
  1. Description
  2. Rating of high-quality and proven manufacturers of canned fish for 2022
Rating of the best manufacturers of canned fish for 2022

Rating of the best manufacturers of canned fish for 2022

Canned foods have firmly entered our diet, canned fish is no exception. It is important to purchase quality products from trusted and reliable manufacturers, otherwise you can be disappointed in the purchase and harm your health. In the article, we will consider which canned fish are the best, which are the best manufacturers on the market, and also what to look for when buying.


Canned fish is a ready-to-eat product in a sealed container that has been sterilized.

It would seem that it could be simpler than the question of how to choose a canned product, but even here there are a lot of “pitfalls” that must be taken into account so as not to be disappointed when consuming. The benefits and harms of such products depend on the quality of raw materials and storage conditions.

Any canned fish (saury, pink salmon, mackerel, smelt) must comply with GOST, of course, you can cook it yourself (home-made preparations are, of course, more natural and healthy), but it will take a lot of time and effort, and it’s not always possible to do it with your own hands. Classical home preservation is done in an autoclave. Each family has its own recipes and step-by-step instructions on how to cook and preserve food.

Canned food types:

  • natural canned fish;
  • with the addition of oil;
  • in tomato juice;
  • pâtés and pastes.

Of course, canned food is less useful than eating fresh fish, but in some cases you can’t do without them.

  • rich in trace elements (the amount of nutrients is almost the same as in fresh fish);
  • easier to digest than canned meat products;
  • rich in Omega 3;
  • stored for a long time.
  • after opening, it cannot be stored in the same bank, it must be transferred to another container;
  • sometimes made from frozen raw materials.

Criterias of choice

Consider the main recommendations and tips that you should follow in order to avoid mistakes when choosing.

  1. Appearance. There should be no rust, smudges, and other damage on the jar, the lid should not be swollen. Information about the manufacturer, date and place of packaging must be clearly indicated. If the expiration date is not stamped on the bottom, but applied with paint, then in most cases this indicates a product falsification. This product is not worth buying.
  2. Fill quantity. Before buying, shake the jar, if you feel that the product is rolling around the jar, then there is a lot of oil or brine, you should not buy such a product.
  3. Compound. Ideally, when canned food consists only of fish, spices and salt. Some manufacturers may add various impurities, pay attention to this.
  4. Seasonality. Freshly caught is much healthier and tastier when preserved than production from frozen raw materials. Try to buy canned food produced during the catch of fish.
  5. What is the best type of product to buy. The choice depends on your personal preferences. Someone prefers exclusively fish in tomato juice, and someone is crazy about sprats in oil. It is worth considering what you are buying for, for example, for rice or fish soup you can buy saury, and for sandwiches - pollock liver or sprats.
    Which company is better. Much tastier are the products of those manufacturers who are located directly at the place of catch.
  6. Price. Pay attention to how much products from different manufacturers cost. Inexpensive (budget) canned food is not always of high quality.
  7. Where could I buy. You can buy these products in a regular grocery store or order online in an online store. The difference may be in price and in manufacturers.When ordering from an online store, carefully compare what was delivered to you with the photo on the site. If something does not suit you in the bank itself, or you were not brought what you ordered, feel free to refuse the order, poor-quality products can harm your health.
  8. View inside the package. After the purchase, when opening, be sure to pay attention to the appearance of the jar and the fish. The jar inside should be free of rust, mold and other damage. Canned food should be light, without worms, whole pieces. Should not fall apart when you take them out of the can. If canned food falls apart, this may indicate poor-quality raw materials or that they have been frozen several times.

It is worth noting that Roskachestvo constantly checks manufacturers for compliance with quality standards, all domestic manufacturers are annually tested for their products:

  • none of the brands found extra impurities and harmful substances;
  • the ratio of fish and sauce (marinade) for all corresponds to the declared amount;
  • some manufacturers still replace one type of fish in their canned food with another, they were indicated to this after checking (“KitBy”, Bucini, “The Sea Inside”). They took pink salmon and sold it under the guise of sockeye salmon, coho salmon, and chum salmon.

Rating of high-quality and proven manufacturers of canned fish for 2022

The TOP includes popular models, according to buyers. The product type, review, reviews and main characteristics were taken as a basis. The popularity of models according to the test purchase version and according to Roskachestvo was also taken into account. The rating was divided into three large blocks: saury, cod liver and sprats.


