
  1. Features and functionality
  2. Positive and negative characteristics
  3. Rating of high-quality and inexpensive cutters for profiles
  4. Which company to buy cutters of the middle price segment
  5. Rating of the best premium cutters
  6. Conclusion

Rating of the best profile cutters for 2022

Rating of the best profile cutters for 2022

The main area of ​​application of cutters is construction and repair in cases where it is necessary to connect metal profiles to each other. It is used to combine sheets of metal (steel) with each other. The elements are superimposed on each other, and the holes are rolled on the reverse side. The technology was developed several years ago, but it has only just begun to be in demand.

Features and functionality

Pliers or notches are hand tools that are used to manipulate sheet metal products. When connecting the material, a through hole is made. Fixation is carried out by bending the formed petals in the metal. It is understood that no auxiliary fasteners are required and you should pay attention to this when choosing a tool. It is enough to lean the device against the selected area and press the handle (it is possible to use a two-handed design). The metal is modified and its edges are bent. This is the principle of the tool.

Based on numerous reviews in online stores, buyers prefer this particular fastening of profiles. Popularly, the product is also referred to as a profile punch. On some Internet resources, the product can be found in the category "pliers for connecting GK profiles."

Outwardly, the tool resembles pincers, but their handles are elongated. The structure of the working part is also unusual. As with conventional equipment, they are equipped with two jaws, which can vary in shape. One of the sides is a punch, while the other will be an emphasis. The first element has a protruding part, which is used to manipulate the profile and make holes. The stop is a thickened element into which the punch enters.

The design is designed in such a way that the formed metal petals have a curved shape. Thus, it is possible to achieve optimal fixation of metal sheets of any thickness. Often the holes are rectangular or rounded. The first option is preferable, since the connection is more rigid.

Positive and negative characteristics

This type of construction tool is not particularly popular. There are many reasons, but the item is really convenient. This is especially true for those manipulations in which the installation of a drywall profile is provided. An essential item for home use.

There is no protrusion at the jointsWhen using self-tapping screws or rivets, protrusions remain, as the head protrudes slightly. Rivets have less unevenness, while self-tapping screws have more. Thus, sheets of drywall are bent and lie unevenly. In the case of a cutter, the front side remains flat. A flat surface will subsequently save time on puttying and minimize the consumption of the composition.
Hand toolThere is no need for a power outlet nearby. This allows you to work in any conditions.
Lack of fastenersIn addition to saving money, this will save time.
Reliable and fast connection of profilesThe sheeting speed is increased. Parts are wound between the jaws, after which the handles are compressed as many times as necessary.

In most cases, after a person has tried to work with a cutter, he no longer returns to the screws. In particularly difficult places, rivets can also be used, but this is rather an exception to the rule. It should be noted that the sheets do not need additional fixation.However, this method of attachment is not without its drawbacks.

TimeAccording to buyers, the device saves installation time, however, it must be understood that in order to make a hole in a metal sheet (several), some physical effort will be required.
Physical effortFatigue will accumulate quickly, provided that you have to work all day. Installation speed will be significantly reduced.
inferiority In some cases, due to the peculiar shape of the working surface, it is impossible to get to some clamps and jumpers.
DisassemblyIn the future, if you need to disassemble the structure, it will be necessary to straighten the petals, which is not easy to do. A lot of time will be spent, as well as when removing screws or rivets. To do this, you need a unit with large windows. Professional builders have both tools, but for home use this is too much.

Rating of high-quality and inexpensive cutters for profiles

DEXX 31391

Popular design from the best German manufacturer. Often used for manipulating the guide profile. The rack head will not fit. It is used for manipulations with sheets with a thickness of 2.7 cm. It takes almost no effort, and the puncture is smooth. The assembly is carried out in China, but in compliance with German technology. Based on the price, the design can be classified as budget, largely due to the simplicity of the product and welding, which is used to connect individual elements. Weight - 700 g, with a length of 30.5 cm.

The average price is 450 rubles.

DEXX 31391
  • rubberized, thick handles;
  • ease of use in the process of working with suspended ceilings;
  • long levers;
  • minimum physical effort;
  • ease of use.
  • not suitable for work with rack structures;
  • lack of a return mechanism (springs).

Encore 51650

The TOP also included a design from a well-known manufacturer - Enkor. The length of the product is 30 cm, and to press it you will need to use both hands. Due to the presence of elongated handles, the device can be used to work with a profile in a room with a height of 3-3.5 m. The best choice, according to most users, as it allows you to stick the head into hard-to-reach places. The quality of the folds is excellent. Perforations are possible in different places and with different angles of equipment. The bracket is small but strong. It is possible to fasten sheets with a thickness of 1.6 mm.

