Have you ever wondered what city streets and quiet forest edges have in common? It would seem that they are completely different places. But as soon as it starts to rain, hats of rapidly growing mushrooms appear in the clearings, and multi-colored "hats" - umbrellas also open on the streets, and crowds of people with umbrellas over their heads become like numerous mushroom families nestled under the trees.
This accessory can protect not only from rain, but also from snow, and even from ultraviolet radiation. In addition to the main functions, this stylish accessory can be a good addition to the image.
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It is difficult to find a person who does not know what an umbrella is. This item has been accompanying people since ancient times, it was already known in ancient China, in the 11th century BC. Only rich people could afford to own such an accessory, not only because of the cost, but also because of the dimensions. The size was about 150 cm, and the weight reached two kilograms, and for its use it was necessary to resort to the help of servants.
In ancient Egypt, the umbrella was also a symbol of position in society. They were used by the nobility, and in addition, statues of deities were covered with them. In ancient India, this object was endowed with a supernatural essence: it was believed that the sky is the roof of a heavenly palace, on which monkeys sit with white cloud umbrellas in their hands. In this country, the status of a nobleman was also emphasized with the help of such an accessory. And in Tibet, white and yellow umbrellas made of peacock feathers were an attribute of representatives of a high spiritual class.
In ancient times, this item was not forgotten, and was popular both in Greece and in Rome, from where it spread to all countries of medieval Europe. For protection from the sun, devices called “parasols” were used, which are a frame with a hand-made bone and linen dome.
This subject continued to hold popularity among the nobility in the 17th-18th centuries, during the reign of Louis XIV and later, under Marie Antoinette. Then a special position was established among the servants - an umbrella carrier.
At first, these goods were made piece by piece and sold in small quantities.The first to think about the industrial production of these goods was the English entrepreneur Jonas Henway, who in the 18th century first put the production of umbrellas on stream.
The first folding samples appeared at the same time, but not in England, but in France, they were invented by Jean Marius. But the merit of creating the first prototype, similar to modern versions, again belongs to the British. For the first time, a construction of a metal frame with knitting needles and a dome made of fabric with water-repellent properties was created by the English mechanic Samuel Fox.
With the beginning of industrial production, umbrellas became available to the general population, and the demand for them increased. In manufacturing, great attention was paid to handles, which were often made of precious wood or silver and decorated with ruffles, frills, feathers and flowers.
Fashion trends were traced in the colors of the produced accessories. If at the end of the 18th century, pink, green and yellow goods were at the peak of popularity, then later they were replaced by bright red, green and blue. A century later, strict brown, gray and black colors were in the lead, which were in great demand among men.
Currently, the search for a product of any color is not difficult. On sale there are both monophonic, and options with two or more colors. On the domes of modern accessories, you can find anything: images of animals and popular artists, city views, all kinds of flowers, abstract drawings. But strict black options are still in demand and are in great demand.
Many foreign enterprises are engaged in the release of these fashionable and not losing popularity goods. Among the best firms are the following.
Many Russian enterprises can offer products that are distinguished by quality and attractive prices.The use of modern materials and technologies allows you to create a variety of designs and improve the consumer properties of these accessories. The rating lists the best of domestic enterprises, whose products have received many positive reviews.
This division is conditional. If men are unlikely to choose brightly colored umbrellas, then strict plain ones, especially black ones, are in steady demand among both sexes. Also, often among the presented goods of firms there are children's options, but their release is relatively small.
Website: https://fabrikazont.ru/
The leader of the Russian market, operating since 1953, offers a range of quality products. In addition to umbrellas, camouflage suits and other goods for hunting, car covers, awnings are produced here. In most models, the spokes are made of nickel-plated steel, and the dome is made of polyester with a water-repellent impregnation. Handles are made of wood, plastic or rubber.
Website: https://diniya.ru/
It produces accessories that are distinguished by ease of use and individual design. The catalog includes men's, women's and children's models. The assortment is regularly updated, new items often appear. In production, the latest technical developments are used, thanks to which it is possible to achieve lighter weight and improve water resistance.
