
  1. Areas of use for bulldozers
  2. The best bulldozers for 2022
  3. Outcome

Ranking of the best bulldozer manufacturers for 2022

Ranking of the best bulldozer manufacturers for 2022

Bulldozers belong to the category of self-propelled equipment, with caterpillars designed for digging soil and equipped with special body kits. For the first time such machines appeared in the 21st year of the last century. Early copies were designed on the basis of a standard tractor and differed from the progenitor only in the presence of body kits for digging work.

The mass production of machines for digging the earth was debugged by the 31st year of the 20th century. The architecture of the device remained the same, that is, the standard tractor received a system of additional equipment. Technological innovations have made it possible to improve the bulldozer by turning it into an earth-moving combine.

Areas of use for bulldozers

In the Russian Federation, this technique has become widespread in many industrial areas:

  1. Big building.Here, such machines are needed for preliminary and preparatory work. Also, a bulldozer is necessary for the construction of structures, such as dams and others.
  2. Road laying. Before laying asphalt, it is necessary to prepare the soil in a special way. Only a bulldozer can do this most accurately.
  3. Mining industry.
  4. Work in urban conditions and housing and communal services.
  5. Working with lumber.

The best bulldozers for 2022

Shantui Bulldozers

A company from China offers the buyer a choice of high power models. The company from the city of Shantui originates in the 80th year of the last century and since then has expanded exponentially. The company enlisted the support of the state, because the equipment produced by the plant is used for the needs of the PRC. Before the founding of the plant of the same name, the country's leadership bought bulldozers abroad, because domestic production did not produce models of the required power (more than 180 hp). At the beginning of production, the company was assisted by specialists from Japan, who transferred working technologies and quality standards to their Chinese colleagues.

The first copy, under the name Ty-220, went to the aid of miners. The model has worked for almost 30 years and over 20 thousand working hours. During the above period, the machine requested a total of 3 maintenance. With such length of service, the number of overhauls is negligible, so the equipment from the Chinese factory has gained fame as reliable working machines. Under the wing of the company, the following models of bulldozers are produced:

  1. Model range Sd08, standard machine on wide track pull.
  2. Model range Sd10ye, moved cars with an electric engine. Equipped with an advanced transmission system.
  3. The Sd16 range, construction equipment with specific features. Hydraulic drive and control.
  4. Model range Sd22, machines of increased power, equipped with auxiliary technical elements.
  5. The model range Sd32, bulldozers with an average weight of more than 35 tons, are designed for heavy work.
  6. Model range Sd42, the main heavyweight of the company.
  7. Model range Sd52, the most powerful specimens.
  • Wide selection;
  • Proven reliability;
  • Manufacturer's warranties.
  • There may be problems with delivery to the Russian Federation.


“I use a machine from the Sd52 model range, since this particular copy is provided by a construction company. My job is to prepare the site, dig the foundation for the construction of apartment buildings. The bulldozer shows excellent results and strong reliability, in comparison with other machines of this category that I have worked with before. For 1.5 years of operation, maintenance was not required, in addition, the model shows its best side even when working with problematic soil. I recommend Shantui bulldozers!”

Bulldozers from Cat

The company is based in the USA and occupies a leading position in the global market for special equipment designed for construction, earthmoving and related work. The company produces bulldozers with a running gear on a caterpillar. The assortment includes specimens of all power categories: from weak to high-power models.

Bulldozers of the company are equipped with an engine from the same company. Cat engines are famous for their thoughtful waste gas distribution mechanics, as well as an advanced machine electrical control system and calculation of the dose of fuel supply.In addition, the architecture of the engine implies the presence of adjacent cooling systems, which significantly increases the life of the bulldozer without repair.

Automatic control mechanisms are integrated into the machine to achieve the greatest accuracy during work. The on-board computer is equipped with a tracking system connected to the satellite, which allows you to record the operations carried out on the bulldozer (up to hours of operation of the equipment) and collect data on errors that occurred during the session. The collected data is sent to the host computer in the form of a report. Such a system allows you to control working sessions down to the details.

The working cabin is designed based on modern safety requirements and the competent use of working space. The state of the machine and the data necessary for operation are displayed on the on-board computer screen. The seats meet modern requirements for comfort, and there is also the possibility of fine adjustment of the position of the operator. This approach allows you to achieve the greatest visibility when performing transactions. Special gaskets are laid between the cab and the body, which reduce vibrations and extraneous sounds inside the cabin to a minimum. This is necessary to save the operator from unnecessary irritants.

  • Thoughtful engine;
  • Adjustable seats;
  • Insulating gasket between cab and hull.
  • Not found.


“I am the founder of a construction organization and I faced the question of buying high-quality equipment for digging foundation pits. First, our company bought several bulldozers of a little-known brand. The equipment served with varying success for about a year, after which serious problems began with the stability of work.Then it was decided to purchase bulldozers from a well-known manufacturer. The choice fell on Kat and fully justified itself! The bulldozers of this brand show excellent results in terms of stability, and the operators give only positive feedback about their work. During the entire period of ownership, there were no problems, the machines did not require repairs, and the electrical equipment works stably. Would recommend to anyone looking for quality bulldozers!”

Bulldozers from Komatsu

Komatsu was founded in Japan in the 21st year of the 20th century. The company is considered one of the largest in its native country. It specializes in the production of equipment with a caterpillar undercarriage system. Instances from Komatsu differ in a number of unique developments. The design of the machine body is arranged in a special way: the hood is angled so that the operator has a large view of the site. Such a solution allows you to significantly increase the productivity of operations in practice.

