
  1. Why you need a cabin filter
  2. The best filter manufacturers
  3. Where could I buy
  4. Rating of the best cabin filters
  5. Selection errors and cabin filter replacement

Rating of the best cabin filters for cars for 2022

Rating of the best cabin filters for cars for 2022

The car has long been associated with a luxury item. In the modern world, despite such problems as many kilometers of traffic jams in megacities, the high cost of fuel and the poor condition of the roads, a car remains an indispensable assistant for many.

The convenience of being inside the cabin depends on many things. This is the brand of the car, and its level of comfort, and the driving style of the one who is behind the wheel. This list can be continued for a long time, and one of the places in it will be the quality of the device installed for air purification.

Why you need a cabin filter

The car, of course, is not completely sealed, but the air that comes naturally for the driver and passengers to feel normal is clearly not enough. On average, about 100 thousand liters of air per hour enter the car interior through the cleaning system, and this amount is already more than enough for everyone.

When passing through the filter, the air is cleaned of dust, the smallest asphalt particles, pollen and plant spores, harmful gases and impurities (nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, benzene, sulfur dioxide, etc.) contained in the air. If there is an antibacterial impregnation, then the air entering the car is also freed from a number of viruses and bacteria.

Inhalation of polluted air in the absence of a cleaning device or in case of loss of its functions due to untimely replacement causes increased driver fatigue, can provoke irritation of the eyes or respiratory organs (coughing, sneezing). Symptoms can be especially severe in people with allergies.

Another nuisance that the use of a contaminated cabin filter is fraught with is increased moisture condensation. As a result, the air conditioning system begins to work with increased load, which can lead to its premature wear and failure.

Which filter to choose

On this issue, one can observe the opposition of supporters of standard devices, who advocate reasonable savings, and those who like carbon filters because of their higher efficiency, since they are able to capture not only solid microparticles, but also gases harmful to human health. This is due to the absorbent properties that coal has. Due to the porous spongy structure, it can hold on its surface a huge number of different particles, molecules and even bacteria.

In addition to these advantages, this property of it allows you to protect the interior from the penetration of unpleasant odors. The standard device is better than the carbon one only in the matter of a lower price.

Paper is installed as a cleaning element in budgetary standard filters; in more expensive versions, you can find polypropylene, which has the property of retaining allergens. There are also combined devices.

In some sources, you can find advice - do not change the cabin filter, but blow it with compressed air, thus restoring its properties. In fact, this method will only help remove some of the solid particles and dust that have settled on its inner surface. But the retention of unwanted impurities occurs not only due to a purely mechanical effect, a huge role in this is played by the electrostatic charge possessed by the non-woven material placed inside the device. It is he who attracts the smallest particles to himself and does not allow them to penetrate into the interior of the car. When blowing it, of course, it will not be able to recover, and the cleaning system will not fully perform its functions.

The best filter manufacturers

The best option when choosing is to focus on the device that was already installed during the production of the machine. But if it was released a long time ago and it is not known which brand of filter was originally used in it, you can choose the right option among the products presented by the best manufacturers. All devices can be divided into three large groups:

  • original, recommended by the car manufacturer, usually the same brand as the car;
  • good quality analog filters, the leaders in their production are MANN, MAHLE, KNEHT, BEHR, BOSCH;
  • budget analog devices, one of the leaders in the production of which is FILTRON.

High-quality analogues are not much inferior to expensive original goods, and sometimes even surpass them. For example, the companies MAHLE and KNEHT have developed an innovative filter with Caremetix technology, which completely prevents foreign odors, even the strongest ones, from entering the interior of the car.

Where could I buy

Like most other consumables and spare parts for the car, cabin air purifiers can be purchased at auto stores or online. But since the percentage of fakes is very high in this category of goods, in order to avoid disappointment, it is better to place an order in stores that work directly with official dealers.

If the consumable is bought directly from the service that will replace it, you need to make sure that there are direct supplies of spare parts from the official distributor. You also need to see if the antibacterial treatment of the air conditioning system is carried out along with its replacement.This must be done regularly, since the moisture condensed on the evaporator of the air conditioner, mixed with dust, is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, including pathogens.

Rating of the best cabin filters

Products are selected on the Yandex Market trading platform based on the level of popularity among buyers.

Rating of the best standard cabin filters

votes 0

The average price is 495 rubles.

