
  1. What is spirulina
  2. Compound
  3. Beneficial features
  4. Contraindications
  5. Forms and types of release
  6. Selection Guide
  7. Rating of quality dietary supplements according to buyers
  8. Overview of the best manufacturers
  9. As a conclusion

Rating of the best spirulina producers for 2022

Rating of the best spirulina producers for 2022

People used spirulina even before the 16th century, they knew about the beneficial properties in it. Modern society also does not violate the old traditions, adopted the experience of the ancient peoples. Only now it can be purchased in any convenient form, thanks to the joint work of scientists and producers who have learned how to properly process these algae.

What is spirulina

Spirulina is the commercial name for blue-green algae, otherwise known as cyanobacteria. For mass production, two types of Arthrospira platensis and maxima are used. Arthrospira is caught in waters with a high pH of 8-11, in an alkaline environment. A large amount of algae is provided under two conditions: high air temperature and intense ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the main production of spirulina is located near the sea on the shores of hot countries: Chile, India, Taiwan, Pakistan, USA, China, Greece. Growers have recently become increasingly cultivating the growth of cyanobacteria around the world, in separate tanks creating specific conditions for their growth.


Spirulina has a rich composition of vitamins, macro and microelements, fatty acids and amino acids necessary for the human body to fully develop and maintain good health.


100 g of product:

NutrientsQuantity in g /% of the daily norm of an adult
calories 290/17
Alimentary fiber4/18

Macro and micronutrients

Spirulina contains more than 50% of the norm in 100 g of such elements as:

  • potassium, contributes to the normalization of the acid-base balance in the body, helps in the process of protein synthesis, fills the cells with water, regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • magnesium plays one of the most important functions in the work of the human body, it contributes to the coordinated work of the cardiovascular system, helps to remove bile, stabilizes the intestines and the nervous system, and also participates in the processes of calcium absorption and the formation of bone tissue and tooth growth;
  • sulfur, participates in enzymatic processes, and also helps to carry out the process of energy exchange in cells;
  • sodium, normalizes the level of water and acid-base balance, the functioning of blood vessels, reduces the risk of high blood pressure, and also participates in the processes of normalization and maintenance of the function of the digestive and urinary systems;
  • manganese, is involved in the process of assimilation of fatty acids, reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis of the vessels and normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood.

And also within 15%:

  • phosphorus, improves metabolism and the formation of bone tissue, thanks to it the risk of mental illness, kidneys and liver is reduced;
  • calcium plays a major role in the formation and mineralization of the skeleton, the growth of teeth, and the regulation of the process of blood clotting;
  • zinc, which helps regulate the process of insulin production, improves immunity, reduces the risk of depression and hair loss;
  • selenium is involved in the assimilation of many other elements and substances, a decrease in its amount in the body affects the psycho-emotional state, efficiency decreases, it normalizes the thyroid gland, increases immunity, and affects the absorption of calcium.

And more than 100% of the norm:

Iron and Copper are among the most vital elements for the human body.

  • iron is necessary for maintaining good health of the nervous system and regulating blood circulation;
  • copper promotes the absorption of iron and the formation of red blood cells, reducing the risk of anemia, mental disorders, preserves the color and elasticity of the skin.

Vitamins and acids

Spirulina contains 11 vitamins, 2 of which are more than 100% of the daily value of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and B4 (choline), which are involved in redox reactions, improve vision, the functioning of the nervous system, and phospholipid metabolism.

  1. Vitamin A, including provitamin - beta-carotene, which is the strongest antioxidant, promotes wound healing, tissue regeneration, increases the hydration of the eye mucosa and improves vision.
  2. As well as vitamins of groups B, B1, B5, B6, B9 in sufficient quantities, which helps to improve the functioning of the brain, reduce stress, and normalize the emotional state.
  3. Vitamin C (ascorbic), K, PP, E.
  4. Polyunsaturated fatty acids - omega 3 and omega 6, linoleic and linolenic.
  5. Monounsaturated - oleic and palmitoleic.
  6. Saturated fatty acids - stearic, myristic, palmitic.
  7. Essential and non-essential amino acids, such as: lysine, arginine, glycine, proline, serine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, tyrosine, cysteine ​​leucine.

