
  1. What are
  2. What are
  3. How to choose
  4. The most prestigious dumbbell manufacturers
  5. Rating of the best dumbbell manufacturers for 2022
  6. Conclusion

Rating of the best dumbbell manufacturers for 2022

Rating of the best dumbbell manufacturers for 2022

Dumbbells are considered an indispensable projectile for both professional athletes and beginners who are trying to keep fit and be healthy and strong. They are of different sizes, which allows them to be used not only by men, but also by the weaker sex. The strong half of humanity prefers heavy and stacked models that help strengthen muscles and increase endurance.

What are

Today it is difficult to find a person who has never seen dumbbells in his life, even if he has never worked out with them. But not everyone knows the fact that this sports equipment is the most ancient. If the barbell appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century, then the ancient Greeks and Romans dealt with dumbbells, they were taught classes in ancient India.

Of course, their appearance did not even remotely resemble modern versions, however, in essence they were identical and were intended to improve strength, coordination, endurance, and so on.

The main difference between dumbbells and their sports counterparts is compactness. Even with a significant weight, their dimensions are insignificant. Having the ability to use them with each hand alternately distinguishes them from the barbell and other similar projectiles.

What are

Oddly enough, but dumbbells are divided into only two main types:

They look like disks fixed on the neck. The material of manufacture is metal coated with a polymer composition. They differ in size, average price, design, manufacturer. Used for productive activities, both in the gym and at home. The advantages include the possibility of their use for sports by beginners. The negative points include the inability to adjust the weight.
collapsibleThey differ from the previous type in that, in addition to a compact dumbbell neck, the kit includes sets of discs of various weights and locks for fixing them. They are used by professional athletes for training, as they allow you to get a progressive load on all muscle groups.The positive qualities include their compactness and the ability to adjust the dimensions, which is so important for promising athletes. As for the shortcomings, it takes a certain amount of time to disassemble and assemble.

It is worth noting that with the help of such a simple device, you can pump up all the muscles on the human body. If you take the selection of exercises seriously, then even the calves will be involved in this process. No need to wait for lightning-fast results after the first workout. Of course, minimal changes will occur, but the ultimate goal will be achieved after a couple of months of intensive training. Dumbbells can not only improve muscle tone, but also make a person’s posture correct and beautiful.

How to choose

The best manufacturers of sports equipment offer popular models of both budget and expensive classes with additional functionality. Anyone who believes that such a simple device is easy to acquire makes mistakes in choosing. The popularity of models is not the most important thing. This must be remembered by ordinary people who are far from sports. If you listen to the recommendations of experts and follow their advice, then there will be no problems with acquiring the necessary equipment. There are certain selection criteria that must be followed.

Before choosing a specific model, you need to decide for what purposes the dumbbells will be used. If it's time to update your fitness equipment, then it's better to choose molded types. For the home, a collapsible set consisting of three pairs of discs of different weights would be a suitable option. Everyone chooses the severity on their own, depending on the level of physical fitness and the ultimate goal.Women and teenagers use small devices, professional athletes prefer substantial kilograms.

Manufacturing material and coating

Today, novelties are presented mainly in steel and cast iron. Rubber or polyurethane is used as a coating. It is worth noting that it does not matter what the product is made of. It does not have any effect on the final result of training. They are all comfortable and functional.

The coating is necessary in order to minimize the risk of injury, as well as to avoid mechanical damage to the flooring due to the fall of the projectile. According to buyers, the polyurethane coating is better, as it is more durable, more pleasant to the touch. But for the price they are superior to rubber models.

Appearance and shape

Dumbbells come in a variety of shapes, which has a significant impact on working with them. A specific appearance involves the implementation of a special set of exercises. Manufacturers produce pancakes in hexagonal and round shapes. The first option is suitable for push-ups with traction to the belt, bench press. They fit well to the floor, which prevents them from rolling. The round shape allows the projectile to roll away.


