
  1. How to choose delicious sweets?
  2. Rating of the best Russian candy producers for 2022
  3. TOP foreign candy manufacturers
  4. Conclusion

Best Candy Makers for 2022

Best Candy Makers for 2022

Are there people in the world who do not like sweets? Even if there are, they are very few. Almost everyone remembers the taste of their favorite sweets from childhood. Since ancient times, people have been able to cook a variety of sweets, which serve not only as a decoration for the festive table, but also as an excellent gift for both a child and an adult.

Initially, sweets were called special sweet medicinal drugs prepared for medical purposes (in the form of jam, candied berries and fruits). Subsequently, this name spread in everyday life, and began to denote a dessert, a sweet treat. Since sugar was invented relatively recently, honey, molasses, nuts, dried fruits, and syrup were used to make sweets.

In the modern world, there is a huge variety of sweet ingredients used to make sweets and other goodies.On the shelves of stores you can find a wide variety of sweets that differ from each other not only in the original ingredients, but also in the manufacturing technology - chocolate with and without filling, dairy and dairy-free, lollipops, caramel, praline, truffle, fudge, jelly, fruit, soufflé, toffee , halva, etc.

Recently, the following trends have been observed in the confectionery business:

  • Orientation to the production of sweets with unusual fillings - salted cracker, lime, pepper, maple syrup, etc.;
  • Increasing sales of products made from natural dark chocolate, which is associated with the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition;
  • Production of confectionery products for certain groups of the population with an individual selection of composition, for example, for the elderly.

How to choose delicious sweets?

General recommendations for choosing confectionery

  • Best before date. Each confectionery product, like other products, has an expiration date. So, the "correct" marmalade is stored for no more than 30 calendar days, and bird's milk sweets - a little more than two weeks. Lollipops and caramels may not spoil for 6 months.If the shelf life indicated on the package is significantly longer than the nominal one, you should think about the rationality of buying such sweets, since, most likely, preservatives have been added to the sweets to ensure such a long shelf life.
  • If sweets are sold not by weight, but in branded packaging (boxes, jars, bags), it must contain the following information - the name of the manufacturer, net weight, production date, expiration date, composition, energy value (calorie content ), GOST according to which the product is manufactured.

What to look for when buying chocolates?

  • First of all, experts recommend paying attention to the appearance of the confectionery. The shape of the product must be symmetrical, the filling must be completely covered with a layer of chocolate.
  • Chocolate on the surface should have a uniform shade without streaks and inclusions. A white coating on the surface indicates that the required temperature regime was not observed during the storage of sweets (most likely, they lain at a low air temperature for a long time).
  • In the first place in the list of ingredients should be cocoa. If vegetable fats are present, this indicates that the manufacturer saved on the purchase of natural ingredients and made a confectionery product from substitutes that are not healthy. According to buyers, such sweets are not only harmful to health, but also have mediocre taste.
  • Candies should have a bright and distinct chocolate smell. The aroma of the filling should not prevail over the aroma of sweets. If there is an extraneous smell, most likely, the sweets were stored next to other odorous products.
  • According to the advice of confectioners, it is better to buy sweets in branded stores of manufacturing factories, this will not only help you get goodies at a budget price (compared to chain stores), but also be sure of the quality and naturalness of sweets.
  • If gift sets are bought, it is recommended to take a small portion of sweets for testing, in order not to disappoint the recipient.
  • High-quality chocolate candy should melt in your mouth, since the melting point of natural chocolate is 32 ° C. If this does not happen, it can be concluded that the manufacturing company either used cheaper raw materials during the manufacturing process or violated the production technology.
  • A candy made from real chocolate should have an even, smooth and shiny surface. If the sweetness has a matte surface, this indicates that the manufacturer has included soy in the composition, which reduces the consumer qualities of the product.

Selection criteria for lollipops and caramel

  • Sweets of this type can be sold both in a wrapper and without it. Its absence does not affect the taste and other characteristics of caramel. If sweets are sold in a wrapper, it is worth checking its quality. The paint on it should not crumble or be imprinted on the hands, the wrapper should not stick to the candy. The best wrap is foil or cellophane. Such material does not emit harmful substances and well protects caramel from moisture, which is detrimental to this type of sweets.
  • The appearance of the lollipops is also important. They must be of the correct shape, without chips or other damage. If there is a filling inside the candy, it should not go beyond the border of the product. Filling with filling in all sweets should be uniform.The taste of the filling itself should not be bitter or cloying.
  • Lollipops without a wrapper should be covered with a special topping, which will protect them from sticking (this often happens when sweets are stored in high humidity conditions).
  • The brightness of the sweets indicates that a large amount of dyes were used in their production. Nevertheless, even sweets with the most acidic color will not harm health, since according to the current GOST, only natural dyes are used to color caramel.

