Rating of the best professional (industrial) dishwashers for 2022

Rating of the best professional (industrial) dishwashers for 2022

The dishwasher is able to independently wash even very strong dirt formed on cups, plates, cutlery and pots. Also, its significant advantage is efficiency, since almost all advanced models consume a minimum amount of water and electricity, in addition, the time saved for washing dishes can be spent on other more useful things. And if the dishwasher has become an essential attribute of home kitchens, then what an urgent need for it is experienced by food production and catering establishments. For obvious reasons, they need more powerful and productive technological equipment than for home use.But how to choose the right equipment so that its cost and capabilities meet the stated requirements? In order not to make mistakes when choosing, you should carefully study several offers at once, which is where the rating of the best professional (industrial) dishwashers for 2022 presented in the article can help.

 A little about the differences between industrial and household appliances

Some entrepreneurs believe that in order to reduce costs, household dishwashers can also be purchased. But such savings are deceptive, since they are fraught with rapid wear of the main parts of the equipment and thus frequent and costly repairs, or even its complete loss. This is explained by the fact that the unit for home use is not intended for intensive use (switching on 5-6 times a day).

In any case, you should know how an industrial dishwasher differs from a household one:

  • most often much larger and more capacious;
  • equipped with more durable parts that are made of reliable material and have high wear resistance;
  • requires additional technical capabilities: special outputs and connection to the mains with high voltage.

It should also be borne in mind that professional automatic dishwashers may require a specialist to service them. So, the principle of operation of some units requires not only manual loading of dirty utensils, but the need to pull them out after the process is completed.

 What are special dishwashing machines

 As a rule, powerful dishwashers are needed by catering establishments operating in a constant flow of visitors and on the principle of ensuring the speed and quality of service. This is explained by the fact that professional equipment is intended:

  • for quick washing of dishes;
  • to save manual labor;
  • to reduce the cost of detergents, rinse aid and water supply.

Washing equipment for production is classified depending on the size of the occupied territory and the volume of dishes. As a result, the machines can be of the following types:

  • frontal;
  • domed;
  • conveyor (tunnel).

For small cafes and restaurants, the first type of units is in greatest demand. The popularity of frontal models lies in their ease of use (similar to household appliances), average washing speed (up to 900 units per hour) and compact dimensions. It is also important that these are inexpensive automatic devices.

Dome dishwashers are entire technical complexes. Their complete set is represented by sinks, work surfaces and a shower for rinsing.In turn, the main sink of the apparatus consists of two parts: the base (for loading dishes up to 1500 units per hour) and the dome (covering the base).

Conveyor type dishwashers are suitable for large canteen and hotel complexes. Depending on the location of the unit, it can be right-handed or left-handed. The presented view is intended for large volumes of dishes (up to 2500 units per hour). The technology of its functioning consists of several stages:

  1. Loading dirty utensils into cassettes with clips;
  2. Installing them on a stream (conveyor);
  3. Automatic advancement of them to washing and drying.

In addition to selecting suitable functions, it is important to remember that when deciding which type of unit is better to buy, you should calculate the total and production area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. So, it is worth knowing that about 15 square meters will be required to install tunnel dishwashers. m.

It is worth noting in a separate line that, depending on the specifics of the organization in the dishwasher market, pan-washing equipment is also provided for washing large-sized kitchen utensils (pots, boilers, baking sheets). Also, for a restaurant with a separate bar and similar establishments, a glass washer has been developed, which, in turn, can be frontal, tunnel and carousel. The latter type can wash up to 2000 glasses per hour and includes a rotating conveyor and separator (made of plastic or metal). Its technological process is based on the work of three departments: the first - for loading glasses, the second - for washing and the third - for sanitation.

Criteria for choosing an industrial dishwasher

A special dishwasher is not cheap, and therefore its choice must be approached with great responsibility. First of all, it should be remembered that popular models are not always a guarantee of quality. Also, when buying a unit for professional dishwashing, you should use a number of essential tips indicating what to pay detailed attention to:

  1. A performance indicator that affects the volume of washed items per unit of time (most often one hour).
  2. The dimensions of the equipment, which determine the size of the area it occupies. In some cases, it is more convenient to take two compact machines than one large one.
  3. duration of one cycle. The optimal indicator for professional automatic dishwashers is at least 5-6 cycles per day.