Saury is one of the most purchased products on the Russian market. The share of purchases of saury times exceeds all other canned food.It is important that such a product is of high quality. Below are the best saury producers on the Russian market.

Primrybsnab Pacific saury with oil, 250 g

Saury slices in their own juice with the addition of oil. Volume 250 gr. Processing: natural, packed in an iron can. Production is carried out according to GOST. The shelf life of this product is 1 year. Price: 115 rubles.

Primrybsnab Pacific saury with oil, 250 g
  • modern production;
  • natural ingredients;
  • pleasant taste and smell.
  • not found.

5 Morey Pacific saury, 250 g

Saury is cut into pieces and canned in its own juice with the addition of vegetable oil, salt, spices (pepper, bay leaf). Produced in a tin can, weighing 250 gr. The company is located in the Kaliningrad region, raw materials come from other regions in frozen form. Price: 107 rubles.

5 Morey Pacific saury, 250 g
  • the optimal amount of fish inside the jar;
  • natural ingredients;
  • pleasant taste.
  • made from frozen raw materials.

KitBy Pacific saury, 250 g

Energy value 270 kcal. Ingredients: only fish, oil and salt, no additional components. The fish is small, suitable for salad, for example for mimosa or rice pie. The lid is easy to open without a can opener. Packing material: can. Average price: 127 rubles.

KitBy Pacific saury, 250 g
  • natural ingredients;
  • with the function of opening the jar without a can opener;
  • great for salads.
  • price.

BARS Pacific saury, 250 g

The product contains fish, oil and spices. Shelf life 2 years. Pieces of fish are large and juicy. The sauce is spicy and delicious.It has a very large functionality, it is well suited for soup with saury or for various salads on the festive table. Price: 99 rubles.

BARS Pacific saury, 250 g
  • price;
  • compound;
  • The jar is easy to open.
  • not found.

Dobroflot Pacific Saury with oil, 245 g

Dobroflot has established itself in the market as reliable and producing high quality products. Saury of natural processing, with the addition of oil. The lid of the jar can be conveniently opened using the available key (opener). Products have a long shelf life: 3 years. Price: 141 rubles.

Dobroflot Pacific Saury with oil, 245 g
  • made from freshly caught fish;
  • convenient to open;
  • verified manufacturer;
  • high quality products.
  • high price.

GoldFish Pacific saury, 240 g

Saury in its own juice, natural processing with the addition of black pepper, salt and bay leaf. Volume: 240 gr. Produced at the place where the fish is caught. The classic version, universal for any recipes, can be used as an independent dish. Price: 240 rubles.

GoldFish Pacific saury, 240 g
  • natural ingredients;
  • from fish of a fresh catch;
  • the latest production technologies;
  • price.

Cod liver

Cod liver is an exquisite, delicacy dish. It is rich in minerals and vitamins. It can be used both on its own and as a dressing for sandwiches and other snacks on the festive table.

ICan Cod liver, 115 g

Cod liver is rich in Omega 3 and vitamins A and D. It is very important that processing and preservation take place in a natural way, without the addition of chemicals. Catch area FAO27 (Northeast Atlantic). A tin can with a convenient opening method. Price: 254 rubles.

ICan Cod liver, 115 g
  • natural ingredients;
  • convenient packaging;
  • tasty and light.
  • price.

BERING Cod liver, 230 g

Cod liver processed in a natural way, packaging: can, pieces. Canned in own juice. Ingredients: cod liver, salt, bay leaf. Has a shelf life of 2 years. Price: 283 rubles.

BERING Cod liver, 230 g
  • optimal for the price;
  • not bitter;
  • a large amount of product.
  • not found.

Cod liver Haviar 230 g

Delicious fish offal, rich in vitamins, has a high energy value. Brand: Xaviar. Raw materials are conserved directly at the place of catch. It can be used as an independent dish on the festive table, or it can be added to various salad recipes. Price: 320 rubles.

Cod liver Haviar 230 g[
  • conservation at the place of capture;
  • natural composition;
  • large volume.
  • not found.

Cod liver New Ocean, 230g

Producer: Bosco-seafood. Trademark: New Ocean. Russian production. Type of filling of a product: in own juice. Shelf life: 2 years. Price: 259 rubles.

