Shoes from different manufacturers often differ in a number of characteristics. However, the branded one still differs in appearance, convenience and finish. That's just to get a brand new thing, do not rush to part with a large amount for the purchase of an imported model. Products of no less decent quality are offered by the best Russian shoe manufacturers, which we will discuss in more detail and the innovations they create in the review below.
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Although the development of technology has helped to solve most of the problems of consumption, including financial ones. Cheap handicraft boots are unlikely to please the owner for a long time, unlike the branded variation. Therefore, by 2022 there will be a clear transition from buying inexpensive accessories to more high-status models. And recently, a number of Russian companies have joined the number of brands, producing no less high-quality products in different segments. That allows people to buy worthy things at an affordable price. For each of the companies, the following list of shoe collections is relevant:
Advertised labels are not only a guarantee of high quality performance, but also compliance with state orthopedic standards of the products offered. Well-known brands have come a long way to their popularity and will not risk their reputation by disappointing customers.
The best manufacturers care about their reputation, so the developments are distinguished by environmentally friendly components, such as:
The disadvantages of branded items include only marginal cost and a high probability of forgery.
According to buyers and specialists, in order to avoid the risk of encountering low-quality products, it is better to make such purchases in a company store, whose activities and products presented are confirmed by appropriate certificates.
Since domestic brands are named in English, companies are often confused with foreign brands.
In 2022, there are many options for purchasing branded shoes, most often they apply for such a new thing:
The following tips will help you avoid making a mistake when choosing a product.
And only when the goods were bought from the presented company before, it is important to use the measurements already obtained.
The company offers products designed for the average consumer. Meanwhile, a whole staff of international designers who have previously collaborated with popular fashion houses are working on new Mascotte collections.
Every year, the company offers customers traditional collections:
The segment is represented not only by shoe models, but also by:
The products of each line have a common theme, providing opportunities for creating a stylish look. In the manufacture of collections, not only genuine leather is used, but also:
Average price - 4 800 ₽
The company has already managed to win recognition among Russian fashionistas.The main role in such popularity of the brand was played by the remarkable appearance of the products. Outstanding quality deserves no less attention; Covani shoemakers work only with natural bases. The list of collection names can include:
The organization closely follows fashion trends, which gives customers a chance to find among the company's collections the very desired new thing that corresponds to a particular season.
Average price - 5 256 ₽
A Russian brand that, when creating its collections, actively uses the most advanced production and development technologies in orthopedics. The selection includes:
The models of this company are distinguished by a good fullness of the block, slightly expanding towards the beam part. This feature in the performance allows you to wear the selected pair during the day, without feeling tired and painful manifestations in the evening. When creating, variations from genuine leather are used, which helps the new thing to successfully maintain external and quality characteristics for a long time. And the interior finish of natural origin will keep the feet warm and dry, without interfering with air circulation, helping to maintain a comfortable microclimate. One of the main advantages of Baden shoes is the special silicone insert under the heel.This nuance creates a shock-absorbing effect, allowing you to evenly distribute and reduce the load on the spine. To develop winter variations, the innovative material EVA or ethylene vinyl acetate is actively used:
The sole of the product has a special pattern that prevents slipping and prolongs its wear resistance.
Average price - 5 552 ₽
Offers from this brand are distinguished by European style, taking into account Russian conditions. The company's developers were able to learn well, predict the fashion trends of the coming season, and create options that correspond to the spirit of the times:
There are lines for athletes that are designed for the comfort of the foot and can be a great accent to the external image. Among the presented assortment of the manufacturer, there are both very unusual novelties for Russian celebrities, as well as standard options for ordinary consumers. In TERVOLINA you can easily find not only boots and shoes, but also various accessories:
The company's products will allow you to easily find a special style and follow this direction, keeping up with modern fashion.
Average price - 5 999 ₽
This is one of the leading Russian brands, which positions itself as a dynamically developing company, producing almost 400,000 pairs of shoes per year. The company actively uses the latest production methods:
When creating shoes, only high-quality bases are used, which are carefully selected by the company's specialists.
Average price - 1 430 ₽
The domestic company produces leather and nubuck products, taking into account the opinions and wishes of its customers, allowing you to choose a pair even for an unusual style. The company's specialists monitor every stage of production, up to the final result.
Average price - 3 600 ₽
Leather shoes from this brand are distinguished by a stable heel. The company offers a very extensive range, but the main focus is on the creation of the so-called walking options.Goods are produced on innovative Italian and German equipment, taking into account the nuances of the Russian foot and the specifics of the climate. For insulated varieties, a high-quality sole with an anti-slip coating is characteristic.
Average price - 5 688 ₽
The main direction of the company is shoes for men. And although, as the company “growing up”, women's and children's lines were added, the company focuses on new items for the stronger sex. Among the brand's offerings you can find:
Products are created by three Russian factories:
Average price - 7 800 ₽
The Russian brand is engaged in the manufacture of high quality shoes for children with an emphasis on orthopedic characteristics. Not only leading fashion designers and technologists, but also orthopedic specialists take part in the work. The company's products are found on the shelves in almost 300 retail outlets in Russia. Various materials are used for tailoring:
And the use of seamless technologies to create an arch support provides a comfortable and correct formation of the foot, reducing and evenly distributing the load, preventing the foot from falling inward.
Average price - 1 995 ₽
The brand specializes in children's and youth products. The presented options meet all existing Russian and international standards, including technical regulations. When developing products, designers take into account the latest trends in fashion, this approach allows you to get the most comfortable children's options in the end result. Meanwhile, the company continues to improve in its development, regularly updating collections. Among the items there are products for babies from birth and for teenagers 18 years old. And given the feedback from regular users of products, we can also note the company's concern for the convenience of a child's leg. For example, for babies trying to take their first independent step, special arch supports have been created to prevent the development of a flat foot.
Average price - 3 008 ₽
Manufacturer, long known to parents and not only.Its products are the result of joint activities of a popular factory for the creation of children's shoes with the Orthopedic Research Institute. G.I. Turgenev. This approach contributes to the production of the most comfortable shoes, the functionality of which allows:
Brand names include:
For the manufacture of collections, only high-quality leather and materials that meet safety standards are used.
Average price - 3 490 ₽
This brand has long positioned itself as a supplier of quality goods from Germany and EU countries. And only recently launched its own production using European equipment. Among the assortment of the company there are models for sports training, classic and budget counterparts for the whole family. The firm uses inexpensive textures:
Average price - 4 200 ₽
The brand is known for its large children's range. Among the proposals are:
The company presents shoes of different sizes, allowing kids to easily step over from open sandals to demi-season boots and then into winter boots from Antelope. When creating each line, developers start from existing fashion trends. Among the items there are models from expensive materials, and from hypoallergenic artificial ones, such models are more affordable.
Average price - 2 000 ₽
Concluding the rating, we note that professionals advise paying great attention to such parameters as the period of operation, as well as the ease of use of the product. And if for winter it is better to buy the option that has a natural texture, with acceptable thermoregulation and is resistant to water penetration. That in the warm season is preferable to models with the function of full access of air flows to the foot itself.A significant role in the popularity of models is played by how much the products cost, the availability of discounts, promotions and bonuses. Properly selected boots or shoes can be worn all day without taking off, but not feel tired, and their practical properties guarantee long-term use of shoes. Meanwhile, the very question of which company shoes are better depends only on personal selection criteria. And it's hard to recommend anything specific. We hope that the above recommendations will help in the selection of the most suitable model.