
  1. Features of purchasing a bed
  2. The most popular manufacturers of the best beds in 2022

Rating of the best bed manufacturers for 2022

Rating of the best bed manufacturers for 2022

The most important component of a bedroom is the bed. Its design and construction will affect not only the appearance of the room, but also the comfort during sleep. A person needs to choose the right product from a variety of options. How to do it? What brand of bed should I buy?

Features of purchasing a bed

Buying a spacious bed, a person acquires convenience and comfort. Therefore, everything needs to be well thought out and weighed. When buying bedroom furniture, you need to focus on some subtleties:

Choice of dimensions and design

The dimensions of the structure are selected depending on the height of the person and the size of the room. Beds are single, single and double.The main thing is to be comfortable on the bed. Modern beds have the most diverse design. You can buy a product of non-standard shape, if the size of the room allows. But keep in mind that you have to spend time looking for the right bed linen. It is also necessary to take into account the dimensions of the bedroom.

Materials used for production

High quality raw materials are a guarantee of structural strength. There are many execution options.

One of the most common materials is wood. Products from it have the necessary strength. Ecological cleanliness is the main advantage of wood. The strongest will be structures made of oak, beech, ash. This material is expensive, but cheaper options can be found.

Metal products are particularly strong and durable. Forging elements give the design a special flavor and charm. This product is in very high demand.

MDF is inferior to wood and metal in all respects. Beds made from it look modern and trendy. There is no harm to health from it, but the service life is less than that of the above analogues. The price corresponds to the quality, so such products are well bought up in stores.

Beds made of fiberboard and chipboard are a budget option. They have the shortest lifespan. After a short period of time, such products begin to creak and after a couple of years they can break. People acquire such structures when their financial situation is very limited. When buying such a product, you must definitely look at the level of formaldehyde content in it. Permissible levels E0 and E1. If the indicator is exceeded, then taking such a product is not recommended, you can harm your health.

Chipboard, MDF and fiberboard are usually sold in laminated form. Therefore, the appearance of products made from them is very beautiful. The laminated drawing can copy a stone or wood species. Often manufacturers cover their products with veneer, fit with eco-leather, other material. Such things look rich in the bedroom. When buying such products, you need to pay attention to eco-leather or fabric of high quality.

Currently, wooden pallets are actively used. From them you can make furniture for the dacha, tables and chairs in a summer cafe. Many designers manage to use these wooden structures under the frame for the bed. But such a decision requires serious study. It is necessary that everything fits perfectly into the interior of the bedroom.

How is the foundation

The lower part of the bed can be made in the form of a metal mesh or slats, which are made in the form of bent strips (made of plastic, wood). The iron base will last a very long time. Lamels are very convenient and healthy. This option is considered orthopedic. When buying this design, you need to look at the number of bent strips in the product. The more voluminous the bed, the more lamellas should be in it.

Mattress selection

There are 3 items to consider. Dimensions, filling material, upholstery. Each bed comes with its own mattress. Therefore, the sizes of these things must clearly match. If the dimensions of the products differ, then the entire structure may fail. During sleep, convenience and comfort will disappear. The mattress filler can be artificial and made from natural ingredients. Synthetics are cheap, but can cause allergies. Artificial filler does not allow air to pass through. Natural material is environmentally friendly, but it costs many times more.Upholstery is made from different fabrics.

Cotton and sheep's wool are considered the best options. Both materials do not cause irritation and are considered environmentally friendly. It's important to know! Very often the bed is sold complete with a mattress. In such cases, the quality of the latter is not at the highest level. Therefore, it is better to buy a mattress separately. Then the whole structure will last a long time.

Interior Features

The selected furniture should harmoniously fit into the design of the bedroom. It will be necessary to take into account the color of the walls and ceiling. Sometimes you can buy a bed that will stand out with its style against the general background of the room.

The most popular manufacturers of the best beds in 2022


A well-known retail chain of large supermarkets in Russia. A constantly developing company that presents modern novelties of furniture products that correspond to the latest technologies. One of the most necessary among the products is furniture for dreams and relaxation. The comfortable beds offered by Hoff provide maximum comfort during night and daytime sleep. Variety in configuration, design and color schemes, with the irreplaceable excellent quality of branded creations. A fairly extensive selection will allow you to purchase a beautiful piece of furniture for every budget and taste.

One of the best and current models is Katya's bed. Its functionality and aesthetics, convenient lifting mechanisms attract many buyers. Below, under the bed, there are volumetric sections where you can fold bedding sets, a blanket and pillows. The size of the bed, designed for two people, is 160 x 200 cm, the surface is sheathed with high-quality high-quality leather.

An important advantage is stable and durable shiny legs, an orthopedic body made of strong rails.

Cost: 15900 rubles.

Hoff bed
  • beautiful design and appearance;
  • good capacity;
  • affordable price.
  • mechanisms wear out quickly;
  • poor service;
  • repair delays, lack of parts.


