
  1. Plumbing for the home: general information
  2. Features of the choice of certain types of plumbing
  3. Mounting Features
  4. Rating of the best plumbing manufacturers for 2022
  5. Instead of an epilogue

Rating of the best plumbing manufacturers for 2022

Rating of the best plumbing manufacturers for 2022

Plumbing is undoubtedly an important part of any home. Products of this group may differ in form, material of manufacture and functionality. Thus, in order to select high-quality sanitary equipment, it is worth taking into account modern technological achievements in the field of its production, the rating of manufacturing companies and other parameters.

Plumbing for the home: general information

First of all, any plumbing fixture must harmoniously fit into the overall design of the room, secondly, it must be installed with high quality, and thirdly, it must be properly connected to utilities. The modern plumbing market is constantly growing and it will not be difficult to find the right thing on it, which will provide the owner with the necessary comfort for many years. Before purchasing any element of plumbing, you must be guided by the following general rules:

  • The quality of the purchased item;
  • Its durability and reliability;
  • The adequacy of the cost and its compliance with the chosen quality;
  • No harm to human health during use (manufactured from environmentally friendly materials).

Before making the purchase itself, it is worth carefully planning the location of the future plumbing facility. An excellent solution here would be to draw up a detailed project, in which you need to take into account the dimensions of the room and the installation location. Further, it will probably already be calculated how much related materials (tiles, glue, pipes and fittings, etc.) will be required. The calculation can be done independently, but it will be more reliable to contact a specialist. In any case, drawing up a detailed plan will save money and accurately select the necessary materials.

At the next stage, you should familiarize yourself with the rating of equipment manufacturers. Usually, for this, they study the history of the company and reviews about it, as well as the assortment present on the market and the place (country) of production. The last parameter most often depends on the level of the cost of goods.Among other things, when analyzing plumbing prices, you need to pay attention to similar products that are sharply out of the standard price range. If the difference is already very large, then this circumstance will not speak in favor of a budget product, but will be a “thick” hint of its dubious origin (fake and low quality).

If we are talking about choosing equipment for a large family, then it will not be superfluous to find out about the wishes of its members, so that everyone can be provided with proper convenience.

At the final stages, it is necessary to decide on the general style and color scheme, so that these two parameters successfully coincide with the design of the walls and ceiling. In principle, white is considered universal, great for bathrooms and toilets, despite the fact that they are decorated in dark colors. However, even white can have shades, therefore, it is preferable to purchase equipment from the same company in order not to have differences in these halftones.

IMPORTANT! Almost any plumbing equipment requires connection to the utilities of the household. Thus, in order not to have to deal with frequent replacement of pipes, this issue needs to be taken care of even before buying plumbing. At the same time, it is desirable to replace all the main external outlets of the pipeline with metal-plastic pipes.

Features of the choice of certain types of plumbing

Toilet bowls

When choosing this equipment, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Production material - toilet bowls are made mainly of sanitary ware or sanitary ware, based on white clay.In its original form, sanitary ware loses to sanitary ware due to its special porosity, which indicates excessive accumulation of moisture and low resistance to chemical and mechanical shocks. Porcelain is considered more durable and dense, its durability is achieved by adding quartz to the clay. However, in order to give faience greater durability and resistance, it can be glazed, and then the strength properties of both materials are completely the same. Nevertheless, if the cost does not play a big role for the user, then preference should be given to porcelain models, because the enamel on faience will collapse over time. For faience models, the average service life is 10-15 years, and for porcelain models - up to a maximum of 30 years.
  • Mounting method - models of toilet bowls can be floor-standing (the bowl on the frame is mounted on the floor or in the wall, or at a short distance from it) and wall-mounted (they are mounted directly on the wall in a suspended form). Floor-mounted ones can have an external (ceiling or hinged) tank, while wall-mounted ones have an exclusively built-in tank, which somewhat complicates use. Floor samples are easier to install and are cheaper, wall-mounted ones are more expensive, but they better save space in the room. Considering that they are installed into the wall (the so-called "frame installation"), they can still easily withstand up to 400 kilograms of weight. Tanks can also differ in the type of water supply - bottom or side, and in the location of the flush hole.
  • Type of bowl - there are three types in total: funnel-shaped, visor (has a wall slope towards the floor), dish-shaped (with a shelf).The latter option is considered unhygienic and archaic (it requires frequent maintenance, plaque and an unpleasant odor form in it), of the advantages it has only the absence of splashes. This type is still produced only by domestic manufacturers. The visor bowl is also non-splattering and does not suffer from bad odors, but is difficult to clean and may require more frequent manual maintenance. Funnel-shaped models, due to the efficiency of flushing, require less maintenance, have no odor problems, but suffer from the problem of splashing.

