
  1. What it is
  2. General Information on Touch Panel Controllers
  3. How to choose
  4. Rating of the best touch panel controllers for 2022
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best touch panel controllers for 2022

Rating of the best touch panel controllers for 2022

Often a person interacts with automation through operator panels that receive, process and transmit information. Typically, it is associated with one or more controllers. Almost all industries are equipped with such devices. It is programmed for specific human-controlled equipment. At the same time, the operator must easily cope with the tasks set, and the design must be very convenient in order to quickly start the workflow, monitor the operation of the equipment, save data, etc.

Moreover, the operator panel makes it possible to identify equipment malfunctions, prevent the possibility of an emergency and minimize damage. Management of such modern equipment is carried out through the selected interface, which significantly increases its efficiency and productivity. Today, this type of structure can be found not only in production workshops, but also in private homes.We are talking about smart home systems and devices serviced by housing and communal enterprises.

What it is

The use of the operator panel allows you to combine the functionality of simpler devices of the signal and control type. Controllers and panels are interconnected by means of interface cables. Through the interaction of devices with each other, the panel will display current data regarding the status and operation of the equipment. All data is updated periodically and sent to the console in real time.

The presence of the panel makes it possible to eliminate the need to install various indicators, buttons, switches, and scoreboards, which saves a lot of free space. It turns out: the multifunctional remote control takes up a minimum of free space, so there are many convenient places where it can be installed.

It should be noted that the main panel has IP protection. The device consists of a number of key elements, including:

  1. There are several types of display. Most often used test-graphic, test or graphic.
  2. Input device. It is a touch-screen type, keyboard and joystick, for greater ease of operation.
  3. Internal memory, which can be supplemented with a memory card.
  4. Logic controller programmable type.Not all models are equipped with this device.
  5. Interface. It is used both for communication with external control devices and for programming.
  6. Specialized software.

Today the market is full of various devices offered by the best manufacturers. They differ in average price, characteristics, functionality, settings, material of manufacture and other aspects.

Despite this diversity, all operator panels are of the following types:

Type ofShort description
TouchThere is a real opportunity for operators to show their creative imagination, creating unique graphic elements, as well as screens with a set of specific functions. Ability to load custom graphics. It is controlled by an active screen matrix that responds to touch.
GraphicEquipped with a keypad with buttons that have an individual meaning. There is a group of specific screens where graphs and charts are displayed. Widely used in industry.
Touch logicTheir main design feature is the presence of a built-in programmed logic controller, which makes it possible to create the program itself in one device and visualize it in the same place.
Test - graphic, equipped with a keyboardSimilar to aggregates belonging to the graphic type category. They are very popular in the industry.

General Information on Touch Panel Controllers

Touch devices belong to the category of budget controllers. They are modern equipment that is applicable to the human-machine interface class.

Available recommendations:

  • ITP and TsTP;
  • control of refrigeration units, incubators, heat chambers and other climatic devices;
  • application in water intake systems;
  • installation in ventilation systems;
  • installation on the territory of boiler rooms;
  • on conveyors, machine tools and other automated installations of a local type;
  • mobile and remote systems.

It should be noted that there is a built-in function that allows programming the unit. It is used to create automated control systems in the energy sector (technological processes), housing and communal services and other industrial fields of activity.

Distinctive characteristics:

  • work on the basis of such an operating system as Linux;
  • the ability to work directly with other controller ports (allows you to connect devices that have a non-standard interface or type);
  • current exchange protocols - ARIES, ModBus (ASCII, RTU);
  • touch screen control;
  • built-in clock showing real time;
  • the ability to switch operating modes at the software level when using universal interfaces (RS-232/RS-485);
  • the case can contain a PLC and a graphical operator panel;
  • on the front panel you can find a place designed to connect to the network;
  • The Internet access does not work;
  • the use of a single programming environment for control algorithms and work with visualization programs;
  • own memory, which can be expanded if necessary.

The model range has the following characteristics:

  1. Degree of protection - IP.
  2. Temperature regime - from 0 to +60 degrees.
  3. Voltage - from 12 to 28 V.
  4. Power - maximum 10 watts.
  5. The body and front panel are made of durable plastic.
  6. Cooling is passive.

