
  1. general information
  2. Classification of septic tanks
  3. Stages of operation of septic tanks
  4. Sump Selection Criteria
  5. Rating of quality septic tanks 2022
  6. List of the best budget septic tanks for 2022

Rating of the best septic tanks in 2022

Rating of the best septic tanks in 2022

The summer season is approaching, which means it's time to think about the improvement of your site and the choice of a septic tank. And to understand which is better to buy a cleaning element, our rating of the best septic tanks in 2022 will help you.

We will look at the five most popular models, their technical characteristics, strengths and weaknesses based on customer reviews, and also find out what their average price is.

This will help you decide how to choose a cleaning system for a country house or a summer residence, what to look for and how to avoid mistakes when choosing.

general information

A septic tank is a modern sewage treatment plant or sewer system where waste is processed. The predecessor of a septic tank is an ordinary cesspool, which is used less and less today due to its dubious convenience, the need for regular pumping and other, quite obvious, disadvantages.

It is worth noting that for the effective operation of a septic tank, it is necessary not only to choose the right model for your needs, but also to find specialists who will correctly install it. Otherwise, even the most expensive device will become clogged with waste, freeze in winter, or emit unpleasant odors.

When choosing a sump, a lot of factors must be taken into account - surface topography, soil composition, the planned amount of water consumption per day, and much more.

By structure, a septic tank or sump is a container, solid or divided into several sections inside. On both sides, it is equipped with inlet and outlet pipes, there may also be several of them. There are various types of septic tanks that are suitable for different conditions, we will consider them further.

Classification of septic tanks

Septic tanks can be divided into groups for several reasons.

First, this is the number of cameras:

  • single-chamber (more suitable for rare use, for example, for a summer cottage. Like a cesspool, they require pumping out the contents);
  • multi-chamber (suitable for permanent residence. The more cameras, the more effective the sump).

Secondly, according to the method of wastewater treatment:

  • mechanical (due to which impurities settle);
  • biological (all organic matter decomposes as a result of the action of microorganisms).

Thirdly, according to the degree of purification:

  • classical (effluents cleaned in the sump pass through the layers of soil, thereby providing soil post-treatment);
  • deep cleaning stations (water purified in this way can be reused, for example, for watering plants, but the price of such structures is much higher).

Fourth, the decomposition mechanism of organic waste:

  • the work of aerobic microorganisms (no connection to electricity is required);
  • operation of several cleaning systems (from the mains).

Stages of operation of septic tanks

The principles of operation of various septic tanks are different, but we will reproduce the general principle of operation, which may differ in details, but in general corresponds to reality.
For primary treatment, the waste is separated by particle size, impurities are deposited.

Further, when the rough stage is completed, for secondary purification, microorganisms under the access of oxygen actively decompose organic matter to the form of silt masses. This method eliminates rotting, and the volume of waste is significantly reduced compared to the original, which means that if the services of a sewage truck are necessary, then much less often than in the case of a cesspool.

If particles still remain in the water, they collect at the bottom of the septic tank or its filter, and then, being finally cleaned, the water flows directly into the ground or, through the drainage system, to some other place.

Sump Selection Criteria

In order for the septic tank not to disappoint its users during operation, it is necessary to immediately calculate all the conditions:

  • Productivity - in order for the septic tank to “enough”, it is necessary to take into account the fact that each person living in the house consumes about 200 liters of water per day.Accordingly, the volume of the chamber should be three times larger, and the number of sections does not play a role;
  • Soil type and groundwater features - for example, open-bottom septic tanks are only suitable for low groundwater and soils that pass water well;
  • Availability of connection to the electrical network and its stability. If the network is missing or unstable, in order to avoid the purchase of additional equipment, it is recommended to select autonomous type septic tanks.

If it is difficult to determine the optimal parameters of the future septic tank, it is advisable to involve specialists in choosing the help. As a rule, if we are talking about big cities, the manufacturer's representatives are ready to install their device in a short time for a symbolic surcharge.

Also, if in the future you do not want to bother and figure out how to maintain a septic tank on your own, you can agree with representatives about this. On average, scheduled maintenance costs 3-4 thousand rubles and is required quite rarely, about once a year.

Rating of quality septic tanks 2022

Next, we will consider the best and most popular septic tanks among buyers - their main parameters, prices, pros and cons, which users managed to identify during operation. The septic tanks listed here are almost as good as each other in quality and reliability, but are suitable for various situations. Some of the models are presented in several variations, for different types of installation and environmental conditions.

Greenlos Aero light 3 forced reset

This biological treatment plant is designed and used for the purpose of splitting and processing the main organic pollutants contained in domestic wastewater.This process is of natural origin and proceeds due to the presence of aerobic microorganisms, for which Aero light 3 has created suitable life-supporting conditions. Bacteria performance is further optimized through aeration of wastewater and the installation of a biofilter. Thus, two forms of sludge are used - free and fixed, which provides a higher degree of purification.

