Increased oil consumption for the engine is due to various reasons. The modern market is not able to offer universal-type products, so the car owner will have to find out the specific reason for the increased consumption.
Leak prevention agents create a protective layer on the surface of parts. In addition, the liquid clogs small holes through which oil flows. The quality of the additive will directly affect the long-term effect.
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An additive is a liquid that enters the machine's system along with gasoline or as a lubricant.The use of such fluids allows you to extend the service life of spare parts. Specialized stores offer a wide range of additives, both suitable for various cars and for specific brands of cars.
Getting into the insides of the car, the liquid creates a protective coating and crystallizes, clogging the cracks obtained during the operation of the vehicle. When the engine goes into active mode, raising the temperatures inside the car, the product functions as a connecting link, which helps prevent further damage to the parts.
It is important to understand that the use of supplements is not able to solve the problem at the system level and is only suitable as a temporary measure. An oil leak in most cases means serious problems with the engine, which can cause impressive damage, due to which the car will no longer be safe. To diagnose and further eliminate the "zhora", you must contact qualified craftsmen without delay. It is also worth considering that if there is one problem in the engine, then it will surely cause a chain reaction that generates new breakdowns.
It is important to take into account the driving style of a particular driver, because if you press the brake pedal too often, oil consumption is natural. In addition, it is worth studying the specifics and characteristics of a particular car and making sure that the increased costs are not related to the features of the model.
Instances of this category give the most short-term results. In addition, products with a low price often create problems during major repairs, as a result of which the price of this increases by an average of 30%. The buyer should consider these factors before buying and prepare for the above results of the use of such additives.These products are suitable for cheap cars or if the driver does not plan to operate the engine in the future. Otherwise, it is recommended to consider products from more expensive segments.
This additive stabilizes the viscosity of the oil at elevated temperatures. In addition, Liqui Moly also stabilizes pressure indicators. An increase in viscosity is directly reflected in a decrease in consumption. The greatest efficiency is achieved on motors with impressive wear. Users also note a decrease in noise levels after applying this composition. Manufactured in Germany in accordance with European quality requirements.
Video testing tool:
“Not a bad product if used as directed. The manufacturer recommends mixing 3 ml of the composition per 5 liters of oil, this is the most adequate proportion even for worn motors. Would recommend to anyone looking for an affordable supplement to reduce oil consumption!”
This copy is compatible with diesel ICE, single use. The composition is concentrated, so a proportion of 50ml / 5l is enough for an adequate effect of the product. With a similar concentration of the substance, "zhor" is reduced to 10%. Domestic production, with a worn-out internal combustion engine, a 5-fold reduction in consumption is possible. Also, the noise inside the motor is noticeably reduced.
Additive video test:
“Impressions from this additive are mostly positive, but it should be borne in mind that it is only enough for a single use. The noise really decreased by an order of magnitude, the zhor decreased by about 15% (the engine is worn out). Suitable only for diesel internal combustion engines, you should not use this composition on other configurations. Would recommend to anyone looking for a diesel engine additive!”
The tool is universal, suitable for both gasoline and diesel engines, except for forced ones, the manufacturer recommends pouring the additive in 2 phases with a mileage of up to 50 thousand km, and in 3 phases with a greater mileage. With a run of over 200 thousand km., It is recommended to use the composition in 4 phases. It is important to read the manufacturer's recommendations on the bank in detail. The manufacturer warns against the inadmissibility of contact of the additive with human skin and mucous membranes, as well as with the digestive system. In case of violation of this recommendation, it is necessary to go to the hospital without delay.
“A solid additive for its price category, it reduces oil consumption and noise from the engine by an order of magnitude. It is not so easy to handle, but if you follow the recommendations, there are no problems. Would recommend to anyone looking for an inexpensive supplement to reduce oil consumption!”
Another video review:
This section includes relatively optimal products that can provide a lasting effect. Some positions will also not benefit from a major overhaul, but at the same time they will have a more impressive beneficial effect. Suitable for low-cost and medium-sized cars, whose internal combustion engine is subject to further restoration.They have the greatest effect on engines with medium and high wear. Some positions, in addition to reducing consumption, also have a positive effect on gasoline consumption.
For worn motors, reusable, requires addition every 2 thousand km., It is popular among the people. The manufacturer has gained a good reputation among users of additives. Oil leakage is reduced noticeably, but regular (compared to analogues) topping up is required. Unlike competitors, this instance will not provide additional functions, such as providing benefits to adjacent spare parts, but it does an excellent job with the declared fight against excessive consumption.
“Not a bad additive, I used to use a smaller package, but in view of the positive experience of use, I switched to a large one. Although this composition does not promise an extensive effect, it copes with the direct task perfectly. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quality additive at an average price!”
An instance with the widest functionality has an additional effect (reduces fuel consumption), designed for cars of the passenger type. In addition, the composition has a positive effect on the engine as a whole, as a result of which the noise level also decreases. The manufacturer recommends adding this composition every 10 thousand km. The most popular among drivers, there are a lot of reviews on the network in which users say that this instance is the best in its segment.
