
  1. Switchboard functions
  2. Materials used in the manufacture
  3. Varieties of electrical panels
  4. Safety requirements
  5. Existing structures
  6. Rating of the best switchboards for 2022
  7. Instead of an epilogue

Rating of the best switchboards for 2022

Rating of the best switchboards for 2022

Safe and reliable operation of the power supply system in enterprises and residential buildings is ensured through the use of switchboards, which contain distribution and protection equipment. These devices must comply with the most stringent safety regulations, and they must be distinguished by increased mechanical strength. In order to correctly choose the shield necessary for normal life, it is necessary, first of all, to understand some basic concepts about this electrical equipment.

Switchboard functions

Today, any electricity consumption in offices, residential buildings, garages, manufacturing enterprises cannot do without the installation of a panel panel for distributing electricity. It combines the functions of ensuring the safety of use, and also provides a person with the ability to control energy consumption. If earlier it was possible to get by with one junction box, then at the current moment (with a huge number of electrical appliances used) a shield will be required. Now, even to replace a simple outlet in an apartment equipped with just a junction box, you will have to de-energize the entire living space.

The switchboard also allows you to limit the access of electricity to each specific room. Among other things, its installation will drastically reduce the risk of burnout of electrical appliances, due to the fact that with the help of it the energy is evenly distributed over all carrier channels, while not allowing any one to be overloaded. Thus, such devices are required not only by large consumers of electricity (manufacturing enterprises), but are also important for people's daily lives, because they have protective shutdown devices that prevent human electric shock.

Materials used in the manufacture

Distribution boards are most often made of plastic or metal.The latter are distinguished by the fact that they are considered more resistant to mechanical damage, they have an increased service life, however, compared to plastic ones, they undoubtedly have more weight. It is advisable to install metal models in common areas or industrial premises. Plastic samples are easier to install, so they are perfect for installation in offices, apartments, offices. Moreover, they can be made in an artistic style, which will allow them to harmoniously blend into the environment and, moreover, they do not require grounding.

Varieties of electrical panels

They may be responsible for the security of supplying electricity directly to an apartment, to the floor of a residential building, or to a large building. Depending on the area they serve, the shields are divided into the following types:

  • Main switchboard - the place of its installation is the transformer substations of residential buildings or substations of large industries. It is usually characterized by impressive dimensions and is responsible for supplying a large object, while protecting the serviced object from network overloads or short circuits. Such a shield, distributing energy evenly over the serviced premises, is capable of automatically switching from the main power supply to its backup source;
  • Introductory switchgear (abbreviated as "ASU") - it is placed at the entrance of the power cable to industrial premises, residential buildings (including apartment buildings), business centers with offices, etc. ASU is designed to distribute supply lines for floor and apartment shields, it is entrusted with the function of accounting for electricity consumption, it also provides a protective shutdown in the event of short circuits or network overloads;
  • Emergency input of the reserve (abbreviated as "AVR") - this device is not used everywhere, because its main purpose is to provide the facility with an uninterrupted supply of electricity. It comes into operation automatically when the electricity through the main channel stops flowing. Such devices are installed at strategically and socially important facilities (military combat duty units, hospitals, etc.) that require uninterrupted power supply. As an option for civil use - ATS can be used in detached residential cottages;
  • Floor shield (abbreviated "ShE") - it is installed in apartment buildings and it is designed for a uniform supply of electricity to 2-6 apartments. This switchboard separately provides space for its own protective shutdown devices or for the installation of electrical meters. It can also be used in administrative buildings with several offices/rooms per floor;
  • Housing shield (abbreviated as "SC") - these devices are usually installed at the places where the electric cable enters the living room / office. The place of their installation is usually the entrance hall in the apartment or the reception room in the office. Less often they are placed outside in the vestibule or near the front door. Such devices carry the function of distributing electricity, provide protection against overloads in the network, and also keep records of energy consumption.

There are other types of switchboards that have a specialized purpose and an ordinary energy consumer can rarely meet them:

  • For lighting (abbreviated as "SCHO") – necessary for infrequent turning on / off of the automatic lighting system in large buildings, for example, shopping centers;
  • For control (abbreviated "SchU") - are needed to control various equipment for supporting production activities, for example. industrial fans. At the same time, they protect this equipment from overloads;
  • To ensure automation (abbreviated "ShA") – provide power supply to program controllers responsible in large buildings, for example, for heating, for public address lines (rail stations, airports), etc.;
  • For uninterrupted power supply - the most expensive and high-precision devices that provide protection and permanent power supply for specific equipment. This may include large computing data centers, medical equipment (for example, ventilators), etc.