Rating of the best Russian candy producers for 2022

Despite the fact that on the shelves of stores you can increasingly see the predominance of foreign-made sweets over domestic ones, Russian-made sweets can also surprise you with their excellent taste.

Red October

Address: Moscow, st. Malaya Krasnoselskaya, 7, building 24.

Phone:☎ +7 495 982-56-32.

Official website on the Internet:

The factory was founded in 1857 by the famous German confectioner Ferdinand Theodor von Einem. It began with a small sweets shop, which later turned into a factory located on the banks of the Moscow River. Some time later, the factory moved to Bersenevskaya embankment. Only in 1922 the company was renamed Red October. At the same time, “Former Einem” was indicated on the packaging of the sweets produced for a long time, since the factory became famous for the excellent quality and taste of the sweets produced.

This is the largest candy factory in Russia, the scale of production is impressive: the volume of deliveries to the world and domestic markets is 64 million kg of products.In addition to the main production in Moscow, several branches have been opened - in Ryazan, Egorievsk, Kolomna.

For the production of dark, white and milk chocolate products with fillings, as well as for confectionery products with liquor, marzipan, nougat, soft caramel, only the latest and most modern equipment is used. The range of manufactured products includes more than 240 items. The company's products comply with all Russian and international standards - GOSTs, ISO, HASP, etc.

The factory's products annually take part in various competitions, are the winner of such awards as the International Review of the Quality of Confectionery Products "Innovations and Traditions", the International Tasting Competition "The Best Product", "Moscow Quality", the National Professional Award "Chocolate Business", the All-Russian Competition " 100 best goods of Russia”, etc.

Red October is rightfully considered the best confectionery factory in Russia, it was at this plant that such world-famous sweets as Little Red Riding Hood, Bear in the North, Kara-Kum, Cancer Necks, Bear clubfoot." The most famous chocolates of this company are the beloved "Alenka", "Clumsy Bear", "Red October 80% cocoa", "Pushkin's Tales".

Red October candy
  • a wide range of products, a wide variety of sweets and other sweets;
  • a large selection of fillings for sweets - with cognac, cream, liqueur, marmalade, wafer, fondant, grillage, chewing;
  • time-tested recipes are used for the manufacture of products;
  • a convenient site with photos and descriptions of confectionery products and an overview of the most popular items;
  • among the list of products offered, you can find sweets made from natural ingredients according to home recipes;
  • By value, you can choose both inexpensive sweets and at an average price.
  • not all names of confectionery products of this factory can be found on free sale;
  • on the manufacturer's website it is impossible to find out how much this or that name of sweets costs.

Rot Front

Address: Moscow, 2nd Novokuznetsky per., 13/15s1.

Phone:☎ +7 495 951-84-78.

Official website on the Internet:

This is one of the oldest and most famous factories in Moscow, which was created even earlier than Red October. The history of the company began in 1826 with a small shop that sold only fudge and candies. It belonged to famous merchants Leonov. Subsequently, their heirs actively developed production, and by the 19th century the shop turned into a full-fledged factory. The establishment was subsequently nationalized and renamed Rot Front in 1931. During the Second World War, the factory, as an aid to the front, took part in the repair of cannons, a hospital for wounded soldiers was created on the basis of production buildings. From time to time, the company participates in the production of confectionery products for state-scale events - chocolate bars, chewing gum for children with appropriate symbols. Even adults, when choosing which candy factory is better to buy, invariably prefer sweets produced since the 50-60s - Korovka, Rot Front, Ptichye Moloko.

At the moment, the assortment of sweets is more than 200 items. Invariably, the list of popular products includes not only chocolates, but also waffles, sweets, mousses and chocolate creams.The management of the factory is constantly modernizing equipment for the production of confectionery. More and more robots with an automation function are being introduced into production, which practically eliminates manual labor (the less workers perform the functions assigned to them with their own hands, the faster the production process goes).

The most famous products of the Rot Front are Roasting in Chocolate, Korovka, Evening Ringing, Moscow, Kremlin, Bird's Milk. According to customer reviews, the halva produced by this factory has no equal on the Russian market. For certain groups of the population (diabetics, overweight people) special sweets without sugar are offered.

Mouth front candy
  • according to buyers, almost all products manufactured by the factory have excellent taste and aroma;
  • according to Roskachestvo, the plant's products meet all applicable standards;
  • in the ranking of high-quality Russian-made confectionery products, the plant's products occupy a leading position.
  • not detected.


Address: Moscow, st. Malaya Krasnoselskaya, 7.

Phone:☎ +7 499 264-72-98.