In addition to the design features of the equipment and data on how much it costs, it is equally important before buying it to clarify information about the availability of spare parts for this model (buttons, control boards, etc.) in the public domain. It is better to request such information not from the seller, but from the supplier of the goods.

But in the question of where to buy good equipment, everyone can be guided by their preferences. You can order a car online in an online store, in this case, the main thing is that the seller is verified, or you can purchase it directly in a specialized market.

The best manufacturers in different price segments

The best and most expensive are models from companies such as Winterhalter, Hobart (Germany) and Electrolux (Sweden). This is explained by the desire of manufacturers to constantly upgrade products. The presented branded equipment guarantees high performance, increased durability, reliability and economy.

In the question of which company is better to buy, you should pay attention to more affordable, but no less high-quality equipment from such brands as Vortmax, Eksi, Smeg, Kromo (all from Italy) and Fagor (Spain).

Budget prices are set for the models of Abat (Russia) and Grodtorgmash (Belarus). At the same time, the low cost does not affect the quality of the products; the dishwashers of the presented brands are made of high-quality stainless steel, safe and easy to operate.

Ranking of the best professional dishwashers for 2022

In the modern domestic market, a huge number of brands and models of professional dishwashers of various types are offered. The range of units also differs in purpose, dimensions, functionality and price category. Below is an overview of the best of them, recommended for purchase in 2022. The rating is based on the quality characteristics of the equipment and real customer reviews.

10th place MACH MB/9235

MB/9235 is a floor-standing front-loading dishwasher by the Italian brand MACH. In a narrower classification - a glass washing unit with an average hourly output of up to 800 units. The device is small and compact, in the shape of a square: length and width - about half a meter, height - 65 cm. The machine is able to wash not only glasses and wine glasses, but other dishes, the height of which does not exceed 23.5 cm. A great option for small establishments, economical in all questions, the apparatus with the length of one cycle is 150 seconds. The body of the washing machine is made of stainless steel and provides thermal protection.

Main technical characteristics of MACH MB/9235:

Type offrontal, glass washing
Power, kW/h2.81
Productivity, units/hour800
Maximum water temperature, °C50
Wash tank capacity, liters9.5
Boiler capacity, liters4
Duration of one cycle, seconds150
Water consumption per cycle, liters2.2
Dimensions (WxDxH), cm41x49.5x65
Basket size, cm35x35
Weight, kg41
Equipment universal baskets - 2 pcs.
insert for saucers / small plates - 1 pc.
plastic container for cutlery - 1 pc.
Country of OriginItaly

The average price for MACH MB/9235 in 2022 will be about 70,000 rubles.

MACH MB/9235
  • outdoor machine with compact dimensions;
  • universal device for washing glasses and dishes of small sizes;
  • durable housing with thermal protection;
  • the presence of a sensor for stopping work when the chamber sash is opened;
  • strong fixation of dishes in the chamber, which guarantees the safety of washing;
  • simple and clear control;
  • complete automation of the unit.
  • There were no significant shortcomings in the model, among the insignificant minuses, only the purpose of the equipment for small industries and the limitation of the height of the dishes to 23.5 cm can be called.

9th place Smeg UD500DS

UD500DS is a front-facing model also from the Italian manufacturer - the Smeg concern from the ECOLINE series. Freestanding dishwasher with small dimensions (almost a square: 58 by 60 cm and a height of 82 cm), which allows it to be used in a small kitchen area. At the same time, the device is characterized by high productivity and is capable of serving up to 40 cassettes with dishes within 50 by 50 cm in one hour. The body of the device with single walls is made of AISI 304 stainless steel.The machine is equipped with two washing programs with a short (90 seconds) and a medium cycle (150 seconds). Ergonomic unit with low consumption of electricity and water is recommended for canteens, cafes, restaurants and hotels with an average flow of visitors.

Main technical characteristics of Smeg UD500DS:

Type offront, dishwasher
Power, kW/hfrom 3.2 (220V) to 5.7 (380V)
Productivity, units/hour540 (up to 40 cassettes)
Maximum water temperature, °C60
Wash tank capacity, liters13
Boiler capacity, liters6
Duration of one cycle, seconds90/150
Water consumption per cycle, liters3.2
Dimensions (WxDxH), cm58x60x82
Basket size, cm50x50
Weight, kg36
Equipmentuniversal cassette - 1 pc.
cassette for cymbals - 1 pc.
cutlery cassette - 1 pc.
Country of OriginItaly

The average price for Smeg UD500DS in 2022 will be about 130,000 rubles.

