
  1. Selection criteria: how to choose the right psychiatric clinic?
  2. What are psychiatric clinics?
  3. Rating of the best psychiatric clinics in Moscow
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best psychiatric clinics in Moscow in 2022

Rating of the best psychiatric clinics in Moscow in 2022

It is possible to draw a certain parallel between the failure of a computer due to the failure of some parts or programs and the disruption of a person's normal life due to mental problems.

Fixing your computer is easy, it is enough to replace the necessary part or reinstall the program. In extreme cases, you can replace the old device with a new one. "Repairing a person, unfortunately, is not so easy. If small psychological difficulties can still be solved on their own, then in complex cases, as well as with mental problems, special attention of specialists is required.

The rating presents the best psychiatric clinics in Moscow, where professionals work to help restore psychological and mental health, ensuring complete confidentiality for their patients.

Selection criteria: how to choose the right psychiatric clinic?

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to is the professionalism of the employees. Detailed information about education, work experience and qualifications can be obtained on the official website of the clinics, by phone or during an independent visit.
  2. To obtain a positive result in a short time, it is important that modern methods and equipment are used in the treatment.
  3. An important factor is a good attitude towards patients. Of course, this information cannot be obtained in the clinic, since the answer will be obvious. Truthful information can be obtained by reading the reviews of patients who have successfully undergone treatment.
  4. Be sure to see the conditions of stay in the ward. Comfort is also one of the important components of a speedy recovery.
  5. Anonymity. Information about each patient should not go beyond the walls of the clinic.

What are psychiatric clinics?

Psychiatric clinics are divided into:

  • By type - a free dispensary, public or private. In the dispensary, patients are entitled to free examination and treatment, in the state - in the direction of treatment is free, without a referral is quite an acceptable cost. In private - all services are paid. It is worth noting that the pluses in the form of free services provided by the dispensary cover the big disadvantages in the form of poor attitude of employees towards patients, old equipment, uncomfortable conditions of stay and old methods of treatment;
  • Profile.There is a narrow-profile one, where only psychiatric diseases are treated; and multidisciplinary with other medical areas - dentistry, gynecology, surgery and more;
  • age orientation. Children's clinics provide care to patients under 18 years old, adults - from 18 years old, and general patients of all ages.
  • Treatment conditions. For diagnosis, prevention and uncomplicated cases, the patient can be treated at home by visiting a doctor in an outpatient clinic. For complex cases, a hospital stay is necessary.

Rating of the best psychiatric clinics in Moscow

5th place - Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 13

LocationPhone numbersSchedule
Main branch:
Stavropolskaya street, 27/8☎ 8 495 358 35 57Monday - from 14.00 to 18.00
Wednesday - from 15.00 to 18.00
Saturday and Sunday - from 10.00 to 13.00
Srednyaya Kalitnikovskaya street, 29☎ 8 495 670 85 21from Monday to Friday: from 8.00 to 20.00; Saturday - from 9.00 to 16.00
lane Yuryevsky, 20☎ 8 495 360 31 35from Mon. by Fri. - from 8.00 to 20.00, Sat. - from 9.00 to 16.00
Volzhsky boulevard, 27/4☎ 8 499 179 17 12

Monday - Friday: from 8.00 to 20.00, Saturday - from 9.00 to 16.00
hospitalaround the clock
Official site

The building was built in 1917, and the hospital began to function in 1963. At the moment, it is one of the largest psychiatric hospitals in the capital, which provides high-level psychiatric care. Supervisor – Ph.D. in Medical Sciences, Aleksey Yuryevich Ter-Israyelyan. The state has:

  • 5 doctors and 18 candidates for doctors of medical sciences;
  • 86 doctors, 65 of which have the highest category;
  • 220 nurses, 192 of them with the highest qualification.

There are 3 outpatient clinics and 9 inpatient departments for patients, with 670 beds.
Medical assistance is provided both free of charge - within the framework of the state program, and for a fee.

Prices for some paid services (in rubles):

  • Preventive consultation of a psychiatrist-narcologist - 165;
  • Repeated consultation, testing - 1,570 per hour;
  • Initial consultation and testing - 5,400;
  • Primary, repeated appointment with a psychotherapist - 1 620/710;
  • Primary, repeated appointment with a psychiatrist - 1,200/600;
  • Psychiatric examination - from 1,000 to 2,000;
  • Care of a nurse for a patient - from 700 to 1,340;
  • Laboratory services - from 200 to 1,390;
  • Functional diagnostics - from 240 to 2015;
  • Legal services - from 1,660 to 40,940;
  • Forensic psychiatric examination - from 940 to 19,340.

Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 13 was one of the first to use atypical antipsychotics to treat patients with schizophrenia. The budget institution pays special attention to psychosomatic pathology, psychotherapy and psychiatry.

