
  1. Main elements
  2. Principle of operation
  3. What are
  4. How to choose
  5. Advantages, disadvantages of HBO
  6. Rating of the best manufacturers of gas equipment for 2022
  7. Comparative table of HBO manufacturers
  8. Conclusion

Rating of the best manufacturers of gas equipment for 2022

Rating of the best manufacturers of gas equipment for 2022

Gas cylinder equipment allows the use of gas instead of gasoline as fuel in all vehicles. Considering the rating of the best manufacturers of gas equipment for 2022, you can choose the appropriate option for functionality and cost.

Main elements

HBO (abbreviated name of gas-cylinder equipment) consists of components:

  1. Gas bottle.
  2. Fuel type switch.
  3. Solenoid valves (petrol, gas).
  4. Reducer-evaporator.
  5. Multivalve.
  6. Refueling device.

gas bottle

Special container for gas storage. Two types of gas are used - methane or propane. For safety reasons, only 80% are filled.

Methane (denoted as CNG/CNG) is an odorless, colorless natural hydrocarbon. Bad smell odorants have been added to detect leaks. It is pumped only into steel cylindrical cylinders with thick walls (wall thickness 2-3 cm) under a high pressure of 230 atmospheres.

Pros: safety (evaporates quickly, lighter than air).

Cons: bulky steel cylinders (weight up to 80 kg), expensive installation (2-3 times higher than propane), few gas stations.

Propane (propane-butane mixture, denoted LPG / LPG) - petroleum gas in a liquefied state under a pressure of 10-16 atmospheres. Cylinders are used, the wall thickness is 4-5 mm.

The form is distinguished:

  • cylindrical - classic, volume 30-100 l, installed to the rear wall of the trunk, low price;
  • toroidal (round) - popular, volume 42-47 l, placed in the trunk instead of a spare wheel, high cost (depending on volume).

According to the material distinguish:

  1. Steel.
  2. Alloy steel, composite winding.
  3. Aluminium, composite winding.
  4. Composite materials are modern, lightweight.

For methane, only steel tanks, cylindrical in shape, with thick walls are used. Propane-butane - cylindrical or round, with walls 4-5 mm.


Used when switching petrol / gas modes.Installed in the car, on the dashboard.

Solenoid valves

There are 2 types: gas with a filter (shuts off the propane supply when using gasoline, stopping, clears impurities), gasoline valves.

Carburetor cars - gasoline valve, injection cars - injector emulator.


Reduces pressure (from 16 to 1 atmosphere) - heats up, evaporates liquefied gas. Low-pressure propane-butane gas comes out of the reducer. It enters the injectors through the vapor phase filter, then into the engine intake manifold.


It consists of valves that regulate the level, leakage of propane:

  • autovalve, float - closes the inlet channel at an allowable volume of 80%;
  • consumable - works when the line breaks;
  • safety - shuts off when the pressure rises to 25 atmospheres;
  • level indicator.

Other elements: fittings (inlet, outlet), valve (consumable, filling), intake pipe.

filling device

Crashes into the rear bumper of the vehicle. Attach the hose for filling the gas cylinder.

Additional accessories: gas line (high, low pressure), dispenser, mixer, impervious casing. Mounting means: nuts, couplings, brackets, adapters.

Principle of operation

HBO works according to a similar algorithm for working on gasoline. Propane from the cylinder enters the high pressure gas line. Through the filter valve it is cleared of impurities, suspensions. The pressure reduction from 16 to 1 atmosphere takes place in the evaporator reducer. Through the low pressure line - mixer.

What are

There are 2 types of equipment:

  • complete set from one manufacturer;
  • a set assembled from elements from different manufacturers.

The complete set has a manufacturer's warranty, all components are selected for long-term operation. Minus - high cost, individual elements do not fit.

Different components are selected according to individual requests (high-speed nozzles, powerful gearbox). It takes a good specialist to make the right kit.


There are 6 generations of HBO, which differ in the principle of gas supply to the engine, have different configurations:

  • 1st - a simple design, had a separate evaporator and gearbox, the dosage was regulated mechanically through the intake manifold, has not been produced for more than 10 years;
  • 2nd - there is an automatic fuel dosage, installed on cars with a carburetor engine, fuel injection, one nozzle, the most budget option;
  • 3rd - automatic adjustment of the fuel supply for each cylinder separately, used on foreign cars of the 90s;
  • 4th - a popular option (85-90% of all LPG), installed on cars with an injection engine, distributed propane ingress into the cylinders;
  • 5th - gas enters the cylinder in a liquefied state, there is no gas reducer, there is a fuel pump;
  • 6th - liquid gas enters through the fuel selector (valve block), the highest cost.