The next company that deserves special attention is Toris. This manufacturer is often present in the ratings. The environmentally friendly and high-quality materials selected for their products emphasize the firm's stand out from competing organizations. These beds are made of real wood and solid wood. Unusualness and a certain feature of the beds is a pattern made by nature on a wooden board. They are equipped with a lifting mechanism with an orthopedic pedestal and a deep niche. Unique furniture looks very stylish, durable and expensive.

The most purchased among the rest is the bed "Atria". Mechanical equipment, voluminous and reliable linen compartments, a rising structure with a massage base, give the product comfort and style. It is designed for two beds, has standard dimensions of 160 x 200 cm, the headboard is trimmed with genuine leather or velor. Consumers are satisfied with long-term product warranties and excellent service. The range of colors and fabrics also pleases with great variety. Toris is distinguished by its reliability, durability and long service life.

You can choose models that are suitable for the cost, the Evita series is one of the budget options. Products from the Vega and Atria collections proved to be excellent in work and durability.There are also children's beds, consisting of two tiers, made of natural fabrics and wood, inexpensive in price. Many models are made from solid wood, affordable oak samples, and beech beds.

Huge variations of beds - single beds without a niche, and with options for completing them with drawers for storing small and large things. The advantages of this manufacturer are the design and manufacture of their own orthopedic mattresses, which are perfect for other models. They help to fall asleep and get up with comfort, without bringing discomfort.

Cost: 14500 rubles.

  • a wide range of mattresses;
  • the frame is made of wood;
  • orthopedic base.
  • complaints about the substitution of low-quality materials;
  • inaccurate delivery times.


The main concept of the developing Rayton brand is the production of modern products and products for light sleep. The task of the factory is to provide maximum convenience to consumers by providing safety, environmental friendliness and high technology. The developers involved in the manufacture of furniture are highly qualified specialists and use solid materials. They bring to life rather bold ideas in a short time.

Created Rayton models and their components do not cause allergic reactions. Among the most popular is a bed for two, elegant and concise, with a lifting mechanism, called Life 1 Box. It is made of a metal frame with a soft headboard, spacious drawers and compact dimensions of 160 x 200 cm will help save space as much as possible.A high score from customer reviews says that branded furniture is upscale and meets European standards. Included is a detailed description of the assembly, which you can handle yourself.

The product has removable covers and sliding parts. Among the presented samples, you can choose the one that suits the style and comfort. The brand offers the most popular samples, including Milena, Woodstone, Accord, Garda, Sonata, there are also children's models - Otto. Manufacturer Rayton offers branded samples of beds and various sleep accessories made from environmentally friendly materials. Minor annoyances due to a delay in delivery will not be a very important point, since the cost and quality correspond to the stated description.

Cost: 3500 rubles.

  • a huge range of goods for rest and sleep;
  • high quality and environmentally friendly materials;
  • iron frame and stylish appearance.
  • low quality of service.


The company that produces goods necessary for sleep, over the years of its existence, has not only won the trust of customers, but also strengthened its position in the sales market. The company has been producing various beds for 16 years, which are distinguished by high quality, original design and comfort in use. It is also worth noting that beds are made from environmentally friendly and absolutely safe materials that have a quality certificate and fully comply with it. At the same time, all furniture manufactured by Ormatek regularly undergoes quality control. The most popular beds, today, are those that are equipped with a lifting mechanism.

The range of beds with such a mechanism is quite wide. There are also budget models. They are carried out, mainly, in standard sizes of 160x200 centimeters, from light, but at the same time quite durable chipboard. Of this line of beds, the most popular is the Nero double models, decorated with leather inserts and buttons. No less popular are beds from the premium class, "Alba". The main advantages of the bed are, first of all, durability, maximum strength and convenient, in operation, mechanism. Beds are available in different designs. The company also produces children's models of beds, single and double, both with and without an installed lifting mechanism.

The leading place is occupied by wrought iron beds and wooden beds made from solid wood. The main advantage of such products is the huge variety of accessories that can be purchased to decorate the bedroom. Ormatek bed models produced by the company are also in great demand, but as an addition they do not include a mattress.

Cost: 9500 rubles.

  • accessories with anatomical properties;
  • a huge selection of various accessories for sleeping (pillows, blankets and bedding sets);
  • high quality systems.
  • the base block and various accessories quickly fail.


This company is one of the largest Swedish concerns, and occupies a leading position in the production of beds in many countries. The quality of all products manufactured by Askona is strictly controlled in its own laboratories. It should be noted that the products are very popular among the population, therefore, they are most in demand in the sales market.At the same time, the range of goods that the company produces is quite wide, so each buyer can choose a bed model according to his requirements. Beds equipped with a lifting mechanism are mainly made of plywood, polyurethane foam, as well as chipboard and leather. But no matter what material the products are made of, they all have a beautiful and stylish appearance.

