
  1. What is cork wallpaper
  2. Where to buy
  3. Rating of the most budgetary high-quality cork wallpapers
  4. The most popular wall coverings in the middle price category
  5. TOP 3 popular expensive cork wallpapers

Rating of the best cork wallpapers for 2022

Rating of the best cork wallpapers for 2022

If you want to update the interior, you often want to stand out with your originality and keep up with design ideas. Wood wallpapers are becoming especially popular now. They look very aesthetically pleasing, combined with many other interior elements.

This article provides information about the types of cork wallpaper, the best manufacturers of this product, as well as which models are the most popular in 2022.

What is cork wallpaper

The buyer is provided with a huge range of different materials for ennobling walls: it can be wallpaper, panels, paint, textured coatings, wood. Recently, the interest of users has been especially growing in cork wallpaper. And this is not in vain: after all, they have so many advantages over other materials that the demand for them is fully justified.

The main advantage of cork is its environmental friendliness, since oak bark is used for their production. Therefore, children's rooms or bedrooms of allergy sufferers are an ideal place for gluing cork wall products.

It is worth noting one more of the features of the material: due to special processing during the production process, such wallpapers have an antistatic effect: dust and dirt practically do not settle on the surface, and there are no conditions for the reproduction of fungus or mold. The wallpaper is not affected by high humidity, so you can mount them in the bathroom or in the kitchen and not worry that you will have to repeat the repair soon.

They also have soundproofing properties, perfectly keep cool in the summer and warm on cold winter days. And resistance to fire will prevent the spread of fire in the event of a fire, which is also a definite plus.

Manufacturers put on sale wallpapers of various colors: white, beige, brown and dark brown, with interesting patterns. Cork products go well with other design ideas: they can be combined with wood or bamboo, as well as with other modern styles.

Cork wallpapers are not afraid of sunlight, so they can be glued on loggias or balconies without worrying that the product will lose its shade over time.

The main disadvantage of wall coverings is their cost - it is much higher than conventional paper options for gluing walls or paint. But if we weigh all the advantages of this material, then the price for it becomes quite justified and acceptable.

What are the varieties

Before you buy wallpaper and make modern repairs in your apartment, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the existing types of products.

The main distinguishing feature between cork coatings is the release form. Let's consider them in more detail in order to choose the best option as a result.

One of the most popular forms of cork wallpaper is considered to be non-woven or paper based. They differ in lower cost than options with a different basis. At the same time, they are quite strong, have a high wear resistance and do not cause difficulties when gluing to the walls. Usually produced in roll form.

Another variety is cork wallpaper in a liquid consistency. Outwardly, they look like plaster, which contains wood chips. They can be applied in any room - be it a living room, a bedroom or even a kitchen. Also, liquid wallpaper is used to finish the outside of the room.

In addition to crumbs of tree bark, the composition contains adhesive substances with the addition of acrylic. Using a spatula, the material is applied to the entire wall or selectively, depending on the design idea. The advantage of this type of coating is that when applied to the surface there are no joints and the mixture lies evenly.

Slabs or panels are small two-layer sheets that are created by applying high pressure and heat to granular corks. They can be a standard shade or with the addition of paint. The top layer is covered with wax, so the building material has water-repellent advantages. Such panels are ideal for rooms with a high level of humidity.

Such coatings have standard sizes: 30x30 cm, 30x60 cm and 60x60 cm. At the same time, their thickness corresponds to 3 mm. It is worth noting that cork panels are quite durable - their service life with proper care can reach up to 30 years.

Wall-paper with a self-adhesive backing is covered on one side with printed wood veneer. An adhesive mixture is applied from the back of the product. This type of coating is very easy to install: just remove the protective film from the paper base and apply it to a pre-treated and cleaned surface. You can glue them not only on the walls, but also on interior doors or furniture. Particular attention should be paid to the joints when pasting: if they do not match, tearing off and re-gluing the same coating will no longer work.

