
  1. Cement
  2. Properties
  3. Kinds
  4. Application area
  5. Grades of cement
  6. How to choose a quality product
  7. Producer countries
  8. The best brands of cement M400
  9. TOP brand M500
  10. M600 brand rating

Rating of the best cement producers for 2022

Rating of the best cement producers for 2022

The construction of buildings is a process that requires not only certain skills and knowledge, but also the use of high-quality building materials. One of the main materials is cement, it is used directly in construction. In order for the structure to stand for a long time, it is necessary to use a good mixture. The construction market offers a wide range of cement, differing in cost and quality.


An indispensable material in the construction and repair of structures is cement, which is included in building mixtures as a binder component. This material appeared during the Roman Empire and has since been used in construction in all countries and has no analogues. Cement in translation means “broken stone” or “rubble”, to create it, they use sludge, which consists of clay and ground limestone. The resulting sludge is fired at a temperature of +1450 to +1580 degrees, after which the resulting product is crushed to a powder state and mixed with additional ingredients such as gypsum and mineral additives.

The result is an artificially created powder-like material for construction, which, when mixed with water, forms a slurry, and when dried, turns into stone.


Considering in more detail the compounds of the product, one cannot help but pay attention to the fact that it may differ depending on which country it is produced in. So, consumers may encounter the following most common components:

  • clays of various types, loams and shale;
  • chalk, limestone and other carbonate rocks;
  • minerals used as additives are fluorite, asparite, silicas, aluminas, fluorspar.

There is no specific formula for making a solution, as different manufacturers offer their own formula.


Cement has a number of specific properties, which are due to the presence of certain components in it. Among the most important are:

  • strength is one of the main and important properties, this indicator depends on the fact that it includes components such as crushed slag or gypsum;
  • frost resistance, the ability of the solution to tolerate temperature changes, appears due to the addition of various additives that modify the composition;
  • water resistance, hardening rate, this is taken into account when sealing joints and seams in an environment with high humidity;
  • corrosion resistance - an indicator that is responsible for the ability to resist the effects of the environment on it, the most durable are those that are used for objects located underground or under water;
  • sulfate resistance - a property that determines the resistance of the mixture to water enriched with sulfate ions. Especially taken into account in cases where buildings will come into contact with salt water.

The strength of the joint is affected by the size of the particles, the smaller they are, that is, the finer the grinding, the stronger the solution will be.


Due to the fact that the composition can include a large number of different components, on the shelves it is possible to find different types of combinations that differ in properties and applications. The most popular types include:

  • PC (Portland cement) is one of the most common, it is often used both in industrial production and private. Suitable for finishing work and is considered universal on the shelves can be found under the brands M400, 500, 550 and even M600.
  • BC (white and color) differs from the rest in that it has a color that is obtained by adding organic or mineral dyes to them. This composition is used in the decorative finishing of buildings both from the outside and the inside.Such a solution is suitable for creating artificial stone, sculptures and much more. It has increased resistance to environmental influences, does not lose color and hardens much faster than PC.
  • BTC is fast-hardening, respectively, it differs in that it hardens faster than other types. Another positive side is resistance to low temperatures. BTC is perfect for work that needs to be completed in a short time or at sub-zero temperatures, they are produced under the brands M400 and M500.
  • Expanding, it includes gypsum, it is used when it is necessary to reduce the shrinkage of the building, since after drying, when moisture evaporates, such a composition expands and thus compensates for possible shrinkage.
  • NC (tensioning), aluminates are added to it, thanks to which the solution acquires excellent strength, frost resistance and has increased waterproofing. A composition with such properties is used in the construction of serious structures such as bridges or buildings with a large number of floors, when drying, the material expands, filling all the voids.
  • HZ (aluminous), has the ability to quickly harden, very durable, and also resistant to significant temperature drops. It is indispensable in conditions of low temperatures, especially if the situation is emergency. Also, aluminous mortar is divided into several subspecies, one of which is gypsum-aluminous, it is used to create concrete with waterproof, non-shrinking properties. The next subspecies is high alumina, it is suitable for creating heat-resistant concrete.
  • The VRC is waterproof, expandable, has a high resistance to moisture and is therefore suitable for the construction of structures located in a humid environment.
  • GF is hydrophobic, this type has a greater ability to repel moisture than waterproof. Due to this ability, it is used in the construction of pools and other structures that have constant contact with water.
  • Phosphate, it is made with the addition of phosphoric acid and oxides such as copper, magnesium, titanium. Such components make the solution stronger so that it can be applied to metal surfaces.
  • SS - sulfate-resistant is used in the construction of structures related to hydraulic engineering, but only those that do not have contact with ground and river waters. On the shelves of stores there are brands M400 and M500.
  • ShPTs - slag, slags are added to this, which significantly reduces the cost of the product, but in no way affects the strength. It is used in the construction of underground structures; a long drying period is distinguished from the shortcomings. Produced under the brands M300, 400 and 500;
  • Plugging, with a high content of tricalcium silicate and tricalcium aluminate, is used when plugging wells, both oil and gas. It is not used in the construction of residential premises.