Smeg UD500DS
  • unique design from the Smeg Ecoline series and compact dimensions, which is suitable for small areas;
  • two loading modes, clear automatic control;
  • body and sleeves are made of stainless steel;
  • extensive functionality, including standby mode, filter sensor, visualized temperature control, diagnostic system with fault notification and more;
  • economical consumption of electricity and water;
  • dynamic 3-stage filtration system;
  • equipped with peristaltic dispensers for detergent and rinse aid;
  • with "Thermostop" function to control the water temperature during rinsing.
  • low performance indicators (520 units per hour) compared to similar models from other manufacturers, but at the same time a higher price;
  • the unit is not suitable for public catering and food production with a large production volume.

8th place MMU 1000M

MMU 1000M is a continuous conveyor, much more powerful than previous models, with a capacity of up to 1600 items per hour. Universal and high-quality model of the famous Belarusian manufacturer "Grodtorgmash". The unit is equipped with an electronic control panel and is designed for washing plates, glasses, cups, cutlery and trays in the maximum dimensions of 53 by 32.5 cm in catering establishments with a large flow of visitors. An important feature of the presented model is the possibility of its connection to hot and cold water. Heavy device (more than 500 kg) requiring a large area for installation.

Main technical characteristics of MMU 1000M:

Type oftunnel (conveyor), universal
Power, kW/h35.7 (380V)
Productivity, units/hour1600
Maximum water temperature, °C85
Wash tank capacity, liters80/100
Boiler capacity, liters12
Conveyor speed, m/min0.8
Water consumption per cycle, liters200
Dimensions (WxDxH), cm370x105x130
Basket size, cm53x32.5
Weight, kg535
Equipment67 l pre-wash bath, 100 and 80 l wash and pre-rinse bath; automatic dispensers for detergents and rinse aids; steel corrosion-resistant lining of the structure; two cassettes for cutlery and glasses.
Country of OriginBelarus
MMU 1000M

The average price for MMU 1000M in 2022 will be about 500,000 rubles.

  • with the function of preliminary rinsing of dishes with warm water;
  • washing and rinsing is carried out with a lightweight shower;
  • connects to any water supply (cold and hot);
  • ease of operation and maintenance, access to the most complex parts is provided by reducing the number of trays and curtains;
  • with a detergent dispenser made in Italy;
  • control of the rest of the powder and rinse aid is provided;
  • aesthetic appearance and wear resistance provided by stainless steel panels;
  • affordable price for such devices.
  • a good, high-quality dishwasher with a long service life with proper installation and strict observance of operating rules;
  • the work of two operators is required: one must load dirty accessories, and the other must unload clean ones;
  • also, given the dimensions and weight of the equipment, it should be understood that a large area is needed for its installation;
  • high voltage is required - 380 V.

7th place Electrolux WTCS90ERB

The WTCS90ERB is a high quality tunnel type dish washer from the world famous brand of household appliances Electrolux. The technological process of the machine is fully automated and provides for the maintenance of a large volume of kitchen utensils; at the end of the sink, the dishes are rinsed with warm water. An important advantage over similar models of other brands WTCS90ERB are compact dimensions: length 1124 mm, width 884 mm and height 1771 mm and optimal power consumption: 23.9 kWh. The device is made of stainless steel, guarantees a long service life and despite the high performance (1620 devices per hour) and extensive functionality, it provides simple and easy operation.

Main technical characteristics of Electrolux WTCS90ERB:

Type oftunnel (conveyor), floor, cassette
Power, kW/h23.9 (380V)
Productivity, units/hour1620 (90 cassettes)
Maximum water temperature, °C65 (wash) / 90 (rinse)
Wash tank capacity, liters100
Boiler capacity, liters12
Water consumption per cycle, liters240
Dimensions (WxDxH), cm112.4x88.4x177.1
Basket size, cm50x50
Weight, kg459
EquipmentDishwasher, cassettes to be ordered separately
Country of OriginItaly

The average price for Electrolux WTCS90ERB in 2022 will be about 900,000 rubles.