If a decision is made to seriously engage in their physical development, then it is desirable to gradually increase the weight of the projectile. You need to start with the lightest - 500 g, gradually increasing the load. Gyms have special racks for dumbbells where they are placed as they grow in size.

Basically, shells are sold in a set in increments of 1 kg, but a different range also comes across. Collapsible dumbbells are distinguished by the fact that they are adjustable in weight.Despite the fact that it will take some time to replace pancakes, they are still more compact and do not take up much free space.

There is no consensus on which company is better to purchase goods. All sports equipment has its own characteristics. Each manufacturer tries to guarantee the quality of products, it depends on how much it costs. Inexpensive models are of lower quality than those with a significant price. The best ones, with an additional function, can be ordered online in an online store, having previously reviewed the ratings, studied the product description, and paid attention to customer reviews. Goods from China are best obtained by cooperating with the Ali Express platform.

Which product is better to buy, everyone decides for himself. What should you pay special attention to? First of all, for comfort. Try in the store where you decided to buy the goods, ask the seller to give you dumbbells in your hands. Do 5 to 7 exercises. If you enjoyed the actions done, do not hesitate to purchase inventory.

The most prestigious dumbbell manufacturers

Today, manufacturers of this type of sports equipment can not be counted. But not many of them can boast of being in the ranking of quality goods. We will try to acquaint you with the top ten world companies that are leaders in the product market of this segment.

Lite Weights

Among the product of this series, both men and women will look for a suitable design for doing strength exercises and fitness. The company produces solid-cast dumbbells of small size and with different weights. They can be purchased as a pair or individually.The neoprene coating prevails over the plastic one, thanks to which they fit snugly in the palms, do not slip out, and the hands do not sweat.

Collapsible structures are also produced, where the disks are of different sizes. They are plastic, steel, rubber. Preference is given to the latter option, since they are not cold for hands, as comfortable as possible, pleasant to the touch. The company has its fans thanks to the release of a variety of sports equipment at an affordable cost.

Euro Classic

A Russian-made product that compares favorably with its competitors with its unique design and style. There are models with printed patterns and numbers, a logo. Bulk plastic dumbbells, inside of which there is a composite mixture, prevail among the wide assortment. Products are of high quality and durability, without changing the original appearance.

According to customer reviews, the equipment is very convenient to use, safe, and has an ergonomic shape. Solid cast iron inventory has a hexagonal shape. In prefabricated models there is also a composite filler. Excellent combination of price and quality.

start up

The company specializes in the production of one-piece fitness equipment. Despite their simple appearance and seeming lightness, they have sufficient weight due to the use of cast iron and steel in their manufacture. The shape of the model is comfortable, hexagonal. Main advantages:

  1. A variety of colors.
  2. Large variation in weight (from 0.5 to 5 kg).
  3. The cost is forgiving.
  4. Long service life.
  5. Functionality.


They are mainly acquired by those who have devoted themselves to sports and are seriously involved in them.The product has a significant price, but it's worth it. Non-separable options predominate with almost identical characteristics. Their main design feature: in their manufacture, high-quality chrome-plated steel is used. The discs are made of rubber. The appearance is strict, stylish, sporty.

Basically, products are bought to equip gyms, in connection with which the manufacturer has launched the production of sets consisting of 20 dumbbells with various parameters.


The company specializes in the production of products for beginners, as well as those who like to keep themselves in good physical shape by doing fitness. Basically, steel and cast iron hexagonal models are produced. The outer coating is a high-strength plastic that does not crack, or neoprene, which removes excess moisture and prevents the formation of calluses on the palms.

Chrome-plated necks with cast-iron discs are on sale, but their choice is minimal. In terms of cost, the goods can be compared with Chinese counterparts, but the quality of Atemi is much higher.


The company is a leader in the ranking of manufacturers of various sports equipment. Among the manufactured goods, you can easily choose the option you like for both fitness and strength exercises. The peculiarity of the brand is not quite an ordinary form of dumbbells. They are almost straight, have soft pads and handles for comfortable fixation. Can be D-shaped or hexagonal.

