Rating of the best sweeps for 2022

Reamers are the type of metal-cutting tools that are used in the process of technological work on metal, called "reaming". This process is used to bore existing holes in order to acquire improved quality properties (the so-called "cleanliness") and build up precise geometric dimensions during processing.

Increased precision processing is created by the presence of a plurality of cutting edges in the reamer (their total number can reach 16 pieces). During machining, an equivalent counter force is generated over the entire area of ​​the tool. This circumstance prevents distortion, which often happens when working with drills, when contact occurs only due to two cutting edges.The result of using a reamer is the creation of a smooth surface, yet having microscopic roughness ranging from 0.32-1.25 micrometers, which will directly depend on the type of reamer.

Reamers - general information

Visually, the device looks like a rod, along the body of which there are protrusions with many blades, sharpened in a special way and allowing you to reliably cut into the metal base. The number of edges for cutting depends on the class of the device and can range from 6 to 14 units. In rare cases, their number can reach 16 pieces, but such samples are used only in high-precision production.

Externally, the tool may look like a cone or cylinder, its teeth with cutting edge can be helical or straight. The main feature is their uniform arrangement over the entire surface of the object at an equal distance from each other. The fewer cutting blades present on the surf, the easier it is to work with it, and the presence of minimal spaces between the edges makes it difficult to remove metal chips.

The tools under consideration are subject to special requirements for strength properties. In cases where the distance between the edges is uneven, then involuntary vibrations will occur, and this, in turn, will lead to an inhomogeneous processing of the current hole. As a rule, industrial samples will have a development diameter of 3 millimeters.

Structurally, the reamer consists of two elements - the clamping zone and the work zone. The latter, in fact, is a cutting edge and a calibration area. On the edge are pointed teeth. The working part along the length is necessarily proportional to its own thickness and this indicator can be 0.8-3 diameters. The clamping part is made like a traditional shank, which is clamped in a machine chuck or in a wrench (when manual type of processing is performed).

Existing Forms

Due to the fact that the creation of accurate holes is an integral part of the production in various branches of machine tool and mechanical engineering, reamers come in many shapes and sizes. According to their form, they can be divided into three groups:

  1. In the form of cylinders;
  2. in the form of cones;
  3. Multistage.

The former are the most common and are used to create traditional round holes.Their grooves are straight or helical in shape with special grooves for chip removal.

The latter have a cone-shaped shape and a cut top. With their help, it is possible to work on both classic and conical holes. Either way, the end result is a tapered hole. The withdrawal of excess chips occurs through both straight and helical grooves.

Step models are considered the rarest, due to their versatility, because they are able to align holes in sheets of metal. Structurally, they have a conical shape, only their beveling occurs in steps, and not smoothly. Such a design is particularly whimsical, but if it is used competently and professionally for processing sheet metal (only a few millimeters thick), then it may well last a long time.

Depending on how the future hole should qualitatively differ from the existing one, the device should be used in one or more approaches. As a rule, a professional turner can limit himself to 3 approaches - peeling and roughing, intermediate and finishing. The first run consists of a rough cut, after which the burrs and the formed protrusions are destroyed in the second run. The finishing step is a finishing sweep, with which the inside of the groove acquires a special smoothness.

Differences from drills

A drill, by definition, is the tool that is designed to create the initial holes. Reamers are not adapted for this, but are needed only for finishing the already created holes to the required size.

IMPORTANT! In principle, both objects are visually similar to each other, but are not interchangeable.Thus, each of them should be used only for its specific task.

Differences in the scope of use

The described tool can be used both manually and by machine. For manual samples, the diameter can be set in the range of 3-50 millimeters. Its tail element has a special recess for the profile in the form of a square for easy fixation in the collar. The smaller the diameter of the reamer, the easier it is to work with it, because the friction area will decrease. When working manually, it is necessary to properly start screwing in, as there is a risk that the entrance to the hole may be deformed and become oval.

Machine-type reamers are installed on machines. Their diameter is distinguished by a significant thickness, so it is convenient to fix them in revolving, turning and drilling machines. Their shape can be either cylindrical or conical.