Spirulina is a whole complex of useful and vital substances for a balanced functioning of the body.

Beneficial features

Spirulina is not a drug for all diseases, but a nutritional supplement useful for replenishing vital substances in the body.

  1. The high content of fiber, various acids helps cleanse the blood of toxins, stimulates the liver and urinary system.
  2. The content of zinc, chromium contributes to the regulation of fat metabolism, normalizing weight, and sometimes reducing it.
  3. Strengthens immunity.
  4. Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to get rid of constipation.
  5. Helps in the work of pancreatic hormones and insulin production.
  6. Promotes cell regeneration, improves skin condition, helps to rejuvenate the body.
  7. Inhibits the development of cancer cells.
  8. With regular use of spirulina, people feel a surge of energy, strength, as it improves energy metabolism in cells. The mood improves, the body's resistance to stress, viruses and bacteria increases.
  9. It is indicated for the therapeutic prevention of vascular atherosclerosis, with increased physical activity, to increase endurance, in diabetes and anemia. Spirulina improves memory.


Blue-green algae is contraindicated in young children, as well as people with chronic diseases:

  • with urolithiasis;
  • with stones in the liver and bile ducts;
  • with autoimmune diseases;
  • allergies and individual intolerance;
  • after a heart attack, stroke, with heart and kidney failure;
    with thrombosis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Forms and types of release

They produce blue-green algae - spirulina in several forms:

  • powder form;
  • tablet form;
  • capsules;
  • pressed;
  • in granules (crunches);
  • in the form of cream, ointment, paste, oil, syrup for external and internal use.

It is impossible to choose which form is better, it all depends on the scope and individual wishes of the consumer. So, someone will choose in the form of a powder for making smoothies, suspensions or for dressing in a dish. For some, it is more convenient to take capsules and tablets.

Spirulina is sold in various packages, large and small:

  1. In the form of powder in jars and bags.
  2. Tablets and capsules in blisters and jars.
  3. Cream, ointment, paste in individual sachets in liquid form, in dry form, in jars.
  4. Solid forms are more convenient to take on the road, they are simply swallowed in a certain dosage and washed down with water.

Selection Guide

When choosing drugs with spirulina, it is necessary to take into account the feedback from end users and pay attention to the manufacturer, growing region, origin, quality of raw materials, shape, price, type of packaging.

Criterias of choice

  1. The origin or region of algae cultivation is of particular importance, since unscrupulous producers can grow and extract it in industrial areas where sea plants are saturated with harmful impurities in the form of heavy metals.
  2. The quality of raw materials depends on the place of cultivation and the place of production, on their location and distance from each other. It is better to choose drugs that are processed at the place of cultivation or near them. It is also worth paying attention to what raw materials are processed from - frozen, dried or fresh and in what way.
  3. Concentration in one tablet or capsule and powder per 1 g.Depending on the concentration and destination should be a choice. It is better if it is one capsule or tablet at one time than it will have to be divided or swallowed several pieces.
  4. Type of packaging. The best option is to choose packaging for single use so that the product does not become saturated with moisture or other harmful substances or debris get into it. If this is a large package, then there should be an airtight lid. If this is a package, then it is opaque with a zipper.
  5. The presence of flavor additives (natural or artificial), the absence of monosodium glutamate (preservative), dyes.

Rating of quality dietary supplements according to buyers

Top 5 best pills

Spirulina VEL

Produced in blister packs of 30, 60 and 120 tablets, it consists of 99% algae, 0.5 g tablets. It is used as an additional source of enrichment of the body with nutrients and useful substances.

Spirulina VEL
  • Easy-to-swallow tablet size;
  • The effect is noted by many users;
  • There is a decrease in weight.
  • Not everyone likes the taste.

Nutrex Hawaii, Pure Hawaiian Spirulina

Produced in 100, 180, 200, 400 tablets in a dark plastic jar, it is recommended as a dietary supplement of 0.5 g of a tablet.

Nutrex Hawaii, Pure Hawaiian Spirulina
  • High standards of the production process;
  • Users note the effect.
  • The manufacturer recommends taking 6 tablets per day.

Now Spirulina

Packing 100, 120, 200 tablets, 0.5 g - 100% spirulina, recommended as a food supplement to increase efficiency and saturate the body with useful substances.