As for the material of manufacture, cast iron and steel are used. There are bulk options. Preference is given to collapsible models. Separately, I want to pay attention to the cast-iron structures. Their service life is unlimited.


Russian manufacturers want to conquer the sporting goods market by surpassing the quality, variety and low cost of Chinese manufacturers' products. The company produces sports equipment for professional athletes. Although its cost cannot be called budgetary, the reliability and durability of the design is impressive. The appearance is very rich and stylish: the steel rims are chrome-plated, the neck is covered with non-slip vinyl. Even budget options are distinguished by their quality, which cannot but please buyers.


The durable cast-iron goods of this manufacturer are very popular with many connoisseurs of solid and convenient. In the catalog you can find models of standard form, covered with simple paint. They are used for strength exercises, as their weight reaches 15 kg. Lighter designs are used for fitness.

The company launched the production of sets of solid hexagonal dumbbells with different weights. Under them there is a special stand. Suitable for those athletes who do exercises, alternating loads. The product is of high quality and reliability.

MB Barbell

The products of a well-known company are very popular among professional athletes. One has only to take a look at the dumbbells, and it becomes clear that the product is of high quality, safe, solid, comfortable, with a long service life. The variety of models is impressive, although their design is standard. There are dumbbells weighing 81 kg, but, despite their heaviness, it is very convenient to train with them, thanks to good ergonomics. Beginners can also choose from the whole variety the option that suits them, the weight of which will not exceed two kilograms.You can’t call a product too cheap, but the quality is worth it.


The company is familiar to those who are used to doing daily exercises at home. On the shelves of company stores you can find any sports equipment at an affordable price and good quality. It is compact, convenient, safe, durable, pleasant to the touch, light enough. It is convenient to do fitness and yoga with it.

There are not quite familiar goods, for example, for a quick walk, it looks a little intricate. Only a knowledgeable person can see dumbbells in them.

Rating of the best dumbbell manufacturers for 2022


Lite Weights 2950 NP

Belongs to the category of inexpensive, high-quality and quite stylish models. Despite significant differences from a similar product in terms of structural elements, many users distinguish it from the rest of the variety and prefer it due to:

  • ease of use;
  • security;
  • functionality.

It is widely used for intense loads, while all muscle groups located above the waist are worked out. When working with two structures, the legs and pelvis are included. A great option for those who have just decided to improve their health and put their own body in order. In the manufacture of non-separable products, neoprene and metal were used. Weight - 1 kg.

The average cost is 818 rubles.

Lite Weights 2950 NP
  • long service life;
  • compact dimensions;
  • convenient to store;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • pleasant to the touch;
  • comfortable with them;
  • good combination of price and quality;
  • increases the level of physical development of a person;
  • Neoprene helps wick moisture away.
  • unstable, can roll on the floor.

Iron Body 4766DP

High quality and quite comfortable model. Its main feature is that it is securely fixed and will not roll on the floor, as well as slip, so the manufacturer does not produce cases and stands for it. The most popular product is considered to be a product weighing 3 kg. It will help to give relief to the muscles, become taut, with a beautiful torso. Thanks to the vinyl surface, women's delicate hands will not become rough and calloused.

Insignificant weight and size will make it possible to place it in a lady's handbag, in order to always have with you sometimes such a necessary item to repel the encroachments of ill-wishers. At the same time, it will be possible to pump up muscles on the road or in your free time from work. Bright colors are pleasing to the eye of the trainee and cheer them up.

The product can be purchased at a price of 3960 to 4199 rubles.

dumbbells Iron Body 4766 DP
  • absolutely no noise during operation;
  • perfectly load the muscles;
  • made of high strength material;
  • cuts are present, which prevents them from rolling on the floor;
  • do not slip;
  • feel good in the palms.
  • Advertising pictures show the product in a bright color, but in reality it is significantly different.