The organization of such a process involves isolation, separation of wastewater into separate containers and ensuring their consistent flow. The GRINLOS septic tank is designed so that all separate chambers are located in one building. It can be a cylindrical or oval product. All five compartments located inside the main cylinder, the body of which is made of primary polypropylene, are interconnected by special technological overflows.

Effluents sequentially flow from one compartment to another, passing through the procedures of averaging, aeration, settling, nitrification and denitrification, and clarification.

Wastewater treatment scheme with forced water discharge:

Greenlos Aero light 3 is a cleaning system designed for up to 6 users, with a capacity of 0.6 m3/h. Cylinder dimensions - 1000x1000x1870 mm, body diameter - 30 mm. The weight of the structure is 84 kg.

biological treatment plant Greenlos Aero light 3 forced discharge
  • High degree of wastewater treatment - up to 99%;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Long service life - 50 years;
  • The design is highly durable;
  • Low operating costs;
  • The manufacturer guarantees the quality of the product, safety of use.
  • Not marked.

Septic tank “TOPTENK ТХ20527”

The cost is from 29,000 rubles.

This septic tank is suitable for mechanical settling of runoff in soil treatment systems for household wastewater. Due to the body material, fiberglass, it is strong and withstands quite strong ground pressure, and is also not afraid of corrosion. The sump consists of 2 chambers separated by a fat separator wall.

This septic tank is one of the simplest. However, it must be understood that problems may arise during its installation, since, in order to fix it qualitatively and protect it from displacement under the action of groundwater, a highly qualified specialist and a large amount of building materials will be required.

Septic tank “TOPTENK ТХ20527”
  • Affordable price;
  • Does not rust;
  • Sufficiently large volume;
  • Good for pool drain.
  • The constructive component is not fully understood, since there are no drawings on the official website;
  • There are no lugs;
  • To form a solid structure, a large amount of sand and cement is required, since the septic tank is recumbent, not vertical;
  • Savings on the above materials and improper installation lead to clogging and breakdown of the septic tank.

Septic tank Ergobox “№3-10” S/PR

The cost is from 57,400 rubles (for 3 people S) to 105,000 rubles (for 10 people PR). Autonomous sewers of the PR series are more expensive by about 6 thousand rubles than S, regardless of the number of users.

This is a series of septic tanks, where the serial number means the number of people for whom an autonomous sewage system is designed. All models have the same structure, which includes a one-piece body of the biological treatment plant.

According to the manufacturer, the septic tank is strong enough and does not deform under the action of groundwater, and they also provide the maximum degree of water purification, up to 98%. Gravity overflows prevent clogging of the septic tank.

Any of the septic tanks No. 3-10 can be ordered in two variations - S or PR.

The first is gravity sewers, relevant for cases with a low level of groundwater. The second series, on the contrary, is focused on areas with a high level of groundwater and is equipped with forced ejection.

Ergobox №3-10 is a great option for a home where a family lives on a regular basis.

Septic tank Ergobox “№3-10” S/PR
  • The ability to choose a model for any number of users;
  • Adequate price;
  • Stable one-piece ribbed body;
  • small septic tank;
  • Possibility of conservation for the winter;
  • domestic manufacturer;
  • Works in any conditions.
  • Some models make noise, require refinement and laying a layer of sound insulation on top;
  • Volatile - continuous consumption of electricity to pump air and ensure the life of bacteria;
  • Once a year, pumping out by a sewage truck is required.


The cost is from 70,000 rubles.

This septic tank is different in that it does not require the involvement of a sewer, since there are no unpleasant odors. It can be used both in houses where people live permanently, and for temporary residence.

Like Ergobox, EUROBION has models with different installation options - gravity (for such types of soil as sand and sandstone) and forced (for clay soils that do not conduct moisture well, for high groundwater).EUROBION-4 - is supplied only with a gravity system.

Effluent is processed by the device by 95-99% if a connection is made to the mains supply to the compressor supplying oxygen, which, in turn, ensures the vital activity of aerobic bacteria.

  • Value for money;
  • Good performance;
  • The manufacturer regularly corrects defects and improves systems;
  • Lack of odors;
  • Works quietly;
  • Installed per day;
  • Allows you to fully use all the amenities - bathroom, toilet, washing machine;
  • For pumping out sediments, it is not necessary to call vacuum trucks;
  • Manufacturer's warranty for 5 years.
  • Freezes in frost if not insulated enough;
  • The sludge pump becomes clogged and stops;
  • At times, the floatless pump responsible for the release of water does not work;
  • The nozzle becomes clogged and the recirculator stops working;
  • Requires regular monitoring of the state of the installation;
  • It is desirable to have a connection to the electrical network;
  • Users artisanally install an aerator, believing that the system requires it.

