
  1. How it all goes
  2. How to help a baby
  3. What are the cutters
  4. Criterias of choice
  5. The best silicone teethers
  6. The best wooden teethers
  7. The best fabric teethers
  8. Conclusion

Ranking of the best teethers for 2022

Ranking of the best teethers for 2022

The appearance of a baby in the house is fraught with a lot of surprises. For some of them, young parents may not be ready. Of course, first of all, the birth of a child is an endless joy. But still there are moments that can complicate the usual life. One of these periods is the time of teething. At this time, the child from a cute angel turns into a crying and capricious creature. To help the baby during this period, you can use teethers. With their help, you can not only eliminate pain, but also entertain the child.

How it all goes

The process of teething usually begins at the age of six months. But sometimes this moment can come a couple of months earlier or later. It all depends on the body of the child. First, the lower central incisors appear, then the upper ones. After that, it is the turn of the lateral incisors. Then it is worth waiting for the appearance of four chewing teeth. Now it's the turn of the fangs, according to many parents, these teeth are the most problematic. And at the very end, the second four chewing teeth will appear. Thus, by the age of 2 or 2.5 years, the child will have 20 teeth.

On average, a tooth erupts in about 2-7 days. At this time, the child may refuse food, become more capricious, sleep poorly. In addition, during the period of the appearance of new teeth, the baby may have a fever, snot and cough may appear, and there may also be problems with the stool. If these symptoms last no more than three days, then the parents should not have concerns. But still, it is better to consult a pediatrician, since all these signs can signal the presence of a viral infection. When the examination shows that all these changes are due to teething, then measures should be taken to relieve pain.

How to help a baby

The appearance of new teeth is a rather complicated process. At this time, the child will experience not only pain, but also itching in the gums. For this reason, the baby will pull everything into his mouth. And because of the pain, the child has whims.To begin with, to improve the condition of the child, you need to pay more attention to him. Parents should often take the baby in their arms, surround him with care, warmth and love. Do not respond with irritation to crying and whims. This will only complicate an already difficult situation.

Also, to help the child, you can massage the gums. This procedure can be performed either with a clean finger, or you can use a special fingertip, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or children's department. In addition, you can massage the gums by moistening gauze or a cotton pad in a decoction of herbs, chamomile will be an excellent option for this, as it relieves inflammation.

Many are saved by giving the crumbs some hard edible object to gnaw. It can be carrots, drying or cookies. But at the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the baby does not accidentally choke.

In addition, pharmaceutical preparations will help alleviate the symptoms. Well eliminate pain, drugs containing paracetamol or ibuprofen. In addition, they can help reduce high body temperature. Various gels or ointments are also quite popular. They have a cooling effect, so they are able to eliminate pain and itching for a short period of time. But due to high salivation, they will quickly “wash off” from the gums and the effect will not be long-lasting. Do not forget about homeopathic drops or tablets. With their help, you can not only reduce pain, but also eliminate other symptoms that appear during this period. But still, you should not get involved in any medications. It is also forbidden to apply crushed aspirin tablets to the gums or rub gels containing alcohol.

Don't forget about teethers.To date, a large number of manufacturers produce this product. It will serve as a toy for the baby, and he will also be able to calmly take it in his mouth and gnaw it. But using such a device, in no case should you tie it around the baby's neck. His random movements can lead in this case to not good consequences.

What are the cutters

Since a large number of manufacturers produce such devices, there are quite a few options for teethers. Therefore, to make it easier for young parents to understand the diversity, products can be classified according to certain parameters.

The first group includes models containing a gel or liquid. Such products do not have a remarkable appearance, but are able to relieve pain symptoms. For this reason, they are quite popular among buyers. To achieve the effect, such a teether should be kept in the refrigerator, when the gel or water inside has cooled, then it can be given to the baby. It is also worth noting that this option, due to its contents, will be heavier than the usual rattles, so at an earlier age, the baby may not be able to cope with such an object.

Models that combine both a toy and a teether are quite popular. Such a product is a small rattle, where there are silicone inserts. In this case, the baby will not only gnaw on the toy, but also be distracted by sounds and concentrate their attention. There are also rattles that may contain coolant.

For the little ones, silicone products are suitable. They are not heavy at all, they do not have an extraneous smell or taste. And most importantly, they can be subjected to heat treatment. They are available in various colors and have a wide variety of shapes.Due to this, it will be easier for the child to hold the product in his hand.

The vibrating teether is gaining more and more popularity. This product requires batteries to operate. In order for the device to begin to vibrate, it must be slightly pressed down. This moment just happens when the baby begins to gnaw on the product. During vibration, a certain massage of the gums occurs, which increases blood flow, and the eruption process is accelerated. In addition, such manipulations perfectly relieve itching.

The next group of products looks like a pacifier. They are usually made of silicone and are quite easy to use. It will be convenient for the child to “scratch” their teeth, and the process will have a calming effect.