Starfit DB-202, neoprene

The manufacturer decided to produce products of a non-standard shape so that it stands out favorably on store shelves among many other products from various manufacturers and catches the eye. The neoprene coating helps to absorb some of the moisture released by the palms during training, in connection with which the possibility of slipping is minimized, increasing the level of professionalism and comfort of exercises.

The model, even when dropped, does not make noise, will not roll on the surface and scratch it.She is preferred by both beginners and professional athletes. Basically, they choose a weight of 4 kg, as the most optimal for improving muscle tone with regular exercises, both at home and in the gym.

Products are sold at a price of 1999 rubles.

Starfit DB-202, neoprene
  • boasts an anti-noise coating;
  • the ability to operate for a sufficiently long time;
  • universal model;
  • unusual appearance;
  • excellent wear resistance;
  • soft coating fits comfortably in the palm of your hand;
  • a wide selection of pleasant colors;
  • helps to achieve the desired result in a couple of months with daily training.
  • significant have not been identified.

Andy W-332

The non-separable design is made of metal, plastic and neoprene. Weighs 9 kg, suitable for strength training. Women are wary of such a product, and men may be interested, especially those who regularly perform complex exercises. The set includes 6 dumbbells of different weights. Suitable for three athletes at once. It is very problematic to transport it, so such a product is located in gyms or at home.

The average selling price is from 3999 to 4755 rubles, depending on the outlet.

dumbbells Andy W - 33
  • improved design;
  • in the manufacture of high quality materials are used;
  • the manufacturer offers a convenient stand in the kit;
  • long service life;
  • there is great benefit from working with them;
  • different functionality and versatility;
  • does not slip and does not roll on the floor;
  • thanks to neoprene, high-quality moisture absorption occurs;
  • inventory varies in color, depending on the severity.
  • The set itself is quite large.

Ican 1, kg

The manufacturer produces a hexagonal structure made of stainless steel, covered with neoprene. It is presented in different colors, it is pleasant and convenient to carry out classes with it. A successful coating helps to quickly absorb the moisture released by the palms, which prevents it from slipping and minimizes the presence of an unpleasant "aroma".

The special shape makes it convenient to store. Working with her is a pleasure. Even if accidentally dropped, the dumbbell does not damage the floor or leave scratches on it. Thanks to the straight neck, the model can be safely placed in a bag and practiced on the road. The optimal load of 1 kg makes it possible to use it for both beginners and professional athletes.

The average cost is from 419 to 449 rubles.

dumbbells Ican 1, kg
  • allows you to do exercises with a universal load;
  • attractive appearance;
  • protection against damage to the floor in case of unauthorized fall is provided;
  • neoprene coating prevents moisture droplets from accumulating on the surface;
  • the design is made of high-strength steel;
  • long service life;
  • reliable;
  • safe;
  • convenient in operation;
  • the manufacturer gives a guarantee.
  • significant were not found.


MB Barbell Atlet, 20 kg

An excellent choice for those who have been engaged in their own physical training for a long time and decided to move to a new level, where additional loads are provided. The product is available in various weight ranges. Along with these positive qualities, there are also such features: the discs have a rubber coating, which significantly reduces the noise level during their operation.

The model surpasses its counterparts in depreciation properties.Being a collapsible design, it allows you to adjust the load level from the smallest to the most significant, which is considered professional. Weight range - from 5 to 20 kilograms.

The manufacturer offers to purchase its own products at a price of 4119 to 4899 rubles.

dumbbells MB Barbell Atlet, 20 kg
  • collapsible type;
  • multifunctionality;
  • the ability to do exercises that differ in their complexity;
  • the neck, legs, back, shoulders and arms are successfully trained;
  • the presence of Vader nuts allows for comfortable training;
  • shock-absorbing rubber coating;
  • durability;
  • competent design;
  • safety;
  • Excellent value for money and quality.
  • with intense training, the nuts can unwind, so you need to watch them.