Operating rules:

  1. It is necessary to observe an acceptable temperature regime in the room.
  2. Rooms and cabinets must be in the highest explosion-proof category. The presence of gases and aggressive vapors is categorically unacceptable.
  3. There must be no moisture condensation. The maximum indicator of air humidity at a temperature of +25 degrees is from 10 to 90%.
  4. Atmospheric pressure limit - from 84 to 106.7 kPa.

Design features:

  1. The panel of the device is made in the form of a shield. Popular manufacturers produce their own models, which differ in functionality and dimensions.
  2. To expand the number of points for output and input, you will need an auxiliary module (external) for each of the interfaces used.

How to choose

The answer to this question depends on the direction of use of the product and the preferences of the user. There is no single selection criterion. Every year, global manufacturers of this type of product introduce the public to popular models. Produced novelties have both some advantages and tangible disadvantages. They differ in cost, functionality, as well as options and characteristics. Before purchasing a device, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rating of quality goods, to understand what they are.

What is a PLC for? To determine which company has the best products. Be able to compare data with the opinion of buyers, as well as user reviews. What to pay special attention to avoid mistakes when choosing? On operating system settings. There is a noticeable difference between servicing a large enterprise and a small production.

It is not at all a difficult question where to buy a quality product. Today there are many outlets that offer their customers high quality products with a guarantee. The product can be ordered online in the online store.This will not only save money, but also get a quality product directly from the manufacturer.

The only limitation is that you cannot make such a product with your own hands at home. Even step-by-step instructions will not help here, since equipment of this type belongs to the category of high-precision and requires the presence of special equipment in the manufacture, which is unlikely to be found in the house. However, if you have certain experience and knowledge, self-installation of the panel is allowed.

Rating of the best touch panel controllers for 2022

Panel controllers for automation of local systems with Ethernet


An excellent product, which is a logical continuation of the SPK1xx line. High-quality goods from a famous domestic brand. The initial review showed the presence of improved performance. The software has also received some updates. This made it possible to use this type of equipment in industrial enterprises that need to automate the workflow. The number of output and input points can be increased, however, this will require the purchase of auxiliary modules for each of the interfaces used.

The product is equipped with DB9-terminal adapters, where there are built-in 120 Ohm terminating resistors connected via DIP switches. The manufacturer has developed a device with full compatibility with previously released modifications. USB-A direct connection available—mouse, keyboard.

The model applies:

  • HVAC systems;
  • housing and communal services;
  • water utilities (ACS);
  • for the purpose of programming equipment;
  • in the process of manufacturing building materials;
  • for ease of control of climate control equipment.

Codesys V 3.5 is used - an optimal programming environment that complies with the current IEC standard IEC 61131-3. The unit supports five programming languages, which will allow specialists of any profile to work with it.

General characteristics:

  • estimated frequency - 600 MHz;
  • flash memory capacity - 4096 MB;
  • RAM - 512 MB;
  • there is a non-volatile real-time clock;
  • display type - TFT LCD;
  • backlight - LED;
  • brightness - 300 cd / sq.m.;
  • no galvanic isolation;
  • food - constant;
  • voltage - from 12 to 28 V;
  • power consumption - 5 W;
  • ventilation - natural;
  • dimensions - 204 x 149 x 37mm;
  • average service life - 12 years.

In addition to modern emulation and debugging tools, it is equipped with an integrated editor for visualization and data exchange configuration.

How much does the best equipment cost? From 31680 rubles.

panel controller SPK107
  • the operator panel and programmable controller functions are combined in one housing;
  • acceptable cost;
  • guaranteed long service life;
  • takes up little space in the automation cabinet;
  • control algorithms and visualization are developed in the same programming environment;
  • the presence of a touch resistor 7-inch display;
  • it is possible to update projects and firmware;
  • supports ARIES, Modbus, OPS UA exchange protocols;
  • a huge number of communication interfaces;
  • supports web-visualization;
  • equipped with an embedded Linux operating system;
  • integrates with OwenCloud cloud service;
  • supports FTR and NTR protocols;
  • boasts a highly configurable watchdog timer (WatchDog).
  • significant have not been identified.