Design varieties

According to their design features, devices can be divided into three classes:

  1. Whole;
  2. Push-on;
  3. Customizable (adjustable).

One-piece models are fully cast specimen with a shank and are made of alloyed carbon steel. In other cases, they can be cast from high speed steel. These models are the most common and have an affordable cost.

Push-on reamers look like tubes with an internal hole. Their outer diameter can reach 300 millimeters. Most often they are used in machining, because their shank is specially designed for fixing in a machine chuck. They are considered quite universal models, because. their shank can be machined for various machine variations.

Adjustable (adjustable) are made in diameter up to 50 millimeters and this indicator can be changed by setting. These samples can replace several types of classic sweeps, however, the customizable range is quite small. For the smallest models, this figure reaches fractions of a millimeter. Nevertheless, the main advantage of these variations is not only the possibility of adjusting the diameter, but also their long service life. The bottom line is that classic reamers can wear out over time, while custom reamers can always be adjusted to the desired diameter. As the sharpening of the blades is erased, only the maximum thickness of the processed hole decreases, which can always be expanded.

Normative documents

The work and production of the tools under consideration by the state is regulated by a special regulatory framework at the level of state standards (GOSTs):

  • No. 29240 of 1991 - regulates types, terms and definitions;
  • No. 11173 from 1976 - used for models with a finishing allowance;
  • No. 7722 from 1977 - used for manual samples;
  • No. 1672 of 1980 - used for machine samples.

Operational features

When working with reamers, it must be taken into account that over time their teeth will grind, from which the diameter of the device becomes smaller. For example, if a machined hole is to be made with a diameter of 10 millimeters, then using the old reamer will result in a slightly smaller end result. Therefore, only new sweeps should be used to achieve improved results. Also, it is worth mentioning that if the device removes metal of considerable thickness, then the blades will become dull faster.From this it is clear that in cases where it is necessary to expand the existing grooves, it is necessary to alternately apply several tools until the queue approaches the last one, which will fulfill the desired diameter.

Typical working methods

The drill should always be selected taking into account the diameters of the reamers that will be used further. It is imperative to leave a small allowance, which means that the drill should be slightly smaller within 0.2-0.3 mm for rough reaming and no more than 0.05-0.1 mm for the finishing procedure. Increases in allowances often cause accelerated wear of the chisel and degrade the final accuracy, coupled with a decrease in the quality of the resulting surface.

Manual operation algorithm:

  • The device is fixed in the collar, after which it is lubricated;
  • The intake element must be inserted in such a way that the axis of the hole and the reamer coincide;
  • To check the accuracy of the position, you need to use a square with two perpendicular planes;
  • Rotation always starts from the right side by applying slight pressure over the crank;
  • The rotation itself occurs at low speed and in a smooth mode (even with a fairly easy advance, it is not recommended to increase the speed);
  • Reverse rotation is not allowed, because there is a risk of damage to the cutting edges and the formation of burrs in the hole;
  • The entire unfolding process is done in one sitting on one side.

Machine sweep

This method is used in cases where there is a goal in achieving maximum accuracy, and any deviations must be completely eliminated.When performing reaming operations on the machine, the installed tool must be well lubricated as if it were used for primary drilling or threading.

The best option would be such a situation when the reaming procedure by means of the machine will be carried out immediately after drilling the groove. In this case, the reaming tool will follow the same path as the previously used drill, because the position of the part will not change. Thus, there will be a smooth entry of the device, despite the fact that uniform pressure will be exerted on all the teeth. This will both increase accuracy and minimize vibration.

It is worth noting that you should not deploy at higher speeds. The indicator of the optimal speed should be 3 times less than the speed of the drill during the drilling process. All this will ensure an increase in accuracy, create a minimum level of overheating, and reduce the degree of abrasion of the blades.

Care of the reaming tool

By itself, the device in question is quite expensive, therefore, in order to prevent unnecessary costs in the future, it should be provided with proper care for the cutting edges, which will significantly increase its operational life. Professionals recommend storing the device in a closed case in order to avoid the harmful effects of moist air or water on it. The ideal would be to use a separate case for each piece of equipment, thereby eliminating unnecessary contact with other pieces of equipment.