The buyer must take into account the type of product purchased, as this directly affects the scope of its application.

Application area

Cement is the main component of concrete and cement-sand mortars and is therefore widely used in the following areas:

  • construction, erection of reinforced concrete and monolithic and engineering structures;
  • individual construction, as a rule, the solution is used for laying the foundation, finishing work, erecting a fence;
  • road industrial works, in this case, we mean the construction of runways, berths, fenders and much more;
  • for the construction of structures located in complex, heavily loaded places, such as bridge supports, all types of piles installed in places with a high level of acidity, as well as subject to significant temperature changes.

And also solutions are used in the mining industry, and more precisely in the oil and gas industry.

Grades of cement

So, on the packaging of products it is possible to meet many designations, but the brand itself is determined by the letter M, after which there is a digital designation corresponding to the tensile strength established during the tests. For example, the designation M200 indicates that the composition will withstand a pressure of 200 kg per cubic centimeter or 15 MPa. Also on the pack indicate the approximate amount of additives included in the solution:

  • CEM I, so denote Portland cement, in which the content of various additives does not exceed 5% of the total mass. It has a fast drying rate, so its strength reaches 50% the very next day after pouring.
  • CEM II, Portland cement with this designation contains from 6 to 35% impurities, in connection with this, the drying period is slightly longer.
  • CEM III Portland slag cement, additional components contain from 35 to 65%, which is why the solution has an average hardening rate and a strength of 32.5 MPa.
  • CEM IV - pozzolanic solution, impurities in it are from 21 to 35%, which is considered normal and indicates that the period of time during which the composition hardens is small, and the strength is not inferior to other types and is 32.5 MPa;
  • CEM V is a composite mixture with a good hardening rate and a strength of 32.5 MPa.

Additives are indicated by the letter D and the number following.In addition to indicating the brand, the percentage of impurities, there is a marking on the type of additives on the package and is indicated as follows:

  • I - limestone;
  • P - pozzolana;
  • Ш - slag processed waste from metallurgy;
  • Z - fly ash - this is waste from energy enterprises;
  • M, MK - microsilica.

On the packages with the goods there are all the indicators necessary for the consumer, thanks to which he will be able to accurately select the appropriate composition.

How to choose a quality product

When choosing, you should take into account a number of points, thanks to which, it is possible to choose the right mixture:

  • The composition, among the main components, crushed limestone, clay, mineral additives are distinguished. Components affect the properties of the product and its scope;
  • Strength is one of the important criteria when choosing, this indicator is indicated on the packaging label. M600 compositions have the greatest strength; M400 and 500 are perfect for domestic needs.
  • Cleanliness is an important part that excites consumers. Such parameters are indicated by the letter D and a digital denominator after it, for example, D20 will mean that it contains about 20% fillers and other additives. If there is only a D mark on the package, then it means that such a mixture does not contain any additives.
  • The speed of hardening, this factor is taken into account depending on the work being carried out, since sometimes it is required that the composition takes the initial state faster, and in other cases it dries more slowly. In this regard, manufacturers develop mixtures specifically with different hardening periods, as indicated when labeling the packages.
  • Packing, for dry bulk materials, manufacturers use bags or bags that are made of several layers of durable paper.If the solution is necessary for construction work, then bags with a volume of 50 kg should be chosen, but for minor repairs, packages from 5 to 30 kg are suitable.
  • The period during which the mixture is suitable, oddly enough, but cement also has a shelf life, as a rule, it varies from three to six months from the date of packaging into bags. In order to make sure of the freshness on your own, when buying, it is recommended to hit the corner of the package and, if it is not petrified, then it was not stored for a long time and correctly.

There is one proven trick in order to get a decent concrete mix, it is worth contacting the nearest construction site and clarifying what kind of mortar they use, as a rule, large developers do not contact dubious manufacturers. You can also find the nearest cement plant and purchase products directly from the manufacturer. Of course, there is a chance to encounter a low-quality product, but it is much lower than buying through stores.