If you are unsure which product to buy, stop your choice on this model. In the ranking of high-quality products of this type, it occupies not the last place. Belongs to the category of inexpensive. A review of the SPK1xx line shows that this model is a product of its development and improvement. The set of interfaces is amazing, as well as the declared technical characteristics. Use for the majority of the automated systems used in the industry, public health services, power and housing and communal services is possible.

What are the main differences between the model and similar designs of the same brand? We offer you to familiarize yourself with the marked functionality and the declared settings:

  1. Operates on the Linux platform (embedded version).
  2. For ease of use, the following interfaces are involved: 2 x RS - 232, 3 x RS - 485, USB Devise, Ethernet, USB Host, dispute for SD cards.
  3. 10.2" resistive display.
  4. For programming, the CODESYS V5SP11 Patch5 environment is used.
  5. Support for NTP and FTP protocols.
  6. Each of the products in this line has a set of projects of the same size, making them fully compatible.
  7. Declared degree of protection IP65.
  8. Support for Web-visualization is acceptable.
  9. PLC and HMI function available.
  10. Support for data exchange protocols such as Aries, Ascii, RTU and TCP.
  11. The presence of a specific conductor (DB9 - terminals).
  12. Configurable timer.
  13. The entry and exit points can be expanded.

As for programming, the device is equipped with advanced debugging and emulation tools, is able to support five programming languages, there are no restrictions on the number of variables and blocks used.

Recommended scope of use:

  • in housing and communal services;
  • you can control the climate equipment;
  • an integral part of the automated control system of water utilities;
  • firms - manufacturers of building materials;
  • in HVAC systems.

The product can be purchased at a price of 42,960 rubles and more.

panel controller SPK110
  • thanks to the device, the overall cost of the control system is reduced;
  • high quality;
  • good value for money;
  • long service life (at least 12 years);
  • saves free mounting space in the cabinet;
  • a single program for visualization and development of control algorithms.
  • significant have not been established.

For distribution systems


Equipment of a modern type, which has found application in many industrial sectors, thereby greatly facilitating the management process. For the convenience of using the installed interface and creating your own interaction algorithms, the freely distributed ScreenEditon environment is used. Today it is difficult to find industrial-scale enterprises in which such devices would not be used. The human-machine interface is extremely convenient. Equipped with multifunctional Lsit panel, which allows it to be used in different industries.

Initially, the manufacturer assumed that such systems would become assistants in ventilation and air conditioning. But practice has shown that it would be unreasonable and futile to limit ourselves to these limits.

The wide functionality of the device in combination with the possibility of control by means of a sensor makes it possible to integrate the device into already used production processes.It is also possible to create new, modern and more efficient automated systems. With the help of such equipment, you can set up the operation of any type of system, including those designed for process control or enterprise management.

This panel is a product of Russian production, which developed it from scratch and brought it to perfection. The design process took into account the advice of leading experts in this field, as well as the features of modern Russian production. This allowed the products to find themselves at any production facility, both small and large in terms of capacity and volume of products, as well as its purpose.

Supports the standard type "Modbus" communication protocol, which establishes "communication" between industrial equipment and electronics. For a professional user, the appearance of the panel should not cause any difficulties. The clear pictures located in convenient places promotes expeditious adjustment of the equipment. There are various connection options, including CAN, Ethernet, USB, RS485, which allows you to get started quickly and without any problems.

A clear interface is specially designed for this modification. Thanks to him, there is a wide possibility of visualization for managing working projects, as well as their creation.

The main specifications are as follows:

  1. The product is produced in three modifications: SEC LSIT 05-400 with a five-inch version, combined with input / output modules, SEC LSIT 10-400 (ten-inch), SEC LSIT 07-400 (seven-inch version).
  2. Mounted in a shield.
  3. Not afraid of explosive environment.
  4. Works at temperatures from 0 to +50 degrees.

The manufacturer offers customers goods at a price of 19,650 rubles.

panel controller LSIT
  • the presence of special software Screen editor for the operator panel allows developers to edit the user's screen from their computer;
  • makes the work of the enterprise easier, safer and more productive;
  • with her participation, management processes are under strict control;
  • availability of modern industrial design;
  • multifunctionality, which allows it to be used in almost all industrial sectors;
  • high quality of the materials used in the manufacture, which minimizes the negative effects of external influences on the case, including ultraviolet radiation;
  • excellent value for money;
  • significant savings in free space;
  • quick and easy installation;
  • significantly reduces the cost of the system;
  • availability of two certificates of conformity (resistance to mechanical and climatic influences);
  • All components interact in a coordinated manner.
  • significant were not found.