Septic tank Rostok "Country" No. 00011016101

The cost is from 33,000 rubles.

If you are looking for inexpensive septic tanks for installation in a summer cottage, even with permanent residence, then Rostok Dachny is a great option. It serves for a long time, because the container is made of fiberglass. It is divided into three segments connected by a system of overflows.

The degree of wastewater treatment declared by the manufacturer is quite high for this price category - up to 70%. Secondary cleaning takes place in a soil filter, which is individually selected according to the volume of water consumed and the characteristics of the soil.Its size is calculated depending on the volume of water consumption and the type of soil on the site. As a result, the water becomes again suitable for technical use or discharge into the ground.

If desired, the septic tank is connected to an additional filtration system from drainage blocks.

Septic tank Rostok "Country" No. 00011016101
  • Budget septic tanks;
  • High-tech filtration system;
  • Easy assembly and installation;
  • Easy pumping of liquid by a sewer.
  • Soil filtration needs to be considered.

Septic tank Triton-plastic “Tank 3”

The cost is from 37,500 rubles.

Tank “3” is not just a septic tank, but a whole biological treatment plant. It allows you to create an autonomous sewage system for a fairly large cottage in which 5 to 6 people will live.

The sump includes three compartments, in which phased cleaning takes place with the help of aerobic bacteria. The ribbed surface of the body provides a stable position in the ground. Before the ground treatment stage, the water is filtered by 85-90% compared to the original characteristics.

Septic tank Triton-plastic “Tank 3”
  • Autonomous septic tank, does not require power supply;
  • Low price;
  • Made of high quality plastic;
  • Thoughtful design;
  • A large number of positive reviews;
  • Convenient sludge pumping;
  • Works up to 50 years;
  • High reliability;
  • Installation is possible at any time of the year;
  • Depending on the operating conditions, calling a sewage truck is required from 1 time per year to 1 time in 5-8 years.
  • Were not found.

Septic tank Vortex “5 Combi PR”

Cost — from 67 400 rubles

This septic tank is a bio-treatment station that combines mechanical and biological mechanisms.With regular operation by five users, the call of vacuum trucks is necessary only once every six months. If people do not live in the house on a permanent basis, it is possible to preserve the system for the required period.

Maintenance is required no more than once every five years. The reset mechanism in this type of septic tank is forced, but the model range also includes options “5 Combi” and “5 Classik” - a gravity type. Designed for high groundwater levels. Manufacturer's warranty - 1-2 years for various components of the structure. Cleans drains by 90-99%.

Septic tank Vortex “5 Combi PR”
  • Can be installed by yourself;
  • Works stably;
  • Adequate price tag;
  • Low electricity consumption;
  • No unpleasant odors;
  • High-quality sewage treatment;
  • Must have been in service for at least 50 years.
  • Works from an electric network.

Septic tank Kolo Vesi “№3”

Cost — from 114 800 rubles

This septic tank is a deep cleaning station through mechanical and biological mechanisms. Thanks to a well-thought-out design, there are no elements in the septic tank that require replacement due to wear. Also, when the septic tank is overfilled, the electrical equipment will not suffer, since its control unit is moved outside the housing.

The sump can be installed in any type of soil without reinforcing it with a cement pad. The degree of wastewater treatment is up to 98%, which allows it to be used for technical needs.

Septic tank Kolo Vesi “№3”
  • European quality;
  • No unpleasant odors;
  • Simple but effective device;
  • Justifies the investment;
  • Consumes electricity economically;
  • Quick installation.
  • Not available to everyone due to the rather high price;
  • Work from electricity.

For a more convenient acquaintance with these models, a comparative table will be presented below, which briefly summarizes the main parameters of seven septic tanks:

Septic tank modelTOPTENK "TX20527"Ergobox "No. 3-10" S/PREUROBION "4 R ART (STANDARD)"Rostok "Country"Triton plastic “Tank 3”Vortex "5 Combi PR"Kolo Vesi "No. 3"
Pricefrom 29 000 rublesfrom 57 400 rublesfrom 70 000 rublesfrom 33 000 rublesfrom 37 500 rublesfrom 67 400 rublesfrom 114 800 rubles
Degree of water purificationup to 60%up to 98%95-99%up to 70%85-90%90-99%0.98
Number of users5 persons1-10 people4 people4-5 people5-6 people5 persons1-3 people
Volume 3000 litersfrom 2000 to 5500 liters-1500 liters3000 liters--
Housing materialfiberglassprimary raw materialfiberglassfiberglassplasticfiberglasspolypropylene
Type ofhorizontalhorizontalhorizontalhorizontalverticalverticalvertical
DimensionsD-1200mm, L-2600mmfrom 2000*800*2000 mm
from 1000*1000*2380 mm
The weight 105 kgfrom 100 kg120 kg81 kg150 kg95 kg117 kg
The volume of the processed liquid -500 l/day800 l/day400 l/day1200 l/day1000 l/day600 l/day
Energy consumptionNo1.5 kW/day NoNoNo0.06 kWh0.1 kWh
Peak Reset -180 liters250 liters--200 liters250 liters

List of the best budget septic tanks for 2022

All budget options are purchased based on the number of users.This category includes models costing up to 30 thousand rubles for the number of residents from 1 to 4 people. On the account of each company, in addition to the considered installations, there are others (more expensive and productive).

