
  1. What is a stroke
  2. How to choose
  3. Rating of effective drugs for the treatment of ischemic stroke
  4. Rating of the best drugs for hemorrhagic stroke

Ranking of the best stroke drugs for 2022

Ranking of the best stroke drugs for 2022

Stroke is a common brain disease that affects a large number of people. Many factors contribute to this: age after 55 years, heredity, the presence of bad habits, as well as chronic heart disease and diabetes. It is worth noting that men suffer from this disease more often than women. Timely and proper treatment will help to avoid many of the serious consequences of this disease. And its prevention will help to significantly reduce the risk of occurrence. Consider which drugs are most often used when it occurs.

What is a stroke

In a state where the brain does not receive the required amount of oxygen for any reason, nerve cells die in large numbers. This process is called a stroke. The consequences of it can be extremely severe, up to paralysis and death. Therefore, when the main symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a medical institution. The later help is provided, the greater the risk of complications for life and even death.

In order to determine the disease, you should familiarize yourself with its main features. If a person does not feel well (headache, numbness of the limbs, problems with balance and speech, nausea and vomiting), then he should undergo a small test for a possible stroke.

One of the main symptoms is facial expressions - if you ask the patient to smile, then the corners of his lips will be at different levels, the so-called crooked smile.

If you ask a person to raise his hands, but as a result he will not be able to do this or will not be able to raise them at the same level, this also indicates a violation of the work of brain activity.

And the third, important rule for checking the disease is speech impairment. If the patient cannot clearly say his name, or it will be difficult for him to repeat a simple sentence of a few words, then the patient needs urgent hospitalization.

Until the moment when medical care is provided to the patient, the necessary measures should be taken to improve his condition.All that is needed is to lay the patient down (with the head and shoulders elevated), open the window to let fresh air into the room, and loosen the clothing. In the presence of vomiting, the patient's head should lie on its side.

Often, a stroke can resemble signs of alcohol intoxication. Therefore, if the attack happened in a crowded place, timely assistance is not always provided. In the future, the human condition has serious consequences.

What types are

There are two types of disease: ischemic and hemorrhagic. The difference in them is as follows: the formed thrombus blocks the access of blood and, accordingly, oxygen - an ischemic stroke occurs, or a cerebral infarction. This disease is more common.

In the hemorrhagic type, as a result of a rupture of the vessel, a hemorrhage is formed and cerebral edema occurs. This type is the most severe and most often fatal.

There is another variety that may indicate the risk of this disease - this is a transient ischemic attack. Symptoms appear the same, but pass much faster. This means that circulatory disorders in the brain are present and should be treated immediately. Otherwise, there is a high probability of soon suffering a full-fledged ischemic stroke.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the type of stroke. The patient is subject to mandatory hospitalization in the neurological department. The degree of severity depends on what treatment will be performed - medical or surgical intervention.

Treatment of the disease

If the ischemic form is detected, then the treatment consists in taking drugs that thin the blood (the so-called metabolic therapy). This is necessary so that the clot, which blocked the flow of blood circulation, resolves and the circulation of blood and oxygen to the brain resumes in normal volume. The earlier drugs are administered for acute cerebral ischemia (within 3-6 hours after the first symptoms), the greater the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

The main drugs used in such cases are thrombotic agents and anticoagulants. The former are used to reduce the formed blood clot, and the latter do not allow the formation of new blood clots, as they make the blood less thick.

In the event that a hemorrhagic stroke occurs, then the treatment occurs in a completely different way. It is important to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible. For this, the patient is prescribed antihypertensive drugs. Their main goal is to lower blood pressure.

In order for a blood clot to form, which will stop intracerebral hemorrhage, doctors prescribe coagulants. Since the patient's condition at this stage of the disease is very severe, the main treatment is carried out intravenously.

Further treatment is the same for both types. Since one of the most severe and frequent consequences after a stroke is cerebral edema, its prevention is started immediately - the patient receives the necessary dose of a diuretic even before arriving at the hospital. This will help reduce swelling. The accumulation of excess fluid is usually fatal.

To restore blood circulation and nerve cells in the brain, neuroprotectors and nootropic drugs are often used. They supply the brain with the necessary nutrients, as a result of which the recovery process is accelerated. And the enrichment of nerve cells with oxygen helps to restore memory and improve mental activity.

Often, after a stroke, patients have an emotional state. In such cases, it is recommended to add antidepressants or other sedatives to the main treatment. This will allow you to quickly restore the psychological background of the patient.