Indigo, 16.5 kg

The manufacturer's products are more aimed at using it by professional athletes with proper physical fitness. Not every beginner is able to cope with such a heavy structure from the first training. And it is necessary not only to raise and lower it, but also to perform precisely adjusted movements aimed at strengthening all muscle groups. For the weaker sex, such equipment is also not in great demand, although there are exceptions.

Available in black only. The kit includes 8 plastic discs that are fixed to the neck with a nut. The length of the neck is 41 cm, its weight is 0.5 kg.

The average cost is 2087 rubles.

dumbbells Indigo, 16.5 kg
  • nuts are considered a reliable fastener;
  • the surface of the neck is grooved;
  • the surface of the pancakes is plastic, which prevents mechanical damage to the floor covering from falling;
  • you can constantly adjust the load, moving to a heavier weight;
  • convenient to use;
  • functional;
  • will not lose its qualities for a long time.
  • not the most prestigious design;
  • the form is far from ideal;
  • rolls on the floor surface;
  • if mechanical damage occurs, then cement, which is the basis, may spill out.

Atlant (metal)

The manufacturer equipped the model with several discs, which makes it possible to conduct training with different loads. Chrome-plated elements are added to high-quality material for manufacturing, which made it possible to make products more durable and durable. A solid coating has anti-corrosion properties, which significantly increases the life of sports equipment. The company's products are very popular among both beginners and professional athletes. Dumbbells weigh 10 kg, made of high quality steel.

Outlets ask for goods from 689 to 1000 rubles.

dumbbells Atlant (metal)
  • wear-resistant materials were used in the manufacture;
  • neck and nuts have a special knurling;
  • weight is indicated on each disc;
  • makes it possible to perform exercises with optimal load;
  • rubber and other chemical materials were not used in the production;
  • ease of unscrewing and tightening nuts;
  • the coating has anti-corrosion properties;
  • safe equipment;
  • even with constant training, it will not lose its original appearance and qualities for a long time.
  • There is no soft touch on the handle.

Starfit 25.5kg

The products of the Chinese manufacturer have a steel neck and rubberized discs of different weight, which significantly increases their service life. Completely silent, which, of course, refers to the merits. Fits comfortably in the hand. The plastic surface greatly increases the level of safety, as they practically do not slip in the palm of your hand. There is a thread with a wide pitch, which allows you to increase or decrease the weight of the simulator in a matter of seconds. The kit includes plastic locks that securely fix the pancakes on the neck.

The equipment is suitable for both training in the gym and exercising at home. It is interesting for those who are fond of fitness and weightlifting. The load can be changed depending on the preferences of the person and his physical fitness. The main characteristics include:

  • neck made of metal with a diameter of 2.5 cm and a length of 40 cm;
  • plastic grip 11.5 cm long;
  • fixing rings made of plastic;
  • maximum load - 50 kg;
  • the maximum number of pancakes on the neck is 2 pieces;
  • the cover is made of rubber;
  • the shape of the disks is round;
  • straight neck;
  • release color - black.

The average cost of goods is from 1500 to 2100 rubles.

Starfit 25.5kg
  • rubberized discs when falling are not able to cause mechanical damage to the floor;
  • corrugated plastic neck surface;
  • nuts securely fasten pancakes to the neck;
  • the design allows you to change the weight, depending on the complex of exercises performed.
  • the round shape of the dumbbell allows it to ride on a horizontal surface.


Those who have learned the importance of training with dumbbells will never give up on them.Despite their simplicity and elementary design, they are important for the physical development of a person. Even children who are not yet able to master sports equipment can do exercises in the morning with small dumbbells.

This product is very popular among both men and women, adolescents and the elderly. For general recovery, there is no need for the presence of a coach who will monitor the correct use of them by amateurs in the sports field. Along with this, dumbbells in terms of their functional abilities are significantly superior to other sports equipment.

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