
  1. What are the advantages of such sites
  2. About the interview
  3. Rating of the best sites for job search in Russia for 2022

Rating of the best sites for job search in Russia for 2022

Rating of the best sites for job search in Russia for 2022

If you are looking for a job, you can either ask your friends (the method is effective, but not suitable for everyone), register with the Central Health Center (judging by the reviews, such organizations do not provide real help), or register on a specialized website.

What are the advantages of such sites

The first is a large database of vacancies. You can find a suitable one both in your city and in another region.

The second is trusted companies.Before being posted, all ads are moderated, so the risks of running into scammers are much less than on the same free message boards like Avito.

The third is ease of use. After registration, the user will be able to track the schedule of viewing his resume, send responses to the vacancies of interest.

How to work with them

The functionality of such sites, plus or minus, is the same. The ability to respond to ads opens after registering on the portal (you just need to enter your email address, name, phone number in the appropriate fields of the application). After authorization in your personal account, you can start filling out the resume form. The finished document can later be attached to the response to the interested vacancy.

As for paid options, you can create a good resume yourself. It is enough to carefully read the instructions (there are also many tips on filling out the Internet, and free of charge). It doesn’t make much sense to pay for promotion either - the recruiter will see the response and even possibly read it, but it is not known whether he will invite you for an interview. Do not forget to correct the date of the resume, periodically enter new information if, for example, you have completed some courses.

What to look for when looking for a job

In order not to waste time on meaningless interviews, you should pay attention to the following points:

First, we look at the history of vacancies for a particular company (this option is available on large sites). Staff turnover in large retailers is the norm, but if in a small individual entrepreneur, for example, or a company with 30-40 employees, the same ad is posted at intervals of a couple of months, then you should think about it.There may be many options for why this happens, but it is hardly worth getting a job to find out the reasons.

Second - carefully read the requirements for the applicant. Ads with uplifting text about a “developing, promising, growing” company, “active life position” (this phrase can mean anything at all), but without specifying specific responsibilities, can be skipped right away. Often it is with such employers that employees do not stay for a long time.

The note about a young team is also not accidental - according to the law, it is impossible to refuse an applicant on the basis of age, so companies get out as best they can, hinting to 40-year-old candidates that they are not welcome here.
The text should clearly state:

  • requirements for education, work experience;
  • job responsibilities - ideally, everything should be clear and understandable, without any "strengthen the prestige of the company", "develop with us" and "learn new skills";
  • schedule, conditions, career prospects.

Pay attention to additional requirements, such as stress resistance. If this is a vacancy for a seller-cashier in a large store, then probably such a wish of the employer is completely justified. Still, communicating with a large number of people during the day is another test. But if the same text is in the announcement of admission, say, an accountant, you should think about what kind of stressful conditions you will have to work in.

Now a little about wages. Often, instead of a specific figure, there is a conditional “by agreement”. This is normal practice. But if in the text a potential employer indicates, for example, “from 30,000 rubles to 90,000 rubles”, then most likely the minimum amount reflects the salary.

How to write a resume

A resume is a summary of a candidate's professional biography, containing information about the level of education, work experience, and skills. Therefore, its preparation should be approached as responsibly as possible.

So, a good resume has several sections.


Here you need to write a phone number for feedback, an email address (sometimes applicants are offered to take a test), an address. In the latter case, it is not necessary to indicate the full, with the name of the street, house number, apartment, just write the name of the settlement. If you decide to attach a photo - this option is available on almost all job search sites, choose the most neutral, business-like one (a selfie against a mirror is not an option).

Information about the desired position and salary level

Realistically evaluate your professional skills - you have no experience in managing a team, do not respond to the vacancies of the head of the department, the director of the store. If you understand that you absolutely cannot communicate with strangers for a long time, do not write in your resume that you are ready to work as a sales manager.

Now about the desired salary - indicate the amount of interest 20 higher than the current level of income. At the interview, you can bargain with minimal damage to yourself.

work experience

The main section for which the summary is actually compiled. The information should be as detailed as possible, include data on the last three places of work with a detailed description of duties. You don't need to copy items from a job description or write an autobiography about career milestones. Just write what you did, what you were responsible for, what you achieved - for example, you had a successful presentation that ended in a big deal.Or participated in the development of an advertising campaign that increased sales by (for example) 20 percent.
It is not necessary to present such qualities as punctuality, responsibility as a personal merit, but it is worth mentioning the ability to make decisions quickly, work with a large amount of information, and respond quickly in critical situations.

Skills, additional education

Here you need to talk about specific knowledge related to professional activities. For example:

  • acceptance of goods, work with waybills, auditing - for storekeepers;
  • specialization "Family Law", for example - for lawyers;
  • registration of incoming-outgoing correspondence, scheduling, organization of business meetings - for the secretary;
  • work with customs authorities, preparation of declarations - for the logistics manager.

About the ability to work with text editors, e-mail can not be mentioned. Even applicants without work experience (these are the minimum requirements for any position by default, with the exception of working specialties).
As for additional education, indicate only those that are related to the profession and the passage of which you can document. For example, language or refresher courses.
If you send resumes to different positions, then make sure that the vacancies are located approximately at the same level. Recruiters are wary of candidates who simultaneously respond to job advertisements for a courier, head of sales department and manager in a mobile phone salon.


Carefully review the finished resume for errors, typos. Edit unsuccessful phrases, remove unnecessary words, complex speech turns.Creative, professional slang words are acceptable if you are looking for a job, say, in an advertising agency - here an extraordinary approach will be appreciated.