Electrolux WTCS90ERB
  • all main components and baskets are made of stainless steel, which ensures high strength and reliability of the structure;
  • the presence of a built-in heating element for heating water at the rinsing stage;
  • high washing speed and maintenance volume (1620 units or 90 cassettes in one hour);
  • equipping the doors with foam filler, which gives the machine structure additional strength and increases tightness and sound insulation;
  • with after-use car wash function, various possibilities are provided to simplify the cleaning process: smooth surfaces, easily removable showers, filters and tray holders, rounded ends of the washing tank;
  • simple control panel and auto-diagnostics;
  • high environmental friendliness of the product;
  • full automation of the process, allowing to carry out any required number of washing cycles.
  • According to buyers, there are no significant disadvantages in the design and technology of the Electrolux WTCS90ERB. Of the minor inconveniences, the operation of the unit in high voltage conditions (380V) and high cost are named.

6th place Fagor FI-2700 I

FI-2700 I is a powerful and voluminous industrial dishwasher of the Spanish brand Fagor made of stainless steel and provides for the movement of the conveyor from left to right. The manufacturer also produces a completely similar version of the model, but with the letter D, in which the dishes move from right to left. The unit is designed for large productions, as it is able to wash large volumes of various dishes and kitchen utensils (2700 units per hour). It is fully automated and capable of an unlimited number of wash cycles. For the complete installation of the device, a significant area is required, since its length is almost 5 meters, and the depth is almost a meter. FI-2700 I has an average height of 165 cm, but it is a very heavy model - 900 kg. The washing unit operates on a voltage of 380 V and washes both dishes and thermal trays (thermoboxes) with high quality.

Main technical characteristics of Fagor FI-2700 I:

Type oftunnel (conveyor), universal
Power, kW/h65.4
Productivity, units/hour1 speed - 1800/ 2 speed -2700
Maximum water temperature, °C60 (wash)/90 (rinse)
Water consumption per cycle, liters360
Dimensions (WxDxH), cm478x90x165
Loading area, meters12
unloading area2
Weight, kg900
EquipmentLoad section; Neutral element; Main wash area; Double rinse zone; Neutral element; unloading area
Country of OriginSpain

The average price for Fagor FI-2700 I in 2022 will be about 1,000,000 rubles.

Fagor FI-2700 I
  • convenient and easy-to-learn control;
  • double filter;
  • equipping the chambers with a streamlined bottom to facilitate draining and cleaning;
  • thermometers are provided to control the water temperature at the stage of washing and rinsing;
  • installed magnetic door closing sensors;
  • stainless steel construction;
  • energy saving system: switching off the machine in the absence of dishes;
  • two download speeds and high performance (up to 2700 items);
  • plate protection system during unloading;
  • splash guards in loading and unloading sections.
  • again, it is impossible to name any striking shortcomings in the presented model. Excellent Spanish quality, numerous user recommendations and long service life. It should only be understood that the combination of such parameters leads to the formation of a high price, but the machine is intended for large establishments, so it is assumed that its cost will pay off rather quickly.

5th place Fagor ADVANCE AD 125 BDD

Already in the top five is another high-quality model of a professional Fagor brand dishwashing machine, one of the latest - ADVANCE AD 125 BDD. Technological equipment of dome type with a hood from the E-VO ADVANCE series of intelligent equipment, representing a combination of the latest technology, durability, customization of washing programs and extensive functionality: automatic cleaning, draining and diagnostics, which allows you to optimize maintenance time. Excellent service capacity for machines of this type and size up to 65 cassettes or 1170 items in one hour. The device is capable of operating in three speed modes - 55, 75 and 120 seconds and provides for an economical consumption of resources: 12 kW per hour and 2.4 liters per cycle.

Main technical characteristics of Fagor ADVANCE AD 125 BDD:

Type ofdomed
Power, kW/h12
Productivity, units/hour1170 (60 cassettes)
Maximum water temperature, °C60 (wash), 90 (rinse)
Loading window height, cm44
Boiler capacity, liters9
Duration of one cycle, seconds55-75-120
Water consumption per cycle, liters2.4
Dimensions (WxDxH), cm66.5x77.5x154 (when the dome is open)
Basket size, cm50x50
Weight, kg135
Equipment Dishwasher FAGOR ADVANCE AD 125 BDD 220/380 volts
Country of OriginSpain

The average price for Fagor ADVANCE AD 125 BDD in 2022 will be about 400,000 rubles.