This budget-friendly device contains an anti-allergic polypropylene insert, which makes it more efficient to use than paper-filled counterparts. Suitable for a number of Japanese vehicles: Lexus IS, Lexus GS, Nissan Almera, Nissan Almera Classic, Nissan Primera, Nissan Almera Tino. Size: 220 x 199 x 30 mm. It is recommended to change every 15 thousand kilometers.

filter FILTRON K1060
  • budget cost;
  • reliable design;
  • quite high efficiency.
  • wears out quickly, at the end of the service life practically does not fulfill its functions.

VOLKSWAGEN 7h0819631
votes 0

The average price is 1187 rubles.

This item is made with paper filler. But, since it was produced by the VAG auto concern, you can be sure of its high quality and reliability. Perfectly fits Volkswagen Amarok and Volkswagen Transporter cars, but can also be used in a number of other vehicles of this concern, to which it fits in size. Size: 278 x 219 x 32 mm. It is recommended to change after a run of 10-12 thousand km.

filter VOLKSWAGEN 7h0819631
  • well captures dust and solid microparticles;
  • high quality filler.
  • ineffective at retaining allergens and unpleasant odors;
  • often sold only in soft packaging, which can lead to damage when stored or sold in a store.

votes 0

The average price is 909 rubles.

The main difference of this device is that its inner paper layer is impregnated with ascorbic acid. The air saturated with vitamin C, entering the cabin, has a beneficial effect on the health and well-being of both the driver and the passengers of the car. The presence of an electrostatic charge on the inside allows it to hold the smallest dust particles and microorganisms. It acts as an analogue of devices for a number of Nissan cars. It is recommended to change after every 10 thousand kilometers, but at least once a year.

filter PIAA AIRY-C AC-102E
  • attractive price;
  • health effect;
  • high-quality air purification;
  • easy installation.
  • high price;
  • it is necessary to carefully check for which car brands it is suitable, since exact technical information is not available.

votes 0

The average price is 609 rubles.

Due to the design features, this device is able to absorb and retain unwanted impurities not only inside the filler, which is paper, but also on its surface. The robust case protects the interior from damage. It is an analogue of the original devices for a number of Mazda cars. Size: 250 x 102 x 17 mm. Replacement is recommended after 10 thousand kilometers.

filter VIC AC-406E
  • removable inner part makes the use of the device more economical and prolongs its service life;
  • durability;
  • tight fit;
  • attractive cost.
  • lengthy installation process.

Bosch 1987435002
votes 0

The average price is 505 rubles.

This device has a rigid frame with special grips that allow you to easily, quickly and correctly install without gaps and distortion. Despite the fact that the filler is made of paper, due to special processing it has increased tensile strength and is able to withstand high loads. Size: 258 x 224 x 35.5 mm. Suitable for Skoda, Volkswagen, Audi, SEAT vehicles, including Audi A1, Seat Ibiza, Seat Toledo, Skoda Rapid, Skoda Praktik, Skoda Rapid Spaceback (NH1), Skoda Fabia, Skoda Roomster, Volkswagen Polo. It is recommended to change every 10 thousand kilometers.

Bosch filter 1987435002
  • rigid durable construction;
  • tight fit;
  • ease of installation:
  • durability of use.
  • not recommended for use in sports cars, because it has a noticeable aerodynamic drag.

Rating of the best carbon cabin filters

Mann-Filter CUK 22000-2
votes 0

The average price is 5066 rubles.

The inside of this device is made of non-woven material made by CUK technology. This guarantees complete protection against dust and solid particles. In addition, due to the content of coal, foreign odors, pollen, soot and other undesirable substances do not penetrate into the cabin. Suitable for Mercedes-Benz vehicles and perfectly withstands operation in conditions of increased pollution, for example, when driving off-road or in a large metropolis. Replacement is recommended after 20 thousand kilometers.

filter Mann-Filter CUK 22000-2
  • high structural strength;
  • excellent air purification performance.
  • high price.

votes 0

The average price is 1017 rubles.

A distinctive feature of this device is a large thickness and a wavy inner layer, which allows it to effectively contain solid particles that enter from the outside. Equipped with anti-allergic impregnation. Suitable for Audi, SEAT vehicles, including Audi A6, Audi A4, Audi Allroad, Seat Exeo. Dimensions: 297.5 x 204 x 30.

MAHLE LAK93 filter
  • high-quality device of the filtering part;
  • durability;
  • antiallergic protection;
  • strength and durability of the structure;
  • affordable cost.
  • increased aerodynamic resistance.