Now Spirulina
  • Significantly energizes;
  • It has a positive effect on the skin, hair, weight.
  • Daily dose - 6 tablets.

Solgar Spirulina

Contains 0.75 g; jar of 80, 100 and 250 tablets, for oral administration. Recommended for weight loss, improvement and skin rejuvenation.

Solgar Spirulina
  • The dosage allows you to take 4 tablets per day;
  • By-effects are not revealed.
  • Large tablets.

Spirulina Platensis "Fitosila"

Contains 0.36 g per spirulina tablet. The dietary supplement is used as a vitamin supplement to improve the emotional state, reduce fatigue, and strengthen the immune system.

Spirulina Platensis "Phytosila"
  • Significantly affects weight loss;
  • The manufacturer recommends only 4 tablets per day.
  • It is required to drink a lot during the course of admission in order to avoid dehydration, constipation;
  • Taste.

Top 5 best creams

Cream Intensif Spiruline (France)

Rejuvenating, suitable for all skin types and women over 25 years old. In addition to the spirulina itself, which is part of the composition, among the ingredients there are: thermal water with natural mineral salts, antioxidants. After applying the cream, cellular metabolism and tone increase. The skin becomes firmer and more elastic. Restores water balance, healthy tone.

Cream Intensif Spiruline
  • Multifunctional;
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • Can be used both in the morning and in the evening;
  • Contains Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B5, Glycerin, Linoleic Acid, Seaweed.
  • Not marked.

Sukin Super Greens (IHerb)

Clay mask with spirulina extract and other detox supplements. Relates to ethical cosmetics, as it is not tested on animals.In addition to spirulina, the composition contains parsley extract, cabbage, which has a great effect on complexion.

Sukin, Super Greens Clay Mask
  • Natural composition;
  • Excellent detox and antioxidant effect;
  • Contains no parabens, SLS, SLES;
  • Economic consumption.
  • Not marked.

GREEN MAMA Laminaria and Spirulina

Cream from the Sea Garden series, firming for the body. Its regular use will allow you to get a lifting effect, moisturize and restore the skin. Can be used for massage.

GREEN MAMA "Laminaria and Spirulina" body cream
  • Pleasant texture and smell;
  • Easily absorbed;
  • The effect is noted by users: the skin is noticeably more elastic;
  • Economic consumption.
  • Spirulina is far from the main ingredient;
  • Contains parabens.

LLC "NPF "Tsarstvo Aromatov" Moisturizing cosmetic mask with spirulina

Suitable for all skin types, users over 25 years of age. The mask has a creamy texture, is easy to apply, has a lifting effect, fights pigmentation, smoothes fine wrinkles, accelerates the healing of inflammation.

LLC "NPF "Tsarstvo Aromatov" Moisturizing cosmetic mask with spirulina
  • Natural composition;
  • Ease of application;
  • Contains vitamins A, C, B, E;
  • Pleasant aroma.
  • Not marked.

"Shokonat" ANTI ACNE face cream for narrowing pores

Reduces redness of the skin, evens out the tone of the face, cleanses, rejuvenates. Suitable for use from 20 years old. Designed for combination and oily skin. Assumes application 1 time per day, preferably in the evening.

Shokonat" ANTI ACNE face cream for narrowing pores
  • The composition is almost flawless;
  • Well absorbed;
  • The result is visible after a week of regular use.
  • Not marked.

Top Best Spirulina Oils

Bizoryuk "The sea heals"

Algae oil for dry skin and all ages, suitable for daily use. Stimulates regenerative processes in the skin, has a lifting effect. The base is safflower oil.

Bizoryuk "The sea heals" Algae oil
  • 100% organic product;
  • Suitable for all skin types.
  • For connoisseurs of oily textures, they are not.

NPF "Sib-KruK"

Biostimulated spirulina oil is suitable for massage and daily use, moisturizes and regenerates skin cells. Can be used as a rejuvenating mask. And even taken internally.

NPF "Sib-KruK" Biostimulated spirulina oil
  • Flawless composition: acoustic extraction spirulina oil;
  • Can be used internally and externally;
  • Suitable for body and face.
  • Not marked.