The best choice for working with rack-mount profile (U-shape with curved sides). The pharynx opens up to 1.6 cm, which is considered an excellent indicator. It does an excellent job with the functions. It is used in the process of installing interior doors, where there are significant loads from regular slamming of the sash.

Price - 1200 rubles.

cutter Enkor 51650
  • compact staples;
  • ergonomic recesses;
  • steel structure;
  • handles with anti-slip coating.
  • it is difficult to buy in the store, due to the frequent absence in the warehouse;
  • both hands are required to operate the hand tool.

Encore 51652

Another cutter for the drywall profile entered the TOP. It is this design that is better to buy if a person is used to working with both hands at the same time. The length of the structure is 300 mm, which allows making holes in products with a thickness of 1.6 mm.The Russian-made product is equipped with an anti-slip coating in the area of ​​​​the handles, so the unit lies comfortably and safely in the hands. The characteristics indicate that it can be used to bend, but in practice this does not happen. The movements are carried out due to the roller pusher. The retraction guarantees a protrusion on that part of the lever that remains movable.

The steel product does not need to be painted. The punch is cast from carbon steel, which guarantees a long service life of the model. Based on numerous reviews, the tool is able to make a hole in three profiles of 0.6 mm each at once, unlike many products of French, American and Chinese production. By the force of pressing, the structure cannot be classified as the best, however, this type of device is useful in the household for rearranging walls and other similar structures.

How much does the tool cost? The purchase will cost 600 rubles. If necessary, the kit can be ordered online, directly from the manufacturer's website.

cutter Enkor 51652
  • Ease of use;
  • a hole in the material with a width of 1.8 mm;
  • acceptable cost;
  • lack of dirt during installation;
  • ease of making holes in steel sheets.
  • welding on the base leaves much to be desired;
  • antennae are not always bent;
  • on the return often wedges.


The tool from the known company with the increased pharynx. Produced in Russia. The height of the product is considered sufficient to place two sheets inside. A standard attribute for every self-respecting installer who from time to time has to work with a metal profile and other materials.There is no punch, so in the process of completing the tasks, you will have to make great efforts. Such a model is useful for those who do not seek to earn a living by construction. Great tool for home use.

Price - 810 rubles.

SIBIN cutter
  • popular model;
  • acceptable cost;
  • compact dimensions;
  • well-known manufacturer
  • high service life.
  • the pharynx can become a limiter at work;
  • they cannot reach some fastening points;
  • lack of a punch.

Encore 51651

The model is equipped with a rectangular bracket, unlike many others, in which the element is semicircular. To drive the product, forces are transmitted from the lever through three axes. For a secure grip and ease of use, rubberized handles, as well as the presence of a return spring, are responsible. To complete the designated tasks, you will need one free hand. An inexpensive device, according to most users, has a soft stroke of the levers. It should also be noted the possibility of self-repair of the cutter.

Height - 25 cm, which allows you to work in confined spaces. Useful if you need to get the tool close to the ceiling or when arranging a false ceiling. Allows you to temporarily connect the walls of the structure with a cross section of 0.16 cm. It belongs to the category of reinforced devices, which guarantees an excellent result when installing a thick profile.

Price - 1350 rubles.

cutter Enkor 51651
  • the presence of a return type spring;
  • in addition to a comfortable length, the weight of the model will be 0.5 kg;
  • rubberized handles;
  • operational period;
  • axles, if necessary, can be replaced.
  • fast consumption of blades under significant loads;
  • the block does not work with spontaneous closure.

Sparta 87952

A budget model, the purchase of which will help to avoid many mistakes. When choosing equipment of this type, it is necessary to focus on the frequency and scope of use of the tool. If you plan one-time work or around the house, then this design is exactly what you need. The punch is equipped with a roller stop, while two hands are needed for use. The return spring is not provided, therefore, after each pressing, the unclenching is carried out manually. Only in this way can the punch be removed. In addition to the smoothness of work, the possibility of turning the sheet by 90 ° is noted.

Weight - 750 g, which is considered the best indicator for working with steel with a thickness of 1 mm. The handles are rubberized. Even men with large hands will find it comfortable to hold the device, while eliminating the possibility of skin contact with metal. The design is welded, not solid, which is the reason for such an affordable cost. The seams are of high quality, which favorably affects the strength indicator. If a backlash appears over time, then it can be eliminated without much effort.

The cost of new items is 750 rubles.

Sparta 87952
  • the front side is smooth;
  • quality seams (welded);
  • rubberized handles;
  • reasonable price compared to competitors.
  • the upper lip is high, which will not allow you to work with some types of profile;
  • no return spring
  • maximum effort (two hands).