IMPORTANT! In expensive funnel-shaped models, a special “anti-splash” threshold can be installed, which fights splashes, but in itself requires frequent cleaning.

  • Flush mechanism - most modern toilet bowls have a push-button flush mechanism, through which the tank is emptied by pressing a button. The fittings of such a mechanism are divided into double (full or partial drain) and single (only full). The first option is considered more economical, because only half of the tank can be emptied.
  • Release method - this parameter depends on the location of the sewer outlet and can be horizontal, vertical and at an angle of 30-40 degrees relative to the surface. Horizontal models are considered universal, because the toilet bowl with the help of a corrugated hose adapter can be hooked up to both floor and wall outlets. The corner exit will be relevant if the pipe passes from the floor, however, as close as possible to the wall. A vertical outlet will be the best solution and will save space when the pipe exits the floor, but far enough away from the wall.


When choosing a sink, you need to consider three main parameters:

  • Production material - ceramic samples remain the most popular today, despite the fact that stone, marble, glass, metal and even wood are on sale. Ceramics are also made from sanitary ware and sanitary ware, and the former are considered more durable and durable.
  • Type of installation - according to this criterion, the sinks are divided into built-in (they have a countertop or cabinet), on a pedestal (Tulip plateau), console (suspended). The latter is mounted on a cantilever frame or brackets. Sinks-"tulips" include a hollow bed ("leg" in which the siphon is hidden) and a working bowl. Built-in are supplied with a special countertop or cabinet made of moisture-resistant materials. Built-in samples in our time are becoming increasingly popular, because with the help of cabinets / countertops it is possible to disguise various trunk communications. Still, the cabinets are very demanding on the size of the room and in a small bathroom they will take up a lot of space. In this case, it would be preferable to install a suspended model.
  • Bowl shape - the most popular patterns for this property are semicircular and oval models. Particular comfort is achieved due to the wide side, but triangular variations without sides still occupy a minimum of space. At the same time, as a rule, a mixing device is also selected for the bowl, corresponding to the overall design, mounting height and water supply. It is possible to install a faucet that can immediately serve both the bath and the sink, but such savings usually do not justify themselves, because. due to the frequent turns of the “gander”, the mixer fails ahead of time.


The choice of this type of sanitary equipment is greatly influenced by the material of manufacture:

  • Cast iron - from this, albeit archaic, but the most durable and durable material, models are made with a service life of 30 years or more. If its surface is also covered with a special enamel, then it will not wear out and crack. Due to the wall thickness of 6-8 millimeters and increased heat capacity, the water drawn into the cast-iron bath stays hot longer. Due to its large mass (up to 130 kilograms), such equipment is particularly stable, although it creates considerable problems during transportation and installation. Nevertheless, cast-iron models are particularly fragile - falling into their bowl of a heavy object in most cases will lead to its split. A slippery bottom can cause a fall and injury to a person, therefore, when choosing a cast-iron model, it is better to immediately order an anti-slip coating for it.
  • Steel - samples of this material are lightweight (weight from 25 to 50 kilograms) and are also produced from stamped stainless steel sheet with a thickness of 1.5 to 3 millimeters. Unlike the previous ones, they are less able to maintain the hot temperature of the poured liquid, but are able to warm up faster. They require additional fixation on the floor surface, due to their weak stability. Traditionally require an internal coating of quartzite enamel, which will prevent the formation of cracks and scratches. The standard service life of steel products is 15 to 30 years. Their negative qualities can be called the ease of deformation of the outer walls, as well as the possibility of peeling off the protective enamel over time.
  • Acrylic - the material is a modern polymer, which, in order to increase strength, can be reinforced with fiberglass.Acrylic baths are light and weigh about 15-30 kilograms, despite the fact that they have fairly thick walls of 4-5 millimeters. The shape of their bowl can be completely different, up to irregular geometry. Acrylic is able to retain heat even better than cast iron, its surface is not particularly slippery, and with proper care and timely cleaning, it does not fade and does not change its color tone. The service life of acrylic samples is from 10 to 15 years, which is naturally less than that of previous materials, but is quite comparable with the frequency of major repairs in an apartment. However, acrylic does not like to interact with abrasive chemicals, which forces the user to be careful about choosing household cleaning products.