Delphi TSP0325178C
votes 0

The average price is 1390 rubles.

This device has a convenient shape and a solid design, which makes it easy to install. A special locking mechanism will not allow it to move after installation. Suitable for Nissan, Renault, Dacia vehicles, including Nissan Note, Nissan Micra, Renault Clio, Renault Twingo, Renault Modus, Renault Wind, Dacia Duster, Nissan March. Size: 183 x 179 x 27 mm.

filter Delphi TSP0325178C
  • durable construction;
  • simple installation;
  • affordable cost.
  • short service life, replacement is recommended after 10 thousand kilometers.

Corteco 80000406
votes 0

The average price is 2080 rubles.

This device differs from similar products in the high content of fine coal, which makes it very effective, despite the relatively small thickness. Suitable for Mazda brand vehicles, including Mazda Premacy, Mazda 3, Mazda 5, Mazda Axela. Size: 236 x 100 x 22 mm.

filter Corteco 80000406
  • fast and reliable installation;
  • good air purification performance;
  • attractive price.
  • the design is not strong enough and can break if carelessly installed.

votes 0

Average price - 2020 rubles.

This device is specially designed for Peugeot, Land Rover, Volvo, Citroen vehicles, including Citroen C6, Citroen DS5, Citroen C5, Land Rover Freelander, Peugeot 407, Volvo S80, Volvo S60, Volvo V70, Volvo V60, Volvo XC60, Land Rover Range Rover Evoque. It is easy to install and durable in design. Size: 270 x 195 x 33 mm.

filter DELPHI TSP0325226C
  • reliable design;
  • easy installation;
  • attractive cost.
  • not a very long service life, replacement is recommended after 10 thousand kilometers.

Rating of the best cabin filters of the combined type

AN-1118. OEM 11180-8122010-82
votes 0

The average price is 250 rubles.

This combined-type analog device features an increased number of fins, which allows it to better trap dust and debris from the incoming air. Suitable for AvtoVAZ vehicles, including Kalina, Niva, Granta brands.

filter AN-1118. OEM 11180-8122010-82
  • low cost;
  • quality materials;
  • simple installation.
  • does not capture unpleasant odors;
  • ineffective for protection against pollen and plant spores;
  • short service life, the quality of the incoming air deteriorates significantly after only 5 thousand kilometers.

RAF Filter RF001KIY
votes 0

The average price is 803 rubles.

This Korean-made device has anti-allergic and antibacterial properties, and also perfectly cleans the air of dust and other contaminants, including pollen and mold spores. Suitable for Kia brand vehicles, including Kia Carnival, Kia Cerato, Kia Grand Carnival, Kia Mohave, Kia Sorento models.

filter RAF Filter RF001KIY
  • perfectly cleans the air;
  • protection against allergens and bacteria;
  • attractive cost.
  • insufficiently reliable design;
  • service life - no more than six months, after which it loses some of its properties.

RAF Filter RF002MIXY
votes 0

The average price is 786 rubles.

This device is characterized by extremely wide versatility and fits a wide range of cars: Nissan, LADA (VAZ), Renault, Infiniti, Peugeot, Mitsubishi, Isuzu, Subaru, Citroen, Dacia. It has an impregnation that neutralizes most types of allergens. Size: 215 x 200 x 30 mm.

filter RAF Filter RF002MIXY
  • antiallergic protection;
  • affordable cost.
  • short service life, replacement is recommended after 10 thousand kilometers.

Selection errors and cabin filter replacement

To choose the most suitable device, you must first choose the option suitable for the brand of your car. There are no standards, they all have different sizes and thicknesses, so an attempt to adapt a consumable that is designed for a completely different brand of car may fail.

You need to pay attention to the aerodynamic properties. The higher the resistance, the more difficult it will be for the purified air to enter the cabin. For normal air flow, it should be no higher than 50 mm of water. Art.

It is necessary to take into account the conditions in which the car will be operated.If regular driving is expected in conditions of increased pollution, it is better to purchase a filter with maximum cleaning characteristics. Antibacterial and antiallergic protection will not be superfluous.

Depending on the complexity of the design and the availability of certain skills, you can replace it yourself, but still it is better to contact a car service. This device is located in close proximity to the instrument panel, and there is a rather high risk of damage to it.

Timely maintenance of the car, including regular replacement of the cabin filter, will not only allow it to work longer without breakdowns, but will also provide comfort and convenience for both the driver and passengers.


