is the volume, which ranges from 120 ml. But since drinks with high foam are becoming more and more popular at present, it is advisable to increase the volume of dishes to 170 ml. For other varieties of coffee cocktails with the addition of various components, such as latte, containers of at least 300 ml are just right.

Criterias of choice

The conditions for choosing a tea or coffee service, whether for yourself or other people, are practically the same. The main thing is to determine the main priorities that affect the search for a suitable option. These are:

  • set assignment;
  • product quality;
  • external design;
  • price.

Knowing about the preferences and level of well-being of the family, you can significantly narrow the search.

To choose the best option for the service, you should, first of all, pay attention to the quality of the product, what material it is made of. Depending on this, you can determine the practicality and durability of products.And the applied painting or stucco "tells" about the possibility of harmonious implementation of this set in the interior design of the dining room.

It should be noted that in addition to porcelain, faience, ceramic (all varieties) sets, customers can be offered metal or crystal cutlery as a gift. The only catch is that such dishes are not applicable for permanent use, but will only serve as an interior decoration. This is due to the fact that the metal heats up quickly and is inconvenient when drinking hot drinks, and the crunch tarnishes under the influence of high temperatures, which also leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the devices.

Rating of the best services for 2022

According to the opinions of ordinary consumers, as well as owners of drinking establishments, the following representatives occupy the top levels of the rating in terms of quality and popularity of tea and coffee products.



The tea drinking set of the famous Chinese brand Elan Gallery is designed for 6 persons and consists of 14 devices:

  • 6 cups, 250 ml capacity;
  • 6 saucers with a diameter of 14 each;
  • sugar bowl for 300 ml of granulated sugar;
  • teapot, volume 1300 ml.

The material used in the manufacture of dishes is high-quality porcelain, but supplemented with modern components that ensure greater safety and environmental friendliness of the technological process. Each item features reproductions of the painting "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimt.

Inside the spout of the teapot there are small holes to trap the tea leaves while filling the cups. And the lid has a protrusion that fixes it during use.

All devices are packed in a beautiful gift box.

Kiss tea set
  • high quality;
  • similarity to bone china;
  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • unique design.
  • not found.

Tea set by Loraine

Also, a Chinese-made tea drinking set is designed for 6 participants in the process and consists of traditional 6 cups with a volume of 220 ml and the same number of saucers. The material from which the dishes are made is high-quality porcelain. All appliances are beautifully presented in a gift box. It can be a wonderful gift not only for relatives and friends, but also for a small team that prefers to spend time with a cup of fragrant tea. The graceful shape of the devices, as well as the unobtrusive ornament, creates a classic style and will appeal to all the aesthetes of tea ceremonies.

Tea set by Loraine
  • quality raw material;
  • graceful design;
  • classic style;
  • beautiful packaging.
  • not detected.

Loraine tea set

This set is an original idea of ​​the manufacturer and is made in the form of the Moscow Kremlin. It is intended for tea drinking of two persons. The uniqueness of the devices lies in the square shape of cups with a volume of 150 ml and a teapot, which are placed on top of each other and as a result create a Kremlin tower. The set items are made of heat-resistant porcelain with the addition of components that allow placing dishes in a microwave oven and dishwasher. Such a composition is perfect as a gift for active people with a positive lifestyle.

Loraine tea set
  • wonderful composition;
  • thoughtful design;
  • durable composition;
  • the possibility of using a dishwasher and a microwave oven.
  • not identified.

Bohmann tea service

The representative of Chinese manufacturers is a wonderful tea set made of high quality white porcelain. The wavy surface of the objects, combined with a beautiful golden ornament, creates a magnificent impression. And drinking tea from such dishes is a pleasure to spend more than one cozy evening or morning with relatives or friends. The set includes 14 devices:

  • 6 cups of 230 ml each;
  • 6 saucers;
  • teapot;
  • tray.

Bohmann tea service
  • rich appearance;
  • high quality raw materials;
  • convenient set.
  • not found.

Tea set from Inter Ceramics

A beautiful snow-white Chinese-made set is an example of grace, sophistication and classics. It is made of high quality thin-walled porcelain, which gives it extra sophistication and whiteness. The standard equipment consists of 6 pairs of cups (200 ml) with saucers, a teapot with a capacity of 1100 ml, a sugar bowl with a capacity of 400 ml and a milk jug that can contain 350 milk or cream. All items are beautifully packaged in a silk-covered shipping box.

Tea set from Inter Ceramics
  • great classic style;
  • excellent quality;
  • exquisite design;
  • convenient set.
  • not detected.


Coffee set by Loraine

This coffee set from Chinese manufacturers is both a universal and a gift option. Made of bone china, which is considered the highest quality, it will decorate any table and become the center of attention at a festive event. Despite the visual fragility of porcelain, the devices are durable and practical. Standard equipment is suitable for both families and small groups.The white color of the instruments symbolizes the classic style. A golden border, applied to the edges of objects, gives them sophistication and sophistication.

A distinctive feature of this set is the possibility of using a dishwasher for washing it.

Coffee set by Loraine
  • raw material of the highest quality;
  • original design;
  • classic style;
  • the possibility of using a dishwasher.
  • not identified.

Set for coffee from Solnechnogorsk ceramics

Domestic manufacturers also contributed to the production of coffee utensils. This set is designed for 6 persons and consists of 7 items:

  • 6 cups, 75 ml each;
  • Turks, with a capacity of 300 ml.

It is made of high-quality ceramics, which allows heat to be evenly distributed over the entire surface of objects, as well as to fully preserve and convey the taste of coffee. The beige color of the items and the glazed coating give originality to the design and can serve as an excellent gift for lovers of real fragrant coffee.

Set for coffee from Solnechnogorsk ceramics
  • high quality;
  • thoughtful design;
  • good set.
  • not found.

Coffee set "Geese"

This set of Czech production surprises with its simplicity and originality at the same time. Snow-white appliances, with a printed pattern in the form of the same white geese, create a unique uniqueness and sophistication. Made of high quality porcelain, they have thin, translucent walls, and when lightly touched with a spoon, they emit a melodious, pleasant sound, characteristic only for porcelain products.Set "Geese" consists of 17 items and is designed for 6 persons:

  • 6 cups, 170 ml each;
  • 6 saucers with a diameter of 14 cm;
  • coffee pot with a capacity of 1200 ml;
  • sugar bowl (300 ml);
  • milk jug (250 ml).

The advantage of this cookware is its use in the microwave oven.

Coffee set "Geese
  • high quality raw material;
  • full set;
  • original design;
  • use of microwave ovens.
  • not identified.

Service for coffee from the "White Monkey"

The model of the famous brand is designed for 2 persons and includes a 400 ml Turk and 2 cups. Unobtrusive, minimal design gives originality to objects. The cezve made of durable ceramics provides the drink with a full disclosure of taste after removing it from the heating surface. The thick walls and the porous structure of the material keep the coffee hot and fragrant for a long time, saturating it with oxygen. For durable use of dishes, manufacturers recommend not using aggressive detergents for washing. And also when preparing a drink on gas and induction surfaces, additionally use dividers or adapters.

Service for coffee from the "White Monkey"
  • excellent gift set;
  • high quality workmanship;
  • original design.
  • not found.

A huge variety of goods presented by manufacturers from around the world allows you to choose tea or coffee sets for every taste. Whether for universal use, or specific ceremonies, they are able to satisfy the desires of even the most picky connoisseur of hot drinks.The main thing is not to get lost in this "sea" of uniqueness and elegance, but to give preference to the most important criteria that determine the direction of the search. And the advice and recommendations of the experts presented in this article will make it enjoyable and successful.

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