Mounting Features

It is extremely pleasing that any plumbing equipment sold in Russia should always be accompanied by installation instructions in Russian, which greatly facilitates all manipulations. If there is a primary arrangement of the premises, then all communications are easily worked out at the design stage and the selected plumbing is adjusted to them.

However, if it is not possible to independently calculate and draw up a project, then it is better to order this service from a professional designer, but not a designer. An engineering specialist will competently take into account all the nuances of installation and properly reflect them in the design documentation in numbers: dimensions, heights, distances from the floor and common walls, interior walls and openings, etc. Thus, you won’t have to go and manually search for equipment, it will be enough just to choose a model with certain technical characteristics, which are indicated in the seller’s installation cards.

To date, the problem of water supply is very simple to solve, so it is enough to determine the required length of polypropylene lines that can ensure proper operation, with a sufficient height of the sewer pipe outlet. This parameter will vary depending on the type of plumbing object:

  • For the toilet - floor version - 180-190 millimeters, wall version - 220-240 millimeters;
  • For the sink - 530-550 millimeters;
  • For a bath (or for a shower with a tray) - 60 millimeters.

At the same time, when installing plumbing, you need to take into account the comfort during its operation, which is determined by the availability of free space:

  • For the toilet - at least 60 centimeters in front of the bowl and 40 centimeters on the sides (with an average model size of 60-65 centimeters);
  • For a bath (or shower) - at least 70 centimeters from the front;
  • For the sink - at least 70 centimeters from the front.

In standard Russian apartments, it is not recommended to install elongated or double models of sinks that are designed for two people. It is easier to mount two separate sinks, leaving an empty gap between them. Regarding wall-mounted mixers, their experts recommend placing them at a height of less than 20 centimeters from the edges of the bowl in relation to their own middle axis. Shower faucets are installed at a height of at least 1.2 meters from the floor, and shower screens - at least 2.2 meters from the bottom of the bathtub or tray.

Rating of the best plumbing manufacturers for 2022

The best Chinese manufacturers

3rd place: "Arcus"
votes 0

Under this brand, toilet bowls and bidets, sinks and shower cabins, etc. are produced in China. The brand is of sufficient quality.Manufacturability of production is focused on shower cabins, the design of which is ensured by reliable wheels, impact-resistant glass with a thickness of 0.5 cm, a tray made of ABS plastic with walls of 0.4 cm, durable aluminum parts. To ensure proper base rigidity, the cabins are made of 4-layer fiberglass. The company tries to pay a lot of attention to various little things that ensure the comfort of using their devices. It is characterized by especially competitive prices in the Russian market. Fully complies with international production quality standards.

shower cubicle Arcus
  • Adequate cost;
  • Attention to user comfort;
  • Original design.
  • Small assortment in retail chains.

2nd place: "Eago"
votes 0

Models of this brand are designed in Italy, but are produced exclusively in China. The company is focused on the production of acrylic bathtubs with hydromassage support and showers. Chinese production is carried out exclusively on German equipment, shock-resistant glass, high-quality aluminum consumables are installed in the model. Most models of equipment (bathtubs and showers) are equipped with digital control units. The brand's product range also includes sinks, bidets, toilets and optional accessories for them. Equipment prices are more than reasonable.

shower cabin
  • Modern design;
  • Italian design system;
  • Excellent functionality.
  • In some models, ergonomics are not up to par.