Manufacturers also produce various toys that will help facilitate the process of teething. One of these is the cutter book. There are silicone inserts on its corners, which, if desired, can be bitten or chewed. In addition, such a product will be an excellent option for a developing toy. The child will develop his tactile sensations, get acquainted with flowers, animals or plants. There are also wooden and plastic toys that have the same purpose.

Criterias of choice

To date, there are a large number of products on the market that are intended for children during the period of the appearance of milk teeth. They differ not only in the manufacturer, but also in shape, material and color. Of course, to find the perfect option, you may have to experiment and purchase several options. But still, before buying, you should consider certain criteria.

First of all, it is necessary to proceed from the age of the child.For children aged 3-6 months, you should take a non-bulky product, it should be light and have details that the baby can hold on to. When the lateral incisors and chewing teeth already appear, it is better to choose a model with protrusions so that the baby can easily “scratch” the back teeth.

Now you should think about security. There must be no foreign smell from the product. Also, if you buy a model with a gel or liquid, then first you need to make sure that it is strong. Check for cracks or small holes. Otherwise, during operation, all the contents will be in the baby's mouth. In addition, do not forget that such products can only be cooled in the refrigerator. Many parents put the product in the freezer to speed up the cooling process. In this case, the gel or liquid expands, which will render the teether unusable.

Also, speaking of safety, do not forget about the material of manufacture. The most inexpensive are plastic options. But plastic contains toxic chemicals that can have a negative effect on the body. But now rice plastic toys are becoming popular, most of the composition here is natural rice, which is considered an environmentally friendly product. A small percentage of people are allergic to latex, so latex teethers should be handled with care. Therefore, it is better to give preference to products made of silicone. This material is safe and can be treated with hot water. Wooden options are just as safe to use. Do not worry that the baby may get hurt or plant a skid.To avoid this, manufacturers wax the teethers and cover them with food coloring.

The best silicone teethers

Happy Baby Silicone teether 20028

This product is a rattle-teether. It has a round shape on which there are multi-colored "fingers". Thanks to this design, the baby will be able to “scratch” both the front and back teeth. Also, these very “fingers” have a corrugated surface, due to this, itching is well removed when biting. In addition, "Happy Baby Silicone teether 20028" has a positive effect on the development of fine motor skills. It will be interesting for the child to twist such a toy in his hand, and when it is shaken, a light sound will be made.

The size of "Happy Baby Silicone teether 20028" is 73*73*115 mm, and the weight is 70 grams.

The average cost is 700 rubles.

Happy Baby Silicone teether 20028
  • Bright colors;
  • corrugated surface;
  • The presence of a sound effect;
  • Promotes the development of fine motor skills.
  • Not detected.

Farlin for back teeth

This model is available in two colors: blue and pink. It is intended for children from 16 months of age, as it has a special shape that will relieve itching when the back teeth appear.

A feature of such a product from the Taiwanese company "Farlin" is a removable silicone insert. It can be filled with water. Thus, it will be easier for parents to choose the optimal water temperature. And the density of the product will depend on the amount of liquid poured. So you can make a hard or soft "rodent" at your discretion. In addition, there are side silicone inserts with texture. With their help, the baby will receive a massage that will reduce pain.Also, thanks to the shape and design of the product, the baby will develop his fine motor skills and imagination during the game.

The size of "Farlin for back teeth" is 15*12*5.5 cm, and the weight is 20 grams.

The average cost is 650 rubles.

Farlin for back teeth
  • Possibility to fill the product with water;
  • textured surface;
  • Design;
  • Light weight.
  • Not suitable for children under one year old.

Silli Chews Mini Donut

All products in this series are soft, flexible and pleasant to the touch teethers. This model is presented in the form of a donut in white or brown. With it, the child will ease the pain and itching that occurs when new teeth appear.

"Silli Chews Mini Donut" have a soft surface with a pleasant texture. For greater effect, the product can not only be cooled in the refrigerator, but also frozen in the freezer. In order to prevent the product from falling to the floor, there is a silicone lace with a clothespin, it can be attached to the child's clothes. Silli Chews Mini Donut can be washed in the dishwasher or with soap and warm water.

"Silli Chews Mini Donut" does not contain harmful impurities and meets all international standards.

The average cost is 1000 rubles.

Silli Chews Mini Donut
  • Nice texture;
  • Can be refrigerated or frozen;
  • No harmful additives;
  • Develops sensory perception;
  • Suitable for children from 3 months.
  • High price.

Canpol Babies Safari

Such a "rodent" has a bright design and is made in the form of an elephant, monkey, hippo or tiger cub. You can use it from birth. Before the appearance of the first teeth, the product can serve as a toy for a baby, because it has a bright and conspicuous appearance.There is also a comfortable handle so that the baby can independently hold the product in the handle.