  • unique modern technologies: E-VO ADVANCE (intelligent control), SELF-DRAIN (drain tank cleaning), HRS heat recovery system (collects and condenses steam and heats inlet water) and MULTIPOWER system (allows you to adapt power to a 220/380 V installation );
  • the body and driving parts are made of durable stainless steel AISI-304, providing reliability and high impact resistance;
  • built-in dispensers for detergent and rinse aid;
  • three cyclic modes 55/75/120 seconds;
  • good performance up to 1170 items;
  • compact dimensions, allowing the machine to be installed in small areas.
  • not found.

4th place Abat MPK-700K-01

MPK-700K-01 is a model of domestic production dome-type dishwasher. Inexpensive unit for a small business with an average flow of customers. Compact body 74 cm long, 85 cm wide and 149 cm high, made of durable stainless steel. All leading components are made of the same quality material.The cassette dishwasher is easy to use with a simple control system and a maximum capacity of up to 700 items in one hour. Budget model, provides two washing cycles (80 and 150 seconds), the ability to connect to hot water and a rinse aid dispenser.

Main technical characteristics of Abat MPK-700K-01:

Type ofdome, universal
Power, kW/h10.5
Productivity, units/hour700 (plates)/1400 (glasses)
Maximum water temperature, °C55 (wash)/85 (rinse)
Wash tank capacity, liters30
Boiler capacity, liters10
Duration of one cycle, seconds80/150
Water consumption per cycle, liters3
Dimensions (WxDxH), cm74x85x149
Basket size, cm50x50
Weight, kg100
Equipment2 cassettes for washing plates, glasses and cups, a glass for cutlery and a metal mesh for a neutral cassette.
Country of OriginRussia

The average price for Abat MPK-700K-01 in 2022 will be about 140,000 rubles.

Abat MPK-700K-01
  • provides 2 washing modes;
  • equipped with an electronic control panel;
  • provides for manual supply of detergent, automatic supply of rinse aid;
  • filling the bath with water, maintaining its level and controlling the temperature in an automated mode;
  • double filter system in the washing bath;
  • compact dimensions for small areas;
  • thanks to separate water circulation systems, the possibility of operation when connected to hot or cold water;
  • a pump for increasing the pressure of the water supply network during rinsing;
  • technologies are provided to facilitate hygienic cleaning of the unit;
  • budget price and availability of parts.
  • a good universal car at a budget price, but it alone will not be enough for establishments with a large flow of customers;
  • with compact dimensions and average performance, it operates from a 380V network.

3rd place MACH MS/9451

The third position in the top ten, according to buyers, can be attributed to a small front-loading dishwasher from the Italian manufacturer - MACH MS / 9451. The equipment is designed for professional use in small cafes, canteens, restaurants, hotels, and is also suitable for confectionery shops with their own production, as it can wash up to 500 kitchen utensils in one hour. The unit operates on a standard 220 V power supply and consumes 3.55 kWh. What is especially convenient is the presence of a universal basket, a separate tray for plates and two containers for cutlery.

Main technical characteristics of MACH MS/9451:

Type offrontal, universal
Power, kW/h3.55
Productivity, units/hour500
Maximum water temperature, °C50
Wash tank capacity, liters26
Boiler capacity, liters8
Duration of one cycle, seconds120/180
Water consumption per cycle, liters3.8
Dimensions (WxDxH), cm60x62x81
Basket size, cm50x50
Weight, kg59
Equipmentuniversal basket - 1 pc.
basket for plates - 1 pc.
plastic containers for cutlery - 2 pcs.
Country of OriginItaly
MACH MS/9451

The average price for MACH MS/9451 in 2022 will be about 110,000 rubles.

  • operates in automatic mode;
  • provides two high-speed modes 120 and 180 seconds;
  • the power of the machine allows you to remove very complex contaminants;
  • thermal protection;
  • provided with protective technologies for the safety of dishes;
  • durable and wear-resistant body made of high quality stainless steel;
  • the presence of a microsensor on the door, when opened, the washing process stops.
  • with all the advantages of the unit, it is intended only for small industries;
  • provides for limiting the maximum dimensions of the dishes to be served: the diameter of the plates is 320 mm, the height of the glasses is 315 mm.

2nd place Smeg UD530DES

UD530DES is another dishwasher model from the Italian brand Smeg that made it to the rating. Frontal unit with excellent technical characteristics. The popularity of the presented model is also explained by its convenient dimensions, which, together with good performance (up to 72 cassettes), allows using the equipment in washing shops and large catering establishments. The UD530DES is also equipped with everything you need for washing baking sheets, dishes and kitchen utensils of large sizes, which makes it indispensable in the kitchens of canteens, restaurants and hotel complexes. The machine has several cycles of operation from 50 to 250 seconds, detergent and rinse aid dispensers, as well as a thermostat and water softener.