Official website on the Internet:

Another representative of the oldest factories in Russia. It was founded by a former serf who loved apricots and added them to almost all sold confectionery. Thanks to this fruit, the peasant first received a nickname, and then the surname Abrikosov. After many years, a small shop turned into a large factory, which in the 30s became the largest in Russia for the production of caramel and toffee. During the war years, the plant did its best to help the front, they produced sweets with alcohol for soldiers, and for the common population - water with saccharin.

Like other large factories, the Abrikosov factory was nationalized in Soviet times, and was named Babaevsky after the name of the then head of the district executive committee.

Currently, new technologies are being actively introduced at the factory, technological lines for the production of new types of products are being installed. So, quite recently, lines for the production of praline candies and stick chocolates were installed.

The company produces a large list of confectionery products (more than 120 items), most of which are sold not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad. All products manufactured by the concern are certified not only according to the standards of the Russian Federation, but also have all the necessary international certificates. The most popular sweets of the manufacturer are Babaevskaya Squirrel, Uganda, Venezuela, Almond Praline, etc.

sweets Baaevsky
  • the factory's products are well known, and are present in almost all chain stores;
  • for the manufacture of most types of sweets, natural ingredients are used;
  • a wide range of delicacies for every taste.
  • high price.

TOP foreign candy manufacturers

Modern supermarkets offer a huge selection of various sweets, most of which are foreign-made sweets. Sometimes, it is difficult for the buyer to decide which company's confectionery is better. In order for you not to make mistakes when choosing, and buy the best goodies, we have compiled a rating of the world's best candy producers.

Ferrero SpA

This well-known company is engaged in the production of chocolate and other confectionery products, including sweets. It was created in Alba in Italy in 1942.It all started with a sweet shop, which after 4 years was transformed into the Ferrero factory.

Initially, the main ingredient in sweets was cocoa beans. However, during the war of 1941-1945. there were interruptions in their supply, and in order to somehow continue production, it was decided to replace part of the cocoa with ground hazelnuts. Thus, a prototype of the pasta was created, which would later be called Nutella. Ferrero now owns 38 companies worldwide, including such well-known brands as Raffaello, Kinder Surprise, Kinder Chocolate, Tic Tac. In the 2000s, on the territory of Russia, in the city of Volgograd, the construction of a plant began, which is focused on the production of chocolate and sweets of this brand.

Probably, it is impossible to find a person who has not tasted the sweetness of this manufacturer.

The brand's most famous sweets, Raffaello and Ferrero Rocher, are distinguished by their delicate texture and chocolate-creamy taste, and also have an unusual shape. The Kinder Surprise Baby Egg has been a dream come true for kids all over the world for decades.

  • bright, delicate taste that has won the love of sweet tooth all over the world;
  • beautiful design of sweets and packaging, making the candy set a great gift for both kids and adults.
  • high price.


The Swiss corporation Nestle is the world's largest manufacturer of a variety of food products. It was founded in 1866. Initially, the main activity of the company was the production of dry formulas for children who do not receive mother's milk.Now the concern produces chocolate products, ice cream, broth compositions, coffee, animal feed, goods under the brands KitKat, Maggi, Nescafe, Nesquik, etc.

Under the control of the Nestle concern, the following enterprises have been created and are operating in Russia: the Rossiya chocolate factory, the Kamskaya confectionery factory, and the Moscow ice cream factory.

Among the best-selling sweets of this brand in Russia are:

  • KitKat mini bars are wafers covered in dark or milk chocolate. Due to the small packaging and the ability to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger, it is convenient to take them with you for a walk or work. Flavorings, preservatives and dyes from artificial raw materials are not used in the products;
  • Nesquik mini-bars - consist of nougat, puffed rice and milk filling, covered with chocolate. Sweets are designed specifically for children, consist of natural ingredients and do not contain artificial flavors and colors;
  • "Gentle duet" - sweets that combine soft caramel and chocolate. Good for tea;
  • Nuts mini bar - consists of whole hazelnuts or hazelnuts with caramel and nougat, all covered in chocolate. Great to use as a quick snack.

The company highlights the focus on a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition as the main reference point in the production of sweets. Almost all confectionery products of this brand use natural ingredients and do not use artificial flavors and dyes.

  • natural composition of sweets;
  • bright and rich taste;
  • the brand's products are widely distributed and known all over the world, customers have no difficulty in finding places where they can buy products of this brand.
  • high price compared to the products of Russian factories.


The company was founded in 1911 in Washington, USA. The company specializes in the manufacture of chocolate bars, chewing gum, sauces, carbonated drinks. Among the extensive list of products, one can single out the production of M&M's sweets, which have gained popularity all over the world. The idea of ​​​​the appearance of this product is interesting: according to legend, once one of the founders was present at the teachings of soldiers and found that they were eating small chocolates. Due to the fact that these sweets were covered with sugar shell, they did not melt in the hands. Forrest Mars noted for himself that such sweets would be of interest to children and their parents, as it would allow kids to eat chocolates without getting dirty from head to toe. Sweets under this brand quickly won recognition from customers, and now it is difficult to find a person who has never tried the sweets of this brand.