There is a special gel inside the teether. Therefore, it should be kept in the refrigerator before use. Due to the fact that the manufacturer used a gel, and not a liquid, the product will retain a cool temperature longer. "Canpol Babies Safari" has a soft textured surface. But the surface is resistant to biting and will not be damaged during operation.

The average cost is 240 rubles.

Canpol Babies Safari
  • colorful design;
  • Has a cooling effect;
  • Comfortable to hold in hand;
  • Affordable cost;
  • European manufacturer.
  • Not detected.

The best wooden teethers

WoodFun Flower

For the manufacture of such a rodent, the manufacturer used birch, beech, walnut and juniper. Thanks to this, the toy is completely safe when used during the period of the appearance of milk teeth. Also, do not ignore the smooth surface of the product. When a child bites or gnaws on a toy, he will not hurt his delicate mouth.

"Flower" consists of various parts that differ not only in size, but also in color. Due to this, the baby can easily concentrate his attention. In addition, with the help of such a toy, you can develop fine motor skills and coordination of movements.

The size of "WoodFun Flower" is 10 cm, and the size of additional parts varies from 1 to 10 cm. The weight of the toy is 66 grams.

The average cost is 470 rubles.

WoodFun Flower
  • Made from natural materials;
  • Smooth surface;
  • Develops fine motor skills.
  • Hard to find for sale.

S-Mala Flower Trainer

Such a teether toy from a Russian manufacturer will suit children from 6 months. For its manufacture, the manufacturer used hardwood. Thanks to this, the baby can safely gnaw on the toy, while it does not get wet and does not injure the oral cavity. All parts of the product are not covered with varnishes and paints, due to this there will be contact only with pure wood. In addition, the Flower Simulator will help develop fine motor skills.

The size of the Flower Simulator is 8 cm, the diameter of the parts varies between 1-4.5 cm. The weight of the toy is 40 grams.

The average cost is 425 rubles.

S-Mala Flower Trainer
  • Does not have additional coverage;
  • Ease of use;
  • Develops fine motor skills;
  • Strong wood;
  • Affordable price.
  • Not detected.

MamSi with wooden rings

This model is a wooden ring, which is wearing a silicone bracelet. The combination of such materials will not leave indifferent any little one. With such a device, the child will not only relieve the itching in the gums, but will also be able to play.

The silicone beads are attached to a nylon cord. They are flexible yet soft enough. Also, such a teether can be cooled in the freezer, when cold, it will help eliminate pain.

Before use, this teether toy should be washed in warm water using a mild detergent. Boiling the product is not recommended. Suitable for children from two months.

The average cost is 550 rubles.

MamSi with wooden rings
  • Combination of silicone and wooden elements;
  • Has a cooling effect;
  • Various color options;
  • Fits comfortably in a child's hand.
  • Not detected.

The best fabric teethers

Sassy 80234EP

This model is a fabric teether toy that can be hung in a crib, stroller or on a play mat. For its manufacture, the manufacturer used a soft fabric that has high strength. The shape of the toy allows you to penetrate even into the far corners of the mouth and save the baby from discomfort.

In addition to the function of a teether, this product also has developing properties. With its help, the baby will develop tactile sensations. It also has a squeaker and a mirror.

The average cost is 900 rubles.

Sassy 80234EP
  • Bright design;
  • Possibility to hang a toy;
  • Does not contain toxic additives;
  • Performs developmental functions.
  • Not detected.

Mioshi Tech Kind Owl

Such a cute eagle owl the child will like not only to gnaw, but also to play with him. Thanks to the soft material, a gentle massage of the gums will occur. It will also become an assistant in the development of visual and auditory perception, will contribute to the development of tactile sensations. After all, not only different forms are combined here, but also materials.

The average cost is 300 rubles.

Mioshi Tech Kind Owl
  • Pleasant material of manufacture;
  • Produces sound effects;
  • Gently massages the gums;
  • Affordable cost.
  • Hard to find for sale.

Lilliputiens Bear Cub Caesar

This fabric teether combines two toys. On the one hand, it is made in the form of a furry teddy bear, and if you turn it inside out, you get a rabbit. The product can be hung in a crib or stroller.

In addition to the fact that the teether will help relieve pain symptoms, it also contributes to the development of tactile sensations.Since the manufacturer used various materials in the manufacture. Also, the toy makes sounds when shaking. "Lilliputiens Bear Caesar" can be used from the moment the baby is born.

The average cost is 2300 rubles.

Lilliputiens Bear Cub Caesar
  • Possibility to hang in a crib or stroller;
  • Made from hypoallergenic materials;
  • Rattles when shaking;
  • Beautiful design.
  • High price.


The process of the appearance of milk teeth in a child is long and complex. These days it is hard not only for the child, but also for his parents. The models of teethers presented in the rating will easily help you survive this difficult period. Also, their main advantage is the manufacture of non-toxic materials and affordable cost.

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