
  1. Product Basics - Selection Criteria
  2. The Best Safe Hand Sanitizers
  3. TOP best gels with antibacterial effect
  4. List of quality hand sanitizers of other composition
  5. Conclusion

Ranking the best hand sanitizers for 2022

Ranking the best hand sanitizers for 2022

Hygiene is a major issue in modern society, and the first thing to start with is keeping your hands clean. This procedure is relevant throughout the life of a person and is carried out repeatedly during the day.

There are a huge number of means for the destruction of harmful microbes from the surface of the hands, but each of them maintains cleanliness only for a short time, and it does not destroy pests as effectively as we would like. Antiseptic gels or as they are also called sanitizers in this matter are the most reliable means. Their composition allows up to 90% (on average) to cleanse the skin and keep it clean for a long time.

These funds are sold in various packages, bottles, have an individual consistency and composition, which affects the cost of the product as a whole. Attention is presented with an overview of the best sanitizers, which, according to buyers, deserve attention.

Product Basics - Selection Criteria

Sanitizer is an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. It is used both in everyday life and in the professional field of activity: medicine, beauty salons, for processing tools and skin.

We are talking about products that are customary to carry everywhere with you, wherever you are (pocket sanitizer).

Due to the fact that it is not always possible to use soap and water, a special hand sanitizer is used.

Photo - "Washing hands with soap"

Note! According to experts, the most reliable way to get rid of bacteria and viruses on your hands is soap + water. If they are available to you at work, then the need to purchase disinfectants can be “omitted”.

In any institution, at every step, be it a shop, cafe, cinema, etc. there is a toilet where liquid soap is provided for use. Another thing, if you are relaxing in nature, then you can buy an antiseptic. It is convenient to wear and operate.

Composition and types of antiseptic

Looking for an effective and safe antiseptic, the first thing to study is the composition of the product. Because today they produce solutions based on:

  1. Alcohol is an effective antiviral and antibacterial agent that is best suited for hand treatment.
  2. Didecyldimethylammonium chloride - also effective against viruses and bacteria, but the degree of exposure to microbes is less than that of alcohol.
  3. Povidone-iodine - with a similar effectiveness, it can cause itching and redness on the skin, there are contraindications for use.
  4. Chlorhexidine - certainly has an antiviral and antibacterial effect, but for the purpose of treating hands from coronaviruses, they are of little use.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide is not capable of killing pathogenic microorganisms, but such a composition can reduce their number.

The opinions of experts and representatives of Rospotrebnadzor agree that the most effective antiseptics are those where alcohol is the main active ingredient.

As for safety, alcohol compositions also meet this criterion, because the only unpleasant expectation is that the hands will dry out after treatment with such a product. However, this is not entirely true. Indeed, in addition to alcohol, the composition contains additional substances, among which there is glycerin. And it is glycerin that prevents the skin from drying out. Thus, after applying the antiseptic and its complete drying, the condition of the hands will be even better than after washing with hard water using soap.


Selection Tips - Which is the Best Sanitizer?

When buying a sanitizer, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Age limit;
  • Compound;
  • Contraindications;
  • Which firm is better;
  • What is the price.

Dangerous component of antiseptic

Often there are products of two different brands, with almost the same description, but a huge difference in price. Therefore, always read the instructions, weigh all the pros and cons so as not to make mistakes when choosing.

Having decided that among the ingredients of the product we need is alcohol and glycerin, we read the composition to the end. The task is to determine if triclosan is among the ingredients. This component is dangerous because it can accumulate in the body and cause health problems.

How much alcohol should be

For effective hand treatment for covid, only products based on alcohols are suitable:

1. Isopropyl - at a concentration of at least 70%;

2. Ethyl - not less than 75% (according to some studies conducted in the USA, compounds with an ethyl alcohol concentration of at least 60% are recognized as effective).

The Best Safe Hand Sanitizers

In this collection, we will consider options that are convenient to carry with you and use anywhere without worrying about the condition of the skin.

Sanitelle Antiseptic hand spray with cotton extract

The antibacterial liquid in the form of a spray disinfects due to ethyl alcohol, which in a percentage ratio is 66.2%, the moisturizing effect is provided by vitamin E and aloe vera in the composition.

The cost is 88 rubles.

Sanitelle Antiseptic hand spray with cotton extract
  • Nice smell;
  • The atomizer works flawlessly;
  • Does not dry out the skin;
  • Compact bottle.
  • Due to the small volume, there is a significant expense.