In the presence of epileptic seizures caused by a stroke, anticonvulsants are prescribed.

After the general condition of the patient has returned to normal, rehabilitation therapy should be started. Very often the speech and physical condition of the patient suffers. The most common consequence after a stroke is a violation of the musculoskeletal system. To restore or improve its work, massage, physiotherapy exercises, and physiotherapy are carried out. In case of violation of the areas of the brain responsible for speech, a speech therapist conducts classes with the patient.

The main goal of this stage is to restore nerve conduction so that the patient can independently serve himself in the future. But the result depends on the damage to the brain that was obtained during a stroke.

How to choose

All necessary treatment is prescribed by the attending physician. Self-administration of any medication is strictly prohibited. This may worsen the patient's condition. Therefore, for successful treatment and maximum recovery, it is necessary to follow all the doctor's recommendations both during therapy and in the subsequent period. It is worth remembering that in such a situation only highly qualified help is needed, and not self-treatment.

Where can I buy

When a disease occurs, treatment should be started as soon as possible. Therefore, all medicines are purchased at the pharmacy. But there are situations when the right medicine is not available, and there are no analogues in composition. Often this occurs because the drug is being re-registered and new deliveries are not received, and its remains are not available.

In this case, you can use the services of the online store. Having specified the availability of the necessary medicines, as well as their expiration date, you should order online and wait for delivery as soon as possible.

Also on the site you can read the reviews of many buyers. After carefully reading them, it will be easier for the user to determine the manufacturer. Many medicines are produced by different companies, although the main active substance in the composition is the same. By listening to the advice, you can quickly make the right choice.

Top Pharmaceutical Companies

Very often, when asking a pharmacy for a medicine, a pharmacist can offer several of the same options, but from different manufacturers. Therefore, it is worth figuring out which companies are considered the best in the pharmaceutical market, and whose products it is advisable to choose so as not to purchase a fake.

Consider the main domestic manufacturers, whose products are of high quality and have won the respect of many buyers.

One of the most famous pharmaceutical companies, which occupies a leading position, is Ozone. Founded in 2001, and currently engaged in the production of more than 380 medicines. In addition to high quality, products have quite affordable prices.

Another company that deserves attention is Veropharm.It began its activity in 1997 and is currently considered the leader in the production of drugs for the treatment of oncological diseases.

Also, this pharmaceutical company produces medicines for treatment in the field of gastroenterology, gynecology, dermatology, and neurology. The number of manufactured products includes more than 300 items of various drugs.

R-Pharm has been operating since 2001. It is engaged in the production of products for cardiology, immunology, antiviral and antibacterial drugs, for the treatment of oncological diseases, and even medicines necessary for organ transplant operations. The company operates not only in Russia, but also cooperates with the USA and Japan.

Another well-known pharmacological representative is ValentaPharm. Works on the market since 1997. It produces medicines for treatment in the field of internal medicine, immunology, gastroenterology, urology, virology and other industries. A feature of this manufacturer is that most of the manufactured items are considered vital drugs.

In addition to domestic companies engaged in the production of pharmacological agents, it is worth familiarizing yourself with foreign manufacturers.

One of the well-known is the Norwegian company Nicomed. It was founded in 1974 and is currently one of the 30 largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. The main activity is focused on the production of drugs such as Actovegin, Pantoprazole, medicine for premature newborns - Curosurf, as well as the vitamin complex Calcium D3.

The French company Sanofi has been operating since 1973.The activities are divided into several categories: the production of vaccines, drugs for people suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, as well as medical products for veterinary medicine.

Roche is a Swiss company founded in 1896. During this time, the company has taken a leading position not only in the pharmaceutical field, but also in the production of diagnostic equipment. The main direction is the production of medicines for oncological diseases, treatment in the field of transplantology, virology, as well as in psychoneurology.

An overview of the most famous manufacturers will help the user not to make mistakes when choosing the right medication and not to purchase low-quality goods.

Rating of effective drugs for the treatment of ischemic stroke

Actilyse lyof. d/inf. 50mg 50ml №1
votes 0

Thrombolytic, which helps to thin the blood clot to restore normal blood circulation in the brain. It should be used in the first 4-5 hours after the attack. This is due to the fact that the sooner blood flow to the nerve cells is restored, the greater the chance for maximum recovery. Method of application - intravenously.

This drug is also used for myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism.

Contraindications are age up to 18 years, liver failure, surgery on the brain or spinal cord, bleeding, postpartum period (within 10 days), some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The price of this drug is more than 15,000 rubles.