Berghof EC 1000

Despite its compact size, it is quite a powerful device, and the set of interfaces is impressive. Programming environment - Codesys v3. To expand the inputs and outputs, they resort to using the modules of the E-I / O line, which are connected via the internal bus directly to the PLC. The salient features of this model are as follows:

  1. The presence of a web server makes it possible to view the visualization through a standard Internet browser, while you can use any personal computer, tablet or phone.
  2. No need to think about how to set it up when connecting an expansion module. That is unnecessary.
  3. EtherCatb RS - 232, Can, Ethernet built-in.
  4. Able to support a large number of protocols.
  5. Archiving of information takes place on an SD card or USB.

Main technical characteristics:

  • power consumption - 7.2 W;
  • RAM - 128 MB;
  • voltage - 24 V;
  • processor - 400 MHz;
  • temperature range - from 0 to +55 degrees;
  • weight - 150 g.

You can buy the device at a price of 51306 rubles.

panel controller Berghof EC 1000
  • it is possible to update the controller programs using an external USB-drive;
  • six programming languages ​​(CFC, LD,ST,IL,SFC, FBD);
  • convenient body parameters;
  • high speed EtherCat bus;
  • easy to operate;
  • long period of use;
  • does not take up much free space.
  • missing.

Berghof EU 22 XX

A high performance controller with many inputs and outputs on board. In addition, there is an extended set of interfaces. Programming is carried out in Codesys V3, equipped with a built-in web server. Regarding the technical characteristics, for the full operation of the device you need a voltage of 24V, relative humidity - up to 85%, the complete absence of condensate. Product dimensions - 210 x 106 x 48 mm, weight does not exceed 750 g, processor - 800 MHz.

The average cost is 64964 rubles.

panel controller Berghof EU 22 XX
  • supports 6 programming languages;
  • compact device;
  • there are 16 discrete inputs and outputs;
  • RAM - 256 MB;
  • works on OS Windows;
  • an additional function is installed - a real-time clock;
  • supports many protocols;
  • very powerful processor;
  • high speed bus;
  • reliable;
  • a significant set of interfaces;
  • long service life.
  • significant not found.

ECC 21 00

The scope of the programmable logic controller is almost all industries. It is intended for automation of technological processes. The novelty belongs to the category of high-performance PLCs. A powerful processor with a frequency of 800 MHz is located in a small case. It has a built-in set of outputs and inputs, with the possibility of expansion thanks to the E-I / O module.

Programming environment - Codesys V 3.5. The device qualitatively differs by a large set of communication interfaces: RS 232, EtherCat, RS 485, Can, Ethernet. The visualization takes place thanks to the web server built into the PLC.

It has the following technical characteristics:

  • weight - 550 g;
  • temperature range - 0 - +55 degrees;
  • humidity - up to 85%, condensation is not acceptable;
  • dimensions - 95 x 128 x 46 mm;
  • RAM - 256 MB;
  • current consumption - 0.3 A;
  • voltage - 24 V.

The average cost of goods is 52339 rubles.

panel controller ECC 21 00
  • small sizes;
  • reliable;
  • durable;
  • convenient to use;
  • saves free space;
  • sufficient power;
  • easy and quick to install;
  • lowers the cost of the system.
  • significant ones are missing.


Touch panel controllers are widely used in various industries and housing and communal services.They differ in parameters, functionality, as well as performance, which is evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • bandwidth of the industrial network;
  • command execution time;
  • the duration of the controller cycle;
  • bus bandwidth;
  • reaction time.

Before starting its work, the PLC loads the operating system and user programs of ROM and RAM, and performs initial testing of the equipment. Basic operating modes:

  • debugging;
  • step-by-step execution of the program;
  • view;
  • editing variable values;
  • others.

If the devices are designed for responsible work, that they are able to perform the following functions:

  • check user programs;
  • signal when the watchdog timer is triggered;
  • detect memory failure;
  • find CPU errors;
  • detect power supply failure;
  • find an open or short circuit in the load and sensor circuit;
  • understand that the fuse has blown.
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