Cod liver New Ocean, 230g
  • not bitter;
  • filling in own juice;
  • large volume.
  • milk is often found in jars.

Aquatoria Cod liver, 230 g

Canned food in own juice, natural processing. The jar has a handy opener. It is made from frozen raw materials, according to GOST, packed in a tin can. Weight: 230 gr. Price: 275 rubles.

Aquatoria Cod liver, 230 g
  • natural way of processing;
  • price.
  • many consumers feel a bitter taste;
  • made from frozen raw materials.

Cod liver Murmansk from fresh chilled raw materials 700 g

Sold in a glass jar with a paper lid. Production is located directly at the place of fishing (Murmansk). The classic canning technology preserves the maximum amount of useful vitamins and minerals in the finished product. Price: 770 rubles.

Cod liver Murmansk from fresh chilled raw materials 700 g
  • homogeneous composition;
  • natural taste;
  • processed directly on the spot.
  • not found.


Sprats were always on the table during the Soviet Union, they were loved and loved by millions of people. They can be applied for any reason. They can be used to make wonderful sandwiches or serve as an independent dish for a snack.

Sprats Hansa, 175 g

Type of fish: herring (carcasses). Processing: smoking. Manufactured according to GOST, packaging: tin can. The package is easy to open. All carcasses are the same size (medium), whole, not in pieces. Price: 125 rubles.

Sprats Hansa, 175 g
  • optimal price;
  • convenient packaging;
  • natural taste.
  • not found.

BARS Sprats from the Baltic sprat, 175 g

Type of fish: sprat (carcass). Processed by smoking, preserved in a tin with the addition of vegetable oil and salt. Are located in 2 layers in bank. Cost: 154 rubles.

BARS Sprats from the Baltic sprat, 175 g
  • beautiful, convenient packaging;
  • natural taste;
  • some oil.
  • not found.

White whale Baltic sprats, 160 g

Smoked sprat carcasses in oil, packed in a can, weighing 160 gr. The product is ready to use in its natural form.The fish is not large, packed tightly, does not break when pricked. Convenient to use for sandwiches. Cost: 104 rubles.

White whale Baltic sprats, 160 g
  • dense fish;
  • does not fall apart;
  • appetizing appearance of the product.
  • not found.

Delicious canned food Sprats Riga, 240 g

Sprats are made from sprat and herring carcasses, smoked and canned in oil. Making sandwiches at home from such sprats will not be difficult. Cost: 139 rubles.

Delicious canned food Sprats Riga, 240 g
  • optimal price;
  • natural ingredients;
  • convenient bank.
  • not found.

Kapitan Vkusov Sprats from the Baltic sprat, 270 g

Sprat in oil, produced in a glass jar with an iron lid, ensuring complete safety and tightness. Sprats can be stored in such a jar for some time after opening. Fish preserved without head and tail. Cost: 152 rubles.

Kapitan Vkusov Sprats from the Baltic sprat, 270 g
  • a large number of fish inside the jar;
  • the taste is natural, rich;
  • produced at the place where the fish was caught;
  • no bitterness.
  • not found.

Tasty canned sprats large, 240 g

Not hard, made from herring carcasses, finished and preserved in oil. A small amount of oil, no additional additives. It is convenient to take such sprats with a fork, they are large and do not fall apart when pricked. Cost: 135 rubles.

Tasty canned sprats large, 240 g
  • without additives;
  • large;
  • the bank is low, comfortable.
  • The sizes of the fish inside the jar itself are different.

Ultramarine Sprats, 190 g

Sprat in oil, finished, is produced according to GOST.The shelf life of this product is 2 years. After opening, the product is not recommended to be stored in a can. Nutritional and energy value: 356 kcal. Cost: 227 rubles.

Ultramarine Sprats, 190 g
  • convenient to open the package;
  • there is nothing superfluous in the composition;
  • packaging at the point of origin.
  • high price.

The article discusses what types of canned food are, novelties on the market, and what determines the popularity of models. When choosing a particular brand, do not forget to pay attention to consumer reviews, this will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses and save time. It is also worth carefully studying the articles of Roskachestvo, they annually check the most popular manufacturers for compliance of their products with international norms and standards.

If you purchased a low-quality product and found it when you came home from the store, having already opened the can, be sure to return to the seller and demand to replace the canned food or return your money. Do not use low-quality products, it can cause serious harm to health.

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