The quality of the flooring is an important factor in comfort. This article provides a list of the best manufacturers of linoleum, which is one of the most common among other floor coverings. The rating includes organizations from many European countries, which began their existence a long time ago and conquered buyers with the quality of their products.
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Repair work in any premises, whether it is your own apartment or office, cottage or workshop, is a rather laborious process. Before the repair procedure itself, it is necessary to plan everything properly and conduct a detailed analysis. Be sure to choose wallpaper, ceiling material, future furniture, various accessories and, of course, floor coverings.After all, it is the floor, first of all, that catches the eye at the entrance to the room and most often lends itself to various deformations.
The most common type of flooring is linoleum. Linoleum appeared at the beginning of the 19th century and even then won the hearts of most owners of luxurious homes. To date, this material is widely distributed to cover almost all rooms of residential and work premises. Manufacturers, in turn, over many years of effort have developed hundreds of thousands of different shades of material with wonderful patterns.
Linoleum companies use felt, resin fabrics, nitrocellulose, rubber, and many similar materials in the manufacturing process. A wide range of modern linoleum offers proven quality at an affordable price.
When choosing this material, you need to clearly understand which room the linoleum will go under. For example, the coating for the kitchen will not look very nice in the living room or the linoleum from the hallway will not be suitable for the hall, etc. There are also several criteria for choosing this material that you should follow.
The wear resistance class is one of the most important criteria by which a material differs. For example, if a one-room apartment is designed for one person, then soft linoleum will go to it, which will occasionally receive a mediocre load. In the case of a constant flow of people, a very dense type of coating should be laid in the room, as it will be subject to constant deformations. To help an ordinary repairman, they came up with a special classification by which you can navigate during the selection: the level of 20-25 goes for residential buildings, and 30-35 for office space.
Auxiliary properties - when purchasing a material, the buyer may want to have various additional benefits, in addition to the main purposes of the coating. These include moisture resistance, noise reduction, environmental friendliness of components, etc.
Appearance - with the help of this criterion, you can choose a lot of different options for your room. In this regard, we mean not only a variety of drawings, ornaments and shades, but also the type of canvas, namely washed down under a stone, wood or a plain version.
Thickness is a good criterion that will save you a lot of time. The fact is that in the case of uneven floors, you can pick up a thick layer of coating, which will redraw all the bends with its mass. If the floors are even, then you can take a thin layer. However, remember the wear resistance criterion, thin linoleum will not show maximum durability.
Type of material - in this regard, everything is pretty clear. For their housing, each buyer selects linoleum, created from those materials that he considers the most suitable. In recent years, PVC has been considered the most common type of product.
Well, the most important thing. In order to choose the right material, you should familiarize yourself with the rating of the best manufacturers of linoleum. This article details the list of the most popular manufacturers that stand out for their excellent quality, reliability and affordable price.
This is probably the most affordable option when buying linoleum with excellent performance. Based on statistics, the materials of this manufacturer have recently been introduced to the domestic market and have become its main part.Comitex Lin company was organized in the early 2000s and since then they have been producing quality products, constantly developing and gaining experience. Every year, manufacturers listened to the requests of customers and took into account all the details necessary for a successful result. Thanks to this approach, the company has achieved unrealistic heights among the manufacturers of such material, and produces an excellent product.
What is famous for linoleum from Komiteks? The fact is that during the development of the canvas they use non-woven material. The next step is strict control over the production of products. To create it, only environmentally friendly materials are used, polyester is 100 percent.
Comitex enterprises own a number of special laboratories, thanks to which they regularly conduct tests to improve the canvases. Of course, not without disadvantages. In some cases, buyers indicated a short service life of the coating.
The widespread German brand began its production in 2003. That year, several successful businessmen, Thomas Breitner and Johan Städtler, founded the company and began manufacturing the popular flooring. It is known that one of them has been producing various coatings from environmentally friendly materials since the distant 1997. Further production expanded. This process was carried out by introducing quartz-vinyl tiles into the assortment.Having met with Thomas, Johan founded the planned enterprise and already in 2005 the whole world learned about their production.
In the vastness of the domestic market, this company appeared in 2013 and gained popularity. Fame increased every year, and buyers created advertising for all their loved ones. Linoleum is considered the most popular coating of the company. Vinyl is used to create the canvas. This is a very durable material, thanks to which the canvas can last a long time with moderate loads. Alpine Floor Linoleum can offer sufficient resistance to moisture and an attractive appearance.
This is a clear example of how long work and constant effort bring great results over time. At the moment, the American company is the largest manufacturer of floor coverings in the world. The company began its existence in the distant 1860 and at that time was engaged in the production of bottle caps. Production gained momentum, and by the end of the civil war, the company became the most qualified in its field, which contributed to further improvement, the introduction of linoleum production.
Over the years, the brand has improved and created new models of coatings. Constant listening to its own customers has enabled the company to rise to the forefront of flooring manufacturers. The company employs exceptional specialists, thanks to which the quality of products has an unattainable level. Customers who have used the materials of this company are always satisfied and recommend them for use.There is also another name for the company - Marmorette.
Lack of models on the Russian market;
Occasionally, a pungent smell of freshly laid flooring, which disappears after a long time.
A well-known Italian company started its activity more than a hundred years ago and already then had wide popularity. In addition to fame, every year the products of the company left only positive emotions among customers. The manufacturer has achieved this result thanks to hard work and constant monitoring of product quality. This approach gave the company access to the global market. Grabo stands firmly on its feet and can easily compete with similar flooring giants.
