
  1. Composition and benefits
  2. Product varieties
  3. Right choice
  4. The best drinking cream
  5. The best canned cream
  6. Best Whipped Cream
  7. Conclusion

Rating of the best cream producers for 2022

Rating of the best cream producers for 2022

Cream is a dairy product made from whole milk by separating the fat fraction. And it is created independently. To obtain the product, only milk and time are required - fat particles appear on the surface, the milk begins to stratify, goes down. And cream is formed at the top.

Composition and benefits

According to Roskontrol, the product should include only 1 ingredient - cream. This is a natural composition. But often the packaging indicates milk that can be used for cooking. It is added to obtain recombined products - cream of a specific fat content. Only they can be made from whole milk.

Today, according to the technical regulations and GOST, it is impossible to make goods from powdered milk. And the best manufacturers will not break this rule. But the use of stabilizers is allowed. Usually they are used as acids - phosphoric or citric. They are added to the milk before separation is performed to prevent it from curdling. Then manufacturers should indicate food additives on the product packaging.

Cream is a nutritious and valuable dessert with a fat content in the range of 10-34% according to the norms of TR TS 033/2013. Since they contain vitamin D, it provides easy and complete absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Milk cream includes vitamins, mineral salts, microelements. As a source of lecithin, they reduce the level of unnecessary cholesterol, protecting against its deposits in the vessels.

Use in cooking

Used to make butter, sour cream, creams. After whipping, they are added to various dishes. Also original desserts are obtained: cakes, cakes. They also make delicious coffee.

The fat content is suitable for making creams, mousses, cocktails, ice cream, creamy soups and creamy sauces. And with a low fat content, this dessert is considered “coffee”, although some add it to tea. Creams go well with homemade cakes - pancakes, pancakes and donuts. They are also added with berries and fruits.

Is there any harm?

Dessert should not be eaten with milk protein intolerance. It is contraindicated in high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders. It can not be eaten with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, hypertension, obesity, liver ailments.

Doctors do not recommend using cream for children under 3 years old, as they are difficult to digest. The main harm lies in the high calorie content. In order not to gain extra pounds, you should not eat the product often and a lot.

Product varieties

What are creams?

  1. Raw - natural raw materials that are not processed.
  2. Drinking - past heat treatment. Production technology may vary. Processing is considered to be pasteurization, ultra-pasteurization or sterilization. Then the goods are packed into containers.
  3. Canned - dry and condensed.
  4. Whipped - products sold in cans.

The raw form can be stored for 1 day in the refrigerator. This is the raw material for the manufacture of cream sold in stores. To neutralize milk bacteria, products must undergo heat treatment. To do this, select the desired processing method.

Pasteurized cream is prepared by heating in a gentle mode, in which nutritious and biologically active components remain in them. Therefore, this product is considered the most useful. Stabilizers are not used in its manufacture. Pasteurization can be long, short and instant. Shelf life is up to 4 days.

UHT cream is made by heating raw materials for a short time to an elevated temperature. Then everything is bottled in sterile sealed packages. Still can be used treatment with sterile steam for a short time. This method is considered the most gentle, but stabilizers are often used.These products keep up to 6 months.

Sterilized cream is created by prolonged heating at an elevated temperature level. With this treatment, all microorganisms are destroyed. Stabilizers are used to protect milk from curdling. The goods are stored for 6 months or more.

Right choice

It is important to learn how to choose the right products. After all, health and safety depend on it. Cream differs in composition, fat content and taste. How to choose the right products? You should focus on the following few parameters:

  1. The composition is included in the main selection criteria. You need to read the label. It is important that the products contain only cream. There should not be milk powder, vegetable fats. The last product cannot be natural, although unscrupulous manufacturers do their best to hide this, showing buyers only the benefits.
  2. Fat content is also an important parameter, which you should definitely pay attention to. This indicator depends on the goal. Coffee requires 10% fat. A higher value causes the product to not dissolve in the drink, resulting in not-so-pretty lumps. For whipping, for an airy dessert, it is advisable to opt for a fat content of 35%. Sauce and puree require an indicator of 15-30%.
  3. Taste and look. A quality product has a slight aftertaste of pasteurization, slightly sweet, without other flavors and aromas. If rancidity or bitterness, fodder taste is felt, then it is advisable not to use it. All products should be uniform, with a creamy color. During storage, they are able to exfoliate, but this does not always indicate deterioration.This can be checked very simply - if after mixing a homogeneous composition is obtained again, then the cream can be used, and in other cases it is better to dispose of it.

The recommendations presented must be followed by everyone who wants to maintain and strengthen the health of their family. They are advised to be guided by specialists of Roskontrol. And mistakes in choosing can harm your health.

The best drinking cream

The drinking type of cream is made from normalized milk, reconstituted or recombined cream. A mixture of them can also be used. Usually desserts have different fat content, which increases consumer demand. Their energy value is 206 kcal.

Drinking creams are usually added to coffee, tea, which makes drinks more pleasant, healthier. In addition, they acquire a rich taste. Before choosing a product, you should study the rating of quality products.