Upon completion of the use process, the cutting edges of the tool should be cleaned of grease and adhering metal chips.If such an operation is not performed, then in the future small metal fragments will become covered with rust and stick tightly to the edges, which will accelerate their blunting. And this, in turn, will lead to the fact that rust stains will begin to remain on the surface of the workpiece.

Deployment Tips

  • In order to obtain an extremely clean surface, as well as to cool the device during processing, the holes should be lubricated more often with mineral oil.
  • If the work takes place on a copper product, then it is better to treat the groove with a special emulsion. For aluminum products, turpentine is preferable, and in the case of bronze or brass, lubricants can be completely excluded, because they, due to their softness, must be deployed in a dry state.
  • An increase in work efficiency can be achieved when the reamer has a large number of cutting edges. The presence of multiple edges will allow you to set the minimum degree of allowance, which will create an increased level of accuracy.
  • It is not recommended to use a non-specialized tool, such as a countersink for the deployment process (this circumstance is the most common mistake). This is due to the “semi-finishing” purpose of the countersink, which makes it impossible to achieve a high-precision result, because the number of cutting edges is much smaller and it is intended for other operations.
  • It is always necessary to correctly select the type of sweep, so that it is fully suitable for performing the desired task.

Homemade appliances: is it worth using?

Due to the fact that the device in question is designed to provide high accuracy of the final result, its home-made versions are extremely rare.This circumstance is also associated with the use of special equipment for its manufacture, since different types of steel will have to be processed, which, if the wrong choice is made, will affect the decrease in reliability and efficiency. However, it is easiest to make a conical tool for expanding grooves in soft metals at home. Thus, professionals advise not to tempt fate and use only factory-made devices.

A small overview of the best manufacturers

As a rule, the best brands in this market are Western European and American firms with many years of experience and responsible for the quality of production. These include:

  • "Bakhko";
  • "Likota";
  • "Rock FORCE".

Among the Russian manufacturer, good quality (at fairly reasonable prices) is distinguished by:

  • "Techmash";
  • "Russian instrument";
  • "AutoDELO".

Rating of the best sweeps for 2022

Budget samples

3rd place: "WOLFSTAR 4.5H8"
votes 0

A good example from a Chinese manufacturer at a decent price. Designed for grooves with a maximum diameter of 4.5 mm. The work is done by hand, and the cylindrical shank makes this sample available for use in various models of wrenches. The established accuracy class is H8. The weight of the item is 100 grams. The country of origin is China. The recommended cost for store chains is 120 rubles.

  • budget cost;
  • Good strength;
  • Specialization for making bushings.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "GRIFF 4.0mm H7 9XC a420017"
votes 0

A fairly good cylindrical device designed to work effectively with holes with a diameter of no more than 4 millimeters.The work process is carried out by removing a thin metal layer without unnecessarily increasing the diameter of the groove. On the basis there are especially sharp cutting edges thanks to what it is possible to operate the device for a long time. The work is done exclusively by hand, not intended for machine work. The established accuracy class is H7, and its mass is 100 grams. Country of origin - Russia. The recommended retail price is 150 rubles.

GRIFF 4.0mm H7 9XC a420017
  • high-quality processing;
  • Extended service life;
  • Extremely sharp edges.
  • Relatively small accuracy class.

1st place: "H8 9XC GRIFF a420129"
votes 0

Another cylindrical pattern for handmade. Excellent for smoothing the walls of grooves without removing an excessive thick layer of metal. The device is made of a durable steel base, which allows it to work perfectly with various alloys and metals. The established accuracy limit is H8, the maximum possible groove diameter is 8 millimeters. The country of origin is Russia, the recommended price for store sales is 190 rubles.

H8 9XC GRIFF a420129
  • Light weight;
  • Expanded diameter of possible grooves for processing;
  • Adequate cost.
  • Not detected.