Septic tank THERMITE "PROFI+ 1.2 S"

The cost is 23900 rubles.

The Termit company produces structures for servicing 1-6 people. This unit is designed for 2 users. Processed daily volume - 0.4 cubic meters. meters, peak discharge - 1200 liters - is quite suitable for private houses or summer cottages. The equipment cleans all outgoing drains from the house, making them environmentally friendly (they do not exude odor, they easily go into the ground).

The model with soil aftertreatment has a vertical arrangement and is equipped with three chambers. The frame is seamless, made of linear polyethylene using the rotational molding method. Pronounced stiffening ribs provide increased strength of the case.

The brand presents two lines: S-gravity, PR (forced) - for low and high groundwater levels, respectively.

Septic tank TERMITE "PROFI+ 1.2 S
  • 100% tight;
  • Small size;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Installed in any soil;
  • Material quality: does not rust, does not collapse under the influence of temperatures, has a high chemical resistance;
  • Certified;
  • The product is safe for the environment;
  • Long service life - more than 50 years.
  • Heavy - 90 kg.

Septic tank DKS-OPTIMUM

The cost is 22,000 rubles.

Installation with passive aeration with a capacity of 0.25 cubic meters. meters per day and a peak discharge of 750 liters. It is equipped with three chambers, has a horizontal structure. Due to its low weight (27 kg), it is easy to mount the structure yourself.The rigid frame, together with the quality of workmanship, prevents the risk of damage to the tank under load or the formation of leaks, in connection with this, the septic tank can be installed in soil of any type and degree of watering.

If you use the equipment for a summer cottage, without permanent residence on it, then you can serve up to 4 people at the same time.

Septic tank DKS-OPTIMUM
  • Light weight;
  • Ease of maintenance;
  • Affordable price;
  • You can mount yourself;
  • Compact.
  • Not identified.

Septic tank CLEAN CLASSIC 3

The cost is 26,000 rubles.

Equipment with soil after-treatment for two chambers with three sections of a horizontal structure, uses a gravity method for discharging purified water. Designed for a small family of 3 people in a private house or cottage. Daily productivity - 0.4 cubic meters. Peak discharge - 1200 liters.

The spherical framework with only one weld seam optimally withstands the load, and its tightness prevents groundwater from leaking. The housing has excellent thermal insulation, which allows it to be used all year round, at low temperatures.

Septic tank CLEAN CLASSIC 3
  • Ergonomic shape;
  • Democratic price;
  • Small size;
  • Huge resource - about 100 years;
  • Does not require regular cleaning with vacuum trucks;
  • Functional and economical thanks to three cleaning phases;
  • Easy to install and operate.
  • Weighs a lot.

Septic tank THERMITE TANK 2.0

The cost is 25900 rubles.

Single-chamber storage unit made of durable plastic, resistant to heavy loads and chemical attack, designed for 4 users. Peak discharge - 2000 liters.Pumping out the tank will be needed after 2-3 years of operation of the equipment. Ideal for small families.

This model is intended for installation where discharge of drains is prohibited.

Septic tank THERMITE TANK 2.0
  • Affordable price;
  • High level of tightness;
  • Spacious;
  • A septic tank is not expensive to maintain.
  • Not identified.

So, we reviewed the best septic tanks, according to buyers. We hope our rating helped you choose an economical option that will be distinguished by high processing capacity and reliability. Or, if you didn’t find a model suitable for your tasks here, then at least decide which company’s septic tank is better.

Note that the bestsellers in the world of septic tanks, among experts on this issue, are devices from manufacturers such as:

  • Tank - they are distinguished by their availability, autonomy and high quality construction;
  • Rostock - one-piece two-section seamless structures, also distinguished by accessibility and reliability;
  • Eurobion - purifying water almost to its original state and using the most modern technologies;
  • Topas is a brand that does not appear in our review, since its products are not at all budgetary in price, and each model is a complex station that not only performs the function of a sump, but also solves many other problems.

These are the best manufacturers, however, among the models of other companies, you can also find a high-quality device, the functionality of which will better suit your situation and the requirements for a septic tank.

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