Oatmeal is one of the healthiest cereals. Such porridge is a quick, satisfying and nutritious dish. What are the health benefits of the product, which oatmeal manufacturers are the best, simple porridge recipes, we will talk about this and much more in the article.
Popular porridge - for some it is a favorite breakfast, for others a childhood nightmare. However, it has long been known that its use brings many benefits to the human body, and its use in the diet in the morning saturates with energy for the whole day.
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The method of its preparation depends on the type of cereals and on the degree of their processing. Some need to be boiled, while others are enough to fill with hot water or milk.
Each manufacturer makes a product with slightly different characteristics, so in terms of cooking time, it is better to follow the information indicated on the package or the general instructions for individual types of oatmeal - and try the porridge during cooking, that is, boil or soak until soft, as an option, cook on night.
All useful additives should be added to the porridge at the very end to avoid warming them up and losing vitamins and other valuable ingredients.
An exception can be made for nuts and dried fruits, as long as they are not easily digestible for someone unprocessed (although instead of cooking, you can also fry them, which will add flavor and crunch to them).
For unboiled porridge, such as cooked overnight in the refrigerator, you can add nuts or dried fruits right away, which will become softer when water is absorbed.
To get a thick porridge, you can use a ratio of 1: 2, that is, 50 g of flakes and 100 ml of liquid. To obtain a less thick consistency, more water will be required, even in a ratio of 1: 3, that is, 50 g of cereal and 150 ml of liquid.
They come in different versions, depending on how they are processed. The fewer technological processes they go through, the more useful the cereals.
It is worth choosing oat bran, which is not a waste from grain processing, but a specially manufactured product, much richer in valuable compounds. Oat bran causes greater loss of calcium and mineral compounds than cereal. Therefore, they need to be enriched with additional portions of calcium-rich ingredients.
Such porridge provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety after eating, improves the quality of the diet and supports digestion, blood circulation and metabolism.
They help support, among other things:
Many people have to combine weight loss diets with other specialized diets. Oatmeal is recommended not only for people who are on a diet or want to lose weight.
Due to the low glycemic index (GI), the product is recommended for people with diabetes. Due to the fact that oatmeal does not increase blood sugar, eating it wisely will not lead to weight gain.
In addition, people who need to follow a gluten-free diet for various reasons can usually eat this product without any problems. It is worth remembering that when it comes to oats, gluten is absent in it. However, in case of acute intolerance to this protein in the diet, it is better to buy cereal that could not be contaminated with gluten during production or packaging.
When it comes to making oatmeal while on a diet, it's important to choose how you prepare it. This is due to the fact that when it comes to raw oatmeal, the calories contained in them are 390 kcal, and in 100 g of boiled oatmeal - 60 kcal. However, it is worth remembering that according to the latest dietary recommendations, it is grains and vegetables that should be the basis of the diet. The reason for this may be phytic acid in cereals.
Phytic acid is considered an ingredient that can negatively affect health. Therefore, to neutralize its effect, it is worth soaking oatmeal before eating or eating it with foods containing vitamin C. For this reason, some people recommend adding a little lemon juice to chilled cereal.
Oatmeal, porridge and cereal is about 366 kcal per 100 g serving (glass). A serving equal to a tablespoon (10 g) is about 36 kcal.
Porridge on the water will have the same calories as part of the dry cereal from which it was prepared (for example, 50 g) - a serving of 150-200 g of porridge will give 183 kcal.
Oatmeal with milk will provide more calories, depending on the percentage of fat in the milk. Porridge prepared with 50 g with 0.5% fat milk will provide 220-240 kcal (depending on the consistency, that is, the amount of milk added).
Porridge with 2% fat milk will provide 235-260 kcal, and on a 3.2% fat drink this dose will be 245-275 kcal.
Regular consumption of oatmeal has a positive effect on our body. 100 grams of cereal contains 378 kcal and up to 12 g of protein. In addition, regular oatmeal in 100 grams contains:
Oatmeal is highly recommended for dieters. It is an ideal snack between meals, as well as a full breakfast or dinner. Oatmeal can be added to yogurts, kefirs, smoothies and other semi-liquid dishes, which increases their volume and makes them more saturated.