About the interview

The first interview determines whether the candidate will be able to fill the vacancy. Therefore, before the first interview with the personnel officer:

  1. Think over the answers to standard questions in advance - why did you quit your previous job, why do you want to get a position in this particular company. It’s not worth talking bad about the previous employer (well, unless there were delays in paying wages or other violations of the Labor Code), even if the dismissal was accompanied by a grandiose scandal - just say that you didn’t agree on some issues.
  2. Be honest about your experience and accomplishments. It is not worth lying, greatly exaggerating the real facts - even if the candidate is hired, the level of his professionalism can be assessed in a couple of days. If you know English at the high school level, do not say that you are fluent in it.
  3. Don't be afraid to ask questions about conditions, employee compensation system, bonuses, career opportunities - there's nothing wrong with that. The exception when you should not start talking about a career is the absence of any work experience at all.

Don't give up if a recruiter asks frankly strange questions, like "what are you willing to do to work for us" or "what kind of flower are you" (and this happens). Don't try to guess the right answer - there isn't one. Here they rather look at the reaction, the ability to get out of non-standard situations. The same with the notorious request to sell a pen.

When is it better to leave immediately and not waste your time

If the recruiter is late, you can wait 10-15 minutes, but you can’t sit in the waiting room for hours.With a high degree of probability, all processes in the company will be treated exactly the same as an employee of the human resources department for a scheduled interview.

If you are not satisfied with the format of the meeting with a potential employer. It happens that stressful interviews are conducted for potential middle and senior managers in order to understand how a person will behave in a given situation. But if you apply for the position of a cashier, and the personnel officer allows himself to be rude, speak derogatoryly about the applicant, make comments about previous jobs - this speaks, firstly, about the order in the company, and secondly, about the complete lack of professionalism of the recruiter.

If they immediately ask for money - for some kind of training, for the purchase of work clothes, for the execution of a sanitary book. Or confidentially inform that an internship of 3-4 days, a week or two will not be paid, supposedly to understand whether the employee is suitable or not.

Another point worth paying attention to is the nature of the general questions. If they are at least indirectly related to professional activities, then everything is fine. If private life is touched, then remember, you should think carefully about whether to continue the conversation.

And finally, if official employment, vacation pay and sick pay, in general, everything that should be provided by default (according to the Labor Code), the company presents as an advantage.

Rating of the best sites for job search in Russia for 2022


The largest recruiting platform. Over 850,000 job openings, 1,700 employers and 18 million site visitors monthly. User-friendly interface, simple navigation, easy-to-fill resume form - just enter information in the appropriate fields, write a cover letter. Plus history of vacancies and rating of employers.When subscribing to the newsletter, the user will receive notifications of new vacancies by e-mail - this option saves time.
Of the free options, there is an extensive knowledge base, in the sections of which you can find detailed information on how to fill out the response form correctly, what you should write about, and what you should tactfully keep silent about. There is a forum where you can ask questions to users or get practical advice on how to write a resume from consultant recruiters.

From paid services:

  • compiling a resume;
  • career guidance - an hour-long consultation with a specialist who will help identify the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate, realistically assess their capabilities;
  • ad promotion - three tariffs to choose from, the minimum cost is 199 rubles per week.

Reviews are contradictory, from laudatory to frankly negative. The latter are connected mainly with the fact that there are many irrelevant vacancies on the resource. But this is the fault of unscrupulous employers who submit ads, and not the site itself.

  • a large, updated database of employers;
  • convenient navigation, search settings - by profession, city, company;
  • easy use of the site;
  • free mailing.
  • scammers come across - less often than on similar sites, but there have been cases;
  • inhumane prices - the option of professional resume writing will cost 4100 (a bit too much for a person looking for a job), of course, without a guarantee of employment.



No less well-known job search site. An extensive free knowledge base, clear navigation, a convenient online resume builder - fill out the form, then you get a ready-made document that can be printed.
There are many useful tips here on how to join a new team, whether to try to return to your old job after being fired, or how to make the most positive impression on the interviewer at the first interview.

  • impressive base of vacancies;
  • the ability to track resume views;
  • Lots of great job search articles.
  • many unverified companies - especially for remote vacancies;
  • It is better not to subscribe to the newsletter if you do not want to receive daily letters with useless information.

Job. RU

A relatively young site offering job seekers more than 250,000 job advertisements. Standard search, navigation - nothing superfluous, everything is clear and simple. Registration - by e-mail or authorization through Sber ID.

The advantage is that there is a company reliability rating, which is determined by 3 main parameters - the time of existence on the market, employee reviews, risks (like problems with tax or arbitration courts).

  • simple design of the main page with a minimum of advertising;
  • sorting by regions, spheres, areas and professions;
  • company rating.
  • at first glance, there are no reviews, which is strange, not many, the last ones date back to 2017-2019, so it is difficult to judge how things really are.

City of Works

This is a generator that collects vacancies from large sites. According to the principle of use, it is no different from previous sites. You can create a resume only after registration, by the way, to simplify the work, there is even a video instruction on how to fill out the form.

The downside is that the applicant himself will have to check the ads, as well as the reliability of the employing company. There are no ratings here.

  • decor;
  • good advice on how to pass an interview;
  • a lot of information, forecasts on the situation on the labor market.
  • there are no special ones.

Don't be discouraged if your resume doesn't get any views in the first week. This is fine. Monitor vacancies, send feedback and everything will definitely work out.

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