“I use this additive because I am completely satisfied with the quality of the action! It is enough to add 1 time per 10 thousand km., Together with a reduction in zhora, the noise from the motor also comes down to a minimum. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quality composition of the middle price segment!”
The most affordable copy in its segment, widely distributed in the Russian market. One of the most important advantages of this composition is the absence of problems after use. The components of the additive do not produce unnecessary blockages on machine parts. Also, users note a useful action when the engine overheats. The additive, in some cases, is able to prevent the failure of the motor when operating it in extreme conditions. The popularity of this product is due to its wide availability in stores, for many drivers, Additiv has taken the place of the additive by default.
Video testing of the additive:
“Great additive, I use it when I make long trips. Shows good results on an overheated engine. Does not leave pollution after use, which has a positive effect on the cost of overhaul. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quality product from the medium category!”
In this category, funds are collected that are capable of an impressive result and do not leave impressive difficulties with repairs after use. Although the compositions of these specimens are of high quality, it is worth remembering that the use of even premium additives will not work for the long-term use of a car with a breakdown.Suitable for expensive engines, has a noticeable effect on the life of the motor. Some copies are suitable for both passenger cars and trucks.
The name reflects the essence of the additional actions of the additive. This product has a positive effect on the amount of exhaust, in addition to the direct obligation to reduce "zhora". The principle of operation of the fluid is the formation of particles when the temperature of the motor rises, which impede the flow of the oil. ICE components that are in poor condition receive a protective layer that extends the life of the engine. The drug is universal and suitable for engines of any configuration.
Video review of the tool:
“A good copy, does not add exhaust, does not create impressive problems during repairs. Leakage decreases markedly, additive consumption is relatively economical. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a good supplement!”
This additive compensates for compression, reduces oil consumption by increasing concentration and viscosity. The greatest effect is achieved at elevated temperatures, during extreme operation of the car, the additive will reduce engine noise. This is suitable for those drivers who often drive in mountainous conditions or with a load on a trailer. The most noticeable results are observed on older machines with a worn-out internal combustion engine.
“Good composition, it is recommended to add in the proportion indicated on the package (from the manufacturer).This proportion is equal to 325 ml per 4-5 liters of oil, in a similar situation, the additive is enough for an impressive mileage. The drug copes with the task perfectly well, when driving with a trailer, the noise level drops by an order of magnitude. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quality supplement at a premium price segment!”
This product has an impressive shelf life (3 years), popularity among drivers and a high-quality composition. The additive is compatible with all ICE architectures, from diesel to gas. Users note the maximum reduction in oil consumption, as well as a reduction in fuel consumption up to 7% of the original figures. A similar effect is achieved when using even small amounts of the product. The manufacturer recommends storing this additive in accordance with temperature requirements, otherwise, partial or complete loss of the useful action of the product is possible.
Video instructions for using the additive:
“Great addition. It lasts for a long time, because small amounts of the product are enough to get the result. Leakage is reduced to a minimum, in addition, the motor receives additional protection against friction, which increases its operational life. It is recommended to store this product in a heated room, otherwise the result is not guaranteed. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quality composition to eliminate excessive oil consumption!”
Additives for the engine should not be considered a publicity stunt, because the beneficial effect of these funds is confirmed by an impressive number of drivers. Users note the effectiveness of additives at least 10% (on average).Efficiency directly correlates with the competent selection of the product. The best option is if the user buys a supplement designed for a specific brand and even for a specific model. In this case, the efficiency reaches impressive indicators, but when purchasing universal means, you should not count on the maximum effect. It is recommended to consult with a specialist on the selection of funds for a particular car. Also, it is important to make sure the quality of the composition and reputation of the brand, because there are enough unscrupulous manufacturers on the market who fake products from famous names.
Also, it is important to get advice from a certified master about the use of supplements. It will not be difficult for a professional to correctly select the right composition from those available on the market for a specific engine. With self-selection, it is important to understand that cheap formulations are capable of only a minimal effect. In addition, such products often affect (negatively) the life and quality of the engine. Optimal compositions are located in the middle and premium segments. These instances are able to show results and give guarantees. Cheap products, in addition to being of little use, can create a risk of new breakdowns.
Some car models are supplied with reference material, which indicates recommendations for choosing additive manufacturers. These recommendations were compiled by professional analysts and will fit as a substitute for the advice of a master. The recommendations in these guides are not uncommonly focused on expensive items, but this guarantees quality.
Numerous tests on auxiliary fluids have revealed a number of advantages and disadvantages of this product.The benefits of these funds include:
It is important to consider the disadvantages of such products:
It is important to remember that an oil leak is often accompanied by serious engine damage. Additives will only give a temporary respite from major repairs and increase the cost thereof. It is recommended to carry out repair actions of the internal combustion engine without delay.
Additives provide the greatest benefit if the owner of the car does not plan to overhaul, but intends to dispose of the internal combustion engine in the future. If the user intends to continue using the engine, then it is worth considering the negative effects of additives. The negative impacts are listed above.