The gearbox is equipped with smooth running mechanisms. The system includes hydraulic elements, which allows shifting with increased convenience and smoothness. In addition, such mechanics provide the employee with a choice between manual control or automatic control, indicating the upper limit of the speed limit. The hydraulic transmission system does not need auxiliary braking elements, this gives flexibility in control. The checkpoint is controlled electronically, so all related operations occur automatically.

Increased convenience in bucket operations. Canopy mechanisms distribute pressure evenly and allow you to achieve the greatest balance under loads.The worker controls the bucket with a joystick, there is the ability to switch between working angles.

The load on the technical pads and the operator is minimized. Automatic mechanics brings even high loads to balance, which makes it possible to increase the overall efficiency of operations and reduce fuel consumption.

The salon meets modern standards of comfort, is equipped with protection against extraneous noise, shock and working vibrations. A similar effect is achieved with the help of technical gaskets.

The company provides the possibility of ordering specific nozzles. The buyer can place an order for buckets of any shapes, sizes and formats, just fill out the form and place an order with the design requirement.

  • Thoughtful cabin;
  • Possibility to order a nozzle of a non-standard format;
  • Gearbox on hydraulic mechanics.
  • Not the cheapest on the market.


“I am a self-employed bulldozer operator. For all the practice of the operator, I had to change from a dozen different machines, so I can form an informed opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of various models. Bulldozers from Komatsu are characterized by increased comfort regarding work and being in the work chair. The work of engineers is noticeable, because the viewing angle is as convenient as possible in almost any position. Gear control is implemented with all the conveniences, the gearbox is easy to get used to, and shifting gears is a pleasure.”

Bulldozers from Chtz


The Chelyabinsk enterprise for the production of tractor equipment is considered one of the largest industries in the Russian Federation, whose specialization is the manufacture of special equipment of all categories. The enterprise originates in the 33rd year of the last century.

The choice of the buyer presents a series of bulldozers:

  1. Series b10 with transmission on the mechanics, designed for harsh conditions. The design of the device allows you to perform operations with increased load, the architecture of the machine allows you to easily get to the necessary components if necessary for maintenance.
  2. The b11 series belongs to the advanced ones, since the instances of this category are arranged according to modern standards. The salon meets the latest requirements for comfort, the windshield provides a maximum viewing angle to simplify work. The gearbox is half mechanical and half hydraulic, allowing gear shifting and load distribution with maximum efficiency and comfort. The undercarriage is equipped with durable parts, which guarantees a long service life of the machine.
  3. The b12 series is designed to operate at low power. Such specimens will find application in preparing the foundation for the construction of a building or other work that does not require impressive loads. Bulldozers of this series are equipped with a standard 5-speed gearbox.
  4. The b14 series is designed to operate at medium powers. The machines of this series are equipped with a mixed gearbox (mechanics and hydraulics), and the cabin compartment can be tilted using the built-in lifting mechanism. The salon is arranged in accordance with the standards of ergonomics and amenities, it is possible to equip with additional equipment to increase comfort.
  5. The Det400 series is designed for medium power and continuous work with the ground. The machines are equipped with a manual transmission series with automatic load balancing. The cabin compartment is mobile and has 2 seats, meets the standards of convenience.

The buyer is provided with a wide choice of machines of various specifications and prices. It is worth noting that the purchase of Chelyabinsk bulldozers is more affordable than foreign ones, because not only the price of equipment, but also the cost of delivery is included in the payment, and if the product is domestic, then the delivery is several times cheaper.

  • One of the most affordable options;
  • Wide range of models;
  • Reliability in use.
  • Not found.


“My company is connected with earthworks, so the need for special equipment is obvious. A device from a Chelyabinsk manufacturer entered the service of the company, because the cost of a domestic bulldozer is significantly lower than that of a foreign one. In work, the Chelyabinsk bulldozer shows strong results. There were breakdowns, but spare parts for domestic devices are also available, which greatly simplifies maintenance. I recommend bulldozers from the Chelyabinsk manufacturer to anyone who is looking for a strong machine for adequate money!”

Bulldozers from Liebherr

Company for the production of special-purpose equipment, based in Germany, originates in 1949 of the 20th century. The company specializes in the production of bulldozers of medium and high gravity categories. Production consists in the manufacture of a single line of machines, consisting of 5 copies. The company offers the buyer a set of unique features of its products.

The engine uses a unique architecture that allows you to balance power and load to achieve the most even operation. The gearbox works on a hydrostatic mechanism, which allows you to manually set flexible settings when performing operations. This approach minimized the most common problems with the caterpillar undercarriage.Engineers have provided the machine with flexible handling and sensitivity, which allows the operator to perform even difficult maneuvers. The undercarriage is adjustable to achieve the greatest grip on the ground. Depending on the place of work, it is enough to select a specific mode in order to achieve maximum durability of the device. Hydrostatic mechanics involves the use of spare parts with a longer wear life, due to which the bulldozer is able to work for a long time without maintenance requirements. The architecture of the internal device is equipped with a ventilation system, which saves important components from the generation of harmful waste.

  • Sophisticated transmission;
  • Cooling system;
  • Advanced chassis.
  • Expensive.


“I bought 3 bulldozers from Germany for construction work, I did not regret it. Cars show themselves perfectly, do not require repairs. Although the price is not the cheapest, but maintenance is rarely required, besides, stable operation and warranties from the manufacturer are expensive. Would recommend to anyone looking for quality equipment!”


The modern bulldozer market is able to offer a wide selection of copies for any type of construction or mining work. It is worth choosing a specific model taking into account further maintenance (the cost of spare parts) and delivery. The latest models of such equipment are manufactured in accordance with standards, so a potential buyer can count on at least a set of nominal features and capabilities, such as a wide viewing angle, a comfortable cab and a thoughtful canopy control system.

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