
  1. Why do you need
  2. The Best Lens Solutions for 2022

Ranking of the best contact lens solutions for 2022

Ranking of the best contact lens solutions for 2022

Contact lenses are a great alternative to glasses. They do not interfere with sports, they are almost invisible. But for comfortable and safe use and storage, it is necessary to choose the “right” solution.

Why do you need

The solution is necessary for safe storage, preventing deformation and the associated loss of optical properties. Lenses, regardless of type, cannot be stored outdoors for a long time - they shrink.
Also, a special tool provides disinfection, removal of small particles of dust that settle on the surface of the lens during wearing.
The main component is a water-salt solution, which in composition and PH level coincides with the natural environment of the eye, as well as disinfectant surfactants that eliminate lipid deposits, moisturizing components.

Important: do not store optics in water or saline. Since we are not talking about any disinfection in this case. In the first case, swelling, deformation is possible. As a consequence, the loss of optical properties. It is also possible that bacteria can get on the surface of the lens, since water is not a sterile medium. As for saline, storage is impossible due to the short shelf life.

Also, do not experiment with water, soda and salt - such recipes can be found on the Internet. Firstly, it will not work to keep the exact proportions of the ingredients at home, and secondly, the lens may be deformed - this is at best. At worst, there is a risk of mucosal injury or infection. As a result, the money saved on the solution will be spent on treatment.

Another misconception is the use of eye drops for storing optics. To begin with, it is worth noting that not every drop is suitable (for example, budget options with antibiotics in the composition cannot be used). And the cost of a bottle of drops that are suitable for sharing with lenses is about 250-300 rubles. The small version (volume 60 ml) of the solution costs the same.


Depending on the composition, they are divided into:

  1. Salt - appeared on the market among the first. Provide hydration, retain optical properties. At the moment, they are practically not used, because they are not suitable for disinfection.
  2. Peroxide - perfectly cleaned of any type of pollution, thanks to the hydrogen peroxide that is part of it.Disadvantage - not suitable for long-term storage (maximum period - 3 days).
  3. Multifunctional - the most convenient to use. The composition is similar to saline, but provides a complete cleansing.

Many multifunctional products can be used instead of moisturizing drops, are suitable for long-term storage, do not affect the optical properties in any way, regardless of type and material.

How to choose

When choosing a tool, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • the presence or absence of a container (as a rule, there is no container in boxes with small volumes):
  • washing method - the use of most compositions requires additional mechanical processing of the lens, and this is an increased consumption;
  • packaging volume - the more, the cheaper;
  • individual characteristics - people with sensitive eyes need to select special means;
  • view, if, for example, you use optics designed for a planned replacement after 3 months, you need to choose a solution that will provide maximum disinfection;
  • price - if there is no particular discomfort when wearing optics, then you can use budget funds and not overpay for the brand and beautiful packaging.

Ideally, the solution should be recommended by an ophthalmologist, since if the remedy is not chosen correctly, allergic reactions, discomfort, and redness of the eyes are possible.

Important: Quarterly scheduled replacement lenses may require additional funds to fully clean lenses. As a rule, these are tablets that dissolve in solution. The maximum exposure time is indicated on the package. Do not leave the optics in the cleaning solution for several hours or overnight - the lens will simply dissolve.

How to use

The algorithm of actions for using the solution is always indicated in the instructions and looks something like this:

  • rinse the container, fill with a solution;
  • put a few drops on the lens and gently rub between the index finger and thumb / shake the container without mechanical action;
  • rinse the lens, place in a container.

Important: the solution cannot be reused, it must be replaced daily, as well as rinsing the container.
When putting on, carefully inspect the surface of the optics. There should not be any bumps, cracks and torn edges. Depending on the brand of the product, the lenses in the container can be stored for up to 1 month (check the liquid level periodically).

Top Producers

Bausch & Lomb is one of the oldest optics and related products companies in the United States. Works since 1853. In addition to lenses and solutions, it manufactures surgical equipment for ophthalmic operations. Represents a wide range of lenses (from daily to scheduled replacement optics), care and storage products.

