
  1. Varieties of fish scalers
  2. Tips for Effective Fish Cleaning
  3. Criteria for selecting tools
  4. Rating of the best fish scalers for 2022

Rating of the best fish scalers for 2022

Rating of the best fish scalers for 2022

Fish is an integral product of a full-fledged and high-quality nutrition of a modern person. Depending on preferences, it is prepared in various ways using a huge number of recipes. But the pre-cleaning and processing of this product is often not a very pleasant procedure. Fish scales flying in all directions bring inconvenience and additional cleaning costs.

Domestic and foreign manufacturers came to help in eliminating this problem, creating devices of various configurations and configurations for comfortable, less expensive cleaning of fish from scales.

Varieties of fish scalers

In all kitchen supply stores, you can choose tools for freeing fish carcasses from the husk of a wide variety of designs and compositions. They are both manual and electrical devices. The choice of one or another option is justified by the amount of the processed product. At home, manual scrapers are usually used, and in catering establishments - electric ones.

Hand tools also differ from each other:

  • form,
  • composition,
  • additional functionality
  • accessories.

So, a scraper for removing fish scales can be completely metal, made of various alloys, plastic or combined. Its shape is comparable to that of a knife with serrated longitudinal edges, a fish figurine, or a massage brush with a round base and handle. In these products, the teeth are arranged in such a way that during operation, individual scales do not scatter around, but settle in a certain place.

Some manufacturers have equipped their products with additional containers for collecting the peeled husk. This simplifies the cleaning process as much as possible and minimizes the cost of subsequent cleaning.

Professional electrical devices for a similar function have a more complex device. With increased productivity, they create the most comfortable conditions for use in the kitchens of cafes, restaurants, canteens. Equipped with special screens and containers, electric fish scalers prevent the peeled scales from getting on other work surfaces. Products in this category also have their own characteristics. They can be fed from:

  • standard power supply (mains);
  • autonomous battery;
  • car cigarette lighter.

Such a variety of functionality expands the scope of these products. Even in nature or fishing, the device will find its application.

Tips for Effective Fish Cleaning

Experienced chefs and experts advise to adhere to the following recommendations for productive and high-quality processing of fish products:

  • This product is desirable to clean immediately after the catch. If it lies for a while, the cleaning process will be difficult.
  • If this situation could not be avoided, the carcass can be held in cold water with the addition of vinegar.
  • The cleaning process must be thorough and of high quality. The final result of the product depends on this.
  • Processing of fish must be done on a special finishing board.
  • For better fixation of the carcass, it is recommended to use boards with a mount designed specifically for this purpose or with all kinds of improvised means.
  • If such items were not at hand, you can fix the position of the fish with your fingers, but after wrapping the fish tail with a napkin or dipping your hand in salt. If there are even minor scratches on the skin, such a technique is strictly prohibited.
  • Some types of fish, such as gobies and salmon, do not need to remove the scales at all, for lack of one.
  • Processing carcasses of burbot or catfish consists in thoroughly washing off the mucus with running water and rubbing it with salt.

Criteria for selecting tools

Due to the huge number of products in this category, presented in consumer markets, it is very easy to buy a vending option. But before buying, it is still advisable to ask yourself a few simple questions:

  • How often do you plan to use the purchased tool?
  • How many carcasses will he have to face?
  • What type of fish products will he need to process?
  • Under what conditions is it intended to be used?

Having outlined the circle of priorities, you can safely proceed to the purchase.

Rating of the best fish scalers for 2022

Among the large number of reviews of people using manual and professional electric fish scalers, both domestic and foreign products occupy the leading positions in popularity. The following is a list of the most common models.


Scraper "Barnaul"

This model is presented by Russian manufacturers and quickly gained popularity among fish lovers. Convenient and at the same time simple design allows you to remove high-quality scales even in the most difficult places without damaging the fish carcass. According to consumer reviews, this device has successfully coped with such fish species as perch, pike and pike perch.

The tool is made of food stainless steel with the subsequent polishing of a surface. The part on which 4 rows of cloves of different heights are located occupies an area of ​​​​2.8 x 4.5 cm. The next 12 cm is occupied by the handle. The connection of the working part with the handle is very strong, which provides the product with a long service life.

Scraper "Barnaul"
  • convenient design;
  • ease of use;
  • high-quality cleaning;
  • device reliability;
  • suitable for various types of fish.
  • additional cleaning of scales after cleaning.

Fish scaler with container

The products of the manufacturing company Vetta attracted their customers with the presence of a special container for scales. Convenient ergonomic shape allows you to comfortably fit the tool in your hand.Made of high-quality plastic, with horizontal steel blades, the fish scaler quickly and efficiently cleans the fish carcass from scales. She, in turn, does not scatter to the sides, but is neatly collected in a special container, which, as it is filled, is easily cleaned.

Fish scaler with container
  • good ergonomic qualities;
  • ease of use;
  • the presence of a container for scales;
  • quality cleaning results.
  • not identified.

Scraper LuxFish 2M

Products of domestic production belong to the type of professional. Thoughtful design and additional functionality, of course, provided this model with wide popularity. Unlike the previous model of this brand, LuxFish 2M is equipped with a special spatula that allows you to conveniently remove adhered scales and mucus from the surface of the fish. The handle of the device ends with a miniature spoon, with which the insides of the carcass are easily removed, and the film is removed from the inside of the fish spine. The work of movable cloves contributes to the accumulation of peeled scales next to the carcass, which creates additional convenience during the subsequent collection of cleanings.