This material is very easy to clean - you should periodically wipe the wallpaper with a damp cloth. In addition, it has an antistatic effect and does not absorb odors.Available in different shades: light beige, orange, brown and golden colors.

The materials discussed above are considered the most popular among the population. In addition to them, there are two more types: rolled and technical cork. They are usually used to insulate facades or level floors and walls, and also have a soundproofing effect.

How to choose

To purchase a product that will last a long time and at the same time will please its owner, you should consider some recommendations when choosing.

Manufacturers produce a huge assortment both in the form of release and in shades. The most popular colors are brown in dark or light versions - in their color they are closest to natural ones.

But if the room that needs repair has a small area, then you should pay attention to light colors. They will help visually enlarge the room.

It is also worth choosing from those colors that will be most suitable for the overall interior and furniture. If the renovation of the walls is carried out in the kitchen, you should choose those models that do not absorb extraneous odors. Most wallpapers have this quality, well, it's better to check before buying.

So that the room does not look monotonous and monotonous, it is recommended to combine cork wallpapers with other types of coatings. The combination of cork wood and, for example, decorative stone, will create an interesting, modern and stylish atmosphere in the room.

There are popular manufacturers who have been creating cork for a long time and produce really high-quality products. Therefore, choosing from several similar options, you should give preference to a well-known brand.

The following Portuguese brands are considered leaders in high quality: Corkart, IberCork, Easycork, Wicanders, Ruscork, Amorim, Corksribas. You can also consider Swiss-made goods from the Corkstyle trademark. In addition to cork wall coverings, the user can also purchase other building materials made from cork, such as flooring products.

The cost of building materials usually depends on their quantity in the package. There are small kits designed for pasting a surface of 1.98 square meters. m, or you can purchase a set that will decorate walls with a size of almost 10 sq.m.

Where to buy

You can consider the existing assortment, choose and buy a product in a hardware store. The advantage of buying at specialized points is that you can examine the product in detail, touch it by touch and strength, and also pick up other elements that match the tone to complete the repair work.

But it is also possible to select and order all building materials through the online store. They provide a wider selection of goods than in ordinary hardware stores, while the price can be much lower.

The user is given the opportunity to get acquainted with new arrivals, popular models, the most budgetary or expensive. When buying online, it is worth noting that the shade in the photo may differ slightly from the actual color of the product.

With the help of a search filter, the buyer will be able to quickly find the product that suits him in all respects. Each product has a detailed description of all its characteristics. It is also recommended to study in more detail the reviews of other buyers who have already purchased the product and can give it a real assessment of the quality.

In addition to cork wallpaper, the user can pick up other building materials needed to complete the repair. After the final selection of all the necessary elements, the buyer enters the data for placing an online order and waits for delivery.

Rating of the most budgetary high-quality cork wallpapers

In this section, we will consider the most popular models of cork wallpaper, the cost of which ranges from 1500 to 5000 rubles.

IberCork Malaga Rojo

The product has a pleasant, natural red-brown color. The kit includes 6 sheets with a matte finish, which are designed for laying an area of ​​one square meter. m. The dimensions of each plate are as follows: width 30 cm, length - 60 cm, thickness - 3 mm. The coverage area of ​​one sheet is 0.18 square meters. m.

The connection and installation of the cork coating occurs according to the adhesive type. It is environmentally friendly, so it can be installed not only in children's rooms, but also for people who are exposed to frequent allergic diseases. It is not subject to the spread of mold and other fungi.

The antistatic coating prevents the formation of dust, also absorbs sounds well, does not absorb foreign unpleasant odors, and has thermal insulation properties.

To these advantages, it is also worth adding a long service life.

The cost of plates intended for laying an area of ​​​​one square. m - 1600 rubles. You can also purchase kits for more repairs.

cork wallpaper IberCork Malaga Rojo
  • Stylish design;
  • It has many positive properties.
  • Not detected.

Easycork, Safra, 600x300x3mm, 1.98 sq.m.

The product has an attractive white shade of natural appearance.Ecological clean sheets that are installed on the wall thanks to the adhesive base. The length is 60 cm, the width is 30 cm, the thickness is approximately 3 mm.