Medstar is a Russian company that started operations in 1994. All manufactured products have been certified, the effectiveness has been proven by clinical trials. The solutions for optics presented on the market are distinguished by an acceptable price. Of the shortcomings - the quality of the packaging.

Maxima Optics is an international corporation. The head office is located in the UK. Manufactures contact lenses and care products for them. It appeared on the Russian market in 1999. Optics is not suitable for everyone, but the solutions are of excellent quality and do not require additional mechanical cleaning.

Alcon is an international company with its own research centers. For the production of optics and care products, it uses innovative developments.The product line includes lenses, solutions, moisturizing drops that can be used with optics (no need to remove lenses before use).

Ciba Vision - an Australian company engaged in the production of long-wear optics and lens care products. Known for investing in research aimed at the study and development of drugs for the treatment of complex eye diseases.

Where is the best place to buy

Special means for storing optics are sold in pharmacies. If the assortment does not suit you, you can order a solution in the online store. The main thing is to choose proven sites. What to look for:

  1. Date of registration (can be viewed on the page). Do not trust services registered a month or a week ago. The most harmless thing that can threaten is the loss of money, in the worst case, there is a risk of running into a fake.
  2. The information provided - since we are talking about health in this case, the site should have detailed information about the composition of the product, the manufacturer. Certificates of conformity, other documents confirming the authenticity of the goods must be placed in the public domain.
  3. Price. Too low a price is a reason to think, because it is unlikely that the seller will work at a loss. Compare prices on other online resources, if they are much higher - look for other options.

As well as the time and cost of delivery. It is possible that the money saved on the solution will have to be paid for courier services or postage.

The Best Lens Solutions for 2022

When compiling the review, the following characteristics were taken into account: price, ease of use, quality of packaging, availability of containers in the package.

The best cleaners

These funds are necessary for long-wear lenses (from a week or more).Contains hydrogen peroxide, enzymes to remove protein and lipid deposits on the surface. Should be used if the following symptoms appear:

  • feeling of a veil before the eyes;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the eye (if the lens surface is not deformed and has no defects);
  • discomfort, redness of the eyes;
  • feeling of reduced visual acuity.

All of the above signs in the absence of eye diseases indicate insufficient cleaning of contact lenses.

AOsept Plus

Genuine Alcon optics cleaning and care system. The kit includes a solution for storage and washing and a product based on hydrogen peroxide. Easy to use, provides cleaning from bacteria, lipid deposits. Unlike tablets, it is non-aggressive with respect to the material of the optics, after 6 hours it becomes neutral, so it is impossible to burn or damage the mucous membrane of the eye and the cornea.
Important: not suitable for frequent use. The recommended frequency of treatment is once every 14 days.
Suitable for sensitive eyes. Can be used with silicone hydrogel lenses.

Volume: solution - 90 ml, activator - 30 ml.
Price - in online stores about 1000 rubles.

AOsept Plus
  • does not contain preservatives;
  • does not destroy and does not affect the optical properties;
  • convenient to use;
  • you don't need to time it.
  • price;
  • available only in the online store.

Sauflon One Step

From a subsidiary of CooperVision. Due to the special composition, it cleans the entire surface of the lens, and not just the upper part, as with mechanical processing. The kit includes a cleaning system with a platinum catalyst that enhances the effect of the solution.

Suitable for daily use, provides comfort and hydration to the eyes while wearing contact lenses.

The country of origin is the USA.
Volume - 360 ml.
The price is about 800 rubles.

Sauflon One Step
  • safety;
  • convenient application;
  • platinum coated container included;
  • use of innovative developments;
  • suitable for daily use;
  • does not require rinsing.
  • there are no significant, possible allergic reactions are associated with individual intolerance to the components.

The best enzyme products


Produced in the form of tablets.
Method of application - place the tablet in a solution, wait for complete dissolution and lower the lenses for disinfection for at least 2 hours. Thanks to the components included in the composition, the tablets provide deep cleaning, suitable for weekly use.

Important: after treatment, the lens must be thoroughly rinsed - the remnants of the cleaning components can lead to irritation and redness of the eyes.