Synergetic Cosmetic "Gel for hands Antiseptic moisturizing and ultraprotection" (dispenser)

The gel structure product is based on isopropyl alcohol (70%). In addition to it, it contains a significant amount of plant extracts (tea tree, aloe barbadensis, eucalyptus oil, etc.). Therefore, the effect is not only antibacterial, but also moisturizing, protective and regenerating.

There is a gel from Synergetic 160 rubles.

Synergetic Cosmetic "Gel for hands Antiseptic moisturizing and ultraprotection" (dispenser)
  • Practically organic composition, except for the active substance;
  • Excellent caring effect;
  • Prolonged action, up to 3 hours.
  • The minimum volume is 250 ml, not too compact.

Himfa Antiseptic for hands Alcoholic

A simple composition means: isopropyl alcohol, "softened" with glycerin. The consistency is liquid. In this case, there is no atomizer, there is just a screw cap.

100 ml of funds will cost 110 rubles.

Himfa Antiseptic for hands Alcoholic
  • Simple composition;
  • Effective disinfection.
  • The smell is sharp;
  • It is necessary to monitor the tightness, since the lid is very simple.

SeptoPlus alcohol hand sanitizer

Very compact in size skin antiseptic, the volume of the bottle is only 30 ml. In the composition, in addition to isopropyl alcohol, glycerin and water, hydrogen peroxide is present. It perfectly copes with its main purpose, due to the dropper cap it is conveniently dosed.

Cost - 29 rubles.

SeptoPlus alcohol hand sanitizer
  • Compactness;
  • Does a good job of disinfecting.
  • Convenient dropper cap;
  • The price is budget.
  • Not found.

Septima Disinfectant skin antiseptic

The skin antiseptic of gel consistency, based on ethyl denatured alcohol (70%), closes our selection. Vitamin E and D-panthenol will provide moisture and nutrition to the handles.

A 30 ml tube will cost 50 rubles.

Septima Disinfectant skin antiseptic
  • Effective against a large number of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Convenient to use.
  • Strong smell.

TOP best gels with antibacterial effect

This category consists of Russian and foreign products of a jelly-like consistency, which are placed in bottles of various shapes. Each manufacturer has its own composition and volume of products, however, according to many of them, the products kill viruses and microbes up to 99.9%. Nevertheless, the price segment can fluctuate between 80-600 rubles.

Sanitelle with Vitamin E

Sanitelle with vitamin E, vial view

An inexpensive fragrance-free product for children and adults with an active ingredient - vitamin E has an antibacterial effect, destroys microbes up to 99.99%.Suitable for all skin types (even dry, sensitive), moisturizes and softens it due to its composition. Main components: 66.2% ethyl alcohol, glycerin, deionized water, propylene glycol, vitamin E and functional additives.

Important! For children under 6 years of age, use under adult supervision.

Using the gel is simple: just apply a small amount to your hands and rub thoroughly, then wait a bit until it dries.

For the price - 107 rubles.

Sanitelle with Vitamin E
  • Gets rid of all microbes;
  • Convenient to take on the road;
  • The smell is not strong, quickly disappears;
  • Economic consumption - 1 drop;
  • Well absorbed;
  • Easy to use;
  • Inexpensive.
  • Highly flammable (do not heat excessively, keep away from fire).


Dettol colorless gel in a bottle

The Russian manufacturer offers a gel that provides cleanliness and protection of hands up to 99.9%, containing 66% ethyl alcohol. It is ideal for regular use, wherever you are. Suitable for everyone, regardless of skin type. Despite the fact that the product is very similar in composition and declared characteristics to Sanitelle with Vitamin E, its price is 3 times higher.

The average cost is 379 rubles.

Dettol gel sanitizer
  • Fragrance-free on the skin;
  • Effective;
  • Works for a long time;
  • Convenient bottle;
  • Enough for a long time;
  • The lid closes tightly.
  • Expensive.

Lafitel "095-003"

Lafitel "095-003", jar design

Inexpensive domestic gel in a bottle with a 50 ml dispenser contains 68% isopropyl alcohol, water, glycerin, PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil, SC-CO2 Aloe Vera extract and other substances that quickly and effectively disinfect hands, provide an antimicrobial field that acts several hours. An indispensable assistant where there is no water and soap. Simply applied to the skin and dries instantly.

Note! Individual intolerance is possible, in which case you should stop using immediately.

Approximate cost - 149 rubles.

Lafitel "095-003"
  • Inexpensive;
  • High alcohol content;
  • Dries quickly;
  • Gives a feeling of purity.
  • There are contraindications.

Domix Green Totalsan with D-panthenol

Domix Green Totalsan with blue D-panthenol in a jar

New - antiseptic gel gloves from a Russian manufacturer with an active ingredient (panthenol). The composition of the product includes: water, polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride, hydroxyethyl cellulose, D-panthenol, CI 42090. It is enough to spread the liquid over the surface of the hands and nails to create the effect of liquid gloves that are easily washed off with water.