In dispensary departments for patients works:

  • Service for the provision of psychological assistance for patients of different age categories;
  • Psychological and speech therapy rooms;
  • Day hospitals and intensive psychiatric care units;
  • Departments for rehabilitation and outpatient department;
  • Children's, teenage, adult and psychotherapeutic department;
  • Day hospital and functional diagnostics room;
  • Office of paid services.
  • availability of free treatment;
  • good specialists;
  • paid services at a reasonable price.
  • There is not enough information on the site about the directions of treatment.

4th place - Central Clinical Psychiatric Hospital

Addressstreet March 8, 1
Telephone☎ 7 495 614 26 18
from Monday to Friday: from 9.00 to 16.00
Official site

The Moscow Psychiatric Budgetary Hospital is one of the leading institutions in the capital and the Moscow Region, as well as the clinical base of the Department of Narcology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the Moscow State Medical University named after Professor Evdokimov. The hospital staff are high-level specialists - associate professors, academicians of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and professors.

The hospital has the following departments:

  • 7 hospital departments for care for adults (separately for women and men):
  • 2 compartments for children;
  • dispensary department for children and adults;
  • 2 dispensaries;
  • forensic psychiatric department.
  • psycho-neurological department (treatment of borderline state and neuroses).

The institution specializes in therapeutic services, psychiatry, psychology, psychiatry, diagnostics, neurology, as well as exercise therapy and physiotherapy.

  • modern approach to treatment;
  • high-quality new equipment;
  • availability of a forensic psychiatric examination department;
  • high qualification of employees.
  • hospitals are not always able to handle complex cases.

3rd place - Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. ON THE. Alekseeva

AddressesPhone numberWorking hours
Armenian lane, 3/5с4☎ 7 495 623 58 53
Proletarian Avenue, 4☎ 7 499 324 78 07
Zyuzinskaya street, 1☎ 7 499 120 05 62
st. Academician Semenova, 13/1☎ 7 495 714 45 50
Mosfilmovskaya street, 6☎ 7 499 143 49 20Monday to Friday - from 8.00 to 20.00, Saturday - from 9.00 to 16.00
Smolenskaya Square, 13/21☎ 7 499 248 79 35
Petra Romanova street, 2/1☎ 7 495 679 44 85
Chertanovskaya st., 26☎ 7 495 388-90-01

Rastorguevskiy lane, 3☎ 7 495 530 34 24
Academician Anokhin street, 22/2☎ 7 495 530 34 31
st. Rodnikovaya, 12/1☎ 7 495 934 75 02around the clock
Official site

The Metropolitan Hospital, founded in 1894, offers the following services:

  • medical rehabilitation and psychotherapeutic assistance;
  • pre-medical, medical and primary care;
  • treatment in the direction of psychotherapy and psychiatry;
  • nursing care and psychological service;
  • hyperbaric oxygen therapy and psychiatric examination;
  • functional diagnostics;
  • there is also a department of dentistry, gynecology, clinical laboratory and radiology.
  • good living conditions;
  • quality treatment.
  • not detected.

2nd place - Clinic of Psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakov

dispensaryButlerova street, 12
hospitalGabrichevsky street, 5
Telephone☎ 7 499 398 29 32
Working mode:
hospitalaround the clock
dispensaryfrom Monday to Friday: from 9.00 to 15.00

The Psychiatric Clinic named after Sergei Sergeevich Korsakov is one of the oldest psychiatric institutions in Russia, founded in 1887 at the expense of Varvara Alekseevna Morozova. The hospital offered patients completely different, improved conditions of stay and treatment than in many other institutions of this type. For example, here they abandoned metal bars on the windows, the use of straitjackets, detention in security cells, and old methods of treatment. Patients were allowed to go for a walk in the garden fenced off from the street.

Now the clinic is part of the divisions of the First Moscow State Medical University named after Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov, and it is headed by Ivanets Nikolai Nikolaevich, Honored Scientist of Russia, professor, doctor of medical sciences and correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Doctors of the highest category, professors, doctors of medical sciences and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences work here - these are psychotherapists, psychiatrists, a sexologist, a therapist, narcologists and a clinical psychologist.For treatment, innovative diagnostics, psychoprophylaxis, psychopharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, modern methods and drugs are used. The safety and results of all methods used have been proven by ongoing clinical studies.

Before treatment, a thorough diagnosis is carried out, which includes a neurological and somatic examination, MRI and multi-computer tomography. After the examination, treatment is selected for each patient, taking into account the individual tolerability of the drugs.

Clinic of Psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakova specializes in such types of medical activities as:

  • Psychiatry - treatment of neurosis, depression and psychosis;
  • Psychotherapy - providing assistance to patients with impaired work and social adaptation, as well as with a borderline mental disorder (neurosis, sleep disturbance, panic attacks, somatoform disorders, depressive and anxiety disorders, personality disorders, adaptation and eating behavior disorders). As well as such endogenous mental disorders as affective psychoses, schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder; and treatment of mental disorders of memory, mood and organic psychoses;
  • Narcology - treatment of substance abuse, alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • Sexology - solving problems in intimate life with the help of family therapy.