Producer countries

In the building materials market, it is possible to meet products from various countries, cement is no exception, it is produced in many countries. The most common mixtures are:

  • From China, as a rule, they are of satisfactory quality, but the danger is that the shelf life is quite short, or rather, only 60 days. The delivery of these products can take the same amount of time, or even more, and it turns out that upon receipt the mixture will already be expired. Another disadvantage is the packaging, it is of poor quality, and during delivery there is a possibility of damage and moisture ingress, which, accordingly, will spoil the product completely.
  • From Turkey, the quality of the product itself is not bad, but also, like the Chinese one, there is a drawback, the shelf life is too short, and the packaging is of poor quality.
  • Russian-made, such cement, as a rule, has excellent quality and a much longer shelf life than imported ones.
  • Without labeling, the so-called nameless, most often such products have dubious properties, of course, you can encounter an exception, but you should not take risks. Quite often, in unmarked bags there is an already expired poured product, which undergoes a preliminary additional run-in to create the appearance of a better quality.

In any case, if there are doubts when buying, then you should first purchase a sample bag and look at the result, and if everything is fine, then buy the right amount already.

The rating of the best cement manufacturers for 2022 is based on consumer feedback, as well as experts, it includes mixtures that are suitable for both domestic and industrial tasks. In order to make it easier to make a choice, all listed brands will be painted with characteristics, as well as their pros and cons.

The best brands of cement M400

M 400: this brand is suitable for household interior decoration, that is, for floor screed, laying walls from the inside of the room. Also suitable for waterproofing rooms with high humidity. The strength of this composition withstands medium loads.

OAO Magnitogorsk Cement and Refractory Plant

One of the companies that inspire confidence, the products of the plant are perfect for the construction of both residential and industrial facilities. It is manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST and has quality certificates, and the manufacturer also gives a guarantee for the purchased goods. The main advantages of the solution of this company are low cost and excellent quality.The company delivers and does it in a short time, as it has a well-organized transportation system.

cement M400 MTsOZ
  • quality goods;
  • low cost;
  • presented in a wide range;
  • The manufacturer provides fast delivery.
  • missing.

PJSC Gornozavodskcement

A Russian company founded in 1992 and engaged in the production of a quality building product that is suitable for use in various industries. The mixture has the ability to harden fairly quickly, which allows construction work to be carried out much faster without compromising the quality of the building. Buyers can order from manufacturers a composition with the properties that they need, delivery is carried out to any corner of the country.

cement M400 PJSC Gornozavodskcement
  • high level of reliability;
  • affordable price of products;
  • buyers have the opportunity to order a composition with the necessary properties.
  • not found.


Another Russian factory producing high-quality goods, it was an official partner in the construction of facilities, for example, a building in Moscow City, the Cathedral of Christ the Saviors and others. The company includes 19 plants located throughout the country and producing various types of cement, thus expanding its range. The company delivers to all regions of the country.

cement M400 EUROCEMENT group
  • reliable company;
  • reliable products;
  • a wide range of;
  • delivery to all regions.
  • missing.

Portland M400 Hercules

This brand is considered one of the best for floor screed work, it is highly durable and can withstand all kinds of loads.In addition, the solution has a high solidification rate, and already a day after pouring, it is possible to continue other work. Thus, all repairs are carried out much faster, the solution itself is of good quality and a long service life. Also, over time, cracks do not form on it, which confirms the high quality of the product.

cement Portland M400 Hercules
  • the product is environmentally friendly and has an "Eco" badge;
  • cement is suitable for use both in dry rooms and in those with high humidity;
  • the composition contains mineral additives that increase the strength of the mixture;
  • not subject to corrosion;
  • retains its qualities for a long period;
  • withstands low temperatures.
  • available in small packages;
  • dry mix is ​​good for two months.

Eurocement M400 D20 CEM II A-SH 32.5

Cement produced under this brand is very popular among consumers. The composition complies with all international standards and is popular not only in Russia, but also in other countries, suitable for both industrial and domestic work. Such a solution is suitable for creating floor slabs, reinforced concrete products, as well as for laying foundations and walls. The period during which the dry mixture is suitable is six months.

Eurocement M400 D20 CEM II A-SH 32.5
  • low price;
  • resistance to low temperatures, moisture;
  • quality product;
  • long shelf life;
  • wide scope.
  • not detected.

TOP brand M500

If you are going to pour the foundation, you should pay attention to cement grade M 500. This mixture has high strength and will withstand the severe loads that appear during the construction of the building.