The choice of products from the manufacturer is really large. In their arsenal there are: parquets, sports and industrial coatings, as well as apartment and office linoleum. It is linoleum that is being dismantled from the shelves of hardware stores at a breakneck pace. This excitement is due to the excellent quality and reliability of materials. These coatings can be purchased at an affordable price and provide your home with the best coverage with a long service life. Given the overwhelming number of positive customer reviews, we can say that the company produces really high-quality coatings.
The company that manufactures and supplies linoleum has been providing excellent quality coatings at an affordable price for many years. The manufacturer gets down to business with a special approach. Absolutely every material used in the production of coatings undergoes special testing with all possible standards. The most important direction in which production is involved is the creation of linoleum for houses and apartments (household coatings).
Feedback from buyers is always positive.
A large selection of ornaments and shades will help the buyer to choose a coating for each dwelling. Sinteros linoleum boasts a wide range of colors, affordable price, reliability and long-term service. Also coatings have good thermal conductivity, wear resistance and noise reduction. Absolutely every housing equipped with this material will have a neat appearance. Linoleum Sinteros has an increased level of softness. Like previous brands, this organization has only positive reviews.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, a company was opened in Slovenia that made specialized jute fabric. Time passed, the company gained momentum and after many years became one of the best manufacturers of flooring.As befits a good production, the quality of products grew and demand increased, which contributed to the opening of a branch in the Russian Federation. The diligent firm has gained a reputation as the best manufacturer of linoleum in the vast Russian market and became part of the Beaulieu Internetional Group.
A distinctive feature of the production of coatings of this company is the presence of environmentally friendly and safe materials. Linoleum is considered the most common type of brand coating. As befits a reputable company, each production process is carefully controlled. Enterprises in Russia are given special attention, thanks to which the manufactured materials have special reliability and a long service life. It is also worth noting the bright, memorable design of the coatings, which will bring convenience and comfort to every home.
This company is a real mastodon in the production of building materials. It originates in the distant past with a rich history. There were various events that influenced the development of the company, which eventually brought it to the forefront of PVC products manufacturers. At the moment, there are more than seventy branches and representative offices, which are distributed throughout the globe. Based on information from many sources, we can say that over the past year, the company's income has shown one billion dollars.This clearly speaks of the scale and worthy quality of the brand's products.
It is thanks to the production of linoleum that Forbo has reached unprecedented heights. The floor covering of this company is classified: for home, sports and office premises. It is noteworthy that the materials of the company are distinguished by their natural composition. They also have enhanced moisture resistance. Absolutely every branch of the company's flooring is distinguished by a huge assortment of various shades, ornaments and colors. The company's linoleum has exceptional wear resistance, as well as environmentally friendly materials.
The composition of the materials used in production includes pine resin, limestone, linseed oil and wood flour.
This organization began its existence more than seventy years ago and is currently considered one of the most influential flooring companies. The company's products are of excellent quality and are appreciated by buyers from different walks of life. The brand has long established itself as the best manufacturer of all types of coatings, and has a really huge selection of products. The unquestioning quality and reliability of Gerflor coatings is confirmed by a considerable customer base.
The main feature of the linoleum of this company is a thick protective layer on the surface.This is a brand name of Gerflor. Unlike other companies, it is they who pay attention to reliable surface protection, due to which the coating will not succumb to various household damage. Dents, scratches, cuts and various defects are not terrible for this linoleum. This effect was due to the company's special secret technologies, which were often improved over the years. Regular customers emphasize the increased wear resistance of floor products. There were practically no shortcomings in these coatings.
This organization is considered the youngest in the list of the best linoleum manufacturers. Despite their little experience in the production of flooring, manufacturers are closely monitoring the quality of products, as well as the original appearance. The main feature of the company is the unique design of products, and judging by the feedback from customers, they are the best at it. Compared to other manufacturers, the products of this company are very different, and all thanks to the constant experiments that are regularly carried out by the company's specialists.
Floor coverings of this company are widely used in almost all structures of society. The product design is suitable for apartments, public institutions, sports facilities, medical complexes, sanatoriums, as well as urban bathrooms. It is noteworthy that the products are kept in places with a large flow of people.All this is due to the strength of the materials used in the development of linoleum. This approach is achieved through constant technology upgrades. Thanks to this, the most inveterate critics cannot find fault with the quality of products.
This manufacturing giant was born almost 150 years ago and then had a completely different name - Dominion oil Cloth. After a while, the company was renamed Domco, and only by the beginning of the nineteenth century was it called Tarkett. From the very first years, the organization was in demand and produced high-quality goods. Tarkett's products were a resounding success and created products with good durability and reliability. By the seventies of the last century, this organization was known throughout the world and occupied a leading position. Interestingly, despite such success, the company experienced strong declines and mergers with other enterprises.
Regardless of the changes, including for the worse, at the moment the company has reached incredible heights. Its list includes more than twenty-five branches and sales offices that are engaged in the promotion of products. The annual turnover of the organization is almost two billion euros. The floor coverings of the company boast good quality and amazing design. Nearly ten thousand people are diligently working on coating projects. The materials used in the creation of linoleum, provide it with strength and durability. Products are produced in different classes, different in price.
Linoleum from the presented brands is an opportunity to choose the perfect floor covering, taking into account the area and patency of the room, the desired pattern and footage. The range is wide, it is important to make the right choice!