The product is suitable for all skin types, adults 18+. The volume of the bottle is 50 ml. there is a cosmetic fragrance.

The average cost is 250 rubles.

Domix Green Totalsan antibacterial gloves with D-panthenol
  • Reliable protection for a long time;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Slow consumption;
  • Value for money;
  • Smells nice.
  • Not suitable for children.

Vitex "Ideal handles"

Vitex "Ideal handles", appearance

The composition of the product does not contain parabens and silicones, glycerin is used as an active ingredient.The antibacterial effect ensures clean hands for a long period, aloe extract moisturizes the skin. Medium liquid gel, dries quickly, suitable for all skin types.

The average cost is 99 rubles.

Vitex "Ideal Pens" cleansing gel
  • Large volume;
  • Budget;
  • Ideal cleansing;
  • The smell quickly evaporates;
  • Long shelf life - 36 months;
  • For the whole family.
  • Not identified.

Evolut with silver nanoparticles

Evolut with silver nanoparticles in an ergonomic package

The composition of this product includes: deionized water, cellulose glycolic acid, hydrogenated castor oil, silver nanoparticles. This gel structure provides maximum antibacterial protection. Its application procedure requires a small amount of the product, carefully rubbed over the surface of the hands, nails and between the fingers. Feature of the product - rapid penetration into the skin - 10-30 seconds.

How much it costs - 123 rubles.

Evolut antiseptic gel with silver nanoparticles
  • Virtually no smell;
  • Convenient to take on the road;
  • closes tightly;
  • Dries quickly (about 30 seconds).
  • Not identified.


Levrana tube design

A small bottle like a pen, has a rich composition that does not contain parabens, silicone and alcohol, but at the same time has an antibacterial property. It does not require rinsing, suitable even for damaged skin. Application of the gel does not cause irritation, can be used by children.

How much does it cost - 250 rubles.

Levrana anti-acterial hand gel
  • Ergonomic tube shape;
  • Comfortable;
  • Value for money;
  • Universal suits even damaged skin);
  • Harmless.
  • Small volume.


LIFESIZ "ELEN", appearance

Expensive, but high-quality gel that has an antiseptic effect, destroying harmful bacteria from the skin of the hands. Protects against occupational skin diseases. Suitable even for hands with wounds. The drug not only fights bacteria, but also prevents their further reproduction. It should be used after working with harmful substances.

For the price - about 500 rubles.

LIFESIZ "ELEN" hand gel
  • Highly efficient;
  • Easily washed off with water;
  • Provides protection at a professional level;
  • Does not leave discomfort, feeling of greasy traces.
  • Expensive.

Severina "Tenderness of the Lotus"

Severina "Tenderness of the Lotus" denomination 230 ml

Universal preparation with the effect of cleansing and softening in a convenient bottle with a dispenser, suitable for dry and sensitive skin. A small amount of gel for one-time use, saves consumption. The bottle is sold in a volume of 230 ml, its composition has about 15 components.

How much - 600 rubles

Severina Lotus Tenderness hand gel
  • Large volume;
  • Convenient application thanks to the dispenser;
  • economical consumption;
  • Rich composition;
  • Nice smell;
  • For the whole family.
  • High price.

List of quality hand sanitizers of other composition

This category mainly includes sprays. They are easy to use, apply in a thin layer and dry quickly. However, the composition of the product may not contain alcohol at all, although the product has an antibacterial effect.

SEVERINA "Sanitizer"

SEVERINA "Sanitizer" with gentle hand care

Spray for hands and nails is sprayed at a small distance from the surface of the skin. Can be used to treat manicure or pedicure tools.The composition has an antibacterial effect, perfectly protects and neutralizes harmful bacteria.

How much does it cost - 320 rubles.

SEVERINA "Sanitizer"
  • Does not leave a sticky layer;
  • Wide application;
  • Value for money.
  • Not identified.


MI&KO, bottle appearance

Hand lotion acts as a natural sanitizer thanks to proven antiseptics. The composition does not contain artificial colors and preservatives. All ingredients are absolutely safe and beneficial to health, therefore, situations when the liquid gets on the face or inside the body (when eating with treated hands) should not be so categorical. After regular use of the product, the hands become soft, keep clean for the rest of the day.

The main components in the product: artesian water, sage hydrolate, scleroglucan (natural thickener), honeysuckle extract (natural preservative), essential oil of orange, eucalyptus, basil, tea tree, lactic acid.