Differences of switchboards by type of installation

Conventionally, according to this criterion, switchboards can be divided into the following types:

  • Outdoor (they are also overhead) - a very widely used option, it is easy to install, however, it will stick out a little from the wall, so the place for its installation must be chosen based on aesthetic considerations. Basically, such shields are used when laying electrical wiring, both external and hidden, the shields themselves can be made of plastic / metal. Professional electricians are advised to install shields of this type in buildings dominated by combustible structures (baths, wooden houses);
  • Built-in - no doubt, they look much more aesthetic than those described above, they are easier to hide, because they are mounted on the same plane with the wall and do not stick out. At the same time, their installation will cost much more and make it more difficult. Embedded models on the front panel will necessarily have a special flanging that will cover the technological joint. Energy experts advise using this option when the number of lines controlled by the switchboard is six or less. Otherwise, the issue of imperceptibly leading a thick pile of wires from the shield through the walls may become a problem;
  • Floor - are full-fledged cabinets, inside of which there is all electrical distribution equipment. Mounted separately on a horizontal surface. It is used more in production, rarely used in everyday life.

Safety requirements

Any power distribution device must be installed in a location where the following requirements are met:

  • Proper distance from combustible structures and flammable substances;
  • The room where the switchboard is based must have sufficient natural ventilation;
  • Access to the electrical panel should be provided as quickly as possible for competent persons (electricians, firefighters, housing and communal services employees), i.e. it is forbidden to crack the locking devices of the shields, litter the passage to the shield, etc.;
  • The electrical panel must be located in a place with sufficient lighting.

No less important is the degree of moisture and dust protection. According to "International Enclosure Protection Codes", devices installed:

  • Indoors - must comply with IP-32, IP-31, IP-21 standards;
  • Outdoors - must comply with the IP-54 standard, and also have seals on the locking casing and their cables must be in a sealed sheath.

Existing structures

By design, they can be divided as follows:

  • Modular - all equipment is installed in them in separate blocks, they themselves consist of platforms and rails where tires are mounted, and outside all modules are protected by a metal / plastic panel;
  • Accounting - the old Soviet version, as a rule, have a special platform for installing metering devices, which is fixed with rails or screws. This design also provides for modular automatic protective shutdown devices;
  • Accounting and distribution - may differ from the previous one in the presence of additional rails for mounting RCDs on outgoing lines. They also provide a separate place for the switching device, which closes with its own cover, which can be sealed.

Number of installed modules

All switchboards differ in the number of modules installed in them. In some samples, this number may not exceed ten units, and in some there may be twelve, and sixteen, and even eighteen. In order to correctly select the required model, you must first determine the wiring diagram in the room that will be serviced. To do this, it is enough to set the number of points of electricity consumption (sockets, devices connected to them that work constantly and periodically, lighting sources, etc.), that is, everything that is powered by the electrical network. After that, it is worth deciding on the groups of devices - for lighting wiring you will need automatic machines for 10 Amperes, and for a socket - for 16 Amperes.To safely turn off the power, you need to equip the shield with either a pair of circuit breakers or a residual current device. In principle, both of them can freely replace the differential automaton. As a result, a standard three-room Russian-planned apartment is unlikely to require more than 12-15 modules, but a large country cottage will hardly cost 16-24 modules.

Rating of the best switchboards for 2022

IMPORTANT! It is worth mentioning that not a single trading platform (be it a retail or an online store) ever offers a ready-made and assembled shield - everything is selected individually, based on the parameters that the buyer declares. Thus, the enclosure is selected first, then, depending on the number of sockets, lighting sources and electrical appliances to be serviced, the number and power of the modules installed in the shield enclosure are selected. Accordingly, fully assembled electrical panels can only be found in the secondary market. In the same place, it is possible to roughly orient yourself on prices by analyzing the technical “filling” of the shield.