Oatmeal is low in calories, high in fiber and provides a full feeling of satiety for a long time. A meal made with porridge, honey and fresh fruit will reduce cravings for unhealthy sweets and at the same time make you feel hungry for a really long time.
Oatmeal is a great choice for those looking for a nutritious, cheap and satisfying meal. It can be given to children and it is also liked by the elderly who have trouble eating solid food. Oatmeal is a food to choose from!
The only contraindication to oatmeal may be an allergy to gluten. Although oats do not contain gluten, they are often contaminated with gluten during the manufacturing process. Therefore, people who follow an absolute gluten-free diet should only choose oatmeal from companies that have a separate line for oats, as evidenced by the certificate used.
Before oats for production enter the factories, they are pre-cleaned from agricultural impurities, in case of too high humidity they are sent to the dryer, since the appropriate level of humidity guarantees safe, long-term storage of raw materials.
All operations performed and current parameters obtained must be recorded by the grain storage service.It is important that the storage of oats in production be at the proper level.
The process of obtaining the finished product involves cooking cereals in an evaporator, followed by grinding in crushing machines. The product then enters the flake dryer where it is dried and cooled. To separate flour from them, they must be passed through a mesh separator.
The process of obtaining the finished product involves the use of steam, which can be obtained by burning oat husks, which significantly reduces the cost of operating this production.
The product of the Finnish manufacturer is of high quality and excellent taste. Porridge is saturated with proteins and carbohydrates, contains potassium, phosphorus and zinc, as well as vitamins and provitamins.
Weight - 500 gr.
Price - 195 rubles.
Oats are high-calorie and vitamin-rich cereals. Porridge from this cereal is not only tasty, but also healthy. Oat flakes are designed to make delicious, amazingly healthy cereals. This product is produced using natural bran and germ preservation technology. The grains are large and finely flattened. They retain all the useful substances, have a shorter cooking time compared to ordinary Hercules - 10 minutes.The product will help strengthen the immune system, improve mood and give energy for the most difficult cases!
Weight - 500 gr.
Price - 60 rubles.
Domestic product, free of sugar and preservatives, the perfect breakfast for the whole family.
Weight - 400 g.
Price - 34 rubles.
A fast-cooking product that requires cooking. Does not contain GMOs, preservatives or additives.
Weight - 1 kg.
Price - 135 rubles.
Delicious and delicate breakfast, goes well with dried fruits and nuts, quick and easy to prepare, natural and healthy product.
Weight - 450 g.
Price - 70 rubles.
The product is low in gluten, does not contain gluten, an ideal porridge for people with allergies. It is distinguished by its high antioxidant properties, thanks to the use of porridge, the formation of radicals in the body, which are formed during oxidative processes, is blocked, thereby fighting the aging of the human body at the cellular level.
Weight - 375 g.
Price - 165 rubles.
Instant porridge, no cooking is required, a good option for a full breakfast, tasty and healthy.
Weight - 400 g.
Price - 170 rubles.
An excellent mix with the addition of oat bran. Porridge - will be an excellent food for people who prefer an active lifestyle and sports.
The product is a real source of energy, the body is quickly saturated, there is no feeling of hunger for a long time.
Weight - 500 g.
Price - 90 rubles.
A tasty, healthy and nutritious breakfast for the whole family, both adults and children will certainly like porridge, fragrant, moderately sweet with apple slices and cranberries.
Weight - 300 g.
Price - 70 rubles.
Finnish product of high quality, which will become a tasty, nutritious dish. Cooking porridge is simple and easy, the taste is impeccable.
Weight - 600 g.
Price - 161 rubles.
Oatmeal porridge with the addition of dried plums is not only a full breakfast, but a nutritious and tasty dish at an affordable price.
Weight - 300 g.
Price - 68 rubles.
A delicious, nutritious breakfast is what the body needs. Oatmeal contains an insoluble fiber fraction that improves bowel function, binds excess stomach acid, helps with acidity and heartburn, and also gives a feeling of satiety, allowing you to reduce the calorie content of food. Choose a delicious and high-quality product for breakfast and snacks.