Depending on the severity of the disease, patients can be treated in an outpatient clinic or in a hospital. The clinic has a drug treatment room, where outpatient care is provided for people with problems with drugs and alcohol. There is also a drug emergency department, with an intensive care unit attached to it. Here they treat drug addiction and alcoholism in men, as well as carry out primary detoxification and final prohibition measures.The conditions of stay in the emergency department for each patient is determined individually. The room has a refrigerator and a TV, the windows are equipped with safety glass. The clinic also has the following general psychiatric departments:

  • Three departments operating in a "soft" mode, where psychotherapy is used as treatment. It treats mild forms of mental illness, neurosis, alcoholism and emotional disorders. The department has a TV and a refrigerator, you can use the player and smartphone. There are also rooms with more comfortable conditions for staying. Patients are allowed to walk in the park and streets, as well as go home for the weekend.
  • Seven departments of "strict" mode, where they treat acute psychosis, female alcoholism, as well as moderate and severe emotional mental disorders. There is a TV and a refrigerator in the department, safety glasses are installed in the windows. There are superior rooms. Patients can walk in the park only with the permission of doctors.

Cost of services (in rubles):

  • Consultation of doctors of different categories - from 1850 to 6500;
  • Stationary examination - 1,650;
  • Trainings for relatives - 2,200;
  • Nurse care for a disabled patient - 770;
  • A session of individual psychotherapy and rational psychotherapy - 4,000/3,000;
  • Rehabilitation with a psychotherapist or psychologist - 1,500;
  • Family, group, body-oriented psychotherapy - 4,200/1,500/4,000;
  • Testing - 2,000;
  • Outpatient treatment - from 1,800 to 5,500 per session or course;
  • Inpatient treatment - from 1,200 to 5,500 for one day of stay.
  • highly skilled workers;
  • Excellent value for money and quality;
  • the clinic treats all forms of mental disorders;
  • treatment is carried out using innovative, modern techniques;
  • individual selection of therapy for each patient;
  • excellent attitude of the staff;
  • good living conditions.
  • Not found.

1st place - Private clinic "Transfiguration"

LocationNovodanilovskaya embankment, 4/2
Phones☎ 7 495 954 30 05
☎ 7 495 632 00 65
Opening hourswithout breaks and days off, around the clock

Transfiguration is the first private clinic established in Russia in 1990. The staff of the clinic are qualified specialists, including doctors of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences. All middle personnel have accreditation and certificates. In addition to the main work, doctors conduct scientific work and are members of scientific and practical associations.

The clinic cooperates with leading Russian and foreign psychiatric institutions, and various scientific works are carried out on its basis. Acquired mental health disorders and hereditary disorders are treated here. The main focus of therapy is based on physiotherapy, psychotherapy, neurometabolic therapy and dialogue between patients and the doctor. The treatment uses modern proven methods and drugs. Clinic doctors try to limit the use of psychotropic drugs and potent drugs.

Specialization of the private clinic "Transfiguration":

  • Psychiatry, where assistance is provided for borderline and exogenous mental disorders (reactive and exogenous psychoses, neuroses, organic, somatoform and mental disorders, psychosomatic diseases), as well as endogenous (dementia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, epilepsy, endogenous depression, psychopathy);
  • Psychotherapy for patients with alcohol dependence, borderline mental and endogenous disorders. Family psychotherapy is also carried out;
  • Narcology - help with hard drinking and drug addictions;
  • Neurology.

You can see how much the treatment in the clinic costs below (in rubles):

  • Psychiatric consultation - from 2,500 to 5,000;
  • Psychotherapist appointment - 3,500;
  • Consultation of a clinical psychologist - 3,500;
  • Reception of a neurologist - 3,000;
  • Pharmacotherapy - 5,500;
  • Lesson with a psychotherapist in groups - 1,500 (per hour);
  • Family psychotherapy - 4,000 (hour);
  • Laboratory services - from 74;
  • Narcological services - from 2,056 to 32,000;
  • Psychological research - 3,500/5,000;
  • Additional testing - 3,000;
  • Inpatient treatment - from 5,500 to 19,000.

In the clinic "Transfiguration" do not be afraid of serious conditions. They promise to help even in the most difficult and extraordinary situations.

  • excellent attitude towards patients;
  • high professionalism of employees;
  • treatment of a disease of any degree of complexity;
  • cooperation with leading clinics abroad and Russia;
  • many years of experience and continuous professional development;
  • individual approach to the treatment of each client;
  • full transparency of therapy;
  • the latest drugs, equipment and methods.
  • High prices.


Timely contacting a specialized institution for diagnosis will provide highly effective treatment in the shortest possible time. Therefore, if you notice psychological or mental changes in yourself or your loved ones, you should not be afraid and consult with specialists as soon as possible who will diagnose and prescribe the optimal treatment.

Good conditions of stay, highly qualified specialists and modern methods of treatment used in the Moscow clinics described above will provide comfortable, safe and fast treatment.

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