How to choose

Algorithm of actions to avoid mistakes when choosing the right type, generation:

  1. Read the information on specialized forums for the desired car model - read the advice of the owners of such cars.
  2. Find out in the data sheet the type of engine, injection system: car with a carburetor - 2nd, direct injection injector - 5th, injector with distributed injection - 2nd (mileage over 300,000 km, age over 10-15 years), 4- oh (new car).
  3. Calculate payback - there is a payback calculator on the websites of service stations, manufacturing companies.
  4. Decide on a price.
  5. Be sure to check the HBO quality certificate, the specialization of the masters.

The payback depends on the mileage per year, the cost of equipment, installation: 10,000 km - a budget model, 40,000-65,000 km - the 5th generation. The exact savings figure can be checked on the websites of service stations, sellers, manufacturers using a special calculator.

Advantages, disadvantages of HBO

The HBO installation has its advantages and disadvantages, which depend on the type of road transport, mileage, quality, type of equipment.

Advantages of using methane, propane:

  1. Low cost of fuel (1.5 - 3 times).
  2. High octane number (above 100).
  3. Quiet motor operation.
  4. No soot, soot on parts (candles) is formed.
  5. Does not clog oil.
  6. Repair of the engine, moving rubber parts is less common.
  7. Driving long distances on one gas station.
  8. Environmentally friendly fuel (less impurities, carbon monoxide).

Beneficial if the annual mileage is over 15,000 km.

Anti-theft: switch disconnected, no fuel supplied.


  1. The cylinder takes up a lot of space in the trunk, a heavy load on the rear axle.
  2. Motor power, acceleration speed is less (gasoline burns faster).
  3. Valve load - motor operation up to 5,000 rpm, the distance between the valves is increased by 30%.
  4. Gently warming up the engine in winter (rubber parts) - first with gasoline.
  5. Registration with the traffic police - submission of a copy of the HBO certificate, a license for the right to carry out re-equipment, a safety certificate.

Rating of the best manufacturers of gas equipment for 2022

The review of the TOP manufacturers of gas-balloon equipment is based on the reviews of motorists, specialists, auto mechanics of popular sites.Additional information can be obtained from service center consultants, online support for Internet sites, YouTube user videos.

domestic producers

2nd place DIGITRONIC Company

Created in 1998. First installation - 2001. Start of cooperation with AC (STAG) - 2003.

There is an Affordable Methane program (2013).

They use their own complete sets, components from other manufacturers.

Product Catalog:

  • kits (4, 6, 8 cylinders, gas diesel, FSI);
  • electronics, components (methane, propane);
  • cylinders (CNG-1,CNG-2, cylindrical, rounded).

The site has a catalog, selection by parameters (cylinder displacement, number of cylinders, model, power, manufacturer). More than 2,000 options are available.

Where to install: gas points, recommended services. Authentication feature.

The cost is from 16.200 to 42.720 rubles.

Warranty period - 100,000 km.

  • a wide range of;
  • individual selection;
  • suitable for cars, trucks;
  • delivery to other countries (more than 30 countries);
  • easy installation;
  • compliance with international quality standards.
  • doesn't start well in cold weather.

1st place "ALPHA - gas injection systems"

Start of work with NPF "Elprim", creation of the first pilot batch (2005, 2006). Sale of Alpha M-4, M-8 kits (2007). Production of the economy version of the Alpha S-4 began in 2011. Released MS-015 software (2015).

Collaborates with "TEGAS engeneering" - joint development of ALPHA PM, AEB Alternative Fuel Electronics - ALPHA AEB products.

Sells kits (propane, methane), individual elements (multi-valves, reducers, lines).There are cylindrical, toroidal cylinders, repair kits, spare parts.

On the official website - information about the company, product catalog, articles, an appointment form for the installation of the system, a feedback form with a consultant.

There is an installation efficiency calculator (payback, savings are calculated). It is required to enter vehicle data: number of cylinders, engine power, fuel consumption per 100 km, mileage per year, brand of gasoline.

The cost of complete sets of propane: from 8.800 to 43.300 rubles.