Avida 20%

A review of the dessert will allow you to get acquainted with its features. Roskontrol specialists revealed the compliance of the goods with safety standards and various indicators. The estimated presence of carbohydrate is less by 31%, protein is more by 20% than indicated on the package.

The dessert contains the optimal ratio of calcium and phosphorus. The marking includes valid data. In terms of physical and chemical parameters, the goods are made in accordance with GOST 31451-2013. Taste and aroma are insignificant. There are no deviations from the fatty acid composition.

Avida contains milk fat. No starch or carrageenan. A high level of calcium was detected. At the price of "Avida" is more affordable than many other similar products.

Avida Cream 20%
  • compliance with safety standards;
  • the presence of milk fat;
  • lack of starch, carrageenan;
  • a lot of calcium;
  • affordable price.
  • mild taste and aroma;
  • slight deviation in fatty acid composition.

Where to buy such a product? It can be purchased at most supermarkets, hypermarkets. This brand is also sold in regular stores.

Prostokvashino 20%

Prostokvashino has been produced by the Russian concern for more than 10 years. Natural cream, which does not include dyes and additives, has already gained a large number of admirers. According to buyers, this is a delicious dessert that adults and children love.

The product is prepared by distilling whole milk through a separator. It undergoes pasteurization, after which packing is carried out in bags. The goods are known to everyone, because they depict the popular cartoon cat Matroskin.

Prostokvashino complies with safety standards, which was confirmed by Roskontrol specialists. The proportion of protein is 12% higher than indicated on the package. All information on it is correct. In terms of physical and chemical parameters, the product is suitable according to GOST 31451-2013. It does not contain starch, carrageenan. It has normal organoleptic properties.

Prostokvashino cream 20%
  • compliance with regulations;
  • good organoleptic properties;
  • lack of starch.
  • uncharacteristic ratio of calcium and phosphorus;
  • lots of phosphates.

The average price of such products is 100-120 rubles. It is also sold in the online store, where the cost is usually a little less. Ordering online is even easier. You can also explore all the characteristics and features.

Auchan 20%

Customer reviews indicate that this is a delicious and high-quality dessert. In addition, it is sold at an affordable price. This dairy product is used not only for ice cream, but also for cooking second courses.

According to experts of Roskontrol, the goods comply with safety standards.The proportion of fat is slightly (3%) less than indicated on the package. It was revealed that the product contains a ratio of calcium to protein, which is not typical for cream. Everything else on the label is authentic.

"Auchan" corresponds to the physico-chemical parameters of GOST. It does not contain starch, carrageenan. There is a lot of calcium present, which is a notable benefit.

Auchan Cream 20%
  • compliance with regulations;
  • no starch, carrageenan;
  • there is a high content of calcium;
  • low cost.
  • the proportion of fat is slightly lower than indicated;
  • unusual ratio of calcium and phosphorus.

For a delicate dessert, this product is perfect. But it is best to add this type of cream to drinks - tea or coffee. It gives them piquancy and a pleasant aroma.

"Okay" 20%

Drinking cream tested for all major indicators. According to experts, they are of high quality and safe. Release form - neat square boxes that are easy to use. The volume is 0.200 l. Weight is quite standard. If you are interested in budget types of products, then "Okay" will be the best choice, since the price is about 50 rubles.

Experts revealed the presence of powdered milk, although this is not required according to the requirements. But the quantitative presence of this ingredient has not been established. Products should be protected from exposure to sunlight. An opened pack can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

cream Okay" 20%
  • long shelf life before opening;
  • safety;
  • low price.
  • little stored after opening;
  • spoiled by direct sunlight.

Svitlogorye 20%

Belarusian products are recognized as high quality. The manufacturer does everything perfectly - milk, cottage cheese, sour cream. Cream is no exception.The taste of "Svitlogorye" is pleasant, it has no foreign aftertastes. The consistency and fat content are ideal, they are suitable for whipping.

If you are interested in inexpensive cream that would be suitable for making coffee, then Svitlogorye will be a wonderful choice. Still products can be used for other culinary purposes.

The main value of cream is the presence of proteins. In 100 g of the presented product, they are in the amount of 2.5 g. But it also contains fats (20 g), carbohydrates (3.8 g). So it is quite nutritious and valuable for health product.

cream Svitlogorye" 20%
  • compliance with safety standards;
  • no starch;
  • absence of foreign tastes;
  • the optimal ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
  • lower SOMO indicator;
  • inappropriate ratio of calcium and phosphorus.

Which company is better to buy goods? Any option presented from the rating is suitable for nutrition. Still it is necessary to be guided by advice of experts.

The best canned cream

These products are produced in cans, in which condensed milk is sold. The presented material of a container allows to keep useful cream for a long time. Such products are also in demand among buyers. The following brands are included in the ranking of the best.


It is made from whole and skimmed milk, as well as sugar. This is a thick cream with a rich taste. It is a wonderful addition to coffee and tea. It is also used for the preparation of culinary products.