The manufacturer promises complete removal of contaminants, restoration of transparency, absence of toxic components and safety for the eyes.

Country of origin - Spain.
The cost is about 300 rubles.
Volume - 10 tablets in a foil package.

  • perfectly clean;
  • long enough;
  • safe for the eyes;
  • convenient packaging;
  • acceptable price.
  • dissolve for a long time;
  • the processing time recommended by the manufacturer must be observed.


Produced in the form of a solution, it contains a purified enzyme that helps to safely clean the surface from protein deposits. The solution is convenient and easy to use.All that is needed is to drop the solution into each cell of the container, pre-filled with fresh solution, lower the lenses and leave for 4 hours. After - rinse, replace the solution in the container.

Country of origin - Russia.
Volume - 3 ml.
Price - 250 rubles.

Optimized solution
  • convenient to use;
  • expiration date - 60 days after opening the package;
  • suitable for all types of optics, indispensable for long-term wear (with a planned replacement of 1 month).
  • not suitable for sensitive eyes;
  • after application, thorough rinsing is required.

Likontin F

From the Russian company Medstar. Enzymatic solution for enzyme cleaning completely replaces tablets. Cleans, does not harm the material of the optics. Can be used with any lenses, including colored ones.
Easy to use, you can leave the lenses in the solution overnight - there will be no harm. Method of application - add a few drops of the drug to the container with the solution, lower the lenses, shake. Rinse the optic with fresh solution before use.

Country of origin - Russia.
Volume - 5 ml.
Price - 210 rubles.

Likontin F
  • patented technology;
  • you can leave the optics in the container with the preparation overnight;
  • cleans well, easy to use;
  • suitable for colored lenses.
  • not recommended for use with solutions of other brands;
  • may cause mucosal irritation.

The best multifunctional tools

Designed for storage, disinfection and cleaning of contact lenses. In this case, one remedy successfully replaces tablets and special drops for deep cleaning. Plus, the special formula does not harm the material of the optics.Many drugs can also replace moisturizing drops for dry eye syndrome.


A universal remedy, the use of which does not require mechanical action - you do not need to wipe it, just shake the container with the solution several times.

The neutral PH level is suitable even for sensitive eyes, does not cause a feeling of dryness and allergic reactions.

The minimum exposure time for complete cleaning and disinfection is 4 hours.

Country of origin - UK.
Volume - 360 ml.
The price is about 400 rubles.

Maxima solution
  • ease of use;
  • small expense;
  • trusted brand;
  • suitable for hydrogel lenses.
  • there are no significant ones.

Opti Free

From Alcon. Suitable for storage, disinfection of all types of lenses. The formula contains substances that destroy pathogenic bacteria, but are harmless to the eyes. Citrate in the composition breaks down and destroys protein deposits, and moisturizing ingredients provide comfort and hydration to the eyes while wearing contact lenses.
Convenient packaging with protection against the first opening is made of white plastic, instructions for use are glued to the inside of the box, the container is included in the kit.

The country of origin is the USA.
Volume - 355 ml.
The price is about 400 rubles.

Opti-Free solution
  • cleans well;
  • suitable for long-term storage;
  • can replace moisturizing drops;
  • convenient packaging;
  • the container is tightly closed.
  • big expense.

Renu Multi Plus

From Bausch & Lomb. Provides cleansing and hydration. The minimum exposure time is 4 hours. Well tolerated, does not cause allergies and dry eyes. Poloxamine, which is part of the composition, removes surface contaminants, while maintaining clarity of vision.EDTA provides deep cleansing of protein deposits. Special ingredients destroy pathogenic bacteria and fungi, eliminating the appearance of inflammation. Suitable for sensitive eyes.
The packaging is convenient, with protection against opening. Container and instructions for use included.

The country of origin is the USA.
Volume - from 90 ml.
Price - from 300 rubles.

Renu MultiPlus solution
  • meets the declared characteristics;
  • suitable for sensitive eyes;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • suitable for storage;
  • convenient container.
  • no.

When buying a contact lens solution for the first time, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist. Subsequently, you can periodically change the means to choose the most suitable composition and comfortable to use.

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