A reinforced type device, which can be seen in many comparison tables offered on the forums. Existing large diameter parts, due to which such a high strength index was achieved.You will need both hands to work, so the penetration power is optimal. The device easily makes holes in the material with a thickness of 0.15 cm or more. On the handles there are polymer pads with small incisions for the fingers. In this way slipping was avoided.

Price - 720 rubles.

FIT cutter
  • price;
  • anti-slip material on the handles;
  • secure grip;
  • straight holes;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • enhanced model.
  • hands get tired quickly, regardless of what diameter sheets you have to work with;
  • it will not work to replace individual elements, you will need to purchase a new tool.


It is such a tool that experts recommend buying for home use. Before choosing it, you should pay attention to the fact that the assembly is carried out on the territory of the Celestial Empire. The country of brand registration is Russia. An easy-to-use unit, the assembly of which did not use complex mechanisms. A great attribute that will help fasten several metal sheets together. Suitable for those craftsmen who plan construction on the territory of their own house or apartment. In this case, there is no need to overpay for professional models.

The price of the kit is 750 rubles.

  • the model is too primitive, but effective;
  • for home use;
  • the possibility of self-repair;
  • steel sheets can be pierced by a person with average physical fitness;
  • edges are smooth.
  • lack of an auxiliary punch;
  • Chinese assembly;
  • complex levers are not provided, so you will have to put in a lot of effort to make holes.

MATRIX 87951

Under this brand, a huge number of construction tools, equipment and accessories are sold that will suit both the home craftsman and the professional builder. High-strength steel was used as the main material. The punch has increased strength indicators due to the fact that it is hardened in oil. Using the unit, you can fasten sheets with a diameter of 60x27 mm and 27x27 mm. In the process of working with galvanized steel, the holes are round and neat.

Between themselves, the sheets are fastened securely. In the process of work, special efforts are not required. For greater convenience, the surface of the handles is rubberized, which will not allow the tool to slip at the wrong time. Installation is carried out by means of one hand therefore the assistant is not required. The bracket is thick, which favorably affects the strength and durability of the entire structure. The equipment allows you to make a slot with a diameter of 1.5 mm. When backlash appears, the axles change (there are bolts at the joints, not rivets).

Cost - 1000 rubles.

MATRIX 87951
  • worn axles are replaced;
  • performing tasks with one hand;
  • steel structure;
  • rubberized surface of the handles.
  • return spring - weak;
  • The handles are not blocked, which is extremely inconvenient during transportation.


Alloyed tool steel is used for the construction. The country of origin of the product is Russia. Among the numerous assortment of the brand there are also cutters. Strong and reliable model from a domestic manufacturer. The mobile mechanism does not cause any complaints from users. Features include ergonomics. For the manufacture of handles, a composition based on dense plastic and polyurethane is used.During use, the tool does not slip out of the hands. It should also be noted the presence of limiters, which eliminate the risk of injury when pressed.

Cost - 1200 rubles.

ZUBR "MASTER" cutter
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • lightweight alloy;
  • high strength marking;
  • ergonomics
  • not identified.

Which company to buy cutters of the middle price segment


The well-known model is equipped with a swivel type head. The country of brand registration is Russia, but the assembly is carried out in China. Such tools are rarely equipped with rotary heads, so the model is considered an exception to the rule. Equipped with a hinge and a movable element that allows you to make connections in hard-to-reach places, which is its main advantage. The cutter of the budget segment is also able to cope with the tasks set, however, in some cases, such a model will come to the rescue.

Price - 1300 rubles.

  • the presence of ergonomic handles, for the manufacture of which a composition based on plastic and polyurethane is used;
  • lies comfortably in the hand;
  • does not slip;
  • practicality;
  • durability.
  • small angle of inclination;
  • the weak point is the punch.


A popular product from a German manufacturer, which is assembled in China. There are several types of cutters on the market. A specific device combined a system of two levers (mechanical) and a punch. Minimum effort is required for making holes and fastening, due to the installed (hidden) force transmission mechanism. It is located inside the case, which should be designated as a disadvantage, since access to it is limited.The professional model is made of steel. There are no polyurethane inserts on the handles, and they are made of durable plastic.

Cost - 1900 rubles.

  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • reliability;
  • professional model;
  • straight holes.
  • in the event of a breakdown of the main mechanism, replacement is not carried out;
  • ergonomics;
  • clear savings on materials.

ZUBR 3135

The model is recognized as one of the most convenient of the one-handed category. It is produced by a domestic company, which indicates a high indicator of reliability and quality of the proposed product. Based on the declared parameters, the design is equipped with a movable head, which cannot be said about most of the cutters offered by the market. Such a function will be extremely convenient if you need to crawl with a tool into a hard-to-reach area where there is no room for additional maneuver. The inclination is carried out in relation to the handles by means of a proprietary hinge. The angle of rotation is small, but this figure may be more than enough. The handles are made of plastic and foamed polyurethane.

