
  1. Additive efficiency
  2. Diesel additives
  3. Outcome

Ranking of the best engine additives for 2022

Ranking of the best engine additives for 2022

The production of petroleum products produces goods aimed at improving the quality of the car engine, as well as extending the life of these. In Russia, such funds have long been perceived with skepticism among the owners of personal vehicles. Today, some drivers are confident in the effectiveness of additives and claim that such additives help save on maintenance, while others consider these products a waste of money. Both sides are right, but partially, because in cases of non-critical damage, additives can have a beneficial effect, but if the defects are significant, only a major overhaul of the engine will help.

Often, additives demonstrate high efficiency in preventive measures or in the elimination of minor engine defects. In addition, the current market offers the buyer a choice from a wide range of products of a strictly specialized direction, in rare cases there are products of universal action. To obtain proper performance indicators, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations from the additive manufacturer.Often, drivers neglect even a preliminary acquaintance with the recommendations, and therefore they face problems of low efficiency from the purchase. If the buyer does not want to study the problems of a particular car and the range of products suitable for solving, it is worth studying at least the general provisions regarding preparations to improve the quality of the engine.

Additive efficiency

Despite strong skepticism among a number of motorists, additives are popular among drivers interested in saving on repairs and in the correct operation of the engine. Such tools help to maintain the presentation of new engines and extend the operating life of used engines. Before proceeding with the purchase, it is recommended to carefully study the specifics of the defects of a particular engine and draw up requirements for the drug. It is highly not recommended to purchase goods of dubious origin with a low price tag, because such products, at best, will not have an effect, and at worst, will reduce the quality of the engine.

Specialized retail outlets have a wide range of additives for various purposes, and Internet resources will help you get rare types of funds. Modern preparations for motors are produced with the addition of auxiliary components to solve problems of a certain specificity.There are categories of products designed for new vehicles and those that have been in operation for a long period.

Additive from the company Liqui Moly CeraTec series

This series is distinguished by the concentration of ceramic fractions and a complex combination of auxiliary elements in the composition. The drug acts on gasoline, increasing its power performance. The drug has a beneficial effect, which is expressed in leveling the relief of the inner wall of the engine to reduce friction. This action significantly increases the efficiency of the engine. A single application of CeraTec guarantees the effect for 50,000 km., Then the manufacturer recommends applying the additive again. It is highly recommended that you follow the instructions on the packaging, otherwise the driver risks causing damage to the car, after which maintenance is required.

Additive from the company Liqui Moly CeraTec series
  • Fuel consumption indicators are reduced by an order of magnitude;
  • The driver will save on lubricant;
  • Long-term guaranteed effect from a single application;
  • The noise of the motor is reduced by an order of magnitude.
  • Not the cheapest product in the segment.


“I have been using the CeraTec series from Liqui Moly for about a year now and during my use I can only praise this drug. Firstly, the additive allows you to significantly save on lubrication, and secondly, gasoline consumption has become noticeably more modest than before. In addition, the engine began to work more smoothly, apparently, there were defects not visible to the naked eye. The noise is less even at high speeds. Although the drug is not the cheapest, but it pays for its cost. Would recommend to anyone looking for a strong quality supplement!”

Additive from the company Liqui Moly Speed ​​Tec series

This series is designed for engines running on 2- and 4-stroke systems using gasoline fuel. During the manufacture, the manufacturer added a fine metal fraction to the preparation to ensure the best interaction with the motor part of the vehicle. The series is fast. Consumed gasoline improves noticeably in quality when using the Speed ​​Tec additive. One-time use is designed for a volume of 70 liters. fuel. The manufacturer recommends using the additive in combination with medium or low grade fuel. Don't mix Speed ​​Tec with high quality fuel.

Additive from the company Liqui Moly Speed ​​Tec series
  • The manufacturer excluded complexes of components in the composition that are dangerous for the operation of the motor;
  • Can be used under high engine loads;
  • Increases power performance;
  • Provides smooth engine operation.
  • Does not combine with high quality fuel (like 95 or 98 grades).


“I have been buying Speed ​​Tec for about 2 years now, because the drug is quite affordable and shows noticeable results. The engine runs smoothly even with mediocre quality fuel, in addition, the tool minimizes the harmful effect of cheap gasoline on the engine. I recommend this additive to anyone who is looking for a product that can ensure the safety of the engine when refueling with cheap gasoline!”

Lucas Oil additive series 10131

Lukas specializes in the production of products to improve the quality of lubricants for gasoline engines. The series is designed to troubleshoot problems associated with dry starting and is suitable for all categories of vehicles, even sports. The additive shows stable results even under conditions of increased loads.A single application guarantees an effect for 20 thousand km, after which the drug should be reused.

Lucas Oil additive series 10131
  • American quality standards;
  • High performance indicators;
  • Stable operation with non-factory spare parts;
  • Reduces engine noise even at high speeds;
  • Stabilization of temperature deviations of power elements.
  • Not the cheapest product on the market;
  • A hard-to-reach product, even if you search on Internet resources;
  • When working with low quality lubricants, it does not show the best results.


“I have been using the Lucas additive for about a year and during this time there were no complaints, because the product shows consistently high results. It is worth mentioning that the additive is designed to work with high-quality materials and rather serves to maintain the presentation of engines of medium or high quality. It is unlikely that this tool is suitable for use in conjunction with economy segment materials. I recommend Lucas additive to anyone who is looking for an additive to maintain a strong engine quality!”