Mars came to Russia in 1991. The first representative office was opened in Vladivostok, and then in Samara, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar and other cities.

Mars is constantly developing and introducing new technologies in the production of its confectionery products. So, recently the company has abandoned the use of additives that are potentially hazardous to health and has significantly changed the composition of its products. For example, in chocolate bars they stopped using artificial flavors and reduced the calorie content. Thanks to successful development and attention to the wishes of consumers, the concern ranks first in the world in terms of profit among all confectionery companies.

The brand's most popular sweets, M&M's, are multi-colored sugar-coated chocolate balls, each with the letter "M".The candy was advertised under the slogan "Milk chocolate that melts in your mouth, not in your hands." Sweets are made not only from milk chocolate, but also from dark, white, mint chocolate, with the addition of nuts (almonds, peanuts), puffed rice, coconut, peanut butter, etc.

There are some interesting facts about these sweets:

  • They were the first candies to travel to outer space - in 1982, American astronauts included them in the list of products that they took with them on a flight.
  • In the 1970s The production of red candies was discontinued, as harmful substances were found in the dye used to color the candies. They were temporarily replaced by orange sweets, and only 10 years later, they were returned to free sale, after the development of a new dye formula.
  • In 2012, beekeepers in France were very surprised to find blue-colored honey in combs. As it turned out, the French bees became interested in the waste products of the production of M&M's, and used them to produce honey. After the beekeepers scandal, containers with waste dyes from the factory were no longer put on the street.

candy m&m's
  • a wide variety of sweets produced by the factory;
  • brand products can be found in any supermarket;
  • natural composition (recently, the manufacturer has practically abandoned the use of artificial colors and preservatives).
  • overpriced compared to budget counterparts from other manufacturers.

Perfetti van Melle

The history of this transnational company spans over 100 years.The group includes corporations: the Italian company Perfetti, the Dutch Van Mell, the Spanish Chupa Chups. The history of the company began with a small bakery, which was then transformed into a pastry shop. Here they began to produce chewing sweets under the Fruittella brand, which later, after finalizing the composition, became the basis for the manufacture of Mentos chewing gum. In 1958, one of the co-founders came up with a candy on a stick that has gained immense popularity around the world - Chupa Chups.

The most famous products of the brand are Mentos, Meller, Chupa Chups, Sula, Fruttella sweets.

Chewing gum Mentos is positioned as a candy that has not only a bright taste, but also a refreshing effect, which, according to the manufacturer, lasts for a long time. It comes in a variety of packaging, making it easy to take with you wherever you go. In addition to the most popular taste - mint, a large number of fruit flavors are on the market - tutti frutti, fruit platter, green tea.

Chupa-Chups candy is very popular among children, it has more than 100 different flavors and formats - it can be produced in the form of a lollipop, chewing gum, small round sweets. The most popular flavors are cola, fruittella, bubble gum, apple, orange, strawberry, cherry, etc.

Not so popular, but also delicious Meller candy is also widely distributed throughout the world. It comes in two varieties - dark chocolate covered with caramel or white chocolate covered with creamy caramel. For those with a sweet tooth, Super-Meller candy is produced, in which caramel is covered with an additional layer of chocolate.Sweets are produced both in monopacks and in multipacks (economical packaging).

Concert produces chewing candies and marmalade under the Fruttella brand. These sweets are designed for children, which is why they have a natural composition without artificial ingredients, and a bright fruity taste. Chewing bear cubs and worms of different colors and tastes are liked by all children without exception. The main slogan of the company was the slogan "Be friends with Fruttella", calling to share delicious marmalade with the closest and friends.

A feature of Sula lollipops is the use of a natural sugar substitute - sorbitol, which is found in many fruits and berries. Sorbitol does not cause caries, unlike sugar, and also maintains a neutral pH environment in the oral cavity. Among other things, they are approved for consumption by people with diabetes. These lozenges are fortified with vitamins and minerals that help support immunity during periods of physical and mental stress.

candy Chupa-Chups
  • a wide range of sweets to choose from;
  • natural composition;
  • vibrant and varied flavors.
  • not identified.


There are so many goodies on the shelves of stores now that even the most inveterate sweet tooth is not able to try every one. Despite the fact that most of them are foreign-made sweets, candies from Russian factories can compete with them. So, the sweets of the factories discussed in this article are highly valued for their taste, and are gladly bought by foreign guests.

We hope that our article will allow you to understand the whole variety of sweets sold in Russia and help you discover new tastes.

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