Actilyse lyof. d/inf. 50mg 50ml №1
  • With timely administration, the likelihood of a favorable outcome increases.
  • High price;
  • Many contraindications;
  • Side effects.

votes 0

Solution for injection, one ampoule may contain from 1 to 10 ml of the active substance. It is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. The required dosage is determined by the severity of the disease. It is a nootropic.

It is used for ischemic stroke, Alzheimer's disease, spinal cord or brain injuries, as well as for developmental delay in childhood. It has a positive effect on the restoration of the work of nerve cells.

Contraindications include acute renal failure, intolerance to the components that make up the composition, as well as the presence of epileptic activity.

May have side effects on the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems. If you are allergic to the medication, skin reactions are possible. The price depends on the dosage and the number of ampoules in the package, approximately ranging from 1000 to 3000 rubles.

  • Effective.
  • Not detected.

votes 0

Available in both tablets and solutions for injection. Refers to nootropic drugs. It is used for brain injuries, ischemic strokes, Alzheimer's disease. Helps to improve concentration, and also has a positive effect on memory. Helps improve academic performance in children.

When taking this drug, the blood circulation of the brain improves significantly.

Contraindications for use are hemorrhagic stroke, renal failure, childhood, as well as allergies to the constituent components of the drug. The price in tablets starts from 30 rubles, ampoules are about 50 rubles per pack.

  • Very low cost;
  • Helps improve memory.
  • To achieve the effect, you need to drink a course.

votes 0

Belongs to the group of anticoagulants. They help prevent the appearance of new blood clots (i.e. blood clots), due to their property to thin the blood.

In addition to the treatment of stroke, it is used to prevent heart attack, thrombosis, rheumatism, angina pectoris, infectious diseases, circulatory disorders in the brain, etc. The release form is in tablets.

In addition to a wide spectrum of action, the drug has many contraindications. These include heart and liver failure, bronchial asthma, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, and improper functioning of the kidneys. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, taking aspirin is also not recommended. Price - from 50 rubles (depending on the dosage).

  • Low cost;
  • Wide spectrum of action.
  • Lots of contraindications.

Rating of the best drugs for hemorrhagic stroke

votes 0

Refers to antihypertensive drugs. It is used to stabilize blood pressure in stroke. Also recommended for heart failure, after myocardial infarction, angioedema and diabetic nephropathy.

It is forbidden to use for people with intolerance to the main substance or constituent components, with kidney diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Age under 18 years is also a contraindication for use.

May have some side effects: blurred vision, impaired taste and sleep, cough, shortness of breath, palpitations, headaches, etc.

Available in the form of tablets with a dosage of 25 or 50 mg by prescription.The price may depend on the dosage, the number of tablets in the package and the manufacturer, therefore, it ranges from 12 to 300 rubles.

  • Quickly reduces high blood pressure;
  • Low cost.
  • Adverse reactions often occur.

votes 0

This medication belongs to coagulants and helps to quickly stop bleeding in the brain during hemorrhagic stroke, as well as during operations and injuries.

Contraindications include thromboembolism, fructose intolerance, hypercoagulability, pregnancy and lactation, prohibited for children under 3 years of age.

Possible side effects may include bronchospasm, dizziness, heart palpitations, blood pressure disorders, and jaundice.

Available in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection and in the form of tablets. The price is from 16 rubles.

  • Very low cost.
  • Not detected.

votes 0

Available in the form of tablets, injections and ointments. Considered a nootropic.

It is prescribed to supply nerve cells with the necessary amount of oxygen, improves blood circulation in the brain. In addition to treating the consequences after a stroke, it is used for traumatic brain injuries, dementia, diseases of the vascular system.

Contraindications include pulmonary edema, heart failure, pregnancy and breastfeeding, urinary problems, and allergies to the constituent components of the drug.

As adverse reactions, urticaria, dizziness and headache, nausea and vomiting, tachycardia, weakness, changes in blood pressure, abdominal pain and muscle pain may occur.If adverse reactions occur, further medication should be discontinued.

The price of tablets is within 1500 rubles, injections - from 600 rubles to 1500 rubles (depending on the number of ampoules in the package).

  • The effect of the reception is quickly manifested.
  • High price;
  • Abroad, this drug with unproven efficacy, therefore, is not prescribed to patients.

Stroke is a very serious disease that often leads to death of the patient. Therefore, in order to prevent its occurrence, one should lead an active lifestyle without bad habits, as well as periodically undergo medical examinations. It is better to significantly reduce the risk of a disease than to endure the disease and deal with its consequences.