Additive from Hi-Gear SMT2 series

The additive is designed to increase engine operating cycles and stabilize operation in the overall system. The manufacturer provided the drug with a complex of additives in the composition, which reduce the load on the power elements of the car. When testing the tool, the engines showed a doubled lifespan.

Additive from Hi-Gear SMT2 series
  • The use of modern technologies in the manufacture of additives;
  • The complex of elements in the composition minimizes the oxidative effects of the product;
  • The consistency of the additive ensures stable operation and minimal evaporation;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the power elements of the engine;
  • Suitable for use with any type of gasoline engine.
  • Not the longest duration.


“Additives from High-Gear significantly increase the characteristics of power elements, in addition, the tool is made according to a formula that does not allow the formation of thickening of the material during use, which affects the stability of work. I have been using the product for more than 2 years and for this issue only the service life of the additive with a single use causes questions. When taking into account not the most budgetary cost, the manufacturer should resolve this issue. Would recommend to anyone looking for a quality lubricant additive!”

Diesel additives

Despite the popular belief that such a fuel is self-sufficient, diesel, like gasoline, will show better results if additives are added. In addition, aids are necessary for vehicles that are in long-term operation, because the mechanics of gas processing in a diesel engine are more prone to contamination than gasoline counterparts. A professional drug is able to bring stability to the operation of the engine, improve fuel quality and reduce consumption.

Additives from ER

This drug shows impressive results on models of the Japanese car industry with a diesel engine. The additive allows you to reduce the friction performance of spare parts, increase power performance, and reduce fuel consumption. Also, when using the drug from ER, the car does not need a constant change of oils. Among car enthusiasts, the product is known as an assistant for power elements of the engine.The manufacturer recommends reviewing the compatibility list with oil brands before proceeding with the purchase of an additive.

Additives from ER
  • Distribution of load on power elements;
  • Increasing torque indicators;
  • Reducing the consumption of fuels and lubricants;
  • Adequate cost;
  • Compatible with old car models.
  • Does not work with some popular oil manufacturers.


“I have been using the ER additive for about 3 years, no questions arise. This is one of the most affordable options, moreover, compatible with older cars. The declared functions are implemented in good faith, one has only to take into account that when combined with some brands of oil, the engine is damaged. It is worthwhile to study the list of not recommended brands in advance before using the supplement. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for an effective tool to improve engine performance at an adequate cost!”

Additives from Castrol TDA series

Designed to improve the performance of diesel engines. The Castrol series offers a means to slow down the corrosive action and reduce the harmful effect of fuel on engine elements. The additive will show results regardless of the season, but motorists speak of the drug as the best for winter periods. The manufacturer warns that with the progression of one-time applications, the driver will face the need for regular filter replacement. This problem is caused by the fact that the composition of the product leaves impurities on the filter.

CoolStream TDA additive
  • High performance indicators in winter periods;
  • The composition of the additive eliminates the thickening of the fuel;
  • The additive gives the fuel the properties of a lubricant;
  • Noise reduction even under high engine loads.
  • In the summer, the effectiveness of the drug drops markedly.


“I buy additives from Castrol because the brand has been around for a long time and I have not had any problems with products from this manufacturer. Additives from the TDA series show the claimed effects in the winter periods, but in the summer season, the properties lose their former strength. I recommend the drug from Castrol to everyone who is looking for auxiliary additives for the engine for the winter!”

Additives from Bardahl Full Metal

On the territory of the Russian Federation, this brand is known as one of the best in terms of auxiliary action for engines running on diesel fuel. Popularity among car owners is due to the use of advanced technologies in the manufacture of the product. The composition provides the additive with a better grip. Thanks to this, the driver receives certain guarantees of protection when starting dry. When using an additive, friction in the engine is noticeably reduced, due to which fuel consumption occurs in an economical mode. The tool is perfect for both the reconstruction of engines in operation, and for preventive measures.

Additives from Bardahl Full Metal
  • Reconstructs the sealant in the friction points of the piston system;
  • Reducing engine pollution;
  • Allows you to achieve low fuel consumption;
  • Improves the work of power elements;
  • Reduces the amount of harmful exhaust.
  • Not the most affordable price on the market;
  • A hard-to-find product, even on Internet resources.


“I have been using these additives for a little less than a year and am satisfied with the effect.Previously, I had to use cheap products, which did not always allow me to achieve clear results, but when I switched to this tool, I realized the benefits of additives. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for strong results and is not chasing low cost!”


When choosing a specific additive, the driver should take into account a number of factors before proceeding with the purchase.

First, the specifics of a particular drug. In the case when an additive is required for the reconstruction of a motor that has been in operation for a long time, and besides, it is not in the best condition, the use of an additive alone is not enough.

Secondly, you should take into account what kind of fuel the car drives. It is important to choose a product designed for a specific type of fuel (diesel or gasoline), but universal products are allowed. Also, this rule should be observed when adding the product to lubricants. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the specifics of the lubricant in advance in order to compare with the declared actions of the auxiliary product. It is worth considering the recommendations of the car manufacturer, because in the production of vehicles, compatibility tests were carried out and the concern is able to give guarantees.

Also, it is important to pay attention to reviews of various additives. There are famous brands on the market, but it should be borne in mind that big names are often faked by dishonest manufacturers. Brands that do not have a well-known name are less likely to be faked, so the buyer can count on certain guarantees when choosing such a product.To distinguish original additives from fakes, it is recommended to pay attention to the declared properties; in case of a fake, the manufacturer promises too much, which will surely catch your eye.

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