How much it costs - 190 rubles.

MI&KO hand lotion
  • Feeling of well-groomed and clean hands;
  • Tonic;
  • Slows down skin aging;
  • Functional;
  • Affordable price;
  • Convenient bottle;
  • Safe.
  • Smell for an amateur.

Kapous Body Care

Kapous Body Care nominal volume 125 ml

A universal liquid that can be used to treat not only hands, but also legs. It is distributed over the skin by spraying (it takes a few seconds to dry completely). The product has an antibacterial effect, does not require subsequent rinsing with water, does not adversely affect the skin, perfectly neutralizes pathogenic bacteria.

Recommendations! Keep away from children.Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes (if not, rinse with water).

The average price is 81 rubles.

Kapous Body Care
  • Universal sanitizer (suitable for hands and feet);
  • Cheap;
  • Does not dry the skin;
  • Easy application;
  • Beautiful packaging;
  • Large volume - 125 ml;
  • Effective;
  • Long enough.
  • Only for adults.

Antibacterial Hand Spray Peach

Antibacterial Hand Spray Peach in an ergonomic package

Rectangular bottle of bright color with an ergonomic 20 ml atomizer. The liquid has a pleasant fruity aroma, has an antibacterial effect, uses vitamin E, Aloe Vera extract, ethyl alcohol, water, glycerin, perfume compositions, propylene glycol, main and secondary additives as ingredients.

A small amount is needed to treat the skin. Medical ethyl alcohol instantly kills up to 99.9% of viruses and germs; vitamin E and Aloe Vera softens the skin (does not allow it to dry), fruity aroma gives a feeling of freshness.

The cost is 395 rubles.

Antibacterial Hand Spray Peach
  • The appearance of the bottle;
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • Highly efficient;
  • Rapid impact;
  • Value for money;
  • Enhanced protection against microbes;
  • Gives a comfortable feeling.
  • Expensive.


PROMAKEUP laboratory STOP DIRTY in sales packaging

The latest development is a cleansing foam for hygienic hand treatment, the main advantage of which is the absence of alcohol in the composition. The main formulation of the product is a mixture of natural antimicrobial agents. Thanks to the Phytofoam ingredient, the active synergy of plants is combined into one whole. The natural surfactants they contain help create a rich foam with high antibacterial properties.These include: soap beans, desert dates, roots of the Gypsophila plant, Aloe Vera.

The contents of the bottle (55 ml) has an active disinfecting effect, does not harm the skin, is suitable for any skin integument, eliminates unpleasant odors and restores the acid-base mantle of the skin.

How much does it cost - 400 rubles.

  • Value for money;
  • Smells good;
  • Effective drug;
  • For any skin;
  • Natural composition;
  • Does not dry the skin, has a beneficial effect on it.
  • Price.


BTpeel with instructions for use

A 200 ml spray bottle is used for skin disinfection before injections, postoperative wound treatment, and hand hygiene. It is a ready-to-use solution in the form of a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor of alcohol. Processing can be carried out in two ways - by wiping (with a cotton swab or cotton pad) or by irrigation from a sprayer. Alcohol antiseptic quickly acts, disinfects the skin, has an optimal antimicrobial effect against bacteria and viruses.

The approximate price for the goods is 450 rubles.

BTpeel sanitizer
  • Economic consumption;
  • Qualitative;
  • Large volume;
  • Convenient application;
  • Several application methods.
  • Instant dry;
  • Effective;
  • Wide application.
  • High price.


As can be seen from the rating of sanitizers, the product can be in the form of a liquid, gel, foam, have varying degrees of effectiveness, which is influenced by the composition of the drug. The design of the bottle, its volume, brand affect the total cost of the product.

Table - "The most effective hand sanitizers for 2022"

Name:Type of:Average cost (rubles):
Sanitelle with Vitamin Egel107
Lafitel "095-003"149
Domix Green Totalsan with D-panthenol250
Vitex "Ideal handles"99
Evolut with silver nanoparticles123
Severina "Tenderness of the Lotus"600
SEVERINA "Sanitizer"spray320
Kapous Body Carespray81
MIXIT "Antibacterial Hand Spray Peach"spray395
PROMAKEUP laboratory STOP DIRTYfoam400

The method of application is identical for all trade units: applied to the skin until completely dry, does not require rinsing with water.

Important! Please note that sanitizers are not suitable for all people: there are individual intolerances, side effects, age restrictions. In this regard, carefully study the instructions for the product. Happy shopping everyone!

Today, in conditions of an increased risk of contracting viral infections, experts recommend washing hands or treating them with antibacterial agents every 2-3 hours., also before and after meals.

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