Customers who have purchased Ascona beds are satisfied with their choice. The most popular model is the double bed "Marta". It is equipped with a reliable mechanism, due to which the design is absolutely not loosened over a long service life. It is also worth noting that the base of the bed is quite strong, the details do not loosen and do not crumble, and the headboard does not depart either.

The presence of a capacious box allows you to store a bed or various things. The bed both falls smoothly and rises, and at the same time the mattress does not slip off. For many owners of such models, thanks to the installed lifting mechanism, the bed also performs the functions of a closet, which is not unimportant for small spaces.

Cost: 18900 rubles.

  • some expensive models include an orthopedic, premium mattress;
  • the bed frame and base are made of natural materials;
  • has an elegant appearance.
  • there is a chemical smell.


The beds produced by this company are made exclusively from high-quality natural material that has a long-term guarantee provided by the supplier. And they also have a fairly simple design and are equipped with high-quality fittings. The brand occupies a leading position among other Russian manufacturers producing orthopedic products.

It is worth noting that all products are completed with materials of a domestic manufacturer, as well as certain spare parts manufactured by Belgian, Dutch and German companies are used. At the same time, the company produces bedroom sets of a budget option and just separate models of beds. Furniture pleases buyers not only with its color scheme, but also with its pricing policy, which is an important fact for many.

The main advantage of the product is that the kit includes a mattress, as well as the fact that it is possible to remove the cover from the mattress. Thanks to competent and polite communication of consultants, the buyer can get acquainted with all the information he is interested in about the purchased product. Customers are outraged only by the fact that there are some problems with delivery.

Cost: 12900 rubles.

Perrino bed
  • literacy and attentiveness of consultants;
  • high quality.
  • no delivery of goods.

Borovichi Furniture

A manufacturer from Russia, producing furniture at an enterprise located near Novgorod, produces furniture from high quality laminated chipboard. On the one hand, the furniture is not elite and is inexpensive. But thanks to its high-quality production, the purchase turns out to be profitable, you can seriously save on it.

The cost of the highest budget model does not exceed 25,000 rubles. The company is famous for the production of single, double, triple beds. Borovichi-Mebel can be considered such an example. This is a transforming bed in which the first tier has an additional place to sleep, there are two tiers in total. A special model for children under 7 years old makes it possible for the child to sleep more than a meter from the floor.The distance that forms between the bed and the floor is designed like a house where children can play. It even has windows.

There is an adult bed, which looks like a single bed in size, that is, there is an additional place to sleep for one more person. Models are often made in a conservative strict style. Such models can be called minimalistic, there is nothing superfluous, luxury elements, only the most necessary.

Cost: 3400 rubles.

Borovichi-Furniture bed
  • furniture has a high degree of reliability;
  • furniture is not elite and is inexpensive;
  • great quality.
  • not found.

Sonya Mebelgrad

Another company that produces furniture in Russia is Mebelgrad. Here natural raw materials are used. An extensive range of colors will please buyers, especially those who are not very good with money. This line is for children, there are beds for children from 2 years old with sides around to prevent falling.

The furniture is made from solid pine or birch wood. These natural materials are coated with a special varnish, which has a water base. Making furniture in Russia does not make production limited. In production, equipment from Germany and Italy is used.

Among the furniture of the Sonya line, products with drawers are in demand. The company assembles this product in several versions:

  1. A bed called "ottoman" and its main consumers are two-year-old kids. There are two variations of the model here. In the first side, they are located around, and on one side there is an exit. The second option with two outputs. The side is located in the center, forming two exits at the corners. The bed is equipped with two drawers that are pulled out.They can store various items and personal items. The bed costs no more than 10 thousand rubles. The product fully justifies its cost. The bed can be supplemented with other elements, and it will go to the child for growth. It can be with an attic, equipped as a bunk bed, which can be used conveniently when replenishing the family, expecting a child.
  2. "Sonya" bed with a loft. The maximum cost is 15 thousand rubles, this is also a transformer bed. Preferably, the product is bought by children aged 4-5 years. Between the floor and the bed there is a space of 120 cm, which is equipped like a playhouse. Some models are equipped with a vertical ladder. For the bed, accessories are provided that match the product: additional pockets, the presence of walls, a door.
  3. A model with two tiers "Sonya" will cost 20,000 rubles, it can be laid out like two beds that do not depend on each other. Creating a comfortable sleep with the help of furniture is not difficult.
"Sonya" bed with loft
  • several assembly options;
  • convenience;
  • safe beds.
  • not found.

In Russia, there are many companies and enterprises that are engaged in the production of furniture. To understand this large assortment, it is enough to study customer reviews, then visit the selected store and try on the product for yourself. High-quality furniture not only lasts a long time, it provides everyone with a comfortable sleep. No wonder they say that sleep is health, and good sound sleep is good health.

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