Although the fixture is made of plastic, it has proven itself to be a reliable and durable tool. It can be used both at home and outdoors or fishing.

Scraper LuxFish 2M
  • thoughtful design;
  • professional approach to functionality;
  • high quality raw materials;
  • versatility of application.
  • there is no container for scales in the kit.

Fish Scaler Borner

One of the representatives of high quality goods is the German brand Borner.Their stylish and modern design, along with excellent cleansing properties, have made them popular among a large number of consumers. The tools of this brand will not only effectively eliminate scales, but also create the most comfortable conditions in the process. They consist in an anti-slip coating of the handle, the presence of teeth of various heights, which helps to clean fish carcasses with different scale sizes. After use, the device can be hung on the ring attached to the handle.

The product is made of high-quality food grade stainless steel, which meets all hygienic standards.

Fish Scaler Borner
  • high quality of the product;
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • thoughtful design;
  • stylish kitchen item.
  • not detected.

Scraper Promonova

Chinese manufacturers, who supply their products of decent quality to consumer markets, did not stand aside. Thoughtful design, complete set and at the same time small size made this model a "favorite" of both housewives and professional chefs. The Promonova scraper is especially attractive due to the transparent container for the scales, which allows you to track its fullness and carry out timely cleaning.

The product is made of stainless steel. This provides it with a long service life. A special retractable carving knife eliminates the need for additional kitchen tools and reduces cleaning time.

The manufacturer also produces products in several colors, which attracts women when choosing the right option.

Scraper Promonova
  • thoughtful appearance;
  • decent equipment;
  • convenience in work;
  • small sizes;
  • the presence of a container for collecting scales.
  • not identified.

Fish scaler "Box"

Another model of domestic production also has its own consumer segment. They note the excellent quality of the device when cleaning small-scaled fish species. Thanks to small teeth, individual scales do not scatter in all directions, but are concentrated in a certain place.

Simple and at the same time convenient design allows you to create the most comfortable conditions in the process of working with the tool. As a raw material for the production of the scraper "Korobok" used high-quality metal that meets the necessary hygienic requirements.

The model is undemanding to thorough cleaning, it is enough to rinse it under running water.

Fish scaler "Box"
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • quality material;
  • applicable to small-scaled fish;
  • minimal maintenance.
  • not detected.


Fishka Messer LK-859B

One of the first positions in the rating of electric fish scalers is the product of the Chinese manufacturing company Messer. The increased popularity of the product provides autonomous use without connecting to a standard source of electricity. The work is carried out at the expense of a high-capacity battery, which makes it possible to use fish scalers directly at the place of fishing.

The device is equipped with a protective metal casing that allows you to protect the rest of the mechanisms of the device from mechanical influences. The well-thought-out arrangement of this part prevents the accumulation of peeled scales inside it, and the reverse movement of the main mechanism facilitates the removal of cleaning residues during water treatment.

The case protected from moisture and the accumulator drive accompany use of the device directly on fishing.

Additionally, the device is equipped with a charger, a hex wrench, instructions and a warranty card.

Fishka Messer LK-859B
  • offline work;
  • high capacity battery;
  • the presence of a protective cover;
  • waterproof case;
  • ease of use;
  • fast and high-quality fish cleaning process.
  • not detected.

Nitfex V-200P

Also, the Nitfex brand products are worthy of the leading stage in popularity. It provides easy and high-quality cleaning of carcasses of various types of fish. The operation of products of this brand is carried out both autonomously using a 12V battery, and powered from the central electrical network through a power supply.

The body of the device is sealed, which makes it possible to wash it without fear of damaging parts. The metal casing protects the fingers from damage and protects the cleaning mechanism from mechanical influences. This part can be moved and fish can be cleaned from the left side.

Removable blades made of stainless steel can be replaced with new ones if the quality of work deteriorates.

The device comes with a comb attachment, a hex wrench, a power supply and instructions.

Nitfex V-200P
  • high build quality;
  • the ability to work autonomously;
  • designed for left-handed people;
  • removable blades;
  • full set.
  • not found.

Messer LK-859D

This model of an already well-known brand for the products described above is a device powered by a network, a car cigarette lighter and a battery.Such opportunities significantly expand the scope of its application: from home to fishing. The moisture-proof case and the protective casing against mechanical influences accompany the popularity of the Messer LK-859D. The advantage of the model over similar products lies in the convenience of washing the product after use, since the peeled scales do not get stuck between the cleaning mechanism and the protective cover and are easily removed with water.

This model copes well with fish species such as perch, carp and zander. High-quality cleaning is ensured by sharp blades made of stainless steel.

The device is additionally equipped with instructions, warranty card, hex wrench, power supply.

Messer LK-859D
  • high performance and cleaning quality;
  • the ability to work in various conditions;
  • ease of care;
  • full set.
  • not found.

A variety of fish scalers from various manufacturers fully meet the demand of consumers, both amateurs and professionals. Depending on the conditions of use, the desired characteristics, it will not be difficult to choose the best option. The main thing is not to rush into buying the first tool that comes across, but to carefully approach its choice. Although many of the models described are not expensive in cost, it is still desirable to put comfort in use and frequency in the first place. The suggested tips in this article will become a kind of assistants in this. Thus, the funds will be spent wisely, and the purchased product will bring the desired pleasure in a difficult task.

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