1st place: "Grand Home"
votes 0

This company is focused on the manufacture of premium shower cabins and various accessories for them.The entire range has a futuristic design and is supplied only to foreign markets. It is the presence of many options for shower boxes that has allowed the brand to become a leader in its field. The design uses impact-resistant glass, high-quality acrylic, durable aluminum bases. It should be noted that the glass is protected by a special laminated film that provides additional mechanical protection. Some elements can be made of wood, which adds sophistication and environmental friendliness to plumbing.

Grand Home toilet
  • Versatility;
  • Good combination of price and quality;
  • Futuristic design.
  • Difficulties may arise with installation in Russian conditions.

The best Russian manufacturers

3rd place: "Sanita"
votes 1

Probably the most widely known manufacturer of sanitary products in the homeland. Experts note that the technique is in no way inferior to Western models. The brand focused on the production of toilets and bidets. Their models have a bright style that is perfectly compatible with the overall high quality. Toilet bowls are produced using two different technologies - from gypsum and polymers, or using an innovative casting method. Prices are extremely affordable.

toilet Sanita
  • Long warranty period;
  • Decent quality;
  • Affordable cost.
  • narrow focus.

2nd place: SANTEK
votes 1

In the designs of goods of this Russian brand, German fittings are used, and the control elements are made of durable plastic. The range is replete with product options fully adapted for universal installation. If earlier the company produced exclusively toilet bowls, today bathtubs and sinks of its production have also appeared on sale.Separately, it is worth mentioning the variability in the design of new devices. All products are made either from ceramics or from sanitary ware. Prices can be described as average.

toilet SANTEK
  • Expanded model range;
  • Comfort of use;
  • Easy care.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "Triton"
votes 1

"Triton" is the first Russian brand to start producing European-quality sanitary ware in the Russian Federation. The emphasis in production is on shower boxes, bathtubs, trays, bathroom furniture. The manufacturing technology uses exclusively Russian acrylic. Increased requirements are imposed on quality, which makes it possible to expand the export movement of models to all CIS countries. All equipment is of high quality. The cost can be estimated as average.

toilet Triton
  • Easy care;
  • Long service life;
  • Classic design.
  • There may be problems with fasteners.

The best European manufacturers

3rd place: "Roca"
votes 0

This Spanish brand is known all over the world for the bright design of its models, coupled with their functionality. Any product has the maximum possible number of functions, so that each toilet will necessarily have only a double flush. Official representations of firm are open in 165 countries of the world. The range includes any equipment that may be needed for arranging a bathroom. Goods are made from all possible materials, for example, you can find baths made of both cast iron and wood. For modern products, the latest lightweight and durable materials are used, such as acrylic with reinforcing inclusions. It is possible to manufacture equipment on an individual order.Prices are characterized as high.

toilet Roca
  • Innovative manufacturing technologies;
  • Possibility of individual orders;
  • Wide model range.
  • High prices.

2nd place: Blanco
votes 0

This company specializes in kitchen sanitary ware and occupies a leading position in terms of volume and number of sales. Experts note the bright appearance of sinks and sinks, faucets, which are made in accordance with all world standards. The model range is very wide - you can find both classics and high-end samples in it. The style and material of the products is at a very high level. Prices are characterized as overpriced.

toilet bowl
  • Kitchen orientation of goods;
  • Variation of styles;
  • High quality.
  • Extremely overpriced.

1st place: "Cersanit"
votes 0

Polish brand with a high position in Europe. Along with adequate price thresholds, the brand manages to provide the best quality for the consumer. All products are distinguished by their special strength and durability; the company's activities are focused on the production of sinks and faucets. However, although innovative, but synthetic materials are used in the design, classical materials are simply not used. The general characteristic of the goods is an excellent value for money.

toilet Cersanit
  • High strength;
  • Easy care;
  • An excellent ratio of quality and cost.
  • Not detected.

Instead of an epilogue

Summing up, it can be noted that some types of sanitary equipment can be selected based only on the quality of the material of manufacture.However, most types of plumbing require a full connection to the pipeline, and the comfort of their use will depend on the surrounding free space. Therefore, when buying, you should definitely calculate all the necessary digital values.