Top 5 best in powder form

Royal Forest

Supplement in the form of protein and vitamins. Packing - 100g opaque bag with a zipper, suitable for the preparation of a suspension. Price: from 300 to 500 rubles. The powder is great for making smoothies, cocktails. It can be added to salads, soups, sauces and other dishes. The country of origin of the seaweed is China.

Royal Forest Spirulina Powder
  • Natural composition;
  • Easily dissolves;
  • Reliable zip package.
  • No.

"Russian Roots" Spirulina organic

A package in a metalized package with a lock fastener, weight - 100g. Price: 200-350 rubles. The course of taking the powder is designed for 30 days. The daily dose is only 1 teaspoon of the substance, which should be washed down with plenty or diluted in any liquid.

Russian roots» Spirulina organic
  • Ease of administration - 1 time per day;
  • Natural product.
  • No.

"Marislavna" spirulina platensis

Packaging in the form of a transparent bag with a zipper, weight - 50 g. The cost ranges from 250 to 350 rubles. Fine powder involves dilution in water. The dose depends on the age of the person. Can be used for children from 1 year old. The manufacturer on his website gives detailed information about the rules for taking the powder.

"Marislavna" spirulina platensis
  • Fine grinding;
  • Dissolves well;
  • Can be taken even by children.
  • No.

Je Vis Spirulina Powder

Weight - 390 g, comes in a transparent jar with a screw cap. Price - from 600 rubles. It can be consumed by dilution in any liquid. It is important to significantly increase the amount of fluid consumed during the reception period.

Je Vis Spirulina Powder
  • The packaging is convenient, with a lid;
  • The smell is natural.
  • Taste for an amateur.

TOP-Spirulina Organic

Metallized bag with a lock clasp, packaged in 100, 200 and 500 gr. The cost is from 600 rubles. Regular, course use of the powder will normalize weight, increase body tone and strengthen immunity. Suitable for vegans and children from birth.

TOP-Spirulina Organic
  • Ideal as a component of fruit smoothies;
  • 100 g of the product is enough for 20 days, which will allow you to feel the effect.
  • The taste is bright, for an amateur.

Overview of the best manufacturers

  • Solgar

An American company operating on the latest technologies in compliance with the quality standards of spirulina. He has many awards and international certificates of the best producer of spirulina. It produces spirulina in a convenient form from high quality raw materials.Use darkened packaging for packaging spirulina.

  • NPO Food Ecology VEL

The Russian enterprise, which has been operating on modern technologies for more than 20 years, is a developer and manufacturer of drugs for therapeutic action. Strict quality control of raw materials and production, allow you to make a quality product.

  • Super Organic

The English company uses raw materials from China, it is sure to test before the production of pressed tablets. The quality of the goods is high, thanks to the use of new technologies. Opaque bags and cans are used to preserve the quality of the product. On packages the technology of the lock zip-lock is applied.

  • Spirulina Food

The Russian company produces spirulina in two forms in powder and tablets, but raw materials are used by Chinese manufacturers, who confirm with quality and testing certificates about the properties and quality of raw materials.

  • Nutrex Hawaii

The company has been specializing in the cultivation of algae for over 30 years, while not using harmful stimulants and herbicides. Preparation of the product for use is carried out using new technologies, such as cold drying, which allows you to save the maximum amount of useful substances. The only disadvantage of their production is that after opening the package you need to store it in the refrigerator, which means it is not recommended to take it with you on the road.

  • Halabudda

The Chinese manufacturer of spirulina produces dietary supplements in two forms, tablets and powder. Production according to new technologies with the use of cleaners, which allow the product to be made of high quality with hypoallergenic properties, without fragrances and other additives, as well as synthetic substances.

  • iHerb

American company specializing in healthy nutrition.The advantage of the company is that it is both a developer and a manufacturer with a large network of enterprises around the world. The quality of its products is confirmed by world certificates. Produces spirulina in the form of powder and tablets, in darkened jars and ziplock bags, for both internal and external use.

As a conclusion

Spirulina in any form can be taken both for the prevention of diseases, increasing the tone of the body, and on the recommendation of a doctor for the treatment of chronic diseases.

You can buy products with blue-green algae in the pharmacy network in stock and through online purchases, on manufacturers' websites with home delivery, as well as on the popular Yandex Market, Ozone, Wildberry, Alibaba, Aliexpress services, as well as in sports nutrition stores.

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