The carpet dust beater is essentially the forerunner of today's vacuum cleaners and is designed to remove dust that has settled deep into the carpet pile. Even despite the wide popularity of vacuum cleaners now, they cannot always fully cope with such a task, and therefore one has to use the “tools of antiquity”. Taking into account the fact that sufficiently powerful human muscular efforts are used to work with a dust beater, its functional efficiency may well be equal to the action of an industrial vacuum cleaner or a high-quality and scrupulous dry cleaning procedure.
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Still, the tool in question should be attributed to a greater extent to the household sphere of use, because it is potentially necessary for those owners who like to decorate their flooring in their homes with rugs and carpets. Although carpets are also used in the hotel business, and even in many public institutions, they are too large for processing them with a duster in the street, they are easier to clean with a sufficiently powerful vacuum cleaner. Home carpets are small in size, it is not difficult to throw them out on the street beam, which is especially important in winter, when not only dust is removed from the pile, but also some “refreshment” of the product occurs.
The tool itself is a stick with a handle, at the upper end of which there is a flat and wide surface (of various shapes), it is with it that the exhaust is made. The device itself is very similar in shape to a tennis racket. It must also be of the proper lightness so that the person can comfortably make a large swing of the arm to strike without getting tired. Knocking out carpets and rugs is not a quick process, and if there are several items, then all the work can take a long time.
The advantages of this tool include:
The main drawback can be called the only one - this is the need for the application of excessive muscular effort during work.
Naturally, vacuuming a carpet is much easier than knocking it out. But at the same time, the owner will not receive a reliable guarantee that all dust, dirt and small debris will be removed. And if we take into account the pollen of plants or poplar fluff, which inadvertently penetrate into the apartment in the summer, then it is generally very difficult to get rid of them with a vacuum cleaner. And here the only cheap option (practically) is dry street cleaning. Even if you use dry cleaning, then it will not become a 100% panacea, because this operation is designed to remove adhering dirt and grease, but it will be more difficult for her to cope with the pile. Now production has begun to produce even automatic dust beaters, which use the principle of operation of manual ones, i.e. this is the implementation of frequent repeated blows to the surface without the use of human muscle strength. However, such devices are expensive, fragile to maintain, and they must also be used outdoors. You can also use special reusable adhesive mats, which are applied with a sticky side to the side of the object being cleaned, slammed, and thus small debris sticks to their working part. In general, their principle of operation is similar to rollers for removing pellets from clothes through their own sticky surface.However, as practice shows, such tools do not have a long service life and quickly become unusable after a couple of dozen applications.
These tools can be made from various materials. The main thing is that the flapper should sit comfortably in the hand, and it should be comfortable to work with. Its handle should have the right size, and the working flat surface should have the right area.
Most often, these devices are made from:
It is worth noting that in addition to special dust beaters, almost any household items that have even a minimally similar design can be suitable for carpet extraction. It can be a mop, a long-handled brush, a badminton or tennis racket and, finally, a simple broom. However, to achieve the best result, it is preferable to use a tool directly designed for this.
For reliable and high-quality cleaning of a carpet, path or rug, it is not at all necessary to purchase mechanical beaters or expensive washing vacuum cleaners. Naturally, manual processing will require some (rather considerable) effort and time, but with a conventional flapper, the work will be cheaper and with the same effect. The main thing is that deep cleaning (i.e. knocking out) must be carried out outdoors. This is easiest to do in the warm season in dry weather. If the humidity of the environment is increased, then the quality of the result will invariably suffer, because wet dust is very difficult to knock out.
The easiest way in calm weather is to place the carpet / rug on a special rack-beam, which is in any Russian yard, and start knocking it out. The object of processing should be located away from open windows, so that even the slightest breeze could not bring the knocked out dust into the room.It is desirable that the top of the crossbar be equipped with a movable part, through which it will be possible to wind the canvas of the carpet / carpet. Before starting work, it is better to vacuum the coating from both sides in order to remove the largest contaminants. The coating is hung on the crossbar with the direction of the pile to the bottom, which will qualitatively facilitate knocking out. The blows are applied several times in the same place until after the blow a cloud of knocked-out dust ceases to appear. Upon completion of work, the coating must be left to air for about half an hour, so that the remaining dust successfully settles to the ground. The final step will be sweeping the carpet / carpet with a broom from all sides.
IMPORTANT! When working with a dust beater, the sharpness of the movement of the hand is important, and not the force of the blow itself. The blow should be applied, as it were, into the depths of the carpet. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the working part falls into the same place, and does not warp when it comes into contact.
The very care of the instrument in question is quite simple and not burdensome for the owner:
The easiest way is to make a rattan model yourself, for which a vine or a soft plastic rod will go. Dimensions are determined by the desire of the master. The long section only needs to be folded into a loop, while determining the place where the working surface passes into the handle.It is advisable to make several turns in this direction in order to strengthen the body itself, and the working area itself can be strengthened with several curls to give greater elasticity to the contact while working on the carpet surface.