It has been on the market since 2012 and is currently considered one of the best in the production of this type of cement. The mixture is found on the shelves of many stores; not only ordinary buyers, but also large construction companies can purchase it. In the production, high technologies and high-quality materials are used, buyers can receive the goods through delivery or pick up on their own, which is convenient if there is no time to wait for delivery.

cement M500 NOVAMIX
  • reliable manufacturer;
  • quality material;
  • suitable for both interior and exterior;
  • not susceptible to moisture.
  • missing.


The plant is one of the oldest, was founded in 1953 in the Volgograd region, its main task was to provide St. Petersburg with a mixture of cement to restore the appearance of the city after military destruction. Just a couple of years later, the company expanded and began to supply products throughout the country. Today Sebryakovcement OJSC is one of the largest producers and is in demand among small buyers, construction companies and not only Russian ones.

cement M500 Sebryakovcement
  • a wide range of products;
  • great quality;
  • reliable manufacturer;
  • acceptable price.
  • not detected.

Titan Cement Company S.A.

Titan Cement is a Greek plant for the production of cement mixtures, as well as building materials, was founded in 1902. At present, it is considered one of the largest companies, which includes 13 enterprises, 64 own quarries, 25 distribution terminals, 125 ready-mix factories, and 9 concrete block factories.All components of the product are of excellent quality, the finished product meets all international requirements and has papers confirming this.

cement M500 Titan Cement Company S.A.
  • wide selection;
  • produced according to European standards;
  • high quality;
  • each product undergoes appropriate control;
  • excellent value for money.
  • not found.

EuroCement M500 Extra D20

This brand of cement with increased strength and medium hardening speed is perfect for work at low air temperatures. But it should be remembered that the colder it is, the longer it will harden. Cement is of high quality and has a long shelf life.

cement EuroCement M500 Extra D20
  • quality;
  • easy to use;
  • best before date;
  • shrinkage does not crack.
  • the price of the goods is quite high;
  • as the temperature decreases, the hardening occurs more slowly.

Stone flower M500 D20

The best composition for laying bricks, pouring foundations and other significant construction work, has high strength. Among the incoming components, polymers can be distinguished, due to which the hardening period is reduced, and the appearance of cracks is excluded. To improve adhesion, glue and other additives are added, which also reduce the sensitivity of the solution to temperature changes and precipitation.

cement Stone flower M500 D20
  • quality solution;
  • suitable for all types of work;
  • the price is not high;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • meets the requirements of GOST.
  • not identified, except for the packaging, which is not convenient to carry.

M600 brand rating

The solution is characterized by increased strength and therefore is perfect for laying foundations in garages, various parking lots, as well as in warehouses where heavy equipment is operated or stored. In addition, it is used for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products, as its strength allows it to withstand high loads.


Branches of this company are located in 80 countries and allow consumers to purchase high-quality goods suitable for the construction of structures of any format. There are 7 production branches on the territory of the country, which lowered the price of products while maintaining quality. Products are manufactured using modern technologies under strict quality control.

cement M600 LafargeHolcim
  • quality;
  • durability;
  • low percentage of impurities;
  • hardens quickly.
  • price.

Adana Cimento

The company is located in Turkey and is engaged in the production of cement, products are especially popular with developers located in the Mediterranean. Most of the mixtures are gray in color, and this composition is white. The color is affected by the mineral additives that make up the composition, they do not contain iron oxide, which has a positive effect on the appearance.

cement M600 Adana Cimento
  • quality composition;
  • modern manufacturing technologies;
  • meet international requirements.
  • price.


The company is engaged in the production of building materials, including cement mixtures. This brand is suitable for the construction of residential buildings and other facilities and is in demand not only in Russia, but also abroad.The composition includes no more than 5% of impurities, the rest is occupied by burnt clinker, due to which the cement has high strength and resistance to cold temperatures.

cement M600 Rusean
  • increased level of quality;
  • manufactured according to international standards using modern technologies;
  • period of service;
  • wide application.
  • high price.

CimSa M600

Another brand of Turkish cement, which has a white color, this type is intended for finishing work that requires smoothness and evenness of the surface. After application and drying, cracks do not form, the mixture is not susceptible to the effects of environmental factors. It perfectly copes with the protection of reinforced concrete products from corrosion, does not absorb moisture, is durable and resistant to cold.

cement CimSa M600
  • reliable;
  • suitable for use in all weather conditions;
  • cracks do not appear;
  • protects metal parts from corrosion.
  • no.

Cement is necessary for almost all repair and construction, but the buyer must remember that it should be chosen carefully. How long the solution is chosen will depend on how long the structure will last.

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