Website: http://slavazaitsev.ru/
The legendary Russian fashion designer decided to expand his field of activity, and in addition to clothes, he began to make umbrellas with a unique design. It is possible to fulfill individual orders. It is impossible to buy accessories from the eminent couturier on the official website, but they are on sale on many marketplaces and online stores. The variety and originality of colors are complemented by high quality. Along with expensive custom-made accessories, you can also purchase models that are generally affordable.
Website: https://www.kawaiifactory.ru/
Despite the foreign name, this brand is domestic. Stylish, fashionable products are in demand not only among young people. A representative of any gender and age will be able to choose an option for themselves from the widest range that is offered to customers. Also, the advantages are the increased strength of the domes made of polyester, and good wind protection.
Website: http://www.sponsaumbrella.ru/
The company registered in Moscow has been producing goods for men, children and women for more than 20 years. Expensive models are made of satin or jacquard, models of an affordable price segment are made of polyester.A distinctive feature is the built-in anti-wind system, which provides reliable protection against weather influences and extends the life of the frame.
Website: https://planetzont.ru/
The joint Russian-German venture produces goods of excellent quality for men and women. Frames made of reliable and durable materials are complemented by original design domes. Affordable satin models are available, which in appearance are not inferior to prestigious foreign brands.
Website: https://www.rainlab.ru/
A variety of colors can amaze even the most sophisticated buyer. Graphics and animalistics, landscapes and abstraction, colorful and strict monochromatic models will surely appeal to many. The durable frame is made of steel, aluminum and fiberglass, the handles are made of plastic, the dome is made of polyester.
Children's accessories should not only be bright and attractive. Particular attention is paid to the issue of their safety and ease of use.The rating includes enterprises that focus on the production of models for children.
The products of this manufacturer are distinguished by a classic six-spoke layout and a reliable manual mechanism. The diameter of the dome of most children's models is 100 cm. Chekhov is made in the form of various little animals, which increases the attractiveness of this accessory for children. Available on major marketplaces.
Website: https://popular-umbrella.ru/
Goods of Russian-Dutch production are distinguished by their compliance with European quality standards, excellent design and incredible functionality. The manufacturer uses domes made of the most modern material - pongee. The popularity of the Rainbrella brand produced by this company is easy to explain: bright colors, comfortable shape and ease of use will not leave any kid indifferent.
Website: https://dolphin-planet.ru/
Even a small child can easily learn to use an umbrella-cane made of polyester from this company. A variety of models and colors will allow you to find a suitable option for both a boy and a girl, and parents will like the affordable price.
Website: https://kotofey.ru/
This manufacturer has been successful in the children's footwear segment, but its range also includes umbrellas. The bright colors, reliable mechanism and comfortable polyester dome will appeal to both boys and girls.
Website: https://www.bondibon.ru/
A chrome-plated frame with eight spokes and a durable polyester mini-dome with a diameter of 48 cm, which reliably covers from rain, distinguish most of the models of the Russian Bondibon brand. Funny patterns on the fabric will appeal to both boys and girls. When folded, the length of the accessory is 65 cm.
Website: https://goroshek-shop.ru/
Bright and light accessories for children of Russian-Chinese production differ not only in size, but also in the opening mechanism. Along with mechanical cane models popular for this age group, semi-automatic ones are widely represented. The dome shape provides protection from rain, wind and sun.
The sheer variety of products on the market can be confusing. In order not to get lost in this sea, when choosing, you need to be guided not only by the category “like - dislike”, but also by some other criteria in order to avoid disappointment in the future.
A huge variety of umbrellas is offered by both ordinary stores and virtual ones. The purchase of this accessory does not require prior fitting, so you can save time and money by ordering online and paying online.
When choosing a color, you can focus on the preferred colors of clothing or frequently worn accessories, or stop at the universal black color. And who said that there should be only one umbrella? A properly selected beautiful high-quality umbrella will serve for a long time, protecting from rain and bringing positive emotions.