Price - 1250 rubles.

ZUBR 3135
  • strong connections;
  • moving head;
  • acceptable angle of rotation;
  • reliability;
  • does not slip in the hand;
  • professional model;
  • modern modifications.
  • hinge of dubious quality;
  • the inability to carry out self-repair.

STAYER 250 mm 31381

Comfortable to use model with a length of 250 mm. It is used for the construction of free-standing drywall elements and partitions. The cross section of the working material is 1.2 mm. The product weighs 530 g, which will allow you to hold it in your hand for a long time. The assembly is of high quality, so the holes are made quickly and without much effort.Only one hand is needed for operation, so there is no need for assistants. The punch is made of high-strength steel, which allows it to retain its original shape and appearance for a long time.

If necessary, the element can be replaced. Such accessories can be ordered online or bought in specialized stores. The handles are covered with three layers of rubber. The grip comfort is amazing. In addition, the element does not slip in the hand and corns will not appear soon either.

Cost - 1450 rubles.

STAYER 250 mm 31381
  • axles are replaced;
  • convenient for work and storage dimensions;
  • high-strength steel is used as the main raw material;
  • the design of the pharynx is elongated.
  • brackets allow fixing only the rack profile in relation to the guide;
  • difficult to get off the wall.

Rating of the best premium cutters

TOPEX (43E101)

There are also professional cutters belonging to the premium class. This model belongs to this category. Among the characteristics, special attention should be paid to the reinforced bracket, for the manufacture of which steel rivets are used. Thanks to this, the tool is able to cope with a thick metal profile. One hand is used for work. The return spring is tight, so not every specialist will advise the device to a novice master.

The cost is 2600 rubles.

TOPEX (43E101)
  • build quality;
  • strength;
  • lack of backlash;
  • Ease of use;
  • anti-slip coating;
  • durability.
  • it takes some effort to work.


Another professional model from a well-known European brand.It is characterized by the presence of high-quality assembly and the absence of backlash even after a long time of operation. The product of the German concern is perfect for those who plan to engage in such manipulations on a regular basis. One-handed use will be noted by those who are not accustomed to working in pairs. The simplicity of the design allows you to carry out repairs yourself, by replacing key parts. Handles 1.4mm thick sheets with ease.

Cost - 4500 rubles.

Knauf cutter
  • strength;
  • build quality;
  • durability;
  • professional model;
  • well-known global brand;
  • working material thickness.
  • not identified.

KNIPEX 9042340

This product can rightfully top the rankings of the best cutters on the market. A professional tool that is designed to work with a profile up to 1.2 mm (0.6 for each sheet or side). Allows you to fasten not only a square, but also a U-shaped profile. The margin of safety is colossal, since the assembly is carried out on thick axles. In the hand lies comfortably, due to the two-component handles with stops. To work with the product, you will need to make a minimum of effort, due to the length of the levers used. However, you have to hold the unit with two hands.

Cost - 9900 rubles.

KNIPEX 9042340
  • service life - 25 years;
  • when compressing, minimal effort is applied;
  • profile cutting up to 1.2 mm thick;
  • black steel, oil-hardened;
  • hand restraints.
  • price;
  • the depth of the bracket will not allow the screws to be placed close to each other;
  • weight - 1 kg;
  • both hands will be involved in the work.

KNIPEX KN-9042250

For professional work, you will need an equally high-quality unit. This model belongs to this category. Allows you to easily connect a metal profile and drywall. A high-quality and reliable device that has been tested by time and field work. It is this model that is most often recommended for purchase by experienced dealers and consultants. It is considered one of the highest quality and most expensive today. The steel body, build and accessories are all top notch. However, it should be understood that for one-time manipulations, you can purchase a model that will be ten times cheaper than this one, while coping with the designated tasks no worse.

Cost - 12000 rubles.

KNIPEX KN-9042250
  • build quality;
  • high service life;
  • the use of high-strength raw materials;
  • auxiliary devices;
  • lack of backlash throughout the entire operational period;
  • fixation for easy storage and transportation.
  • price.


For the construction of drywall partitions, which are necessary not only in office, but also in residential premises, you will need a cutter. It is used for fixing drywall sheets, insulation material and metal frames. It began to enjoy popularity relatively recently, when the demand for interior finishing manipulations increased dramatically. If you plan to ennoble the room with the help of a thin-sheet metal profile, you simply cannot do without a high-quality and convenient cutter. Simple designs, which can be inexpensive, are characterized by high service life and reliability.Professional training is not required to manipulate the tool, which is characterized by high performance.

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