Possesses heat-insulating and noise-insulating properties. The product has no odors, and does not emit toxic substances during combustion.

The kit comes with 11 plates, the area of ​​​​one is 0.18 square meters. m. Thus, one package is intended for laying an area of ​​​​1.98 square meters. m. The outer side of the product has a polished surface without additional coating.

The composition of the cork sheet does not include harmful or toxic substances, including polyvinyl chloride. The cost of the kit is almost 3000 rubles.

cork wallpaper Easycork, Safra, 600x300x3mm, 1.98 sq.m.
  • Stylish appearance;
  • It has many positive qualities.
  • Some areas are a little crumbled.

Ibercork, Malaga nevada, 600x300x3mm, 1.98 sq.m.

Another model of sheet-type wallpaper on an adhesive basis. A pleasant natural beige shade will emphasize any interior. It differs not only in its environmental friendliness, but also provides sound insulation, is resistant to high humidity and retains heat in the room. Does not contain in its composition toxic substances that can be released during combustion.

Plates in the amount of 11 pieces have dimensions of 60x30 cm and a thickness of 3 mm. The laying area of ​​one element is 0.18 sq. m, the whole package - 1.98 sq. m. There is a protective coating in the form of wax.

You can buy wallpaper in the form of a cork for 3900 rubles.

cork wallpaper Ibercork, Malaga nevada, 600x300x3mm, 1.98 sq.m.
  • natural shade;
  • Has a protective wax finish.
  • Not detected.

The most popular wall coverings in the middle price category

Let's review those models of cork wallpapers that are in the price range from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.

Ibercork, Mallorca, 600x300x6mm, 1.08 sq.m.

Another model from the Portuguese manufacturer, has an original design. Like many other products from this company, this wall covering muffles and absorbs noise, retains heat or cold in different seasons of the year, is hypoallergenic, safe for asthmatics and children, as it is environmentally friendly.

The antistatic surface does not allow the formation of dust on the wallpaper and simplifies the process of caring for them - just wipe them periodically. The product can be installed in rooms with high humidity and this will not affect their service life or appearance.

The set consists of 6 plates, which have standard dimensions (60x30 cm), but differ in thickness - unlike other models, here it is 6 mm. One panel is designed for an area of ​​0.18 square meters. m, the package includes 6 plates that are installed on the surface with a special glue.

The price of the wall covering "Mallorca" is 7000 rubles.

cork wallpaper Ibercork, Mallorca, 600x300x6mm, 1.08 sq.m.
  • original design;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Thickness 6mm;
  • It has many useful properties.
  • Small coverage area - 1.08 sq. m.

Wicanders Dekwall Fiord Exclusive RY19002 600 x 300 x 3 mm wax (1.980 sqm)

A stylish model of cork wallpaper consists of three layers: the bottom one is made of agglomerate cork, the middle one protrudes cork veneer and a protective layer of wax is applied on top of the product.

The product has the same useful properties as the previous models from the Portuguese manufacturer: environmentally friendly material, fire resistant, heat and noise insulating, antistatic. It is also worth pointing out that cork slabs do not absorb various aromas.

Panel dimensions: length and width 60 cm and 30 cm, respectively, thickness 3 mm. The total gluing area is 1.98 square meters. m.

Due to its waterproof properties, the product can be mounted both in the bathroom and in the kitchen. The cost of 11 plates included in the package is from 5000 rubles.

cork wallpaper Wicanders Dekwall Fiord Exclusive RY19002 600 x 300 x 3 mm wax (1.980 sqm)
  • Stylish design;
  • Has many properties;
  • Ease of maintenance.
  • Not detected.

Corkart 386c WH x 600 x 450 x 3 mm (microbevelled) CorkGard wax

A wall product of a delicate snow-white shade will fit into any room and visually increase its area due to its color. The Portuguese brand Corkart is so confident in the high quality of its products that it provides a guarantee for up to 10 years.