Nevertheless, metal products are considered the strongest and most reliable. They can be made according to the principle of rattan loops, only it will be more difficult to bend an iron rod (or a narrow metal tube). Most often, thick steel wire is used for this purpose:
Previously, ordinary canes or sticks were used instead of dust beaters. However, when the thin working part was turned into a wide working surface, the performance of the flapper rose to a new level.These devices are much cheaper both in everyday life and in use than vacuum cleaners. However, they require the application of great muscular effort. When buying this tool, first of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of its workmanship. The body should be even and smooth, regardless of what material the product is made of. Next, you need to try on the handle - it simply has to lie comfortably in the palm of your hand. If the handle is too thick or too thin, then holding it will be extremely uncomfortable and the tool will constantly slip, or you will have to apply even more effort to get a tight grip. Also, the quality of the equipment of the handle is of no small importance - it is desirable that it has a braid, and there would be no burrs on it that could scratch the palm. In any case, it is recommended to work with a dust beater in gloves - this way you can not only prevent damage to the palm, but also protect yourself from dislocation of the hand or the formation of corns. The overall weight of the tool is also important. If it is heavy enough for the user, then during operation, the latter will quickly get tired. Too light a product will allow you to make a sharper blow, but the work process may be delayed. The most important thing is to find a golden mean among all these parameters.
This particularly robust model is used to remove dust from carpets, rugs, rugs and rugs. Made of durable plastic, unpretentious in use, it is considered a useful acquisition for home and garden. The material of manufacture is a combination of polypropylene and polyethylene.It has a comfortable handle and is available in a variety of colors. The recommended cost for retail chains is 120 rubles.
This item is made from high quality polypropylene. It has an ergonomic curved shape, which facilitates the mode of use. The model is used to remove dust from carpets and rugs. Due to the elongated handle of the product, the hand will not come into contact with the knocked-out surface. Execution material – polypropylene. The recommended cost for retail chains is 155 rubles.
The model is made of impact-resistant polypropylene and is made taking into account the ergonomics of the tasks solved by the product. The elongated handle with a ribbed pattern at the gripping point and the widened base of the cracker are adorned with an elegant mesh that simultaneously gives extra momentum to the blow and makes the exhausting process more comfortable. Specifications technical: height - 60 cm, width - 25 cm. The product is available in several colors. The recommended cost for retail chains is 250 rubles.
The product will easily clean carpets, paths, carpet or carpet, as well as blankets, pillows and blankets from dust and dirt. The model has a durable body and elastic platform, with a design made in the form of the contour of the planet Earth. It can remove dust even from deep pile carpets or large feather pillows, while helping to straighten tangled fibers as well as adding fresh air and volume to cleaned items. The tool restores its shape and original appearance after use, durable. The device is made of durable plastic without phenols and phthalates, absolutely safe for the environment. Also, the tool can be recycled, thereby helping to maintain environmental friendliness of disposal. The ergonomic handle with notches fits comfortably in the hand and correctly distributes the load during operation, does not slip or turn in the hand. The recommended cost for retail chains is 430 rubles.
The safety of this product is confirmed by quality certificates. The elongated handle and lightness of the product allows you to deftly control the clapperboard, and for comfortable storage after successful use, the product can be hung on a hook for a special hole. The model is made of high quality polypropylene, which does not absorb/exude unpleasant odors and retains its original appearance for many years. Simplicity, quality and attention to detail are the three main parameters that characterize this Japanese product so vividly.The recommended cost for retail chains is 460 rubles.
This model has a time-tested design and is intended for carpet weaving. It is especially popular with owners of cottages and houses in rural areas. Made from durable plastic and will last for years. A functional tool that looks like a tennis racket, has a figured surface and, if the owner wishes, can decorate the home interior. The recommended cost for retail chains is 510 rubles.
The model is made of high quality fabric-rubber material. The sticky surface does an excellent job of extracting dirt and dust that is stuck deep in the carpet pile. Does not leave damage (does not pull out pile) in the course of cleaning. Color - coral velvet. The recommended cost for retail chains is 535 rubles.
The set contains 2 pieces of beaters-crackers designed for rugs and carpets. Country of production - Russia. They are made of high quality metal, which guarantees durability of use.Products are durable and lightweight. Due to weaving, the devices are characterized by elasticity and ease of use. The recommended cost for retail chains is 780 rubles.
This beater for carpets, clothes, furniture, made according to the patterns of the early 20th century, in the pre-revolutionary Russian style. Production material - a rod, the handle is trimmed with rattan. Length - 90 cm, width of the working part - 28 cm. It also has a functional application, but is more focused on collection purposes. The set price for retail chains is 17,000 rubles.
In the process of using carpets, rugs and paths, even despite their periodic cleaning and cleaning with automatic cleaning devices, dirt and dust sit deep in their pile. Removing dirt with a household vacuum cleaner can be very difficult. And here banal dust beaters will come to the rescue. They will reliably get rid of pile and fibers from dust that has settled close to the base, while qualitatively eliminating the possibility of allergic manifestations in certain categories of people when using carpets.