Main technical characteristics of Smeg UD530DES:

Type offrontal, universal
Power, kW/hfrom 2.8 (220V) to 6.8 (380V)
Productivity, units/hour1300 (72 cassettes)
Wash tank capacity, liters11
Boiler capacity, liters6
Duration of one cycle, seconds 50 to 250 (6 modes)
Water consumption per cycle, litersfrom 150
Dimensions (WxDxH), cm60x66x82
Basket size, cm50x50
Weight, kg40
Equipmentpolypropylene cassette for 18 plates D 25 cm;
universal polypropylene cassette 50x50 cm;
6-compartment cassette for cutlery.
Country of OriginItaly

The average price for Smeg UD530DES in 2022 will be about 330,000 rubles.

Smeg UD530DES
  • universal dishwasher with electronic control and a large set of functions (soft start, drain pump, thermostop, self-diagnosis);
  • thanks to the dispenser of detergent and rinse aid, their consumption is saved;
  • compact dimensions with high productivity up to 72 cassettes;
  • 14 control programs, including 6 speed modes for each type of kitchen utensils;
  • patented DHR (heat recovery) system;
  • HTR rinsing system, which prevents cold water from entering the boiler during the rinsing phase;
  • patented 3-stage filtration system;
  • good washing chamber height 41.5 cm;
  • balanced doors with additional insulation;
  • durable metal case with high wear resistance;
  • affordable price.
  • not found.

1st place Electrolux Green&Clean 502043

One of the latest developments of the Swedish manufacturer Electrolux Green&Clean 502043 received the most positive ratings. The dimensions of the unit are square 60 by 61.2 cm, and it reaches a height of 85 cm. The machine has three cycles of 90/120/240 seconds and is capable of 40 cassettes (720 plates) in one hour in one hour. Despite its small size, the manufacturer has equipped its products with many advanced and patented technologies.Electrolux Green&Clean 502043 features innovative electronic controls, digital display, improved noise isolation, high tightness and durable stainless steel construction.

Main technical characteristics of Electrolux Green&Clean 502043:

Type oftunnel, universal
Power, kW/h7.35
Productivity, units/hour720 plates (40 cassettes)
Maximum inlet water temperature, °C50
Wash tank capacity, liters23
Boiler capacity, liters12
Duration of one cycle, seconds90/120/240
Water consumption per cycle, liters3
Dimensions (WxDxH), cm60x61.2x85
Basket size, cm50x50
Weight, kg68
Equipmentcontainer for devices - 2 pcs.
cassette for 18 dinner plates - 1 pc.
cassette for 24 cups or 48 small cups - 1 pc.
Country of OriginItaly

The average price for Electrolux Green&Clean 502043 in 2022 will be about 250,000 rubles.

Electrolux Green&Clean 502043
  • a built-in boiler is provided, which heats water under pressure at the rinsing stage from 50 ° C to 82 ° C, which ensures high-quality sanitization of dishes;
  • thanks to the built-in automatic rinse aid dispenser with continuous supply, its consumption is saved;
  • the unique system of mutual blocking keeps water temperature at all stages of washing of ware;
  • high productivity among similar dishwashers up to 720 plates per hour;
  • three speed modes - 90/120/240;
  • with soft start function and automatic diagnostics;
  • unique filter system purifies water even better from food residues;
  • high tightness and sound insulation;
  • durable and wear-resistant housing and driving parts made of AISI 304;
  • rotating washing / rinsing arms in the lower and upper parts of the washing chamber.
  • a very good innovative model of a dishwasher without obvious flaws, the only thing that can be noted is that the parameters of the unit are suitable only for small companies and its high cost among similar equipment.

Summing up

The structure of the modern world dictates its own conditions, the fulfillment of which becomes impossible without the use of advanced technologies. Among them, one can single out smart home appliances, which greatly simplified a person’s life. Kettles, vacuum cleaners, washing machines and much more - all this is used not only in private life, but also in enterprises and industries. Therefore, the best manufacturers of household equipment are constantly striving to release new products, refining and increasing its functionality. This article provides a description of the best professional dishwashers, which, thanks to innovative technologies and quality characteristics, will become in demand in 2022. All of them are from different manufacturers, differ in structure and purpose, but have multiple positive user reviews.

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