The panels have slightly non-standard dimensions: length - 60 cm, width 45 cm, thickness is unchanged - 3 mm. The product has a microbevel on four sides. Installation on the wall is due to the adhesive solution.

The surface of the product has a smooth texture, the top layer is covered with protective wax. Like other models, this product has many useful functions: it retains heat, has a soundproofing effect, and is 100% moisture resistant.

One package contains 11 panels designed for an area of ​​2.97 sq. m. You can buy this model of wall plates for 8000 rubles.

cork wallpaper Corkart 386с WH x 600 x 450 x 3 mm (microbevelled) CorkGard wax
  • Modern design;
  • It has many useful properties;
  • Covered with protective wax;
  • There is a microbevel.

Not detected.

TOP 3 popular expensive cork wallpapers

The presented options are designed for a large laying area. Due to the amount of material, the price of the goods will naturally be higher.

Corkstyle Monte Brown WD03 (4 pack/7.92 m2)

One package consists of 11 boards of standard sizes (60 x 30 cm, thickness 3 mm). Designed for a laying area of ​​1.98 sq. m. An interesting design of the main light brown color with dark elements. In total, the set includes 4 packs for covering a wall with an area of ​​7.92 sq. m.

Installation occurs due to glue, the outer layer is covered with wax. Model with embossed surface and matte finish. The bottom layer of the product consists of agglomerated cork; for the top layer, cork oak veneer is used. Therefore, the wall covering is considered completely safe to use. It can be mounted in children's rooms, as well as in those rooms where there is high humidity.

In addition to these advantages, the product has soundproofing properties. The cost of a set of four packages is just over 13,000 rubles.

cork wallpaper Corkstyle Monte Brown WD03 (4 packs/7.92 m2)
  • Has many useful properties;
  • Set for large surface area;
  • Stylish design.
  • Not detected.

Corkart Cork Guard PU3 386c ZO x-3.0 (3 packs/8.91 m2)

Cork flooring on the wall of Portuguese production is mounted with glue. It has a smooth, matte texture, the surface of the product is covered with wax. Model with special bevels on four sides (chamfer).

The package contains 11 panels, which have the following dimensions: length - 60 cm, width - 45 cm, thickness - 3 mm.The plates have soundproofing and moisture resistant effects. One set is designed for laying on a surface area up to 2.97 square meters. m. The set includes three such packages that will decorate a room with an area of ​​8.91 sq. m.

The cost of cork coating is almost 20,000 rubles.

cork wallpaper Corkart Cork Guard PU3 386c ZO x-3.0 (3 packs/8.91 m2)
  • Chamfer on four sides;
  • Large volume;
  • Ease of installation;
  • High quality goods.
  • Not detected.

EasyCork Lima Cream EC02 (5 pack/9.9 m2)

Cork slabs 60x30 cm in size and 3 mm thick in a pleasant light color are suitable for installation in any room - hallway, nursery, bedroom, kitchen and even bathroom. The product can be installed not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling.

The material of manufacture is natural cork, the top layer is covered with veneer. In addition to high resistance to moisture, the product has heat and sound insulation. Sticking on the walls occurs due to special glue.

The set consists of 5 packs, each containing 11 sheet panels. The total area for wall cladding is 9.9 square meters. m., the outer part of the product is covered with wax. You can buy a wall plug from EasyCork in a shade of Cream Lima for 16,000 rubles.

cork wallpaper EasyCork Cream lima EC02 (5 pack/9.9 m2)
  • Original shade;
  • Heat and noise insulation;
  • Fire resistant;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • Set of 5 packs.
  • Not detected.

Cork wallpapers look very natural, so they are great for those users who want to decorate their renovation in a modern style. And given the list of all the advantages of this type of coating, it is not surprising that the popularity of cork coating is increasing every day.

The offers considered are the choice of many buyers in 2022.They have a variety of designs, differ in size, their installation can take place in any of the rooms. Some models have minor, but even with them, cork wallpaper is considered a better choice than the usual paper coverings we are used to.

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