HBO ALPHA - gas injection systems
  • complete kits for methane, propane;
  • individual components;
  • cascade calibration;
  • convenient online store;
  • price;
  • warranty - 2 years;
  • traffic police registration service.
  • percentage of defective parts.

Foreign manufacturers

4th place OMVL

It is part of the holding in the Westport Fuel System holding. Selling products since 1980.

It is a partner of the GAZ plant (Russia) - installation of premium equipment for GAZelle cars.


  • two types of fuel - methane, propane-butane;
  • Saver, Dream XXI (2nd, 4th generation);
  • LNG direct injection technology;
  • application on trucks;
  • supply of liquid fuel without a reducer;
  • vacuum reducer.

New technologies for the use of biogas, hydrogen.

Warranty period - 100.000 km, 3 years.

  • high quality;
  • high speed nozzles;
  • economical consumption;
  • suitable for use in harsh conditions;
  • all types of vehicles (special equipment, cars, trucks).
  • expensive service;
  • high demand for gas quality.

3rd place STAG (AC S.A.)

Polish firm (1986) has ISO 9001:2000 quality certificate.

Main products:

  • 2004 - STAG 200 (electronic controllers), STAG-L (budget version), MINI KIT AC (ready kit);
  • 2006 - STAG 300 (controllers, CAN interface), aluminum case;
  • 2007 – new tractor panel, Valtex valves, USB interface;
  • 2008 - FLE-P, STAG 4 emulators (reduced sizes);
  • 2009-2010 - 300 Premium, SXC1011 diagnostic scanner;
  • 2011 - 400 DPI MODEL A1, 4 Plus, 300 ISA II;
  • 2012 - DIESEL, STAG-4 QBOX;
  • 2013 - QBOX PLUS, GoFast;
  • 2014 - AC W03, AC R02, R14, R01 CS, TUNING;
  • 2016 - QMAX Basic, S Power Chip, Agro Tunning (tractors).

Features: software in Russian, metal line to the gearbox, easy access to the adjustment screw.

Android system program developed. There is one branch in Peru, two in Italy.

  • complete kits, separate parts for replacement;
  • any type of engine;
  • precise injection control;
  • affordable price;
  • quick payback;
  • sound signal about low fuel level.
  • does not start well at low temperatures;
  • 500 revolutions when switching (4th gear).

2nd place LOVATO

The Italian company has been operating since 1958. First production of a multivalve.

It is a member of the Landi-Lovato-A.E.B.-MED concern.

Product properties:

  • suitable for all types of internal combustion engines;
  • easy adjustment;
  • rigorous testing for defects;
  • compliance with international standards (ISO 9001:2000).

Suitable for taxi drivers, drivers with a large mileage (20.000-40.000 km per month).

Service life - 3 years, 100.000 km, nozzles - 300.00 km.

Cost: 24.000-52.000 rubles.

  • high reliability with high mileage;
  • one manufacturer of all elements;
  • suitable for different types of motors;
  • simple replacement of filters (independently, at home);
  • many service centers;
  • optimal price/quality ratio.
  • not suitable for diesel vehicles.

1 seat BRC

Italian company founded in 1977. Has extensive experience, premium products.

Collaborates with auto concerns - they install HBO on new models at factories.


  • distributed, direct injection (FSI, GDI, TSI Ecoboost, Earthdreams);
  • propane supply system Sequent Plug and Drive;
  • universal Plug-Drive program;
  • self-diagnosis;
  • quick response of gas injectors.

The online store offers complete kits, installation materials, evaporator reducers, filters, valves.

Favorable offers: products of the CUPPER partner (lubricants, oils) at the manufacturer's price.

Warranty period - 3 years, 200,000 km.

Cost: 32.000-232.000 rubles.

  • quality materials;
  • economical fuel consumption;
  • uninterrupted work;
  • self-diagnosis program, settings.
  • high price;
  • few service centers.

Comparative table of HBO manufacturers

BrandCountryModelsGas typeWarranty, year\kmPrice
ALPHARussiaup to 550 hpmethane, propane28800-43300
DIGITRONICRussia\Polandlight, cargomethane, propane100.00016200-42720
LOVATOItalylight, cargopropane3\100.00024000-52000
STAG Polandcarsmethane, propane27459-49800
OMVLItalylight, cargomethane, propane3\100.00019700-45600


Choosing the best kit should start with the technical parameters of the car. The following requirements: cost, experienced installer, payback, availability of gas stations.

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