Main switchboards

"N-Avtomatika" 3 x 630 A
votes 0

Massive shield from a Russian manufacturer. Designed to control the distribution of energy in industrial premises or on the territory of country cottages. The design is distinguished by a special massiveness, for convenience and protection from moisture and dust, it is desirable to place this main switchboard in a separate trailer.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Power supply categoryFirst
Availability of ATSbuilt-in
Number of sections2
Number of feeders15
Automation for starting a diesel generatorPresent
Automatic ATS in Amps3 x 630
Price, rubles390000
"N-Avtomatika" 3 x 630 A
  • Powerful model from a Russian manufacturer;
  • ATS for three inputs;
  • Full set.
  • The massiveness of the structure.

"EvrazAvtomatika" UZ.1
votes 0

This device is a low-voltage main switchboard designed for use in networks with a voltage of 220-380 V, the frequency is 50 Hz. Scope of application - non-production and industrial facilities. In addition to standard functions, it has the ability to take measurements not only in emergency situations, but also to signal the slightest excesses on an ongoing basis. The design itself assumes a block-modular type of configuration.

Manufacturer countryRussia
Rated voltage in Volts400
Rated busbar current in Amperes4000
Number of sections6
MTBF in hours20000
Through short circuit current85
Price, rubles500000
"EvrazAvtomatika" UZ.1
  • Design reliability;
  • Extended service life;
  • Ease of maintenance.
  • Designed only for large objects.

Residential shields

"NEVA" MT 324
votes 0

Switchboard designed to serve a small residential/office. It is made in a metal lockable case and has a surface-mounted design for indoor installation. The kit comes with a re-grounding device and it also includes mounting accessories.

Name Index
Manufacturer countryRussia
Phase counter3-phase, 15 kW at 25 amps and above
Availability of outlets2
Circuit breakersPresent
Price, rubles7800
"NEVA" MT 324
  • Sufficiently complete set;
  • Availability of a 2-tariff meter;
  • Possibility of fixing on the street.
  • Overhead mounting type.

Group shields

"Tyazhpromelectro" SCHOGT-1-131-54-UHL4
votes 0

 This group board is designed for receiving/distributing electricity with a voltage of 220-380 V at a frequency of 50 Hz. The main scope of application is the closure of group lines of local and remote switching for powering electrical appliances in public, administrative and industrial buildings. The equipment has a safety certificate for low-voltage devices.

Nom. main circuit voltage, Volt220-380
Nom. control circuit voltage, Volt24/220
Nom. AC frequency, Hertz50.1
Nom. isolation voltage, Volt450.1
Working modeContinuous
The design of the shieldMounted/
Price, rubles9000
"Tyazhpromelectro" SCHOGT-1-131-54-UHL4
  • Installation variability (consignment note and built-in);
  • Additional security certificate;
  • Ease of installation.
  • One way service.

Floor shields

RIL ShchE-31.5
votes 0

The shield is intended for installation in an apartment building in a special niche. Provides input lines without cutting along the trunk. The front door can be locked both with a key and with an ordinary latch. This board supports the placement of modules to serve from 2 to 6 apartments.

Name Index
Manufacturer countryRussia
Phase counter3-phase, 25 kW at 35 Amps and above
Availability of outletsMissing
Circuit breakersPresent
Price, rubles12000
RIL ShchE-31.5
  • The operational panel is available only to authorized persons;
  • The number of subscribers served may vary;
  • Closed access to the current-carrying part of the shield.
  • Installation is possible only in a special niche.

Instead of an epilogue

As you know, any device that works with electricity, according to Russian law, is recognized as a source of increased danger. Therefore, when buying a switchboard, first of all, one should be guided by the principles of human safety. Low price, cheap manufacturing materials, unknown brand - all this should scare off a potential buyer. After all, such a shield simply will not be able to evenly distribute energy along the lines, which can lead to irreparable consequences. As an analysis of the preferences of the Russian consumer in this market shows, models of Chinese and Turkish production are extremely low in popularity. Almost any domestic product is the bestseller (it is the easiest to get). Among foreign brands, the Greek company FOTKA is in the lead, followed by the European Makel and IEK, and the list is closed by an ultra-expensive and very high-quality product from the American ABB. Finally, it is worth mentioning that it is better to purchase switchboards with a transparent front door - this will make it easier to control modules and machines.