Middle price segment

3rd place: "GRIFF 10.0mm H7 9XC a420033"
votes 0

This cylindrical sample is designed for manual work, it can perfectly provide high-quality cleaning of metal grooves. At the same time, it qualitatively removes chips in the process of leveling the inner surface.The device is able to accurately maintain the shape and diameter of the original hole, without additional boring it. Sharpened cutting edges are able to accurately remove metal layers with a thickness of only a few hundredths of a millimeter. The established accuracy class is H7, the recommended cost for retail chains is 205 rubles. Country of origin - Russia.

GRIFF 10.0mm H7 9XC a420033
  • high-quality processing;
  • Sharp cutting edges;
  • Large weight - about 600 grams.
  • The operational resource is not particularly large.

2nd place: "INSTULS F 4.5x21x80 H11"
votes 0

An excellent sample for machining with increased precision characteristics. It can be installed in various types of turning and drilling machines. The established accuracy class is H11. The base is made of high-quality high-speed steel, the maximum diameter of the machined grooves is 4.5 mm. The country of origin is Russia, the recommended cost for stores is 230 rubles.

INSTULS F 4.5x21x80 H11
  • High class of accuracy;
  • Adequate price;
  • Made from high speed steel.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "Autodelo 8 mm 40788"
votes 0

This reamer is an almost universal tool and allows you to enlarge finished holes to the desired exact dimensions. The manufacturer positions this device as the best solution when used for repair work in the automotive industry. Made of high-speed steel grade R6M5, the established accuracy is equal to class H8, there are six cutting edges of increased sharpness. The established cost for retail networks is 508 rubles, the country of origin is Russia.

Autodelo 8 mm 40788"
  • Six sharp cutting edges;
  • High class of accuracy;
  • Current price.
  • A small marriage is possible in individual batches.

Premium class

3rd place: “Sekira 8.0 H11 manual c / x version 2 screw. tooth"
votes 0

This sample has an unusually high accuracy class, set in H11. Designed for threading and finishing grooves after drilling and boring. Provides a manual method of work with the help of a crank. Possesses high purity of work and accuracy. It has a weight of 110 grams, and the maximum diameter of the processed groove is 8 millimeters. Oddly enough, this brand is originally Chinese, and the products are manufactured in Russia under license. The recommended cost for retail chains is 590 rubles.

Sekira 8.0 H11 manual c/x version 2 screw. tooth
  • Light weight;
  • Increased accuracy;
  • Russian production.
  • Accuracy may be slightly less than stated.

2nd place: "AUFREIBER WERA WE-027455"
votes 0

Quite an unusual tool, made in the form of an awl. It copes well with reaming work, it can be used directly as an awl. Also well suited for all kinds of electrical installation tasks. The rod is made of durable and high-quality steel, providing an extended service life. The handle has an ergonomic and comfortable shape, which contributes to increased comfort during use. The material of the handle provides a secure grip that prevents the device from slipping out of your hand. The weight is only 80 grams. The established store price is 680 rubles. The country of origin is Germany.

  • Excellent sharpening;
  • Ergonomic handle;
  • Quality manufacturer's brand.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "KING TONY 3-10mm"
votes 0

Extremely high quality conical model for manual processing. Able to process grooves with a diameter of up to 10 millimeters. For ease of use, it is equipped with a special handle that provides reliable and smooth entry. The weight is 70 grams, the case is made of high-quality high-speed steel of the foreign brand XSS. The established cost for retail chains is 1,600 rubles, the brand's home country is Taiwan.

KING TONY 3-10 m
  • Quality steel;
  • Convenient handle;
  • Smooth deployment process.
  • Overpriced.

Instead of an epilogue

The conducted market analysis found that most of the presented reaming products are designed for manual work. Moreover, it is gratifying that Russian manufacturers are leading in most segments, offering above-average quality at fairly reasonable prices. At the same time, machine samples are more represented by foreign manufacturers, but they are not in high demand due to their narrow specialization. Thus, the selection of high-quality tools for development work does not present any particular problems. At the same time, it is not necessary to place an order only in retail networks - high-quality samples can also be purchased through Internet sites, while significantly saving on the price without including shipping costs.