The composition is considered safe, but it is desirable to reduce the consumption of the product to a minimum, since it contains sugar. According to customer reviews, this is the best cream of all canned. Experts also give them high marks.

condensed cream Alekseevsky
  • high quality;
  • rich taste;
  • excellent dessert;
  • affordable price.
  • the presence of sugar.

"Vologda Dairy Products"

The company manufactures premium products. High quality is associated with the richness of the natural region and the excellent conditions for the development of animal husbandry. The trademark has been successfully operating in the market for many years, having established itself as a responsible partner.

Condensed cream with sugar is produced in accordance with GOST R 53436-2009. They are quite high in calories, so you should not get carried away with them. Thanks to the tin, the goods are stored for 6 months. According to experts, the product is safe and useful, if you adhere to the norm.

condensed cream Vologda dairy products
  • high quality;
  • useful composition;
  • long shelf life;
  • safety.
  • the presence of sugar.

"Cow from Korenovka"

Products are produced in an attractive bright jar with a picture of a cow. Kuban cream is also sweet, like others sold in such containers. How much does a jar like this cost? The average price is 120 rubles.

  • high quality;
  • long shelf life;
  • affordable price.


  • adding sugar.

"Condensed Shores"

The product managed to earn the trust of customers because of its excellent taste and pleasant aroma. Its delicate texture is pleasant, suitable for various culinary purposes.

Canned cream is made in accordance with GOST 31688-2012, which indicates compliance with generally accepted standards. Like other products in cans, it also contains sugar. So even healthy people need to adhere to the norm.

condensed cream Korovka from Korenovka
  • safe composition;
  • the possibility of using for drinks and dishes;
  • affordable price.
  • adding dry cream;
  • the presence of sugar.

"Dairy Country"

Dessert is made on the basis of whole milk, dry milk, cream, vegetable oils. Sugar and water are also added. These creams have a pleasant texture and aroma. This is a vegetable and creamy product that is loved by adults and children.

"Dairy Country" is approved by experts, as a completely safe composition, delicate texture and no additional aftertaste have been confirmed. Customers also like the product for its taste.

condensed cream Dairy country
  • optimal composition;
  • safety;
  • pleasant taste and aroma.
  • the presence of sugar;
  • difficult opening of the jar.

Best Whipped Cream

This is a dessert made with sweet whipped cream, vanilla. It is often used to make pastries and cakes. Such products can not only be prepared independently, but also bought at the grocery store. Usually it is packaged in cylinders, with the help of which it is possible to maintain a special consistency.

Quality products include cream and sugar. In addition to the main ingredients, flavoring additives are added. Colorings and preservatives may be present. The rating will help you make the right choice.

Alpengurt "Conditor"

The original packaging with a convenient lid allows you to add the right amount of cream. The bottle is easy to store in the refrigerator. When it is not possible to cook whipped cream on your own, then a ready-made store option will help out.

Many buyers have already appreciated the high quality of Confectioner. With its help, delicious desserts, cakes, coffee are prepared. Although the cost is quite high (about 180 rubles), but the goods can be found at a discount.

Cream Alpengurt "Conditor" whipped UHT 26%, 250 g
  • high quality;
  • manufacturer - Germany;
  • pleasant taste.
  • high price.


It is not necessary to buy store-bought cakes or cakes. In the presence of whipped cream "Natural" they can be prepared at home. Delicate taste, pleasant texture and excellent aroma are liked by all buyers. And experts also confirm the high quality of products.

A jar with a plastic lid is convenient to use. The dispenser dispenses as much dessert as required. But since it is sweet, you should not get carried away with it. And the rules don't hurt anyone.

whipped cream Natural
  • pleasant taste;
  • delicate aroma;
  • Ease of use;
  • the ability to cook different desserts.
  • the presence of sugar;
  • not too natural composition.


A well-known brand produces excellent products for decorating desserts and cocktails. The cans are quite convenient: you can easily squeeze out the right amount of cream. President is also added to coffee, which is more aromatic and tastier.

Many buyers consider it the best in taste, composition. Although the price is usually high, but with a promotion, the purchase will be profitable. You can find goods everywhere.

whipped cream President
  • safe composition;
  • convenient dispenser;
  • pleasant taste.
  • overcharge.


Delicious and tender creams fell in love with many customers. Products are appreciated by experts. "Svitlogorye" has a convenient container with a lock and a spout, which makes it easy to apply cream to desserts.

whipped cream Svitlogorye
  • affordable price;
  • pleasant texture;
  • convenient balloon.
  • the presence of harmful substances in the composition.

Schlang Wunder

Whipped cream of this brand is sold in many stores.Buyers note the classic taste, delicate texture and pleasant aroma. It is enough to add dessert to a drink or to a prepared cake to transform their appearance.

Cream Hochwald UHT whipped 30%, 250 ml
  • safe composition;
  • pleasant taste;
  • delicate texture;
  • comfortable balloon.
  • delamination;
  • uneven distribution.


Cream is a healthy treat if it has a natural composition. It is also a delicious and nutritious dessert. With it, you can cook various dishes, drinks, which, thanks to this additive, acquire a completely different taste.

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